Mixing CDI and EJB results in error at start - ejb

we have mixed the usage of CDI and EJB in our application. At startup, we receive the error Caused by: org.jboss.weld.context.ContextNotActiveException: WELD-001303: No active contexts for scope type javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped.
We don't understand where exactly the problem is, so here is just the overall structure of the code:
public class SomeFacade {
private SomeService someService;
public class SomeService {
private SomeDao someDao;
public class SomeDao {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public class EntityManagerProducer {
public EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory() {
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("one");
return emf;
public void close(#Disposes EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) {
public EntityManager createEntityManager(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) {
return entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
Is there something we can change in general?

The error is raised because your code tries to access a request-scoped CDI bean in a moment when there's no request scope. Request scope is only created for incoming requests (HTTP requests via Servlet or JAX-RS, JMS MDBs, asynchronous EJB calls, etc.).
If you get this error during startup, I guess you access a request-scoped bean before CDI is fully started, e.g. from a singleton EJB. Try moving your code into a CDI that starts on start-up after CDI is initialized with:
public class CDIStartupBean {
public void startup(#Observes #Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) Object event) {
// Start-up code here. The CDIStartupBean can inject request-scoped beans

Ondrej, your answer was helpful but was not quite the solution in my case.
First, I somehow resolved the start-up issues, but received the same error when handling arriving messages / REST requests. The solution was to annotate the service class with #ActivateRequestContext. This enabled CDI injections in all classes that are used by the servive.


Running a task in background on jsf form submit

In my JSF application i have a process that takes to long to complete and i don't want that the user keeps waiting till its finish. I'm trying to implement some kind of 'fire and forget task' to run in background.
I'm doing it using an #Asynchronous method. This is the right approach?
My controller:
public class Controller implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6252722069169270081L;
private Record record;
private Service service;
public void save() {
boolean alreadyExists = this.service.existsBy(this.record.getHash());
if (alreadyExists)
Messages.add(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Error", "This record already exists"));
else {
My service:
public class Service extends AbstractService<Record> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6327726420832825798L;
private BeanManager beanManager;
public void save(Record record) {
private void preProcess(Cd cd) {
// Long task running here ...
But even with this approach the user keeps stuck at the page till the preProcess method finishes.
The problem here is that annotations that modify the behavior of EJBs (and CDI beans) are only applied when called by the "proxy" object that gets injected to appropriate injection points, like fields annotated with #EJB or #Inject.
This is because of how the containers implement the functionality that modifies the behavior. The object that the container injects to clients of EJBs (and normal-scoped CDI beans) is actually a proxy that knows how to call the correct instance of the target bean (e.g. the correct instance of e #RequestScoped bean). The proxy also implements the extra behaviors, like #Transactional or #Asynchronous. Calling the method through this bypasses the proxy functionalities! For this reason placing these annotations on non-public methods is effectively a NO-OP!
A non-exclusive list of solutions:
Move preProcess() to a different EJB, make it public and keep the #Asynchronous annotation
Make preProcess() public and call it from the Controller
If the computation is truly private to the Service and exposing it would break design, and ou don't mind doing a bit more manual work, you can always run async tasks from the container-provided ManagedExecutorService:
private ManagedExecutorService managedExecutorService;
Pay attention to the semantics of the thread that executes your code - more specifically to what context values are propagated and what not! Well, you have to pay attention to that for #Asynchronous methods too!

Why do I get an "Ambiguous dependencies for interface" Exception when I'm already uses the #Produces annotation?

