Order of columns after pivot in application insights - azure-application-insights

User wants a count of unique sessions per week in application insights. I have the query working, including a pivot, but the Week columns are out of order. I would prefer if they were in order.
| where timestamp < now()
| summarize Sessions= dcount(session_Id)
by Week=bin(datepart("weekOfYear", timestamp), 1), user_AuthenticatedId
| order by Week
| evaluate pivot(Week, sum(Sessions))
| join kind=innerunique (pageViews
| summarize MostRecentRequest = max(timestamp) by user_AuthenticatedId)
on $right.user_AuthenticatedId == $left.user_AuthenticatedId
| project-away user_AuthenticatedId1
I've tried ordering by timestamp before the summarize, and ordering by week after the summarize (still in there) and no luck.

There's currently a "trick" that will work: serialize right after your order by
| where timestamp < now()
| where isnotempty(user_AuthenticatedId)
| summarize Sessions= dcount(session_Id)
by Week=bin(datepart("weekOfYear", timestamp), 1), user_AuthenticatedId
| order by Week
| serialize // <--------------------------------- RIGHT HERE
| evaluate pivot(Week, sum(Sessions))
| join kind=innerunique (pageViews
| summarize TotalSessions=dcount(session_Id), MostRecentRequest = max(timestamp) by user_AuthenticatedId)
on $right.user_AuthenticatedId == $left.user_AuthenticatedId
| project-away user_AuthenticatedId1
| top 100 by TotalSessions desc
gets me this in workbooks, with the weeks in descending order (I also added total session count to sort/top by with some custom column settings set):
the custom settings I have for the column settings in workbooks:
delete all the #'d columns that are there by default and add one for ^[0-9]+$ set to heatmap:

I refactored query a bit for my own comprehension. I took the the left and right into "views". Thought I'd share.
let users_MostRecent_Session =
| summarize
, MostRecentRequest = max(timestamp)
let users_sessions_ByWeek =
| where timestamp < now()
| where isnotempty(user_AuthenticatedId)
| summarize
Sessions= dcount(session_Id)
Week=bin(datepart("weekOfYear", timestamp), 1)
, user_AuthenticatedId
| order by Week
| serialize
| evaluate pivot(Week, sum(Sessions))
| join kind=innerunique
on user_AuthenticatedId
| project-away user_AuthenticatedId1
| top 100 by TotalSessions desc


Kusto : Summarize count by hours of the day (hours in column)

I have a list of metrics that I want to visualize by name (row) and count by hours of the current day (column)
The example below create a row by Hour and metric name
| extend hour= floor( timestamp % 1d , 1h)
| where name contains "WebServiceCall-"
| summarize event_count = sum(value) by hour, name
I want the data display like this:
MetricName | Count Hour0 | Count Hour2 | Count Hour3 | ... | Count Hour24
Is it possible to do it with Kusto?
Yes, you can use the pivot plugin for this.
Thanks you Avnera
| where name contains "WebServiceCall-"
| extend Hour= floor( timestamp % 1d , 1h)
| project name, Hour, value
| evaluate pivot(Hour, sum(value))

computing offset for prev dynamically

I want to set offset for prev dynamically, based on number of items in a group. for e.g
| make-series value = sum(value) on timestamp from .. to .. step 5m by customer
| summarize by bin(timestamp,1h), customer
| extend prev_value = prev(value,<offset>)
The offset here should be equal to number of distinct customers. How can i compute this offset dynamically
If you can split query into small parts, you can use toscalar function to get number of unique customers.
This would be my approach...
let tab_series =
| make-series value = sum(value) on timestamp from .. to .. step 5m by customer
let no_of_distinct_customers =
toscalar(tab_series | distinct customer | summarize count())
| summarize by bin(timestamp, 1h), customer
| extend prev_value = prev(value, no_of_distinct_customers)
You can find example here.

