How to check if rows in one column present in another column in R - r

I have a data set = data1 with id and emails as follows:
id emails
1 A,B,C,D,E
2 F,G,H,A,C,D
3 I,K,L,T
4 S,V,F,R,D,S,W,A
5 P,A,L,S
6 Q,W,E,R,F
7 S,D,F,E,Q
8 Z,A,D,E,F,R
9 X,C,F,G,H
10 A,V,D,S,C,E
I have another data set = data2 with check_email as follows:
I want to check if check_email column is present in data1 and want to take only those id from data1 when check_email in data2 is present in emails in data1.
My desired output will be:
I have created a code using for loop but it is taking forever because my actual dataset is very large.
Any advice in this regard will be highly appreciated!

You can use regular expression to subset your data. First collapse everything in one pattern:
paste(data2$check_email, collapse = "|")
# [1] "A|D|S|V"
Then create a indicator vector whether the pattern matches the emails:
grep(paste(data2$check_email, collapse = "|"), data1$emails)
# [1] 1 2 4 5 7 8 10
And then combine everything:
data1[grep(paste(data2$check_email, collapse = "|"), data1$emails), ]
# id emails
# 1 1 A,B,C,D,E
# 2 2 F,G,H,A,C,D
# 3 4 S,V,F,R,D,S,W,A
# 4 5 P,A,L,S
# 5 7 S,D,F,E,Q
# 6 8 Z,A,D,E,F,R
# 7 10 A,V,D,S,C,E

data1[rowSums(sapply(data2$check_email, function(x) grepl(x,data1$emails))) > 0, "id", F]
1 1
2 2
4 4
5 5
7 7
8 8
10 10

We can split the elements of the character vector as.character(data1$emails) into substrings, then we can iterate over this list with sapply looking for any value of this substring contained in data2$check_email. Finally we extract those values from data1
> emails <- strsplit(as.character(data1$emails), ",")
> ind <- sapply(emails, function(emails) any(emails %in% as.character(data2$check_email)))
> data1[ind,"id", drop = FALSE]
1 1
2 2
4 4
5 5
7 7
8 8
10 10


concatenating only vector values from a row

I have a problem with my R code. At first I have a dataframe (df) with one column which consists of numerical values as well as vectors. These vectors also contain numerical values. This is an example of some rows of the dataframe:
1. 60011000
2. 60523000
4. 60490000
5. 60599000
6. c("60741000", "60740000", "60742000")
7. 60647000
8. c("60766000", "60767000")
9. c("60563000", "60652000")
In the list you can see there are some rows (6, 8 & 9) containing vector elements. I want to concatenate the elements in the vectors to only one element.
For example the result from the vector of line 6 should look like this:
And the result of line 8 should look like this
My dataframe has more than 30,000 rows so it is impossible for me to do it manually.
Can you help me to solve my problem? It is important that the number of rows does not change.
Thank you very much and please excuse mistakes i made. I am not a native speaker.
The data:
dat <- read.table(text='60011000
c("60741000", "60740000", "60742000")
c("60766000", "60767000")
c("60563000", "60652000")', sep = "\t")
# V1
# 1 60011000
# 2 60523000
# 3 60490000
# 4 60599000
# 5 c(60741000, 60740000, 60742000)
# 6 60647000
# 7 c(60766000, 60767000)
# 8 c(60563000, 60652000)
You can use gsub to replace all non-digit characters with the empty string.
dat$V1 <- gsub("[^0-9]+", "", dat$V1)
# V1
# 1 60011000
# 2 60523000
# 3 60490000
# 4 60599000
# 5 607410006074000060742000
# 6 60647000
# 7 6076600060767000
# 8 6056300060652000
You could do:
df=data.frame(a=c(1,2,3,4,'c("60741000", "60740000", "60742000")'),
stringsAsFactors = F)
> df
a b
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 c("60741000", "60740000", "60742000") 5
df[,"a"]=sapply(df[,"a"],function(x) paste(eval(parse(text=x)),collapse = ""))
> df
a b
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 607410006074000060742000 5
Here you go; (looks like someone beat me to the punch )
df <- read.table("df.txt",header=F,)
# V1
# 1 123
# 2 12
# 3 c("1","55","6")
# 4 356
# 5 c("99","55","3")
df[,1] <- as.numeric(as.character(gsub("[^0-9]","",df[,1])))
# V1
# 1 123
# 2 12
# 3 1556
# 4 356
# 5 99553

