vaadin flow - Google reports: I'm sorry your browser is not supported - web-component

We build one new website with Vaadin Flow and added to google webmaster tool. We try fetch as google. But we get following error:
I’m sorry your browser is not supported

This is known issue with Googlebot. It uses Chrome engine v41, which is ancient (2015 or so), while newest version is 67+. Read details here.
This means that Googlebot is not capable of rendering modern web apps, like those which use web components, etc. This is not limited to Vaadin 10, but almost any modern web technology framework.


Sad Face in lieu of Map loading?

Getting reports from visitors that they are seeing a sad face load instead of the maps. Using the latest API.
Has anybody ever seen this or know the reason why it would show up?
We can be sure that our JS API 3.x works properly in all modern browsers and operation systems.
You can't reproduce the issue because it seems your visitors have some own issues on their side related to network, operation system, version of browsers, 32-bit browser installed on 64-bit OS, blocked map content by installed browser's extensions and etc. and etc. Because is not possible to list all potential issues would be better that visitors search the issue on his side e.g. search in internet "browsers can't load websites" or "my browser crashing"

Drupal Webspeech

We are using webspeech( module for text-to-speech in one of our project. Basic functionality is working fine. But when we open this site in mobile devices (samsung, apple, sony) TTS feature is not working and no error is also being displayed.
We have tried to debug the problem but not able to do so.
Any help will be much appreciate.
If you read the module requirements it says specifically
Flash 9+ is required on client web browser. Modern browsers those
support HTML5 may also work but not guaranteed.
I see you opened an issue with the maintainer, which will probably be your best source of information, but it looks like you might be hit or (mostly) miss on mobile devices for now.

can enterprise apps requiring HTML5's new feature(s) support non-HTML5 browsers?

My question is for programmers planning to develop future enterprise web apps in HTML5 that today can only be implemented in Flex/AS3: are you intending these apps to only run on HTML5 browsers?
I'm just trying to understand how once HTML5 enters the picture, the current concerns about browser incompatibility and other issues go away? Wouldn't HTML5 simply add another set of browsers to the large list of current browsers that the application must target?
That is, assuming the enterprise web app requires one of these new HTML5 features (e.g. playing audio and/or video, integrating SVG or vector graphics, etc.). If such a feature isn't critical then graceful degradation may be acceptable and then my question is moot.
But for those apps that require one of these new HTML5 features, are you planning to support older browsers, or expecting it's acceptable to restrict to HTML5 browsers because the enterprise in question has made one of them their new corporate standard (or other scenario, etc.)?
Enterprise apps are no different then anything else.
You use the standard polyfilling technique and crash and burn on legacy platforms.
Generally modern browser support the sensible subset of HTML5 and any bugs can be polyfilled.

How to use ASP.NET Web for Windows phone

I want to create an ASP.NET web site. I have not been using ASP.NET for quite a while and I need help. As you know already there is an IE9 mobile browser for Windows phone, I have these questions:
1) Which version of ASP.NET is supported by the IE 9 mobile browser in Windows phone? I means all the output of html is ok.
2) Can all controls in all versions of ASP.NET be used for the IE9 mobile browser?
3) What di I need to set in the Declaration part < !Doctype.......> in my ASP.NET pages ? Will ASP.NET output it according for IE9 MObile Browser?
4) Does the Div control work ? Will this work Div.html = "........html ...."
5) What should not be used from ASP.NET for the IE 9 mobile browser?
6) How do I make the fontsize bigger or which fontsize is best for Wp screen?
------- Update
I have ASP.NET V1.1 with JQuery ( not the latest) , My Windows phone 7 HD7 can not work with the JQuery? Does JQuery have diff version for mobile than ASP.NET?
Any info on what version of Html spit out by ASP.NET V1.1,2.0, to the ASP.NET 4.0??
Using Plain HTML wont help much on the server for many server tasks.
Any resource link on how to build aspnet for windows phone 7 would be appreciated.
See the Web Development for Windows Phone details on MSDN as it provides specific guidance on developing for the phone and details of what is not supported on the phone (but is in the full version of IE9).
The phone uses the same code base for the rendering and javascript engine as the desktop version of IE9 does so most things should work.
If you're build a site specifically targetting the phone you will probably see better results if using jQueryMobile rather than the full version but be sure to test fully.
I'd recommend building a HTML 5 site rather than any (X)HTML 4 variation. The browser supports a lot of the newer functionality and you'll get a cleaner layout as well as backwards compatibility for other devices.
You'll also find lots of useful relevant articles at and
ASP.NET is a server side technology so it is not related or constrained by the client devices which access to it, you can use Windows based computers, ITab, Max, Linux, Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry phones... to connect to the web site and in any case all the server side processing is performed on the web server (or other back end app servers depending on configuration), on the clients will only arrive html to be rendered and this could contain javascript to be executed locally.
in general modern mobile browsers are very good, I had the best experience with Android devices on mobile devices, which run some kind of Chrome compatible browser, iPhones and iPads run safari, also available for PC and Mac.
if you test your application from a PC with multiple browsers like Chrome, Safari and IE and everything works fine, it will most likely work fine, in general JavaScript abstraction libraries are used to write fully cross browser and cross platform javascript, one of the most popular is JQuery.
I am convinced that the version of IE9 (or similar one, it's not 100% the same IE9 of desktops) included in Windows Phone is probably advanced enough to support all HTML 4 tags and probably has a very advanced Javascript engine as well.
To detect from the server which user agent (device, browser) is connected and render different content or format layout with specific style sheets, check this question here in SO:
how to detect a mobile phone in a web application

