I'm using hammerjs like this
this.hammer = new Hammer.Manager(this.canvas);
const pinch = new Hammer.Pinch();
const pan = new Hammer.Pan({
threshold: 5,
this.hammer.add([pinch, pan]);
But if I start panning I can't do a pinch.
When I mean pan and then pinch I mean, put one finger and pan, keep that finger on, add another finger and pinch. Note that you never remove the first finger.
I have a 2D mobile pong game in Unity. I want to move the paddle up and down with finger drag motion. I want the paddle to have a movement speed. I was able to do this in the codes I tried, but the paddle moves at the same speed as my finger and teleports to the position where my finger is.
How can I do?
foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches)
Vector3 touchPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(touch.position);
Vector2 myPosition = rb.position;
if(Mathf.Abs(touchPosition.x - myPosition.x) <=2){
myPosition.y = Mathf.Lerp(myPosition.y, touchPosition.y,10);
myPosition.y = Mathf.Clamp(myPosition.y, -3.7f,3.7f);
rb.position = myPosition;
I'm using ArcRotateCamera, when I click on mesh, I have to focus camera on
var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 300, BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(), scene);
// on mesh click, focus in
var i = 2;
var pickInfo = scene.pick(scene.pointerX, scene.pointerY);
if (pickInfo.hit) {
pickInfo.pickedMesh.actionManager = new BABYLON.ActionManager(scene);
new BABYLON.ExecuteCodeAction(BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPickTrigger,
function (event) {
camera.position = (new BABYLON.Vector3(pickInfo.pickedPoint.x, pickInfo.pickedPoint.y, camera.position.z + i));
i += 2;
this code changes mesh's z position but don't makes it in the center of screen
There are a few things that can be changed in your code.
1st - what you are doing is executing a code action after a click, instead of simply running the code in the callback after a pick has occurred. You are registering a pick action (technically user click) on right on the first frame, but only if the mouse was found in the right location at the right moment. My guess is that it didn't work every time (unless you scene is covered with meshes :-) )
2nd - you are changing the camera's position, instead of change the position to which it is looking. Changing the camera's position won't result in what you want (to see the selected mesh), it will move the camera to a new position while still focusing on the old position.
There are a few ways to solve this. The first is this:
scene.onPointerDown = function(evt, pickInfo) {
if(pickInfo.hit) {
camera.focusOn([pickInfo.pickedMesh], true);
The ArcRotate camera provides focusOn function that focuses on a group of meshes, while fixing the orientation of the camera. this is very helpful. You can see a demo here:
Another solution would be to use the setTarget function:
Which works a bit differently (notice the orientation change of the camera).
Another thing - use the pointer events integrated in Babylon, as they are saving you the extra call for a scene pick. pointer down is executed with the pickinfo integrated in the function, so you can get the picking info of the current pointer down / up / move each frame.
**** EDIT ****
After a new comment - since you want to animate the values, all you need to do is store the current values, calculate the new ones, and animate the values using the internal animation system (documentation here - https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/animations#basic-animation) . There are many ways to achieve this, I took an old function and modernized it :-)
Here is the demo - https://playground.babylonjs.com/#A1210C#53
i am struggling with angles in cocos creator.
I am trying to make my sprite facing my mouse when i am moving it. But i cant make it at all.
Image shows what i want to accomplish
I wanna from this gun to move and face the mouse, just like crosshair.
Ive done some coding, and this is what i have for now:
var canvas = cc.find('Canvas');
var pos = this.node.getPosition();
var ang = pos.angle(event.getLocation());
var degr = cc.misc.radiansToDegrees(ang);
This is in onLoad function and connected to my gun sprite.
I use openlayers3 to build an application
I would like to change the zoomlevel icons are visible at
for example
if you go to London you see airports are visible at zoomlevel 10
lets say I want all touristic icons visible at zoomlevel 10
and airport icons at zoomlevel 15
is this possible?
The most simple solution is to put your markers in different layers and give each layer a minResolution and maxResolution. When the map zooms outside these resolutions the layers will automatically become hidden. Something like:
var touristicIcons = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: touristicIconsSource,
minResolution: xx
maxResolution: xx
// Repeat for airports layer, with different resolutions
Writing down a zoom level as a resolution will not work. You will need to find out what resolution belongs to your desired zoom level. The easiest way to do this is with this little hack, that logs the zoom level and resolution every time you scroll through the map:
map.getView().on('change:resolution', function (event) {
var view = event.currentTarget;
console.log('Zoom: ' + view.getZoom() +
', resolution: ' + view.getResolution());
I've got an issue that I simply can't figure out; probably because I don't have the correct knowledge.
I have a TMX map made in Tiled. The Map is bigger than the screen size (tiles are 32x32pixels and there are 100x100 tiles).
What I want to do is to be able to move the map by swiping the screen.
I've looked at various tutorials online and examined the paddle.m example but still can't get it to work.
All the tutorials I've come across all focus on moving a clamped centered sprite around a map...
Again, what I want to do is to be able to move the map by swiping/sliding the screen; much like when scrolling through your iPod or moving a picture around.
Can anyone help?
Here is my ccTouchMoved code
-(void) ccTouchMoved:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
CGPoint touchPointMap = [touch locationInView: [touch view]];
touchPointMap = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL: touchPointMap];
touchPointMap = [self convertToNodeSpace: touchPointMap];
CCLOG(#"Touch Point Map %lf, %lf", touchPointMap.x, touchPointMap.y);
self.position = CGPointMake(touchPointMap.x, touchPointMap.y);
To illustrate the problem I'm seeing on screen when I swipe the screen using the code above:
It seems that if I touch the center of the screen, the bottom left corner of the map will jump to that touched coordinate and will move with my touch until my touch is lifted.
The Map's bottom left corner will always move to where I begin my touch.
Also while the map is being moved, it flashes like crazy and if moved excessively, disappears entirely.
Thanks again All, much appreciated.
Best and Kind Regards,
I found the solution to the problem.
There's a very bright person in the Cocos2D community who has written a controller to not only pan around organically, but zoom in and out.
Link to Controller, example and preview movie
You wont need to write your touchBegan, Moved and End methods; this Controller does it all for you.
My init
self.theMap = [CCTMXTiledMap tiledMapWithTMXFile: #"city_map.tmx"];
self.bgLayer = [theMap layerNamed:#"bg"];
// boundingRect is the area you wish to pan around
CGRect boundingRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 32*50, 16*50);
theMap.anchorPoint = ccp(0,0);
[self addChild: theMap z: -1];
// _controller is declared in the #interface as an object of CCPanZoomController
_controller = [[CCPanZoomController controllerWithNode:self] retain];
_controller.boundingRect = boundingRect;
_controller.zoomOutLimit = _controller.optimalZoomOutLimit;
_controller.zoomInLimit = 2.0f;
[_controller enableWithTouchPriority:0 swallowsTouches:YES];