Azure CosmosDB how to query against a physical partition - azure-cosmosdb

I'm trying to execute a very large query that needs to return millions of records, so I want to partition the query and use multiple machines to process the results.
My logical partition key would be a UUID of a document, so that will not be very helpful for me to allocate different parts to each worker node. Can I get the physical partition ID and execute my query only within a particular physical partition?
Here's what I have tried:
FeedOptions feedOptions = new FeedOptions();
client.queryDocuments(collectionPath, "SELECT * FROM e where e.docType
= 'address'", feedOptions).flatMapIterable(FeedResponse::getResults);
But changing the partitionKeyRangeId doesn't seem to change the results at all.
Please advise.

Per my knowledge, it can't be performed within a particular physical partition so far. I could't find any parameters related to physical partition in Cosmos DB Rest Api. The PartitionKeyRangeId you mentioned in your code is used in change feed requests.
Based on the statement in official doc, we can't manage physical partitions in cosmos db:
Azure Cosmos DB will automatically scale the number of physical
partitions based on your workload. So you shouldn’t corelate your
database design based on the number of physical partitions instead you
should make sure to choose the right partition key which determines
the logical partitions.
However, since cosmos db is flexible,available and enlightened, you could submit feedback to ask for further assistant if you do have such requirements related to physical partitions.
Hope it helps you.
Update Answer:
There are many ways to improve the performance of processing large volumes of data, I just give some personal advice here.
1.You could tried to consider choosing a partition key that is more appropriate than the UUID for greatly improve performance.
2.Try using page size to limit the number of items per query, then implement query and process parallelism by multithreading.
3.Increase the RUs setting to promote performance.
More ideas,please refer to this doc.


CosmosDb - Determining best partitionKey when only fetching data by their Id

I’ve been dabbling with CosmosDb and am now starting to get in the range of over 10k documents instead of just a few.
I’m struggling with how best to partition.
Some background
• I will have 10-50k documents in CosmosDb (maybe more in later phases)
• I have an index on top of those in Azure Search, for a small subset of these document’s properties)
• I will NOT be performing complex searches in CosmosDb
• I will be fetching documents from cosmosDb by their Id (most likely coming from Azure Search results, when the user clicks one of the results)
o Initially only 1 document will be requested
o Possibly, in the future, I might ask for e.g. 10 documents at the same time, all by their Id.
I currently have 1 partition, which feels like a waste of a good system.
I could partition on e.g. the last digit of the document number, which would give a nice spread of documents across 10 partitions.
My concrete question:
If I spread data equally (almost randomly, to be honest) across 10 partitions, does that speed up fetching documents by Id (assuming many simultaneous calls to the system, each fetching 1 document by Id).
My reasoning: The last digit would determine the partition, so only 1 partition would be accessed to find the document, which is better than searching all partitions at the same time?
Spreading data across partitions does not make things faster on the read path in a partitioned data store. Where it helps is on the write path because you are spreading the load out horizontally across many computers simultaneously. And this only matters where the amount of throughput overloads what a single partition can achieve. For Cosmos DB this is 10,000 RU.
The key to fast reads is to indicate the partition key value in your read. The partition key is basically a router to where your data is stored. Once there it uses the index (or id in your case) to find the data.
There's some articles that provide some details on partitioning that are helpful.
Partitioning in Azure Cosmos DB
How to model and partition data on Azure Cosmos DB using a real-world example
Hope this helps.

Cosmos DB - Slow COUNT

I am working on an existing Cosmos DB where the number of physical partitions is less than 100. Each contains around 30,000,000 documents. There is an indexing policy in place on "/*".
I'm just trying to get a total count from SQL API like so:
SELECT VALUE COUNT(1) FROM mycollection c
I have set EnableCrossPartitionQuery to true, and MaxDegreeOfParallelism to 100 (so as to at least cover the number of physical partitions AKA key ranges). The database is scaled to 50,000 RU. The query is running for HOURS. This does not make sense to me. An equivalent relational database would answer this question almost immediately. This is ridiculous.
What, if anything, can I change here? Am I doing something wrong?
Microsoft support ended up applying an update to the underlying instance. In this case, the update was in the development pipeline to be rolled out gradually. This instance got it earlier as a result of the support case. The update related to using indexes to service this type of query.