How to remove outiers from multi columns of a data frame

I would like to get a data frame that contains only data that is within 2 SD per each numeric column.
I know how to do it for a single column but how can I do it for a bunch of columns at once?
Here is the toy data frame:
df <- read.table(text = "target birds wolfs Country
3 21 7 a
3 8 4 b
1 2 8 c
1 2 3 a
1 8 3 a
6 1 2 a
6 7 1 b
6 1 5 c",header = TRUE)
Here is the code line for getting only the data that is under 2 SD for a single column(birds).How can I do it for all numeric columns at once?
df[!(abs(df$birds - mean(df$birds))/sd(df$birds)) > 2,]
target birds wolfs Country
2 3 8 4 b
3 1 2 8 c
4 1 2 3 a
5 1 8 3 a
6 6 1 2 a
7 6 7 1 b
8 6 1 5 c
We can use lapply to loop over the dataset columns and subset the numeric vectors (by using a if/else condition) based on the mean and sd.
lapply(df, function(x) if(is.numeric(x)) x[!(abs((x-mean(x))/sd(x))>2)] else x)
I was under the impression that we need to remove the outliers for each column separately. But, if we need to keep only the rows that have no outliers for the numeric columns, we can loop through the columns with lapply as before, instead of returning 'x', we return the sequence of 'x' and then get the intersect of the list element with Reduce. The numeric index can be used for subsetting the rows.
lst <- lapply(df, function(x) if(is.numeric(x))
seq_along(x)[!(abs((x-mean(x))/sd(x))>2)] else seq_along(x))
I'm guessing that you are trying to filter your data set by checking that all of the numeric columns are within 2 SD (?)
In that case I would suggest to create two filters. 1 one that will indicate numeric columns, the second one that will check that all of them within 2 SD. For the second condition, we can use the built in scale function
indx <- sapply(df, is.numeric)
indx2 <- rowSums(abs(scale(df[indx])) <= 2) == sum(indx)
# target birds wolfs Country
# 2 3 8 4 b
# 3 1 2 8 c
# 4 1 2 3 a
# 5 1 8 3 a
# 6 6 1 2 a
# 7 6 7 1 b
# 8 6 1 5 c

For each row in data frame, return variable with non-zero column names

I am trying to create a variable that contains a list of all of the column names that are not zero for each row.
Example of data:
DF <- matrix(sample(0:9,9),ncol=4,nrow=10)
DF <-
DF$id <- c("ty18","se78","first", "gh89", "sil12","seve","aga2", "second","anotherX", "CH560")
DF$count <- rowSums(DF[,2:5]>0)
> V1 V2 V3 V4 id count
> 1 9 4 0 5 ty18 3
> 2 4 0 5 8 se78 3
> 3 0 5 8 2 first 4
> 4 5 8 2 6 gh89 4
> 5 8 2 6 7 sil12 4
> 6 2 6 7 3 seve 4
> 7 6 7 3 9 aga2 4
> 8 7 3 9 4 second 4
> 9 3 9 4 0 anotherX 3
> 10 9 4 0 5 CH560 3
The desired output would be a new variable that was, for row 1, "V1 V2 V4" and for row 2 "V1 V3 V4". I only want to use the V1-V4 for this, and not consider id or count.
This question on SO helped: For each row return the column name of the largest value
I tried to test this out, but it ignores my selective columns, even for max, so the first test here just gives the max for the whole row, which is not always in V1-V4 in my data.
DF$max <- colnames(DF)[apply(DF[,1:4],1,which.max)]
Despite the error, I think I need to do something like this, but my DF$list attempt is clearly all wrong:
DF$list <- colnames(DF[,1:4]>0)
I'm getting
Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, "list", value = c("V1", "V2", "V3", :
replacement has 4 rows, data has 10
Maybe I'm trying to put a vector into a cell, and that is why it doesn't work, but I don't know how to get this information out and then make it into a string. I also don't understand why the max on selective columns did not work.
How about this
DF$nonzeros <- simplify2array(
DF[1:4], 1,
function(x) paste(names(DF[1:4])[x != 0], collapse = " ")