I'm using two Messaging Oriented Middleware in my project. RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka. I have an consumer interface IConsume which are implemented by ConsumerRabbitMQ and ConsumerKafka. At startup going through some conditions I use the #Produces annotation to choose an implementation for the Interface Bean that I will inject, but it gives me this error.
Exception 1:
org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001409: Ambiguous dependencies for type IConsume with qualifiers #Default
at injection point [BackedAnnotatedField] #Inject private com.mycompany.chatapp.startup.RunConsumers.ct
at com.mycompany.chatapp.startup.RunConsumers.ct(RunConsumers.java:0)
Possible dependencies:
- Session bean [class com.mycompany.chatapp.messagegateway.ConsumerRabbitMQ with qualifiers [#Any #Default]; local interfaces are [IConsume],
- Producer Method [IConsume] with qualifiers [#Any #Default] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] #Produces public com.mycompany.chatapp.startup.MOMConfigBean.produceIConsume()],
- Session bean [class com.mycompany.chatapp.messagegateway.ConsumerKafka with qualifiers [#Any #Default]; local interfaces are [IConsume]
#Default and #Alternative works, but I want it to choose by checking which of the Middleware is running.
The lookup works, I also tried beanName. I think the problem is with the #Produces, but I can't find to seem what.
import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces;
public class MOMConfigBean {
private String mom;
public void init() {
mom = "Kafka";
#EJB(lookup = "java:global/Chatapp/ConsumerKafka!com.mycompany.chatapp.messagegateway.IConsume")
IConsume kafkaConsumer;
#EJB(lookup = "java:global/Chatapp/ConsumerRabbitMQ!com.mycompany.chatapp.messagegateway.IConsume")
IConsume rabbitConsumer;
public IConsume produceIConsume() {
if ("Kafka".equals(mom)) {
return kafkaConsumer;
} else {
return rabbitConsumer;
public interface IConsume {
// some code
public class ConsumerKafka implements IConsume{
// some code
public class ConsumerRabbitMQ implements IConsume {
// some code
public class runConsumers{
private IConsume ct;
You have three ambiguous sources of IConsume instances:
a ConsumerKafka EJB
a ConsumerRabbitMQ EJB
an #Produces public IConsume produceIConsume() method.
You need to disambiguate the source of the IConsume instances using a qualifier.
This qualifier would look something like:
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import javax.inject.Qualifier;
#Target({METHOD, FIELD})
public #interface ConditionalMom {
Then qualify the producer:
public IConsume produceIConsume() {
if ("Kafka".equals(mom)) {
return kafkaConsumer;
} else {
return rabbitConsumer;
and the injection site:
public class runConsumers{
private IConsume ct;
Now you have a single source of #ConditionalMom IConsume instances so it is no longer ambiguous.
You will find that you will be using qualifiers all over the place as you start to further exploit CDI features.

CDI + EJB 3 + EJB Transaction

I need to audit invocations of ejb beans. Saying audit I mean write informations such as current logged user, method name, additional description to a database. I decided to do it by use of CDI decorator:
public class AccountServiceBeanDecorator implements AccountService {
AccountService accountService;
private AuditService auditService;
public Account createAccount(Account account) {
auditService.saveAudit("Method: createAccount", currentUser, "Creating account by admin");
return accountService.createAccount(account);
and the decorated class:
public class AccountServiceBean implements AccountService {
public Account createAccount(Account account) {
Now if I call AccountService from another ejb stateless bean, what will happen with transaction?:
public ApplicationFacadeBean implements ApplicationFacade {
private AccountService accountService;
public Account createAccount(Account account) {
return accountService.createAccount(account);
I wanted to log transaction status in decorator (AccountServiceBeanDecorator) and decorated class (AccountServiceBean), so I injected TransactionSynchronizationRegistry as a resource in both classes:
public class AccountServiceBeanDecorator implements AccountService {
AccountService accountService;
private AuditService auditService;
private TransactionSynchronizationRegistry reg;
public Account createAccount(Account account) {
log.info("tx ({}): {}", new Object[] {reg.getTransactionStatus(), reg.getTransactionKey()});
auditService.saveAudit("Method: createAccount", currentUser, "Creating account by admin");
return accountService.createAccount(account);
public class AccountServiceBean implements AccountService {
private TransactionSynchronizationRegistry reg;
public Account createAccount(Account account) {
log.info("tx ({}): {}", new Object[] {reg.getTransactionStatus(), reg.getTransactionKey()});
I received strange behavior:
log from decorator
tx (0): JavaEETransactionImpl: txId=6 nonXAResource=null jtsTx=null localTxStatus=0 syncs=[com.sun.ejb.containers.ContainerSynchronization#68fb15d0]]]
NullPointerException on second log (reg is null).
Can anybody explain it to me? Wheter AccountServiceBean class is called within the same transaction as ApplicationFacade?
Thank you
first: i would not mixing ejbs with cdi interceptors. ejbs has it on interceptor implementations.
second: interceptors are executed in the same transaction as the ejb where the interceptor is around.
possible solution:
create a correct ejb interceptor
put the interceptor around the method / class
create a second ejb (MyLoggerBean) with a method like this logToDatabase(String message) and annotate this method with #TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
inside the interceptor create a class member like this: #EJB private MyLoggerBean loggerBean
inside your #AroundInvoke annotated method you could call loggerBean. logToDatabase(...)
this would create a new transaction from inside the current transaction of the ejb where the interceptor is around
--> i know my english is not very good. but i hope that you understand what i think should work. if i have the time, i make e example on github...
Hmm... what container are you using? Generally I wouldn't suspect a CDI decorator to work on an EJB... I can't think of anything in the JEE spec that I've encountered that would give evidence either way.
Faced with your problem though, I did this with an interceptor, not a decorator. These are supported by the EJB spec... Anyway, here's my code, you would need to grab the variables from the context in your case:
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.interceptor.AroundInvoke;
import javax.interceptor.Interceptor;
import javax.interceptor.InvocationContext;
public class InvocationCountInterceptor {
private InvocationCounter counter;
public Object intercept(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {
Object returnValue = ctx.proceed();
Class<? extends Object> className = ctx.getTarget().getClass();
Method methodName = ctx.getMethod();
counter.incrementCounter(className, methodName);
return returnValue;
Then whatever EJB or EJB Method you want to audit, I just added this: #Interceptors(InvocationCountInterceptor.class)

