nls boot error must have positive length - r

I am getting the error below with nlsBoot() any idea what is wrong?
Error in apply(tabboot, 1, quantile, c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975)) :
dim(X) must have a positive length
x = 1:100
y = x^2+rnorm(100,50,500)
d = data.frame(x =x, y=y)
mymodel = nls(y~x^b,start= list(b=1),data = d)
nlsBoot(mymodel, niter = 999)

Try to define the formula before applying the nls function, like this:
formula <- as.formula(y ~ x^b)
mymodel <- nls(formula,start= list(b=1),data = d)
Well, I've modified the code and now it can handle one parameter fit.
# My suggestion is to erase all the environment first:
rm(list = ls())
# Then we start again:
x = 1:100
y = x^2+rnorm(100,50,500)
d = data.frame(x =x, y=y)
mymodel = nls(y~x^b,start= list(b=1),data = d)
Here is the function that you have to use:
nlsboot_onepar <- function (nls, niter = 999)
if (!inherits(nls, "nls"))
stop("Use only with 'nls' objects")
data2 <- eval(nls$data, sys.frame(0))
fitted1 <- fitted(nls)
resid1 <- resid(nls)
var1 <- all.vars(formula(nls)[[2]])
l1 <- lapply(1:niter, function(i) {
data2[, var1] <- fitted1 + sample(scale(resid1, scale = FALSE),
replace = TRUE)
nls2 <- try(update(nls, start = as.list(coef(nls)),
data = data2), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(nls2, "nls"))
return(list(coef = coef(nls2), rse = summary(nls2)$sigma))
if (sum(sapply(l1, is.null)) > niter/2)
stop(paste("Procedure aborted: the fit only converged in",
round(sum(sapply(l1, is.null))/niter), "% during bootstrapping"))
tabboot <- sapply(l1[!sapply(l1, is.null)], function(z) z$coef,simplify =
tabboot <- as.matrix(t(as.numeric(tabboot)))
rownames(tabboot) <- "b"
rseboot <- sapply(l1[!sapply(l1, is.null)], function(z) z$rse)
recapboot <- t(apply(tabboot, 1, quantile, c(0.5, 0.025,
colnames(recapboot) <- c("Median", "2.5%", "97.5%")
estiboot <- t(apply(tabboot, 1, function(z) c(mean(z), sd(z))))
colnames(estiboot) <- c("Estimate", "Std. error")
serr <- sum(sapply(l1, is.null))
if (serr > 0)
warning(paste("The fit did not converge", serr, "times during
listboot <- list(coefboot = t(tabboot), rse = rseboot, bootCI = recapboot,
estiboot = estiboot)
class(listboot) <- "nlsBoot"
And then we use it:
result <- nlsboot_onepar(mymodel, niter = 999)
If you want to plot the parameter distribution, you can do this:
# or
I hope that helps you.


Intialized vector in AUC function out of bounds

I am trying to use cross validation with a decision tree using AUC. These are the functions that I am using:
.cvFolds <- function(Y, V) {
Y0 <- split(sample(which(Y == 0)), rep(1:V, length = length(which(Y == 0))))
Y1 <- split(sample(which(Y == 1)), rep(1:V, length = length(which(Y == 1))))
folds <- vector("list", length = V)
for (v in seq(V)) folds[[v]] <- c(Y0[[v]], Y1[[v]])
.doFit <- function(V, folds, train) {
ycol <- which(names(train) == y)
params <- list(x = train[-folds[[V]], -ycol],
y = as.factor(train[-folds[[V]], ycol]),
xtest = train[folds[[V]], -ycol])
fit <-, params)
pred <- fit$test$votes[, 2]
This is the function to calculate probabilities:
iid_example <- function(train, y = "V1", V = 10, seed = 1) {
folds <- .cvFolds(Y = train[, c(y)], V = V)
# Generate CV predicted values
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
predictions <- foreach(v = 1:V, .combine = "c",
.packages = c("randomForest")) %dopar% .doFit(v, folds, train)
predictions[unlist(folds)] <- predictions
# Get CV AUC
runtime <- system.time(res <- ci.cvAUC(predictions = predictions,
labels = train[, c(y)],
folds = folds,
confidence = 0.95))
The actual function call:
res <- iid_example(train = datos, y = "V1", V = 10, seed = 1)
When I try to run it, I get the following error:
Y0[[v]] out of bounds
I am trying to adjust the parameterization of the function, but I do not understand why it is out of boundaries. Thanks for your help