Mobile Device Browser File vs. WURFL for ASP.NET

I am working on a commercial web application that has a separate mobile browser version intended for the more capable devices (BlackBerry, iPhone, Android, etc). I don't want to do simple User Agent contains style logic and was looking at the various detection libraries. It seems like WURFL and Mobile Device Browser File are my best options.
The Mobile Device Browser File (MDBF) project at CodePlex exposes information through the Request.Browser property. Also, it has a Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL). Mobile Browser Detection in ASP.NET mentions "data for MDBF comes from WURFL" and Mix: Mobile Web Sites with ASP.NET MVC and the Mobile Browser Definition File confirms MBDF is "created from a database from many sources, including the popular WURFL mobile device capabilities database."
51degrees has a .NET Mobile API that uses the WURFL data files and also populates Request.Browser. It is licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1. and claims:
With the .NET Mobile API installed and
WURFL providing mobile device data,
these calls will return extremely
accurate data when compared to the
standard browser information provided
by Microsoft
Since the official WURLF .NET API is distributed with a GPL License, so it is a non-starter for my project.
WURFL ASP.NET Implementations compares ASP.NET implementations of WURFL, but this is over a year old (2009-01-16 - Article submitted) and doesn't mention the 51degrees API or MDBF.
Can I get any feedback on which library to use.
How often are these data files updated?
Is it better to use feature detection that user agent parsing?
Is an online service (e.g. Handset Detection) easier that update data files?
Any other useful input.
Regarding Mobile Device Browser File:
Quote: "Due to the organizational restructuring of the team that developed and supported the Mobile Device Browser file, we will no longer have the resources to support and update this CodePlex project. The team will be providing two more releases – one on the 27th July 2010 and the final release on the 24th August 2010."
So that I am not just the bearer of bad news...
We are planning on using:
Mobile Device Detection and Redirection
by 51 Degrees
Which has a really good example of:
How to Add the .NET Mobile API to an
Existing Web Site
Hope this helps.
The MDBF was updated fairly recently. If what you need is basic information it's probably better as it integrates nicely with your .NET framework.
Marg.Wurfl is definitely a good choice and integrates with .NET framework as well.
Both have an approach that is good for the old .NET style, not the MVC. In MVC you will have to do your own legwork.
You might also want to consider DeviceAtlas that has an API for .NET and has very good performance in .NET.
Specifically to your questions, WURFL is updated almost once a month, while AFAIK there are no planned updates for MDBF, they will release an update if and when they feel like it (yes, not very exciting).
You might use Javascript to detect features in modern browsers such as iPhone, Android and recent Nokias, but for all the rest, the User-Agent string is still the only real option, so I'd say it depends on your target market. You might want to create a super-simple version that works for all and an advanced version where you do feature detection.
I don't like the idea of online services, if you plan to have a high volume site. Once-a-month updates are OK, with commercial products like DeviceAtlas or Mobile Phone Wizards you can get more frequent updates.
DISCLAIMER: I used to work for dotMobi that created DeviceAtlas
The WURFL official .NET API has been released recently by ScientiaMobile--the WURFL people's newco. You can access it here: However, it is subject to the AGPL license, which basically means you need to buy a commercial license to use the API in a commercial app, including a Web site. Raw data remains free.
A whitepaper showing how to integrate it with ASP.NET is:
I think WURFL has more capabilities and more active community, and it has more frecuently release than mdbf. But i have to say that microsoft is doing good work. You could look Marg.Wurfl, too.
And remember you can use GPL software in SaaS.
You can look Marg.Wurfl too,
As Dino mentioned, the WURFL API is distributed under AGPL, but also available under commercial licensing terms (this is called dual licensing, or also offering a GPL exception in FSF's parlance).
The wurfl.xml file is not longer considered raw data, though. Because of the creative work of keeping the data organized and groups, ScientiaMobile claims the copyright on the wurfl.xml file starting with version 2.2 and distributes it under certain conditions (notably, that the wurfl.xml file can only be used in connection with one of the standard APIs):
Acquiring a commercial license also delivers certain extra rights on the wurfl.xml file itself.
