How to use Google AutoML on web app? - firebase

I have a Google Cloud AutoML NL model ready to use. I wish to link this with my web app with Firebase backend. Following is my code to call. There is authorization issue. I want to understand how to authorize the app to help the client apps get access to AutoML model.
async add(data){
var headers = new Headers();
var options = {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(data)
var request = new Request('', options )
var response = await fetch(request)
var status = await response.status

After struggling for hours, finally I could resolve this. I am not sure how it can work for, other than Firebase (and NL AutoML). I used Firebase Cloud Function to work around and used a hidden doc which gives access to AutoML npm. The given code require some changes. Firebase CF is able to authenticate without explicitly authorizing. Following is a suggested code and I am able to get the classification of prediction with AutoML. Hope it helps others too. Lastly, it seems Google docs is a way of testing searching skills and patience, not sure how it helps them:
const automl = require('#google-cloud/automl');
exports.sendToAML = functions.database.ref('/path/to/text').onWrite((snapshot, context) =>{
var client = new automl.PredictionServiceClient({
// optional auth parameters.
var formattedName = client.modelPath('bucketId', 'us-central1', 'TCN****3567595');
var payload = {
"textSnippet": {
"content": snapshot.after._data.text,
"mime_type": "text/plain"
var request = {
name: formattedName,
payload: payload,
.then(responses => {
var response = responses[0];
return console.log(response.payload[0].classification.score)
.catch(err => {

You should either use service accounts or OAuth 2.0 as the authentication method. Try to avoid the use of API keys as your credentials could be exposed and misused, generating undesired charges.


How do I make an M-Pesa Callback URL using Firebase Cloud Firestore?

I'm trying to make an app that can send payments to PayBill numbers with Safaricom's "Lipa Na M-Pesa" (a Kenyan thing). The call is a POST request to URL:
with header:
'Host': '',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ${await mpesaAccessToken}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
and body:
"BusinessShortCode": "$businessShortCode",
"Password": "${generateLnmPassword(timeStamp)}",
"Timestamp": "$timeStamp",
"TransactionType": "CustomerPayBillOnline",
"Amount": "10",
"PartyA": "$userPhoneNumber",
"PartyB": "$businessShortCode",
"PhoneNumber": "$userPhoneNumber",
"CallBackURL": "?????????????????????????????",
"AccountReference": "account",
"TransactionDesc": "test",
I've received an access token, generated a password and made the call successfully, except for that CallBackURL thing... The M-Pesa docs describe their callback like this:
This is the endpoint where you want the results of the transaction delivered. Same rules for Register URL API callbacks apply.
all API callbacks from transactional requests are POST requests, do not expect GET requests for callbacks. Also, the data is not formatted into application/x-www-form-urlencoded format, it is application/json, so do not expect the data in the usual POST fields/variables of your language, read the results directly from the incoming input stream.
(More info here, but you may need to be logged in: see "Lipa na M-Pesa")
My app is hosted on Firebase Cloud Firestore. Is there any way I can create a callback URL with them that will receive their callback as a document in a Firestore collection?...
Or would this be impossible, given that they would need authorization tokens and stuff to do so... and I can't influence what headers and body M-Pesa will send?
(PS Btw, I code in Flutter/Dart so plz don't answer in Javascript or anything! I'll be clueless... :p Flutter/Dart or just plain text will be fine. Thanks!)
Is there any way I can create a callback URL with them that will
receive their callback as a document in a Firestore collection?...
The most common way to do that in the Firebase ecosystem is to write an HTTPS Cloud Function that will be called by the Safaricom service.
Within the Cloud Function you will be able to update the Firestore document, based on the content of the POST request.
Something like:
exports.safaricom = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
// Get the header and body through the req variable
// See
return admin.firestore().collection('...').doc('...').update({ foo: bar })
.then(() => {
.catch(error => {
// ...
// See
I did note that you ask us to not "answer in Javascript or anything" but in Flutter/Dart, but I don't think you will able to implement that in Flutter: you need to implement this webhook in an environment that you fully control and that exposes an API endpoint, like your own server or a Cloud Function.
Cloud Functions may seem complex at first sight, but implementing an HTTPS Cloud Functions is not that complicated. I suggest you read the Get Started documentation and watch the three videos about "JavaScript Promises" from the Firebase video series, and if you encounter any problem, ask a new question on SO.
Cloud functions are not Dart-based.
See below solution;
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const parse = require("./parse");
exports.lmno_callback_url = functions.https.onRequest(async (req, res) => {
const callbackData = req.body.Body.stkCallback;
const parsedData = parse(callbackData);
let lmnoResponse = admin.firestore().collection('lmno_responses').doc('/' + parsedData.checkoutRequestID + '/');
let transaction = admin.firestore().collection('transactions').doc('/' + parsedData.checkoutRequestID + '/');
let wallets = admin.firestore().collection('wallets');
if ((await lmnoResponse.get()).exists) {
await lmnoResponse.update(parsedData);
} else {
await lmnoResponse.set(parsedData);
if ((await transaction.get()).exists) {
await transaction.update({
'amount': parsedData.amount,
'confirmed': true
} else {
await transaction.set({
'moneyType': 'money',
'type': 'deposit',
'amount': parsedData.amount,
'confirmed': true
let walletId = await transaction.get().then(value =>;
let wallet = wallets.doc('/' + walletId + '/');
if ((await wallet.get()).exists) {
let balance = await wallet.get().then(value =>;
await wallet.update({
'moneyBalance': parsedData.amount + balance
} else {
await wallet.set({
'moneyBalance': parsedData.amount
Parse function.
const moment = require("moment");
function parse(responseData) {
const parsedData = {};
parsedData.merchantRequestID = responseData.MerchantRequestID;
parsedData.checkoutRequestID = responseData.CheckoutRequestID;
parsedData.resultDesc = responseData.ResultDesc;
parsedData.resultCode = responseData.ResultCode;
if (parsedData.resultCode === 0) {
responseData.CallbackMetadata.Item.forEach(element => {
switch (element.Name) {
case "Amount":
parsedData.amount = element.Value;
case "MpesaReceiptNumber":
parsedData.mpesaReceiptNumber = element.Value;
case "TransactionDate":
parsedData.transactionDate = moment(
case "PhoneNumber":
parsedData.phoneNumber = element.Value;
return parsedData;
module.exports = parse;