Error in confidence interval mice R package

everyone I am trying to execute the code in found in the book "Flexible Imputation of Missing Data 2ed" in 2.5.3 section, that calculates a confidence interval for two imputation methods. The problem is that I cannot reproduce the results as the result is always NaN
Here is the code
# function randomly draws artificial data from the specified linear model <- function(beta = 1, sigma2 = 1, n = 50, run = 1) {
set.seed(seed = run)
x <- rnorm(n)
y <- beta * x + rnorm(n, sd = sqrt(sigma2))
cbind(x = x, y = y)
#Remove some data
make.missing <- function(data, p = 0.5){
rx <- rbinom(nrow(data), 1, p)
data[rx == 0, "x"] <- NA
# Apply Rubin’s rules to the imputed data
test.impute <- function(data, m = 5, method = "norm", ...) {
imp <- mice(data, method = method, m = m, print = FALSE, ...)
fit <- with(imp, lm(y ~ x))
tab <- summary(pool(fit), "all", = TRUE)
as.numeric(tab["x", c("estimate", "2.5 %", "97.5 %")])
#Bind everything together
simulate <- function(runs = 10) {
res <- array(NA, dim = c(2, runs, 3))
dimnames(res) <- list(c("norm.predict", "norm.nob"),
c("estimate", "2.5 %","97.5 %"))
for(run in 1:runs) {
data <- = run)
data <- make.missing(data)
res[1, run, ] <- test.impute(data, method = "norm.predict",
m = 2)
res[2, run, ] <- test.impute(data, method = "norm.nob")
res <- simulate(1000)
#Estimate the lower and upper bounds of the confidence intervals per method
apply(res, c(1, 3), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
Best Regards
Replace "x" by tab$term == "x" in the last line of test.impute():
as.numeric( tab[ tab$term == "x", c("estimate", "2.5 %", "97.5 %")])

