Corda NodeDriver MissingContractAttachments for Cash even with packages to scan set - corda

Getting the MissingContractAttachments exception:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: net.corda.core.transactions.MissingContractAttachments: Cannot find contract attachments for []
Have my NodeDriver's packages set to:
But the error remains. Also tried it with:

Each package needs to be passed as an individual string, rather than a stringified list.
So instead of:
You would write:

According to the corda documentation, the two main sources of MissingContractAttachments errors is from either not setting up the Cordapp packages in tests or from having the wrong fully qualified contract name.
Since it seems that you have already attempted to include the packages, you likely have the incorrect fully qualified contract name.
From the docs:
For example, you’ve defined MyContract in the package com.mycompany.myapp.contracts, but the fully-qualified contract name you pass to the TransactionBuilder is com.mycompany.myapp.MyContract (instead of com.mycompany.myapp.contracts.MyContract).


GlideApp symbol not found in Android Studio 4.1

I have been using Glide 4.11.0 and Realm 6.0.2 for some time now, and recently upgraded Android Studio 4.0.x to 4.1. All has been going fine. Today I ran the lint checker, and started doing some "clean up", nothing out of the ordinary (it would seem). One of the things I did a lot of was to replace switch statements that were testing against with if-else statements per the lint warning about what's gonna happen in Gradle 5.0.
When I did this, I did use a number of int variables I named 'id' that were to replace the value to compare - i.e. instead of a switch statement that would be:
switch (menuOpt.getId()) {
I would do:
int id = menuOpt.getId();
if ( id == {
} else if....
per the new guidelines.
Suddenly, on a full build AS complains that it no longer recognizes GlideApp, and I am also getting a very weird message about Realm not being able to process correctly:
C:\BLD\AndroidStudioProjects\InTouch\app\src\main\java\com\reddragon\intouch\ui\ error: cannot find symbol
import com.reddragon.intouch.utils.GlideApp;
symbol: class GlideApp
location: package com.reddragon.intouch.utils
C:\BLD\AndroidStudioProjects\InTouch\app\src\main\java\com\reddragon\intouch\ui\ error: cannot find symbol
import com.reddragon.intouch.utils.GlideApp;
symbol: class GlideApp
location: package com.reddragon.intouch.utils
C:\BLD\AndroidStudioProjects\InTouch\app\src\main\java\com\reddragon\intouch\ui\ error: cannot find symbol
import com.reddragon.intouch.utils.GlideApp;
symbol: class GlideApp
location: package com.reddragon.intouch.utils
Note: Version 10.0.0 of Realm is now available:
Note: Processing class Album
error: Class "Album" contains illegal final field "id".
Note: [1] Wrote GeneratedAppGlideModule with: []
Class "Album" contains illegal final field "id".
4 errors
I have had the field 'id' in my Album class for about 2 years with no issues!
No manner of rebuild, invalidating cache and restarting, syncing gradle files or "reload all from disk" seems to help.
Actually, if I invalidate and restart, I don't get the red squiggle in the offending classes that are referencing GlideApp, but as soon as I start to run the app and it goes through a build process it errors out.
I Googled a bit and found one post where there seemed to be some conflict between Realm and Glide (RequestOptions), but the strange thing to me is why would this suddenly start occurring?
I have validated that the GlideAppjava class is in fact getting built - I am using the debug build variant, and I can see in the file system that is in the ap_generated_sources/debug directory in the proper package where I have my class that extends AppGlideModule with the #GlideModule annotation.
So GlideApp is getting generated. It just isn't getting recognized.
One of the other new things is that I've recently created a Dynamic Feature module. This module does depend on a class that is in the base module (where GlideApp is referenced). Not sure if this is relevant (I had many, many successful builds before I started doing lint clean-up).
So frustrating! Any help appreciated.
It turns out that the answer was staring right at me, although somewhat hidden: part of the lint check that I did was accept some suggestions about making variables 'final' - including those that are used in Realm classes to define Realm objects. Realm doesn't like that - above build error output includes as a last line the statement 'Class "Album" contains illegal final field "id".'
"Album" extends RealmObject, and the "auto accept" of the lint's suggestion to make some of the fields final was the culprit.
I think this issue with Realm caused a ripple effect somehow with the other annotation processing - when I went back to all the RealmObject classes and removed the "final" declaration, build now completes smoothly.

Kotlin classes cannot be found when reflecting filepaths to source directories or jars

