Windows Authentication doesn't work with IIS Express 10 -

At work we were forced into a hardware refresh where we went from a Windows 7 box with VS 2013 and IIS Express 6 to a Windows 10 box with VS 2017 and IIS Express 10. The problem is that Windows Authentication refuses to work. I get a 401.2 - Unauthorized with the explanation of "Invalid Authentication Headers".
I've checked the web.config and the properties for the web project and they are correct. I've modified the applicationhost.config file in the .vs folder in the project to enable windows authentication. I even checked the permissions of the files to make sure authenticated users had the right permissions. None of this has worked.
This all worked fine in IIS Express 6. What did Microsoft change in IIS Express 10 that screws this all up?
Edit: have to manually type this stuff in, since I can't move code from the dev machine.
<customErrors mode="off"/>
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5.1" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow users="*" />
If you want any other sections of the web.config, ask me.
As for ApplicationHost.config, it is basically whatever VS2017 creates, since this is a fresh machine and there wasn't an existing one with the project. Changes I tried making:
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true">
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" userName="">
<section name="windowsAuthentication" overrideModeDefault="allow">
One additional datapoint: The application runs on Firefox. I can log on fine to our test servers, running IIS 8.5, but can't access the application on IIS Express.
I've since created a new MVC application and just ran that. It runs fine in IE, but it won't authenticate users from Firefox and Edge.
Edit: Found out that Edge doesn't support Windows Authentication on localhost:
Still need to get it to work with Firefox.
Edit again: So, I think I know what is going on. I have two user accounts: the regular user account and an admin account with more privileges. What I did under Windows 7 was that while I logged into my regular account, I ran VS under my admin account. Then I could run my web application and log into the web site with my admin account. This doesn't seem to work anymore. The only way I could get my application to work is to run it all under my admin account. Otherwise, Windows authentication won't work. Security-wise, this is broken as hell and I'd like to find a better solution.

you only need to change some properties in your project as mentioned in below link!
enable windows authentication

I'm going to mark this one as answered and I'll follow up with a new question. The current solution is to run everything on our admin account to get windows authentication working. Not ideal.


Windows authentication configuration questions

I installed version 6.3.0 of the bonobo server on a windows 2008 r2 box. I followed the instructions and all it was well with the out-of-the-box settings.
Now, I wanted to enable Windows Authentication. The goal is that the developers don't have to enter a password when they access the remote repository.
I started with this article. Firstly, I am not sure about the sequence of making the changes. Should it be done before running it the first time? Or after? It's not clear. Anyway, I did it both ways, and in both cases it doesn't work.
Scenario 1: Left everything out-of-the-box, I added myself as a user. After I made the web.config change I was still presented with the login page, and when I typed the password, I was redirected back to the login page.
Scenario 2: I shut down IIS, I made all the changes, and before restarting IIS, I updated the web.config as per the windows authentication article. I also disabled Anonymous Access and enabled Windows Authentication. After I restarted IIS, when I tried to access it, I got:
The request filtering module is configured to deny a request where the query string is too long. I fixed this by adding: maxQueryString="32768" to the requestLimits tag.
Now I get ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS when I try to access the root page.
The documentation is not clear on how you have to configure this thing for windows authentication. It looks to me that you need to leave the out-of-the-box settings, define your users, make sure one of them is admin, then change the setting to windows authentication. As soon as you turn on the windows authentication the admin user can't be used. I assume the server is trying to find the current user in its own database.
One other thing, if you turn on windows authentication in the web.config, do you need to enable the Windows Authentication in the IIS Authentication for the app and turn anonymous access off? I would think so, but the documentation doesn't specify anything. What happens if I am logged in with an account on different domain than the box with the bonobo server?
Is there someone that can clarify what has to be done exactly to get the windows authentication running?
I hope you could solve the problem meanwhile
if not, change the "AuthenticationProvider" to "Windows" and "MembershipService" to "ActiveDirectory".
Check your Web.config if the following is uncommented
<add key="AuthenticationProvider" value="Windows" />
<add key="MembershipService" value="ActiveDirectory" />
<add key="ActiveDirectoryDefaultDomain" value="<your.domain>" />
<add key="ActiveDirectoryBackendPath" value="~\App_Data\ADBackend" />
<add key="ActiveDirectoryMemberGroupName" value="Developer" />
<add key="ActiveDirectoryTeamMapping" value="Developers=Developer" />
<add key="ActiveDirectoryRoleMapping" value="Administrator=Developer" />
<authentication mode="Windows" />