Performing t-Test Selection manually

I’m trying to write simulation code, that generates data and runs t-test selection (discarding those predictors whose t-test p-value exceeds 0.05, retaining the rest) on it. The simulation is largely an adaptation of Applied Econometrics with R by Kleiber and Zeileis (2008, pp. 183–189).
When running the code, it usually fails. Yet with certain seeds (e.g. 1534) it produces plausible output. If it does not produce output (e.g. 1911), it fails due to: "Error in x[, ii] : subscript out of bounds", which traces back to So, for some reason, the way I attempt to handle the NAs seems to fail, but I'm unable to figure out in how so.
coef <- rep(coef[,3], length.out = pdim+1)
err <- as.vector(rnorm(nobs, sd = sd))
uX <- c(rep(1, times = nobs))
pX <- matrix(scale(rnorm(nobs)), byrow = TRUE, ncol = pdim, nrow = nobs)
X <- cbind(uX, pX)
y <- coef %*% t(X) + err
y <- matrix(y)
tTp <- (summary(lm(y ~ pX)))$coefficients[,4]
tTp <- tTp[2:length(tTp)]
TTT <- matrix(c(tTp, rep(.7, ncol(pX)-length(tTp))))
tX <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(pX), nrow = nrow(pX))
for(i in 1:ncol(pX)) {ifelse(TTT[i,] < ALPHA, tX[,i] <- pX[,i], NA)}
tX <- matrix(Filter(function(x)!all(, tX), nrow = nobs)
TTR <- lm(y ~ tX)
The first block is unlikely to the cause of the error. It merely generates the data and works well on its own and with other methods, like PCA, as well. The second block pulls the p-values from the regression output; removes the p-value of the intercept (beta_0); and fills the vector with as many 7s as necessary to have the same length as the number of variables, to ensure the same dimension for matrix calculations. Seven is arbitrary and could be any number larger than 0.05 to not pass the test of the loop. This becomes – I believe – necessary, if R discards predictors due to multicollinearity.
The final block creates an empty matrix of the original dimensions; inserts the original data, if the t-test p-value is lower than 0.05, else retains the NA; while the penultimate line removes all columns containing NAs ((exclusively NA or one NA is the same here) taken from mnel’s answer to Remove columns from dataframe where ALL values are NA); lastly, the modified data is again put in the shape of a linear regression.
Does anyone know what causes this behavior or how it would work as intended? I would expect it to either work or not, but not kind of both. Ideally, the former.
A working version of the code is:
Sim_TTS <- function(nobs = c(1000, 15000), pdim = pdims, coef = coef100,
model = c("MLC", "MHC"), ...){
DGP_TTS <- function(nobs = 1000, model = c("MLC", "MHC"), coef = coef100,
sd = 1, pdim = pdims, ALPHA = 0.05)
model <- match.arg(model)
if(model == "MLC") {
coef <- rep(coef[,1], length.out = pdim+1)
err <- as.vector(rnorm(nobs, sd = sd))
uX <- c(rep(1, times = nobs))
pX <- matrix(scale(rnorm(nobs)), byrow = TRUE, ncol = pdim, nrow = nobs)
X <- cbind(uX, pX)
y <- coef %*% t(X) + err
y <- matrix(y)
tTp <- (summary(lm(y ~ pX)))$coefficients[,4]
tTp <- tTp[2:length(tTp)]
TTT <- matrix(c(tTp, rep(.7, ncol(pX)-length(tTp))))
tX <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(pX), nrow = nrow(pX))
for(i in 1:ncol(pX)) {ifelse(TTT[i,] < ALPHA, tX[,i] <- pX[,i], NA)}
tX <- matrix(Filter(function(x)!all(, tX), nrow = nobs)
TTR <- lm(y ~ tX)
} else {
coef <- rep(coef[,2], length.out = pdim+1)
err <- as.vector(rnorm(nobs, sd = sd))
uX <- c(rep(1, times = nobs))
pX <- matrix(scale(rnorm(nobs)), byrow = TRUE, ncol = pdim, nrow = nobs)
X <- cbind(uX, pX)
y <- coef %*% t(X) + err
y <- matrix(y)
tTp <- (summary(lm(y ~ pX)))$coefficients[,4]
tTp <- tTp[2:length(tTp)]
TTT <- matrix(c(tTp, rep(.7, ncol(pX)-length(tTp))))
tX <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(pX), nrow = nrow(pX))
for(i in 1:ncol(pX)) {ifelse(TTT[i,] < ALPHA, tX[,i] <- pX[,i], NA)}
tX <- matrix(Filter(function(x)!all(, tX), nrow = nobs)
TTR <- lm(y ~ tX)
PG_TTS <- function(nrep = 1, ...)
rsq <- matrix(rep(NA, nrep), ncol = 1)
rsqad <- matrix(rep(NA, nrep), ncol = 1)
pastr <- matrix(rep(NA, nrep), ncol = 1)
vmat <- cbind(rsq, rsqad, pastr)
colnames(vmat) <- c("R sq.", "adj. R sq.", "p*")
for(i in 1:nrep) {
vmat[i,1] <- summary(DGP_TTS(...))$r.squared
vmat[i,2] <- summary(DGP_TTS(...))$adj.r.squared
vmat[i,3] <- length(DGP_TTS(...)$coefficients)-1
return(c(mean(vmat[,1]), mean(vmat[,2]), round(mean(vmat[,3]))))
SIM_TTS <- function(...)
prs <- expand.grid(pdim = pdim, nobs = nobs, model = model)
nprs <- nrow(prs)
pow <- matrix(rep(NA, 3 * nprs), ncol = 3)
for(i in 1:nprs) pow[i,] <- PG_TTS(pdim = prs[i,1],
nobs = prs[i,2], model = as.character(prs[i,3]), ...)
rval <- rbind(prs, prs, prs)
rval$stat <- factor(rep(1:3, c(nprs, nprs, nprs)),
labels = c("R sq.", "adj. R sq.", "p*"))
rval$power <- c(pow[,1], pow[,2], pow[,3])
rval$nobs <- factor(rval$nobs)
psim_TTS <- SIM_TTS()
tab_TTS <- xtabs(power ~ pdim + stat + model + nobs, data = psim_TTS)
ftable(tab_TTS, row.vars = c("model", "nobs", "stat"), col.vars = "pdim")}
FO_TTS <- Sim_TTS()
Preceeded by:
pdims <- seq(12, 100, 4)
coefLC12 <- c(0, rep(0.2, 4), rep(0.1, 4), rep(0, 4))/1.3
rtL <- c(0.2, rep(0, 3))/1.3
coefLC100 <- c(coefLC12, rep(rtL, 22))
coefHC12 <- c(0, rep(0.8, 4), rep(0.4, 4), rep(0, 4))/1.1
rtH <- c(0.8, rep(0, 3))/1.1
coefHC100 <- c(coefHC12, rep(rtH, 22))
coef100 <- cbind(coefLC100, coefHC100)
I’m aware that model selection via the significance of individual predictors is not recommended, but that is the whole point – it is meant to be compared to more sophisticated methods.

