I am trying to get count week from a year using momentjs as below commend,
Example 1: work well
let now = moment("01/06/2018");
var weekresult = now.week();
Example 2:
var weekinYear = now.weeksInYear();
Example 2: Error
Uncaught TypeError: now.weeksInYear is not a function
Run at Jsfiddle
As the docs says, isoWeeksInYear() is available since version 2.6.0+, while you are using moment 2.2.1 in the linked fiddle.
Moreover, since "01/06/2018" is neither ISO 8601 nor RFC 2822 compliant you have to use moment(String, String) instead of moment(String).
Here a live sample with lastest version:
let now = moment("01/06/2018", "DD/MM/YYYY");
var weekresult = now.week();
var weekinYear = now.weeksInYear();
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.22.2/moment.min.js"></script>
I want to store a Javascript Date() object in a spreadsheet with correct format according to spreadsheet's locale (SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSpreadsheetLocale()).
Is there a way to get the country specific (date and) time format string from the spreadsheet locale?
E.g. when locale is de_DE, time format string as hh:mm
but when locale is da_DK, time format string as hh.mm
Interesting as well how to get the countries currency format.
BTW when I have date and time in de_DE and than change to da_DK, dates are reformatted (23.01.2020 -> 23/01/2020) but times are not (it stays as 22:59). Is that an error in Spreadsheet?
Dates in JavaScript have the method toLocaleDateString, which return a string formatted according to the specified locale. But this doesn't seem to work in Apps Script.
If you're open to using an Apps Script Web App for this, you could use this toLocaleDateString in your client-side script (that is, in a script tag in your HTML).
If that's not the case, I think your best option would be to create the relationship between formats and locales yourself, because Apps Script doesn't have a built-in method to achieve that. You could, for example, use a switch statement that would check the locale, and then format the date accordingly with Utilities.formatDate, the tool Apps Script uses to format dates. It could be something along the following lines:
var locale = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSpreadsheetLocale();
var formattedDate;
switch (locale) {
case 'de_DE':
formattedDate = Utilities.formatDate(yourDate, yourTimeZone, "hh:mm");
case 'da_DK':
formattedDate = Utilities.formatDate(yourDate, yourTimeZone, "hh.mm");
// ...
return formattedDate;
Apps Script Web Apps
I hope this is of any help.
Sorry for that, however I found a function that would be worth checking out, it's toLocaleDateString() and toLocaleTimeString (), they deliver the local date and time format.
Please check
Formato fechas JavaScript.
I did the test from Google Apps Script and it throws me the following
function pruebafecha() {
var d = new Date();
var n = d.toLocaleDateString();
var h = d.toLocaleTimeString();
This is the answer(Colombia):
[20-01-24 16:47:50:286 EST] 24 de enero de 2020
[20-01-24 16:47:50:287 EST] 16:47:50 EST
A JavaScript Date object includes date, time and timezone. When Google Apps Script pass a Date object to the spreadsheet using setValue() / setValues() the value is displayed according to the cell number formatting using the spreadsheet timezone.
If the cell formatting is set to Automatic by default the date will be displayed accordingly to the spreadsheet locale.
If you want to force the cell to display a date in an specific format use Class Range setNumberFormat / setNumberFormats
If you don't want to use the above methods and don't want to rely on the spreadsheet locale and automatic cell format then instead of passing a Date object pass the value as an string prepending it with an ' (apostrophe, single quote character) to prevent that that automatic data type parsing changes the value and it's format.
Javascript in Google Sheets script: help using setNumberFormat
I don't know very well the configuration of the sheet you mention. However, I share a code that I use to print the date and time of data submission of a form.
var d = new Date();
var hour = d.getHours()-1;
var min = d.getMinutes();
var day = d.getDate();
var month = d.getMonth()+1;
var year = d.getFullYear();
if (month<10) {dia = day+"/"+"0"+month+"/"+year;}
else {dia = day+"/"+month+"/"+year;}
if (min<10){time = hour+":"+"0"+min;}
else {time = hour+":"+min;}
What I do in the code is to take the values โโof day, month and year, I add 1 to the value of month because it takes values โโ[0:11] => [Jan, Dec].
Then I build the format I want from date and time, you can notice that I have 1 left to the hours, because when I did the tests I noticed that the time of the script was one hour above.
I use google translate, I hope it is understood.
Quite simply, this is my code:
var d = moment('22/12/2019');
I would expect this to parse, however it says invalid date.
I have referenced moment.js and the locale/en-gb.js
I'm writing a global control so the date may come in in a variety of formats.
If I put in a variety of American dates they all work, for example 12/12/2019, 12/12/2019 23:04 etc.
However the locale command does not appear to do anything and I cannot get a single date to parse. What am I doing wrong?
You need to pass the format as the second argument for moment(), as discussed here:
var d = moment('22/12/2019', 'DD/MM/YYYY');
From the docs:
If you know the format of an input string, you can use that to parse a
moment("12-25-1995", "MM-DD-YYYY");
I think that there is no need to write your own complex logic to parse your input, you can use moment(String, String) (or moment(String, String[], String, Boolean)), as suggested by Thales Minussi's answer.
moment(String) is the good choice only if your input is in ISO 8601 or RFC 2822 compliant form.
In your case, you can probably use Localized formats listed in the format section of the docs. If you have a list of possible formats, I think that the best choice is tho use moment(String, String[]).
Please note that, by default: Moment's parser is very forgiving, so using default Forgiving Mode will handle "any" character as separator.