Call Cloud Run from Cloud Function: IAM Authentication

I've deployed a small HTTP endpoint via Google Cloud Run. It is working fine when I turn off the authentication.
I now want to turn it on so that it is only callable by my Firebase Cloud Function. If I understand it right, I just have to add the correct service account mail address in the IAM settings of the Cloud Run as "Cloud Run invoker".
But which address is the correct one?
I've tried all addresses that I have found in Firebase Console -> Project Settings -> Service Accounts.
I think you can check the specific firebase function. In the UI, the service account used should be listed.
By default, GCF functions all use <project_id>
Thanks to #AhmetB - Google and #whlee's answer I got it working. Basically it is enough adding an Authorization Bearer token to the request, which you can get from a special endpoint:
Then you just have to add the service account of the function to the IAM list of the Cloud Run container: <project_id>
The nodejs example is using the deprecated request library, so here is my version using axios:
const getOAuthToken = async (receivingServiceURL: string): Promise<string> => {
// Set up metadata server request
const metadataServerTokenURL = 'http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/identity?audience=';
const uri = metadataServerTokenURL + receivingServiceURL;
const options = {
headers: {
'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'
return axios.get(uri, options)
.then((res) =>
.catch((error) => Promise.reject(error));
Then you can just use the token in the actual request:
const url = `...`;
const token = await getOAuthToken(url);, formData, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
#luhu 's answer was really helpful. I'd like to add just one note for those whose are willing to test with the emulators locally first. The metadata server (which is actually now) as they state
does not work outside of Google Cloud, including from your local machine.
As a workarund, you can use the google-auth-library and then get the token directly if you prefer sticking with axios. Remember to set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable pointing to a service account secret first as it's the only way to make it work (I've tested setting the credential field during admin.initializeApp() but didn't seem to like it).
const {GoogleAuth} = require('google-auth-library');
const auth = new GoogleAuth();
const url_origin = '....'
const client = await auth.getIdTokenClient(url_origin);
const token = (await client.getRequestHeaders()).Authorization;
const url = '....'
const response = await axios.get(
headers: {
Authorization: token,