Running existing function with non-default option

The code pasted below from ResourceSelection::hoslem.test performs a Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit test. While investigating why the output that does not agree exactly with that performed by another software (Stata), I found that the difference relates to use of default R argument for the quantile function (type=7). I would like to use this function with a different default for calculation of quantiles (type=6).
FWIW, the reference to the 9 possible methods used by R can be found at:
The Stata manual for pctile refers to a default method and an 'altdef' method. I found it difficult to map these two methods to corresponding R types.
hoslem.test(yhat, y, type=6)
> hl <- hoslem.test(y, yhat, type=6)
Error in hoslem.test(y, yhat, type = 6) : unused argument (type = 6)
Is there a way to run the function below with a non-default argument for the quantile function?
Ie. allows the following line adding ', type=6':
qq <- unique(quantile(yhat, probs = seq(0, 1, 1/g), type=6))
The function in question is:
> ResourceSelection::hoslem.test
function (x, y, g = 10)
DNAME <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)), deparse(substitute(y)),
sep = ", ")
METHOD <- "Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit (GOF) test"
yhat <- y
y <- x
qq <- unique(quantile(yhat, probs = seq(0, 1, 1/g)))
cutyhat <- cut(yhat, breaks = qq, include.lowest = TRUE)
observed <- xtabs(cbind(y0 = 1 - y, y1 = y) ~ cutyhat)
expected <- xtabs(cbind(yhat0 = 1 - yhat, yhat1 = yhat) ~
chisq <- sum((observed - expected)^2/expected)
PVAL = 1 - pchisq(chisq, g - 2)
PARAMETER <- g - 2
names(chisq) <- "X-squared"
names(PARAMETER) <- "df"
structure(list(statistic = chisq, parameter = PARAMETER,
p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD, = DNAME, observed = observed,
expected = expected), class = "htest")
We can modify pieces of functions. Look at the body of the function
See that the element we want to modify is the 6th element in the body
DNAME <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)), deparse(substitute(y)),
sep = ", ")
METHOD <- "Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit (GOF) test"
yhat <- y
y <- x
qq <- unique(quantile(yhat, probs = seq(0, 1, 1/g)))
Modify the 6th element to what you want
body(hoslem.test)[[6]] = substitute(qq <- unique(quantile(yhat,
probs = seq(0, 1, 1/g), type = 6)))
The easiest way would be to reenter the function as your own:
myhoslem.test<-function(x, y, g = 10, mytype = 6){
DNAME <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)), deparse(substitute(y)),
sep = ", ")
METHOD <- "Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit (GOF) test"
yhat <- y
y <- x
qq <- unique(quantile(yhat, probs = seq(0, 1, 1/g), type = mytype))
cutyhat <- cut(yhat, breaks = qq, include.lowest = TRUE)
observed <- xtabs(cbind(y0 = 1 - y, y1 = y) ~ cutyhat)
expected <- xtabs(cbind(yhat0 = 1 - yhat, yhat1 = yhat) ~
chisq <- sum((observed - expected)^2/expected)
PVAL = 1 - pchisq(chisq, g - 2)
PARAMETER <- g - 2
names(chisq) <- "X-squared"
names(PARAMETER) <- "df"
structure(list(statistic = chisq, parameter = PARAMETER,
p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD, = DNAME, observed = observed,
expected = expected), class = "htest")
The key change here is :
qq <- unique(quantile(yhat, probs = seq(0, 1, 1/g), type = mytype))
and allowing mytype as a argument to the function with default as 6
The two answers suggest a wrapper function to flexibly modify hoslem.test
myhoslem.test<-function(x, y, g = 10, mytype = 6){
body(hoslem.test)[[6]] = substitute(qq <- unique(quantile(yhat,
probs = seq(0, 1, 1/g), type = mytype)))
hoslem.test(x,y, g=10)

Reproducing results from previous answer is not working due to using new version of lme4