IE11 keeps asking for credentials on intranet

We are creating an intranet site and want to use SSO. The problem is however, that Internet Explorer (11) keeps asking for credentials. By specifying the username and password we are able to access it. Then the intranet application can be used without a problem. When Internet Explorer is closed however it asks for credentials again. The problem occurs on the testing machine (running in a domain) and also on my laptop at home which I also use to develop on. I access the test server with Remote Desktop and then test the site on the same machine as it is running on, which is Windows 2012R2 running IIS 8.5.
On the test server the application (ASP.NET MVC with SignalR and WebAPI) is using a URL that will not be automatically recognized as an intranet site although it is in the same IP range. Therefore I have added the site explicitely to the intranet zone in the settings of IE.
When I then right click on the site and request the properties I can see it is in the intranet zone. This is for as far as I could find the solution in these situations but for us there is something else going on.
This is the system.web section of web.config:
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5.1" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<deny users="?" />
In IIS I have tried enabling both Windows Authentication and Digest and also just one of those. The other authentication options are disabled, including Anonymous Authentication.
I also added the site to the trusted zone which did not help. Also changed the zone settings (for intranet and trusted) to do "Automatic logon on with the current username and password" but that didn't help either (I don't understand the setting Automatic logon only in Intranet zone though, because it seems a zone specific duplicate setting of the afore mentioned setting but ok). I also checked the advanced settings to be sure that Integrated Windows Security is enabled.
At the moment we're completely out of ideas.
Two more to your checklist:
make sure you have disabled anonymous authentication
make sure the domain controller is accessible from both the client PC and the IIS hosting the web app. Chances are the domain controller doesn't recognize the application server as coming from the same domain.
I have set the Full control to "Domain Users" in the Security Tab (NTFS permissions) of my Application Folder. Which resolved the problem in IE 11 but chrome is continuously asking for User name and password.

HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name returns blank

I am using HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name to get the user name when the web application is in use. During development I was using my local iis, with integrated windows authentication enabled and anonymous access enabled and disabled, and I was able to get the username.
Now, when I publish the web application, it comes back blank. The setup on the published server is the same, and I have tried using Page.User.Identity.Name, which also returned blank.
Does anyone know why this is and how to fix it?
You probably had Anonymous Authentication on as well as Windows Authentication. Turn off Anonymous off.
<authentication mode="Windows" />
In IIS config for the app,
look in Authentication tab
Set **Anonymous Authentication** to **Disabled** and
Set **Windows Authentication** to **Enabled**
This should work and the Identity.UserName should now show up properly.
HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name always work for me in VS 2012 environment and IIS 7
To solve the problem, you have to enable the Windows Authentication feature. Follow the below steps:
-Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Open the Programs group.
-Under Programs and -Features, click Turn Windows Features on or off.
-Expand the item labeled Internet Information Services.
-Expand the item labeled World Wide Web Services.
-Expand the item Security ->
Make sure to select Windows Authentication
Also you need to disable Anonymous Authentication from the IIS as follows:
-Click on your application in IIS
-Double click Authentication under IIS group
-Click on Anonymous Authentication
-Click on Disable on the right side under Actions.
Hope this helps
When working with WIF you should use Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name instead of User.Identity.Name.
Read more here: to learn more about Windows Identity Foundation
Similar question: User.Identity.Name is null after authenticate via WIF
set <authentication mode="Forms"> in web.config file & Your Problem Will solve.
Test your web-site by using below code
if (Page.User.Identity.Name != "" )
Label1.Text = "Hello";
This will not solve the original post, but want to put this here anyways in case others stumble across this when searching for why user.identity is returning nothing...
In my case User.Identity started returning nothing after updating a users ad username (specifically the pre-windows 2000 username).
The LSA cache on IIS was the issue. Even after restarting the IIS server while troubleshooting the issue persisted. It was not until adding the registry setting outlined here the the issue was fixed:
For a blank return, my solution ended up being the web.config. I'm using Visual Studio 2010, and the default web.config did not work. I replaced it with a nearly empty web.config and then success! Perhaps the default vs2010 web.config called too many references or configured the IIS incorrectly for the use of User.Identity.Name. My system is Windows7.
Default web site web.config from vs2010 was about 100-115 lines long. As you can see below the nearly empty web.config is about 20 lines long.
the web.config that i used:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow roles="Doman Name\Group Name" users="" />
<deny users="*" />
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />
<add accessType="Allow" users="" roles="Doman Name\Group Name" />
In IIS: click on your Site.
In Home Page: Authentication.
In Action menu: Open Feature.
Disable Anonymous Authentication.
Restart Site.
steps 1,2,3
step 4