The CDI Stereotype is not worked with EJB Session Bean

I've a CDI Sterotypes which contains some of InterceptorBinding as the following: -
public #interface MyInterceptable {
public class MyInterceptor {
public Object perform(InvocationContext context) throws Exception {
log.info("My Interceptor begin.");
Object result =context.proceed();
log.info("My Interceptor end.");
return result;
public #interface MyStereoable {
When I define this Sterotype at the non-EJB it is worked correctly. The message is printed before and after the doing1() execution.
public class MyCustomized {
public void doning1(){
//print something.
Anyhow, when I've tried to use this with the Stateless EJB, it is not worked. There is no any message printed by the Interceptor.
public interface HelloServiceable extends Serializable {
void doning2();
public class HelloService implements HelloServiceable {
public void doing2() {
//Print something
Then I mix the case 1 and case2 as the following: -
public class HelloService implements HelloServiceable {
private MyCustomized myBean;
public void doing2() {
//Print something
The MyCustomized can be intercepted and the message is printed, but not for the Stateless EJB.
I'm not sure if I am misunderstand or confused about the CDI and EJB or not. Could you please help to advise further? Thank you very much for your help in advance. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Charlee Ch.
I've changed my project from EAR/EJB project to standalone Web project. The CDI Stereotype is now worked with EJB Session Bean.
I've created a small demonstration at github. Please take note, It uses the JBoss Arquillian for testing.
I hope this information maybe useful.
Charlee Ch.

EJB 3.1. Is #Local annotation needed?

So far, I almost always worked with no-interface EJBs and have a slight understanding about the need of #Local annotation. Consider this example:
public interface MyBeanIntf { void doStuff(); }
public class MyBean implements MyBeanIntf { public void doStuff(){ } }
Should the MyBeanIntf be marked as #Local? I don't see any benefit from that, because even when I don't annotate it as #Local, I still can use DI to properly inject it into UI Controller:
public class TestController implements Serializable {
// injection works perfectly, even when MyBeanIntf is not marked as #Local
private MyBeanIntf myBean;
// or even like this:
// #EJB
// private MyBeanIntf myBean;
Let's make it more complex:
public interface MyBeanIntf { void doStuff(); }
public class MySuperBean implements MyBeanIntf { public void doStuff() { } }
public class MyBean extends MySuperBean { }
Is MyBean now considered a valid Local EJB bean? I have some doubts because it implements the interface indirectly.
If your EJB implements some interface but you don't specify (neither on the EJB nor the interface itself) which interface it is (#Remote, #Local) than it's assumed that it's a #Local one.
Therefore your code:
public interface MyBeanIntf { void doStuff(); }
public class MyBean implements MyBeanIntf { public void doStuff(){ } }
is semantically identical to the following:
public interface MyBeanIntf { void doStuff(); }
public class MyBean implements MyBeanIntf { public void doStuff(){ } }
When it comes to the second part of your question, I think that section Session Bean Superclasses from EJB 3.1 FR spec would be interesting for you. From my understanding (so it might not be correct), it seems that your bean should not be considered as exposing a valid Local interface because of the following excerpt:
public class A implements Foo { ... }
public class B extends A implements Bar { ... }
Assuming Foo and Bar are local business interfaces and there is no
associated deployment descriptor, session bean A exposes local
business interface Foo and session bean B exposes local business
interface Bar, but not Foo.
Session bean B would need to explicitly include Foo in its set of
exposed views for that interface to apply.
As an addition one more excerpt from the spec:
A session bean class is permitted to have superclasses that are
themselves session bean classes. However, there are no special rules
that apply to the processing of annotations or the deployment
descriptor for this case. For the purposes of processing a particular
session bean class, all superclass processing is identical regardless
of whether the superclasses are themselves session bean classes.
