What is AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport - asp.net

Recently, I noticed about having AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 in the URL when I clear browser cookies. Upon doing a short research, I found out that it is result of cookieless attribute set to "AutoDetetct" in web.config.
The parameter 'AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport' goes away when I visit the URL again. What does 'AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1' mean?

The AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 querystring is added automatically by ASP.NET during the cookie support detection phase. Since cookieless attribute in the web.config file is set to "AutoDetect", the ASP.NET runtime tries to detect whether the user's browser supports cookies, and the querystring parameter is added during that process. If cookies are supported, the Session ID is kept in a cookie, and if not the Session ID is sent in the Url of all future requests by that user.
More information can be found at: https://captcha.com/doc/aspnet/faq/captcha-persistence-faq.html#persistence-querystring


ASP.NET Session lost in Chrome

I post this question cause i've passed lot of time to find the solution and find nothing about this on SO.
I'm using a .NET WebAPI as back end and store the user informations in the session.
For any reasons the session is lost in Chrome.
I receive the Set Cookie with the session id on my first request but the session is not set in Chrome but is set in IE.
I've try to change the web.config several time and change the configuration of the server but nothing changed.
I'm using fetch API for call my services.
Fetch does not send cookies by default. If your cookies are not HTTP only, you have to set them manually in the headers collection.
The issue is on the fetch and not on the server side.
The strange thing is that it's work on IE. Apparently IE don't have the same policy for the fetch API.
You have to make sure to add the property credentials to include or same-origin to keep the session on your request.
Warning : Put credentials to include fire a security error in Chrome.
The same-origin value resolved my problem.
Example of request :

Outputcaching not working with cookies

There was a weird issue yesterday about asp.net's outputcaching (webforms). We were using page-level caching (not partial caching) for a multi-lingual site (language is determined via querystring key) and for some purpose, caching stopped working for some languages. I kept track of GetVaryByCustomString method of Global.asax file but, it didnt worked. I will give more details in answer...
Perhaps you need to set the Shareable attribute on your cookies to true?
If a given HttpResponse contains one or more outbound cookies with
Shareable is set to false (the default value), output caching will be
suppressed for the response. This prevents cookies that contain
potentially sensitive information from being cached in the response
and sent to multiple clients. To allow a response containing cookies
to be cached, configure caching normally for the response, such as
using the OutputCache directive or MVC's [OutputCache] attribute, and
set all outbound cookies to have Shareable set to true.
Thanks to subversion, i kept track of recent commits. We made a mechanism allowing specific users to view some languages that have not been published yet, using cookies instead of session variables. This was the cause of problem. If a request comes to a language which is not the default language, this mechanism checks whether it should allow user to view page. And IMHO if you modify response's cookie collection, asp.net disables outputcache for that request. I tested it and it really disables cache if you add a cookie to response.

Should asp.net_sessionid appear on http request when requireSSL is true

Afternoon Folks,
I was wondering if anyone could give me a heads up with regards to this problem that I'm having. I'm not positive on what I should be seeing I suppose is the main issue that I'm having.
I have changed the web.config to use the following:
<httpCookies requireSSL="true" />
All works fine for the general cookies defined when I make a request over http (as opposed to https) in that they don't appear, however the asp.net_sessionid cookie ( ASP.NET_SessionId=epg3ebjv1hheqe45kgp0j055) still appears. Is this correct behaviour, should it not be missing?
While doing a bit more trawling through the internet I discovered that this is only applicable to forms cookies. It doesn't apply to session cookies. Sickner! However, the following link suggested a fix for it: How to secure the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie?
Which did not sort out my issue unfortunately, the cookie still appears in the request.
The cookie will always appear. If it's secure the content will be encrypted (and it will be transmitted in an encrypted fashion if you're using SSL.
That session ID has to be sent somehow. If you'd rather not have it stored as a cookie, you may want to look into cookie-less sessions. In that case, the session will be part of the URL construct.
Maybe try setting a custom cookie name and using the workaround you found?

Why is Cookie available in Request immediately after setting using Response?

In pageload, if you do Response.Cookies.Add(..., immediately in the next line, you can access that cookie via Request.Cookies(...
I know that under the covers, the cookie is added to Request.Cookies by .net, but the original request never had that cookie.
If what I'm saying is correct, why is it this way? Shouldn't the cookie be available in the following request? Shouldn't the immediate access to Request.Cookies(... be null?
You're right, ASP.NET does do that behind the scenes:
After you add a cookie by using the
HttpResponse.Cookies collection, the
cookie is immediately available in the
HttpRequest.Cookies collection, even
if the response has not been sent to
the client.
-- HttpRequest.Cookies page on MSDN
Why is it like that? At a guess, it's because that's how developers expect it to work.

Remove Cookie Support

My site has the following url format: www.mysite.com/Display.aspx?ID=128
However most users see the url as
How can I avoid &AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 from appearing in the url.
Is it to do something with cookie in web.config, but where? And what would be the implications if I remove that. How to remove?
Session State and Forms Authentication can both be set up in the web.config file to operate without cookies - this is called "cookieless configuration". When this happens, ASP.Net can be set to try to compensate for lack of cookies by using the query string as a cookie substitute. This is what is causing your unwanted querystring parameters.
You should look in your web.config for "cookieless = AutoDetect" or "cookieless = UseUri".
Changing the setting to "cookieless = UseCookies" will ensure that the cookieless feature will not be used, and hence it won't be appending the AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport to your URL.
The implications of this is that users who browse with cookies turned off will not be able to have Session data or use Forms Authentication. This may or may not affect your target audience, you'll have to judge that for yourself.
Edit: Here's the MSDN link for the cookieless feature: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479315.aspx