Application Insights query to get time between 2 custom events

I am trying to write a query that will get me the average time between 2 custom events, sorted by user session. I have added custom tracking events throughout this application and I want to query the time it takes the user from 'Setup' event to 'Process' event.
let allEvents=customEvents
| where timestamp between (datetime(2019-09-25T15:57:18.327Z)..datetime(2019-09-25T16:57:18.327Z))
| extend SourceType = 5;
let allPageViews=pageViews
| take 0;
let all = allEvents
| union allPageViews;
let step1 = materialize(all
| where name == "Setup" and SourceType == 5
| summarize arg_min(timestamp, *) by user_Id
| project user_Id, step1_time = timestamp);
let step2 = materialize(step1
| join
hint.strategy=broadcast (all
| where name == "Process" and SourceType == 5
| project user_Id, step2_time=timestamp
on user_Id
| where step1_time < step2_time
| summarize arg_min(step2_time, *) by user_Id
| project user_Id, step1_time,step2_time);
let 1Id=step1_time;
let 2Id=step2_time;
| union 2Id
| summarize AverageTimeBetween=avg(step2_time - step1_time)
| project AverageTimeBetween
When I run this query it produces this error message:
'' operator: Failed to resolve table or column or scalar expression named 'step1_time'
I am relatively new to writing queries with AI and have not found many resources to assist with this problem. Thank you in advance for your help!
I'm not sure what the let 1id=step1_time lines are intended to do.
those lines are trying to declare a new value, but step1_time isn't a thing, it was a field in another query
i'm also not sure why you're doing that pageviews | take 0 and unioning it with events?
let allEvents=customEvents
| where timestamp between (datetime(2019-09-25T15:57:18.327Z)..datetime(2019-09-25T16:57:18.327Z))
| extend SourceType = 5;
let step1 = materialize(allEvents
| where name == "Setup" and SourceType == 5
| summarize arg_min(timestamp, *) by user_Id
| project user_Id, step1_time = timestamp);
let step2 = materialize(step1
| join
hint.strategy=broadcast (allEvents
| where name == "Process" and SourceType == 5
| project user_Id, step2_time=timestamp
on user_Id
| where step1_time < step2_time
| summarize arg_min(step2_time, *) by user_Id
| project user_Id, step1_time,step2_time);
| summarize AverageTimeBetween=avg(step2_time - step1_time)
| project AverageTimeBetween
if I remove the things I don't understand (like union with 0 pageviews, and the lets, I get a result, but I don't have your data so I had to use other values than "Setup" and "Process" so I don't know if it is what you expect?
you might want to look at the results of the step2 query without the summarize to just see what you're getting matches what you expect.

Need to add multiple application insights results in one query

is it possible to get the query to summarize from multiple Application insights? I cant get it working with Union command.
Example query:
| where timestamp > ago(30d)
// check whether location failed within 5m bin
| summarize _failure=iff(countif(success == 0)>0, 1, 0) by name, location, bin(timestamp, 5m)
// check whether all locations failed within 5m bin
| summarize _failureAll=iff(sum(_failure)>=3, 1, 0) by name, bin(timestamp, 5m)
// count all failed 5 minute bins and total number of bins
| summarize _failuresCount=sum(_failureAll), _totalCount=count() by name
| project ["Name"] = name, ["SLA"] = todouble(_totalCount - _failuresCount) / todouble(_totalCount) * 100
| order by ["SLA"]
Yes, something like so
| where timestamp > ago(1h)
| summarize sum(itemCount) by appName, bin(timestamp, 5m)
That will summarize the requests and show you the split by appname (the app insights resource name). Amend the where clause to fit your requirements
An example for availability results with your query would look like so, just replace application-insights-01/02 with your instance names
| where timestamp > ago(1h)
| summarize _failure=iff(countif(success == 0)>0, 1, 0) by name, location, bin(timestamp, 5m)
| summarize _failureAll=iff(sum(_failure)>=3, 1, 0) by name, bin(timestamp, 5m)
| summarize _failuresCount=sum(_failureAll), _totalCount=count() by name
| project ["Name"] = name, ["SLA"] = todouble(_totalCount - _failuresCount) / todouble(_totalCount) * 100
| order by ["SLA"]

sqlite get data from one field on two different dates and present as two columns

I have a sqlite database with some time series data:
| id | date | instrument | position | price | portfolio | sector |
| id | date | instrument | open | high | low | close | adjclose |
| id | ticker | name | sector | industry | country | currency |
and I'd like to get the holdings for a particular day with the change in price on that day as a calculated field.
I've tried the following query
SELECT h.date,
p.adjclose AS curpx,
(p.adjclose AS lastpx WHERE
h.date = "2013-01-10 00:00:00" AND
h.instrument = p.instrument)
FROM holdings AS h,
static_data AS s,
prices AS p
WHERE h.date = "2013-01-11 00:00:00"
AND h.portfolio = "usequity"
AND (h.instrument = p.instrument)
AND (h.date = p.date)
AND (h.instrument = s.ticker);
but I get a syntax error.
[2014-11-14 06:11:04] [1] [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "as": syntax error)
I'm a complete N00b at SQL so I'd like to know how I can get two sets of data from the same table and show them side by side or to perform a calculation using one against the other in SQL.
You want a correlated subquery:
p.adjclose AS curpx,
(SELECT p2.adjclose
FROM prices AS p2
WHERE p2.date = datetime(h.date, '-1 days')
AND p2.instrument = h.instrument
) AS lastpx
FROM ...