DocumentDB partitions sizes

According to docs, documents with different partitionKey may end up in same partition but documents with same partitionKey are guaranteed to end up in same partition.
Now, lets consider a case where you have partitionKey with cardinality=100 (for example 100 tenants).
Initially, all data is roughly equally distributed across partitions.
Lety say you end up with partitions of about 50GB size. I would assume in that case you might have a few partition keys contained within same partition. Then, all of the sudden your 2 tenants grow exponentially and they go to 200GB size.
Since partition have 250GB limit, now you're in problem.
How is this being solved?
Is DocumentDB partitioning handling this moving to separate partitions?
Should we (and are we even able to) view data/storage consumption per partitionKey (not partition)?
If someone could shed a bit of light to these dilemas as i couldnt find answers to these specific questions in docs.
Currently, the logical partition for Single partition key cannot exceed 10GB. It means you have to ensure that at any given point of the time your logical partition does not exceed 10GB.
Source MSDN
A logical partition is a partition within a physical partition that stores all the data associated with a single partition key value. A logical partition has a 10 GB max.
On your question.
How is this being solved?
Choosing the appropriate partition key and ensure it is well balanced. If you anticipate that a tenant data might grow beyond 10GB, then having tenant id as partition key is not an option. You have to have something else as a partition key which can be scalable.
Is DocumentDB partitioning handling this moving to separate partitions?
Yes, CosmosDB will take care of Physical Partition handling.
Should we (and are we even able to) view data/storage consumption per partitionKey (not partition)?
Yes, In the Azure portal, go to Azure Cosmos DB account and click on Metrics in Monitoring section and then on right pane click on storage tab to see how your data is partitioned in different physical partition

CosmosDB transactions per partition

I am looking at CosmosDB partitioning facility and what I have got so far is that it is good for performance. It can really help us in avoiding the fanout queries but I have got stuck into one question with partitioning. For partitioning in write if I have got different type of documents, can be thousands of them, belong to same partition the write operation will be slow but if I give them different partition key then I will lose the transactional behaviour because store procedures are scoped to one transaction.
My use case is I have got different type of documents within same collection and at one given time i will be updating and inserting thousands of different type of documentation and I have to do that within the same transaction which means I have to use the same key but if I do that then I will be doing HOT write operation which is not suggested in CosmosDB. Anyhelp on how to achive this issue will be be appreciated.
People use stored procedures to batch their documents and today it does constrain you to one partition. However, be aware of other limitations that your partition key should be as such that your documents fan out in different partitions. So your one batch can be for one partition key and next batch is for another.
read more here
hope this help.
Its tricky.. I do have a large set of docs within a single partition at the moment, maybe later on I would need to redesign the collection. Right now I am using a bulk insert/update lib in CosmosDB. Link Way faster for large data inserts/updates, its Microsoft backed library, however it supports transactional behaviour but only withing a single partition. So at the moment, I am safe.

How to strike a performance balance with documentDB collection for multiple tenants?

Say I have:
My data stored in documetDB's collection for all of my tenants. (i.e. multiple tenants).
I configured the collection in such a way that all of my data is distributed uniformly across all partitions.
But partitions are NOT by each tenant. I use some other scheme.
Because of this data for a particular tenant is distributed across multiple partitions.
Here are my questions:
Is this the right thing to do to maximum performance for both reading and writing data?
What if I want to query for a particular tenant? What are the caveats in writing this query?
Any other things that I need to consider?
I would avoid queries across partitions, they come with quite a cost (basically multiply index and parsing costs with number of partitions - defaults to 25). It's fairly easy to try out.
I would prefer a solution where one can query on a specific partition, typically partitioning by tenant ID.
Remember that with partitioned collections, there's stil limits on each partition (10K RU and 10GB) - I have written about it here
It depends upon your usage patterns as well as the variation in tenant size.
In general for multi-tenant systems, 99% of all operations are within a single tenant. If you make the tenantID your partition key, then those operations will only touch a single partition. This won't make a single operation any faster (latency) but could provide huge throughput gains when under load by multiple tenants. However, if you only have 5 tenants and 1 of them is 10x bigger than all the others, then using the tenantID as your key will lead to a very unbalanced system.
We use the tenantID as the partition key for our system and it seems to work well. We've talked about what we would do if it became very unbalanced and one idea is to make the partition key be the tenantID + to split the large tenants up. We haven't had to do that yet though so we haven't worked out all of those details to know if that would actually be possible and performant, but we think it would work.
What you have described is a sensible solution, where you avoid data skews and load-balance across partitions well. Since the query for a particular tenant needs to touch all partitions, please remember to set FeedOptions.EnableCrossPartitionQuery to true (x-ms-documentdb-query-enablecrosspartition in the REST API).
DocumentDB site also has an excellent article on partitioned collections and tips for choosing a partition key in general.