Here a live sample:
['22/12/2019', '22/12/2019 15:00',
'22-12-2019', '22-12-2019 15:00',
'1-3-2019', '1-12-2019', '22-1-2019'
].forEach((elem) => {
var d = moment(elem, 'L LT');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.24.0/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.24.0/locale/en-gb.js"></script>
Still hoping there's a nice moment js way to do this but in the meantime I just bashed this together. Pretty nasty and it will probably go wrong in 80 years or so.
var a = "23/03/19 12:42:21.123";
var datePart = a.substring(0, a.indexOf(" "));
var timePart = a.substring(a.indexOf(" ") + 1);
var dateParts = datePart.split("/");
if (dateParts[0].length == 1) dateParts[0] = "0" + dateParts[0];
if (dateParts[1].length == 1) dateParts[1] = "0" + dateParts[1];
if (dateParts[2].length == 2) {
var threshold = parseInt(new Date().getFullYear().toString().substring(2)) + 10;
if (parseFloat(dateParts[2]) > threshold ) {
dateParts[2] = "19" + dateParts[2];
dateParts[2] = "20" + dateParts[2];
alert (parseFloat(dateParts[2] + dateParts[1] + dateParts[0] + timePart.replace(/:/g, "").replace(/\./g, "")));
This won't solve every usecase, but in your specific example if you want just a simple date (with no time component) auto-parsed in UK format you can just use the 'L' format string having set the locale to 'en-GB'
Your example with this change (your jsfiddle also)
// just pass 'L' i.e. local date format as a parsing format here
var d = moment('22/12/2019', 'L');
It's quite nice because you get the auto parsing of various formats you wanted for free. For instance this works just the same:
var d = moment('22-12-2019', 'L');
You can return a date using moment.js in a desired format -
return moment(aDateVar).format('DD/MM/YYYY');
Using Moment js to do date manipulation. Below are my code.
startdate = "28/2/2018" (comes from angular html page)
var dateObj = new Date(startdate);
var momentObj = moment(dateObj);
var momentString = momentObj.add(1, 'months').format('DD-MM-YYYY');
var graceperioddate = moment(momentString,'DD-MM-YYYY').add(10, 'days').format('DD-MM-YYYY')
Expected Result : 10-03-2018
Actual Result : 07-03-2018
Please help fix it.
Sorry I have not enough reputation to comment.
I just tried your code snippet with moment.js version 2.20.1
"dependencies": {
"moment": "^2.20.1"
but I could not reproduce the behavior you described (debugging in vscode 1.20.0):
Which version of moment.js are you using? Maybe you want to try it with version 2.20.1? Hope I could help.
Found the reason for wrong answer.
If we use format ('YYYY-MM-DD') it solves the problem. So in below code formatted with ('YYYY-MM-DD') and got correct result as 10-03-2018.
var momentString = momentObj.add(1, 'months').format('DD-MM-YYYY');
var graceperioddate = moment(momentString,'DD-MM-YYYY').add(10, 'days').format('DD-MM-YYYY')
I need a regex which takes the string YYYY-MM-DD-XXXX (The last 4 are just for purpose of gender/area) It's mostly important to check the first 8 Digits for a valid birth date.
So far i have this:
Also i want to check so the input age is at least 18 years old. Would appreciate if somone had some input on how to achieve this.
Edit: The regex above was tested in JS, but should work fine in ASP as well?
I have changed your regex a bit to make it look more authentic
years like 3012 will not pass.
Now you want to find whether a person is 18 years or not.
One approach could be to find the difference between the years of dates provided like this
var str = '1990-09-12-5555';
var res = /^([1-2]\d{3})\-([0-1][1-9])\-([0-3][0-9])\-([0-9]{4})$/.exec(str);
var year_now = new Date().getFullYear();
a second approach will be more precise one :
var str = '1990-09-12-5555';
var res = /^([1-2]\d{3})\-([0-1][1-9])\-([0-3][0-9])\-([0-9]{4})$/.exec(str);
var todays_date = new Date();
var birth_date = new Date(res[1],res[2],res[3]);
will output the result in milliseconds. You can do the math to convert it into year
Cheers , Hope that helps !
I suggest using moment.js which provides an easy to use method for doing this.
interactive demo
function validate(date){
var eighteenYearsAgo = moment().subtract("years", 18);
var birthday = moment(date);
if (!birthday.isValid()) {
return "invalid date";
else if (eighteenYearsAgo.isAfter(birthday)) {
return "okay, you're good";
else {
return "sorry, no";
To include moment in your page, you can use CDNJS:
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.4.0/moment.min.js"></script>
The following will match any year with a valid day/month combination, but won't do validation such as checking you've not entered 31 days for February.
Not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve but I'd suggest using a date library for this sort of thing. You could return a message to the user somehow if the entered date fails to parse into an object.
In order to do age validation, you will certainly need to use a library so a regex should only be used for date validation purposes
I was wondering if there is a function/method to get next and previous date of a selected day
something like getpreviousday hh or something?
all I could find is function that people created themselves, I thought maybe there is already a built-in function.
Use this ActionScript DateUtils library.
There is a DateAdd method you can use:
var currentDate : Date = new Date();
var nextDate : Date = DateUtils.dateAdd('date',1,currentDate);
var previousDate : Date = DateUtils.dateAdd('date',-1,currentDate);
You can use the DateUtil from here: DateUtils at code.google.com
Further www.flextras.com mentioned the link for ActionScript Dateutils.