Google cloud function returning 204 status when accessing realtime database

I have a website for testing purposes hosted via firebase, storing client information on a realtime database which needs to be accessed later. When I do this via a single html document with a script that accesses my reatime database I am able to find information successfuly, but when I copied and pasted that same logic into a cloud function it did not work. I have tried everything I can think of and now when I run the function it executes twice (I am not sure why). The first execution finishes with a http 204 status (no content found). The second execution returns http 500 internal service error. When I checked the logs on firebase it says the error was because "accounts.getValue() is not a function". I think what is happening is on the first execution the function is unable to locate accounts and it executes again without trying to find the accounts, which might be why it can't run accounts.getValue()
I guess my main question is why is my function unable to locate accounts?
geturl is the function I am having trouble with
The structure of my realtime database is
database name
-some data
-more data
-more account data
-some data...
My index.js file for cloud functions is
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const express = require('express');
const cors = require('cors')({origin: true});
var firebase = require("firebase");
var admin = require("firebase-admin");
var serviceAccount = require("./serviceKey.json");
// Initialize the app with a service account, granting admin
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: ""
const displayqr = express();
const geturl = express();
displayqr.get('/displayqr', (request, response) => {
console.log("response sent");
exports.displayqr = functions.https.onRequest(displayqr);
exports.geturl = functions.https.onCall((email) => {
const mail = email.toString();
var result = "";
result = result + mail;
var accounts =
result = (accounts.getValue());
accounts.orderByKey().on("value", function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(data) {
if (data.child("Email").val() == mail) {
var firstName = data.child("FirstName").val();
var lastName = data.child("LastName").val();
result = firstname;
result = "if loop entered";
} // end if
// return "name not found";
}); // end for each
}); // end order by
return result;
TLDR; follow this tutorial on how to build and deploy callable functions for your mobile app.
There are multiple reasons for why your functions aren't working as you expect.
You are including the client-side version of Firebase (var firebase = require("firebase");). You shouldn't use or even require the client-side version. Instead just use Firebase Admin (docs) to access any data. If you need certain user permissions when accessing the DB from the Admin SDK, here is a good example of how to achieve that (Scroll down to "You can still perform user-authorized changes...").
You have mixed different Admin SDK references. getValue() is part of the Admin SDK for Java. You should use the JavaScript equivalent val(). Also, in your code, accounts is a Reference and not a DataSnapshot.
You aren't returning your Promise's. This can be a source of inconsistency in your function execution later SO Question.
You aren't returning anything from your initial function. If you don't return anything, then nothing will get returned to your app. The solution is the same as 3's solution: return your Promise.
You shouldn't use on in Firebase Functions. You should use once. The difference is that on doesn't return a Promise while once does. It returns a function that is used to detach the listener.
I know this is a lot of bullet points and pointing out problems in your code, but I just didn't want give a shallow answer which resulted in you asking another question and waiting another ~2 hours (at the time of writing) for an answer.
I hope this helps!
exports.geturl = functions.https.onCall((email) => {
const mail = email.toString();
var result = "";
result = result + mail;
var accounts = admin.database().ref("livsuiteform/accounts");
return accounts.orderByKey().once("value")
.then(function (snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function (data) {
if (data.child("Email").val() == mail) {
var firstName = data.child("FirstName").val();
var lastName = data.child("LastName").val();
result = firstName;
result = "if loop entered";
} // end if
// return "name not found";
}); // end for each
return result;
}); // end order by

What is a method of using Firebase Cloud Functions in Flutter.