Excel OFFSET function in r

I am trying to simulate the OFFSET function from Excel. I understand that this can be done for a single value but I would like to return a range. I'd like to return a group of values with an offset of 1 and a group size of 2. For example, on row 4, I would like to have a group with values of column a, rows 3 & 2. Sorry but I am stumped.
Is it possible to add this result to the data frame as another column using cbind or similar? Alternatively, could I use this in a vectorized function so I could sum or mean the result?
Mockup Example:
> df <- data.frame(a=1:10)
> df
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
> df
a b
1 1 NA
2 2 (1)
3 3 (1,2)
4 4 (2,3)
5 5 (3,4)
6 6 (4,5)
7 7 (5,6)
8 8 (6,7)
9 9 (7,8)
10 10 (8,9)
This should do the trick:
df$b1 <- c(rep(NA, 1), head(df$a, -1))
df$b2 <- c(rep(NA, 2), head(df$a, -2))
Note that the result will have to live in two columns, as columns in data frames only support simple data types. (Unless you want to resort to complex numbers.) head with a negative argument cuts the negated value of the argument from the tail, try head(1:10, -2). rep is repetition, c is concatenation. The <- assignment adds a new column if it's not there yet.
What Excel calls OFFSET is sometimes also referred to as lag.
EDIT: Following Greg Snow's comment, here's a version that's more elegant, but also more difficult to understand:
df <- cbind(df,, NA, df$a), 3))[,c(3,2)]))
Try it component by component to see how it works.
Do you want something like this?
> df <- data.frame(a=1:10)
> b=t(sapply(1:10, function(i) c(df$a[(i+2)%%10+1], df$a[(i+4)%%10+1])))
> s = sapply(1:10, function(i) sum(b[i,]))
> df = data.frame(df, b, s)
> df
a X1 X2 s
1 1 4 6 10
2 2 5 7 12
3 3 6 8 14
4 4 7 9 16
5 5 8 10 18
6 6 9 1 10
7 7 10 2 12
8 8 1 3 4
9 9 2 4 6
10 10 3 5 8

Performing calculations on binned counts in R

I have a dataset stored in a text file in the format of bins of values followed by counts, like this:
var_a 1:5 5:12 7:9 9:14 ...
indicating that var_a took on the value 1 5 times in the dataset, 5 12 times, etc. Each variable is on its own line in that format.
I'd like to be able to perform calculations on this dataset in R, like quantiles, variance, and so on. Is there an easy way to load the data from the file and calculate these statistics? Ultimately I'd like to make a box-and-whisker plot for each variable.
You could use readLines to read in the data file
.x <- readLines(datafile)
I will create some dummy data, as I don't have the file. This should be the equivalent of the output of readLines
## dummy
.x <- c("var_a 1:5 5:12 7:9 9:14", 'var_b 1:5 2:12 3:9 4:14')
I split by spacing to get each
#split by space
space_split <- strsplit(.x, ' ')
# get the variable names (first in each list)
variable_names <- lapply(space_split,'[[',1)
# get the variable contents (everything but the first element in each list)
variable_contents <- lapply(space_split,'[',-1)
# a function to do the appropriate replicates
do_rep <- function(x){[1],x[2])}
# recreate the variables
variables <- lapply(variable_contents, function(x){
.list <- strsplit(x, ':')
unlist(lapply(lapply(.list, as.numeric), do_rep))
names(variables) <- variable_names
you could get the variance for each variable using
lapply(variables, var)
## $var_a
## [1] 6.848718
## $var_b
## [1] 1.138462
or get boxplots
boxplot(variables, ~.)
Not knowing the actual form that your data is in, I would probably use something like readLines to get each line in as a vector, then do something like the following:
# Some sample data
temp = c("var_a 1:5 5:12 7:9 9:14",
"var_b 1:7 4:9 3:11 2:10",
"var_c 2:5 5:14 6:6 3:14")
# Extract the names
NAMES = gsub("[0-9: ]", "", temp)
# Extract the data
temp_1 = strsplit(temp, " |:")
temp_1 = lapply(temp_1, function(x) as.numeric(x[-1]))
# "Expand" the data
temp_1 = lapply(1:length(temp_1),
function(x) rep(temp_1[[x]][seq(1, length(temp_1[[x]]), by=2)],
temp_1[[x]][seq(2, length(temp_1[[x]]), by=2)]))
names(temp_1) = NAMES
# $var_a
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
# $var_b
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
# $var_c
# [1] 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