I have tried to reproduce the results from the answers for this question “Estimating random effects and applying user defined correlation/covariance structure with R lme4 or nlme package “
Aaron Rendahl's codes
relmatmm <- function (formula, data, family = NULL, REML = TRUE, relmat = list(),
control = list(), start = NULL, verbose = FALSE, subset,
weights, na.action, offset, contrasts = NULL, model = TRUE,
x = TRUE, ...)
mc <-
lmerc <- mc
lmerc[[1]] <-"lmer")
lmerc$relmat <- NULL
if (!length(relmat))
stopifnot(is.list(relmat), length(names(relmat)) == length(relmat))
lmerc$doFit <- FALSE
lmf <- eval(lmerc, parent.frame())
relfac <- relmat
relnms <- names(relmat)
stopifnot(all(relnms %in% names(lmf$FL$fl)))
asgn <- attr(lmf$FL$fl, "assign")
for (i in seq_along(relmat)) {
tn <- which(match(relnms[i], names(lmf$FL$fl)) == asgn)
if (length(tn) > 1)
stop("a relationship matrix must be associated with only one random effects term")
Zt <- lmf$FL$trms[[tn]]$Zt
relmat[[i]] <- Matrix(relmat[[i]][rownames(Zt), rownames(Zt)],
sparse = TRUE)
relfac[[i]] <- chol(relmat[[i]])
lmf$FL$trms[[tn]]$Zt <- lmf$FL$trms[[tn]]$A <- relfac[[i]] %*% Zt
ans <- (!is.null(lmf$glmFit))
else lme4:::lmer_finalize, lmf)
ans <- new("pedigreemm", relfac = relfac, ans)
ans#call <-
the original example
mydata <- data.frame (gen = factor(rep(1:10, each = 10)),
repl = factor(rep(1:10, 10)),
yld = rnorm(10, 5, 0.5))
covmat <- round(nearPD(matrix(runif(100, 0, 0.2), nrow = 10))$mat, 2)
diag(covmat) <- diag(covmat)/10+1
rownames(covmat) <- colnames(covmat) <- levels(mydata$gen)
m <- relmatmm(yld ~ (1|gen) + (1|repl), relmat=list(gen=covmat), data=mydata)
here is the error message
Error in lmf$FL : $ operator not defined for this S4 class
In addition: Warning message:
In checkArgs("lmer", doFit = FALSE) : extra argument(s) ‘doFit’ disregarded
I will appreciate any help ?
This is a re-implementation of the previous code -- I have done some slight modifications, and I have not tested it in any way -- test yourself and/or use at your own risk.
First create a slightly more modularized function that constructs the deviance function and fits the model:
doFit <- function(lmod,lmm=TRUE) {
## see ?modular
if (lmm) {
devfun <-, lmod)
opt <- optimizeLmer(devfun)
mkMerMod(environment(devfun), opt, lmod$reTrms, fr = lmod$fr)
} else {
devfun <-, lmod)
opt <- optimizeGlmer(devfun)
devfun <- updateGlmerDevfun(devfun, lmod$reTrms)
opt <- optimizeGlmer(devfun, stage=2)
mkMerMod(environment(devfun), opt, lmod$reTrms, fr = lmod$fr)
Now create a function to construct the object that doFit needs and modify it:
relmatmm <- function (formula, ..., lmm=TRUE, relmat = list()) {
ff <- if (lmm) lFormula(formula, ...) else glFormula(formula, ...)
stopifnot(is.list(relmat), length(names(relmat)) == length(relmat))
relnms <- names(relmat)
relfac <- relmat
flist <- ff$reTrms[["flist"]] ## list of factors
## random-effects design matrix components
Ztlist <- ff$reTrms[["Ztlist"]]
stopifnot(all(relnms %in% names(flist)))
asgn <- attr(flist, "assign")
for (i in seq_along(relmat)) {
tn <- which(match(relnms[i], names(flist)) == asgn)
if (length(tn) > 1)
stop("a relationship matrix must be",
" associated with only one random effects term")
zn <- rownames(Ztlist[[i]])
relmat[[i]] <- Matrix(relmat[[i]][zn,zn],sparse = TRUE)
relfac[[i]] <- chol(relmat[[i]])
Ztlist[[i]] <- relfac[[i]] %*% Ztlist[[i]]
ff$reTrms[["Ztlist"]] <- Ztlist
ff$reTrms[["Zt"]] <-,Ztlist)
fit <- doFit(ff,lmm)
mydata <- data.frame (gen = factor(rep(1:10, each = 10)),
repl = factor(rep(1:10, 10)),
yld = rnorm(10, 5, 0.5))
covmat <- round(nearPD(matrix(runif(100, 0, 0.2), nrow = 10))$mat, 2)
diag(covmat) <- diag(covmat)/10+1
rownames(covmat) <- colnames(covmat) <- levels(mydata$gen)
m <- relmatmm(yld ~ (1|gen) + (1|repl), relmat=list(gen=covmat),
This runs -- I don't know if the output is correct. It also doesn't make the resulting object into a pedigreemm object ...
