Implement User.updatePhoneNumber - react-native-firebase

When reading through the docs I found that updatePhoneNumber is not implemented in react-native-firebase.
The following methods are not supported in RNFirebase as they cannot work in the React Native environment or have a different implementation.
So how would I implement this specific method?

#Salakar from the react-native-firebase team here - support for updatePhoneNumber is landing in the upcoming v5.0.0 release of react-native-firebase.
If you need this sooner and are ok with using a release candidate version of the library then there should be another v5 RC version published by the end of next week with this change included (v5.0.0-rc2) - keep an eye out on discord for an announcement or the releases page on GitHub.


Where is the source code for Airflow backport providers?

I'm looking to edit some code for as I need to use Google Ads Python SDK >= 15 and theres a requirement on the backport provider of google-ads<8.0 during my migration from 1.10.15 to 2.0.
The source code linked goes directly to the apache/airflow/providers which seems to be the same for
So I'm a bit confused as to what code each package is installing or if it's now the same.
You can find specific tag in the source code :
Specifically for the release you are asking:
I assume your question is about are referring to PR Upgrade to support Google Ads v10 This PR will be released with apache-airflow-providers-google in version 7.0.0
It will not be released for backport providers.
Note that backport providers are for Airflow 1.10 series. Since Airflow 1.10 reached end of life there are no more new releases for it - thus there are also no more backport provider releases.

what's the difference between firebase_messaging_web and firebase_messaging, which one should be used for crossplatform projects?

I have a flutter project and I want to integrate firebase push notification in it. I checked and I found two official packages for firebase_messaging the default one and the web version. I'm planning to use same code-base for web, android and ios. In this case which package should I user?
you need to integrate just firebase_messaging plugin it also support web as well, whenever you reached package home page always check its support label which are mentioned on top kindly check attached screenshot of website for your reference.
enter image description here
and firebase_messaging_web only use for web so, you just need to integrate firebase_messaging not both.

What is the latest stable Flutter build to be using Firebase?

I'm trying to add Firebase authentication to my app. I've gone through the process of linking firebase with my app, but when I get to Step 4.6 and try running my app with the Firebase plugins installed, I get the following error:
Note: C:\src\flutter\.pub-cache\hosted\\firebase_core-1.0.2\android\src\main\java\io\flutter\plugins\firebase\core\ uses or overrides a deprecated A
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: C:\src\flutter\.pub-cache\hosted\\firebase_analytics-7.1.1\android\src\main\java\io\flutter\plugins\firebaseanalytics\ uses or overrides a depre
cated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: C:\src\flutter\.pub-cache\hosted\\firebase_auth-1.0.1\android\src\main\java\io\flutter\plugins\firebase\auth\ uses or overrides a deprecated A
From what I understand, I need to wait for the Firebase team to update their plugins before I can use them with the latest version of Flutter
Flutter 2.0.2 • channel stable •
Framework • revision 8962f6dc68 (2 weeks ago) • 2021-03-11 13:22:20 -0800
Engine • revision 5d8bf811b3
Tools • Dart 2.12.1
Does anyone know the latest stable build that the Firebase API works on? These particular errors don't stop the build from completing, however if I try to use the playstore plugin, for example, it crashes the build script. For now I'll try to find a compatible stable build myself. I'll update this post when I find it.
Latest stable flutter build is 2.0.3. Many Firebase plugins have been migrated already to null-safety. Everything is working as a charm for me while using latest versions of dependencies for Firebase from, even for flutter web.
I think it might be something in the play-store plugin implementation however.

How to get matching versions of Firebase SDKs for the C++ SDK

We are going to use Firebase C++ SDK for multiple projects, but we are not using cocoapods so we are manually downloading the Firebase SDKs as pointed out in the documentation from here:
The Firebase readme file from the downloaded C++ SDK ( states the following:
Important: Each version of the Firebase C++ SDK supports a specific version of the Firebase iOS SDK. Please ensure that you reference the Cocoapod versions listed above.
The download link from the documentation doesn't have multiple links for each version.
Edit: modified text and images with correct versions
Is there a place where we can download specific versions of the SKDs?
How can we make sure that the download versions are compatible with each other?
Just downloaded both sdks and from the readme:
- C++ SDK is version 5.6.1 and requires Firebase/Core Cocoapod (5.20.0)
- Objective-C SDK has Firebase version 5.20.2
The Objective-C library is a bigger version then requirement of the C++ one (5.20.2 > 5.20.0) but is this property enough to assure compatibility?
See below images for readmes: - C++ SDK - Objective-C SDK
First off it seems that Google forgot to make a branch for the iOS version 5.20.2 (on git currently only this exists: )
Considering that only the last number was incremented, let's assume there aren't big changes between the two versions, so we can check 5.20.0.
Your issue is that in the C++ SDK's readme for the iOS part they don't specify exactly the obj-c counterparts but the pods version. You can use the pods files though to check if the versions correspond.
For example we can check "Firebase Auth": in the C++ SDK says that it uses the 5.20.0 pod for ios, which is this one:
We can see in the file that the version of Firebase Auth for the obj-c 5.20.0 SDK is 5.4.2, as it is in your readme.
You can do the same for all necessary services to make sure the compatibility is maintained.
I have no idea unfortunately if you can check this in an automatic way.

What happened to sqlite MvvmCross GetConnectionWithLock?

I cannot find a patch note anywhere as to why GetConnectionWithLock is removed from MvvmCross.
It is still listed in the docs but not it no longer exists in the IMvxSqliteConnectionFactory in version 4.4.
Should I just switch to GetConnection now or GetAsyncConnection and should I manually use the lock(object)?
We switched away from using the SQLite.Net-PCL library from Oystein Krogh to use Sqlite-net-pcl from Frank Kreuger, because the former does not seem to get any updates and abandoned by the author. The switch was mainly due to lacking Android N support.
However, we are removing the SQLite plugin in next release, since there is not much point in having a light wrapper which only registers the plugin.