I have been searching all over on how to implement firebase functions with a flutter application. It does not seem like there is an SDK available (yet). I've also tried adding the gradle dependency implementation '' to my app/build.gradle but this causes build errors.
Has anyone done an implementation that works? I am unable to find any documentation on how to handle credentials and the transport of data in order to build my own firebase functions call.
I have created a rough outline of how I am thinking this is intended to work, but may be way off base.
Future<dynamic> updateProfile(String uid, AccountMasterViewModel avm) async {
Uri uri = Uri.parse(finalizeProfileFunctionURL);
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
String _result = '';
try {
return await httpClient
.then((HttpClientRequest request) {
return request.close();
// authentication??
// Fields and data??
.then((HttpClientResponse response) async {
print(response.transform(new Utf8Codec().decoder).join());
if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.OK) {
String json = await response.transform(new Utf8Codec().decoder).join();
_result = jsonDecode(json);
// Do some work
return json;
else {
return ':\nHttp status ${response.statusCode}';
catch (exception) {
return 'Failed ' + exception.toString();
I'd like to be able to send an object, like
accountID: src.accountID,
accountImg: src.image
and then handle the response. But as I said, I can't find any working examples or tutorials on how to do this. It's fairly simple to do this client size and talk directly to the database, however, there are validations and data components that need to be hidden from the client, so cloud functions is the way I would like to do this.
Yes, there is a cloud_function package available here:
so as to make a call to the function you can just call
functionName: 'yourCloudFunction',
parameters: <String, dynamic>{
'param1': 'this is just a test',
'param2': 'hi there',
An updated answer to calling Firebase's Cloud Functions in Flutter would be
var callable = CloudFunctions.instance.getHttpsCallable(functionName: 'functionName'); // replace 'functionName' with the name of your function
dynamic response =<String, dynamic>{
'param1': param1 //replace param1 with the name of the parameter in the Cloud Function and the value you want to insert
}).catchError((onError) {
//Handle your error here if the function failed
This is a good tutorial on cloud functions in flutter which helped me:
Cloud functions can be triggered by data change triggers in the realtime database, Firestore, or Datastore, as well as authentication triggers.
You could just persist
accountID: src.accountID,
accountImg: src.image
to the database and register a trigger that runs a Cloud Function when data at a specific path is inserted, updated, or deleted.

Firebase - create user on Node.js server

We have a large SPA using Firebase v2. We would like to upgrade to the new API, but we experience the following problem:
As the app is quite large, we have developed many integration tests, and for these tests we always need to reset the database and initialize it to a state, where some users exist. However, we found out there really is no such thing as creating a user on server anymore ( Firebase createUserWithEmailAndPassword method is undefined in node.js ), and we are quite unsure, how to upgrade the API and yet be able to reset and initialize the database from server.
Moreover, we are quite forced to do this upgrade, because we noticed that the Firebase v2, is still using the deprecated Graph API v2.0 for Facebook OAuth, and is not recommended for use after 8.8.2016. We understand that the Firebase v2 will probably not upgrade the calls to the Graph API, as the v2 is legacy. This, however, leaves us quite cornered for now.
Any help on this topic, please?
As of Firebase v3.3.0 you are able to create user accounts using Node, but the documentation isn't great on how to expose these methods.
In order to use the user management methods, you need to initialize an application in node using your Web API key, and not the Service Account config that is walked through in the setup guide.
// The Usual Service Account Init
// This will not contain any user management methods on firebase.auth() = firebase.initializeApp(
serviceAccount: 'path/to/serviceaccount/file.json',
databaseURL: ''
// Web Client Init in Node.js
// firebase.auth() will now contain user management methods = firebase.initializeApp(
"apiKey": "my-api-key",
"authDomain": "",
"databaseURL": "",
"storageBucket": "",
"messagingSenderId": "SomeId"
You can grab your client api key from your Firebase console from the Web Setup guide
This is the only reference I could find that explicitly referenced the need to init with api key to get this to work.!msg/firebase-talk/_6Rhro3zBbk/u8hB1oVRCgAJ
Given below is a working example of creating Firebase user through Node.js
exports.addUser = function(req, res) {
var wine = req.body;
var email =;
var password = req.body.password;
var name =;
console.log(“Creating user for -“+email+”-“+password);
var defaultAuth = admin.auth();
email: email,
emailVerified: false,
password: password,
displayName: name,
disabled: false
.then(function(userRecord) {
console.log(“Created Firebase User successfully with id :”, userRecord.uid);
var wine = req.body;
wine.userId = userRecord.uid;
wine.timestamp =;
delete wine.password;
status = “201”;
var reply = JSON.stringify(wine);
db.collection(‘collname’, function(err, collection) {
collection.insert(wine, {safe:true}, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
wine.status = “200”;
wine.message = “An error occured”;
} else {
console.log(‘Success: ‘ + JSON.stringify(result[0]));
status= “200”;
wine.status = “200”;
wine.message = “Account created Successfully”;
.catch(function(error) {
wine.message = “An error occured—“;
wine.status = “201”;
console.log(“User Creation onf Firebase failed:”, error);
For details you can see the following blog post