Issue with forms authentication not working remotely

We have an issue where forms authentication works correctly locally when run from Visual Studio but not remotely from a server running IIS 7. We have also determined that it works correctly on the remote server if we browse to the local site from the server. More specifically, when logging in using the login screen sometimes we are taken into the application and sometimes we are redirected back to the login screen. For the times when we are taken in we are at a one click maximum situation where, if we click on any item inside the site, we are immediately sent back out to the login page. We are using .NET 4.0 We are using location to set permissions on a per directory basis in the web.config:
<location path="Admin">
<allow roles="Administrator"/>
<deny users="*"/>
We have tested that the issue must have something to do with this setting because as soon as we change deny users="" to allow users="" it works when testing remotely to the test server. Again, the issue only occurs when promoting to the test environment and testing remotely and works perfectly when running in Visual Studio or when browsing to the localhost site from the remote server. My guess is an IIS 7 setting but we have played around with a few of the settings to no success.
It has a simple solution. in your IIS 7 click on the top most node(Your server node) then click on "Modules" in IIS part of the home page.
Double click Default Authentication and uncheck the "Invoke only for ..." option
Double click Forms Authentication and uncheck the "Invoke only for ..." option
your forms authentication will work perfectly

Permissions required to use Microsoft.Web.Administration

I'm trying to use IIS 7 management API but stuck with a security issue. My application is regular ASP.NET site running on .NET 4 (integrated pipeline). The machine is Windows 7 x64 (the app pool is default, running under ApplicationPoolIdentity, x64). The site uses the following settings:
<identity impersonate="true" />
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<customErrors mode="Off" />
<deny users="?" />
My site tries to read other site's details via IIS management API (at localhost). I'm logged in as a member of local Administrators. In IE i try to open my page but get this:
Site 'mysite' at 'myhost' is unknown.System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
at Microsoft.Web.Administration.Interop.IAppHostProperty.get_Value()
at Microsoft.Web.Administration.ConfigurationElement.GetPropertyValue(IAppHostProperty property)
at Microsoft.Web.Administration.Site.get_State()
I don't understand why. I'm damn sure the code runs in impersonation context of my account (can see this is debugger watching System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal). What am i doing wrong?
UAC is on, but i believe that's not important.
Checked NTFS permissions on C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config folder - full access for Administrators.
UAC is indeed the root of all evil. Impersonation behavior is broken when it's on. Something is really over-complicated here :(
When UAC is enabled and the current security context is impersonated, the principal reports he's not a member of local Administrators group. But he is. It has something to do with interactive/non-interactive sessions.
Try set temp directory into web.config to folder with full permissions.
<compilation tempDirectory="c:\temp" ... ></compilation>