===Update: Using org.reflections:reflections:0.9.11
Looking to use the following line to pull a list of class names from Kotlin source...
However I receive a message that Kotlin class files aren't being seen when I run the following script...
val classLoader = URLClassLoader(this.getDirectoryUrls(), null)
println("retrieved class loader")
val config = getConfig(classLoader)
println("retrieved source config")
val reflections = Reflections(config)
println("retrieved reflections")
// For 3 paths: Reflections took 3 ms to scan 3 urls, producing 0 keys and 0 values
=== Update: The 3 urls added by "getDirectoryUrls()" are directories containing kotlin class source files.
Below is my config... ideas?
private fun getConfig(classLoader: ClassLoader): ConfigurationBuilder {
val config = ConfigurationBuilder().setUrls(ClasspathHelper.forClassLoader(classLoader))
// .setScanners(SubTypesScanner(false), ResourcesScanner())
if (!packagePath.isNullOrBlank()){
System.out.println("looking in package [$packagePath]")
config.setScanners(SubTypesScanner(), TypeAnnotationsScanner())
return config
Setting SubTypesScanner(false) seems to be required to get any types with getSubTypesOf( (that parameter itself stands for excludeObjectClass). Looking at the bytecode of Kotlin classes you immediately see, that they are actually looking the same as Java classes. There is no Any-superclass there. Note that Kotlins Any is actually also in other means very similar to Javas Object (but not the same, check also the following answer to 'does Any == Object'). So, we need to include the Object-class when scanning for subtypes of Any (i.e. excludeObjectClass=false).
Another problem could be the setup of your URL array. I just used the following to setup the reflections util:
val reflections = Reflections(ConfigurationBuilder()
.setScanners(TypeAnnotationsScanner(), SubTypesScanner(false)))
which will resolve all matching subtypes and will return subtypes also for Any.
Analysing further: you mention "Kotlin class source files"... if that means you are pointing to the directory containing the .kt-files, then that is probably your problem. Try to use the directory which contains the .class-files instead. Moreover, ensure that the classes are on the classpath.
Maybe you know already, maybe not? Note also that if you have a (classes) directory, say /sample/directory, which is on the classpath and which contains a package, say org.example (which corresponds to the folder structure org/example or full path /sample/directory/org/example) then you must ensure that you add an URL similar to the following:"")
and not:"org.example")
// nor:"org/example")
You basically require the "base" directory (in the example /sample/directory or from the view of the classloader just "")) where to lookup the packages and not the package itself. If you would supply one of the latter URLs, only classes that are in the default package (within /sample/directory/org/example) would actually be found, which however is a rather uncommon setup.

select in simmer library does not consider the resource available?

According to the documentation of simmer here.
I am returning the vector of resources available according to a variable.If value of attr["resource"]<2 the available resource should be only berth1 and attr["resource"]>=2 the available sources should be c("berth2","berth3").But whenever attr["resource"]>=2 even though berth2 is not available it is assigning the berth2.
But what I want is it has to select the resource according to the policy First available ,So it has to select berth3 whenever berth2 is not available
select(resources = function(attrs) ifelse(attrs["resource"]<2, "berth1",c("berth2","berth3")),policy="first-available") %>%
Maybe it should be stated more clearly in the documentation: if resources is a character vector, the policy applies; if resources is a function, it must return a single resource which will be selected, i.e., the policy is ignored.

JDO + datanucleus API enhancement

I want to load dynamically XML meta-data files that are not in the classpath (the XML meta-data files will be generated after launching my app).
I thought I could call the method
MetaDataManager.registerFile(java.lang.String fileURLString, FileMetaData filemd, ClassLoaderResolver clr)
Then, I tried the API enhancement, so I added the following lines:
JDOEnhancer enhancer = JDOHelper.getEnhancer();
The following jars are in the classpath: datanucleus-api-jdo.jar, datanucleus-connectionpool.jar, datanucleus-core.jar datanucleus-rdbms.jar, jdo-api.jar, asm.jar.
But when I launch my app, I get this exception:
Caused by: mypackage.MyException:
org.datanucleus.api.jdo.exceptions.ClassNotPersistenceCapableException: The class "mypackage.ClassToPersist" is not persistable. This means that it either hasnt been enhanced, or that the enhanced version of the file is not in the CLASSPATH (or is hidden by an unenhanced version), or the Meta-Data/annotations for the class are not found.
Do you please have any idea how to fix this ?
PS: I also noticed that the method enhance returns 0 which indicates that the class has not been enhanced (we could exclude the other options)
I think I found an easy way to fix this.
At runtime, I created a jar that contains the updated metadata file as META-INF/package.jdo. Then I added this jar to the classpath as described here
Using this hacks, I didn't need to re-enhace my class since it is enhanced after compilation.
(But for information, I had to call JDOEnhancer.addFiles() to enhance my class.)
So your call to loadClass has loaded the unenhanced class (since it would have been loaded in order to perform the enhancement presumably), and you didn't follow the tutorial that is provided at

Error while compiling botan sample example in Qt

I am trying to find out the error for two days but still haven't got this unknown reason figure out.
I have configured and compiled Botan library. Everything goes ok but when try to write this sample code to be run..
S2K* s2k = get_s2k("PBKDF2(SHA-256)");
SecureVector<byte> key_and_IV = s2k->derive_key(48, passphrase).bits_of();
SymmetricKey key(key_and_IV, 32);
it says error: 'class Botan::PBKDF' has no member named 'set_iterations'
How can I solve this problem ?
The Botan docs for v1.11.1 report that the function get_s2k() has been deprecated, recommending that you use get_pbkdf() instead.
According to the docs, get_sdk(algospec) just returns the result of a call to get_pbkdf(algo_spec) which will give you a pointer to an instance of the class Botan::PBKDF.
First things first then, your code needs to be something more like:
PBKDF *s2k = getpbkdf("PBKDF2(SHA-256)");
Unfortunately without knowing what you want to do with s2k I can't help any further, as the docs have no reference to a public member function of PBKDF called set_iterations(). You're getting the error you mention because Botan::PBKDF really does have no member named set_iterations. You need to read the docs, work out what the purpose of set_iterations() was in your now deprecated example and hence how to achieve that purpose in the newer version of the library.
Possibly you missed your library header... as your error message says: 'has no member named...'
