BizTalk pipeline custom component disassemble with no document schema - biztalk

I am going to parse and format the flat file input based on the business logic stored in SQL server database tables. I don’t have a document schema for the input. I wrote a C# custom component class for the disassemble. When I use the custom component in Disassemble stage in receive pipeline, I am getting document schema not found error.
Did anyone come across with same situation and handled it differently? .

BizTalk routes messages using the 'MessageType' property (The namespace + the root node name of the XML in the message) in the context portion of the message. You don't have that with your design so it doesn't know what to do with it.
You can:
handle each type of flat file separately by parsing and assigning a unique message type
distill the content into one type of message
wrap the content of the file in an 'envelope'
You'll need to create a schema for any of those choices.
Namespaces and routing are a spiffy way to handle changes to file structure. If you include the version of the file in the namespace BizTalk can route the message to the code that handles that kind of message for you. You can continue to handle old style messages as well as new formats. We handle pilot programs that way.


MarkLogic I don't know how to get all the result

Hello I am trying to read a module with this code:
(: Entry point - must be a read-only query. :)
(xs:QName('var1'), 'test',
xs:QName('var2'), "response"))
I am new in MarkLogic, I am using groovy and the api to connect to it, but also I saw I can invoke the module with this and indeed I did but it returns me
your query returned an empty sequence
I want to know if I can query xs:QName('var1'), 'test', changing test with a wildcard or how can I get all the information from the file called /path/mydocument.xqy?
I tried to use this:
but it says the file is not found. Although, if I use invoke I can query it, but I don't know what are the values I have to pass. I was wondering if there is something like sql using %% or something to give me all the data.
To answer the first question: "I am trying to read a module "
IF the module is in the database, then you must query the Modules database in which the module resides.
If the module is in the filesystem then you cannot directly access its source as a document but you can by executing xdmp:filesystem-file()
With the Default configuration of the server and REST client, user placed modules are in the "Modules" database and user placed documents are in the "Documents" database. This means, if you do a GET (read a "Document") with no additional parameters, it will return documents from the "Documents" database. Assuming you are using the default configuration for client and server, this would result in the behavior you are seeing. E.g. your Module code is in the Modules database, doing a GET for it by name will search the Documents database and correctly not find it.
You don't mention, and I don't know, the groovy library being used, but the REST API itself and all implementations of general purpose ML REST client libraries I am familiar with have options for overriding the default database with another. If the groovy library supports that, then specify the "Modules" database for your query and it should return the module document. Note: content-type will be application/text not text/xml.
You can simplify things for testing by bypassing the libraries and simply use a browser and try a URL like this
Making the appropriate changes to the path and server for your use.
If you are still confused, then you should start with the basic MarkLogic tutorials and work through them one by one. You will most likely succeed faster by doing this then jumping straight into coding you don't understand yet.
Note: The default behaviour is to EXECUTE documents when doing a GET call, using the Modules database. Thus doing a GET of http://yourserver:8000/your/module.xqy will EXECUTE it not return its source.
You will notice the REST API has a uri query parameter. This is EXECUTING the REST API code on /v1/documents which in turn will read the document specified by the uri and database parameters and return it.
I guess I can use:
xs:QName("letter"),"*", "wildcarded"),
xs:QName("collection"),"*", "wildcarded"))))
although it doesn't return anything

BizTalk 2013 - execute stored procedure on send port without orchestration?

A while back I set up BizTalk to pick up a file via FTP and drop it into a network directory. It's all passsthru so I didn't use an orchestration.
Now I've been asked to execute a stored procedure once the file is picked up. The procedure contains no parameters and I do not need the contents of the file.
It seems like such a simple request but I can't figure it out. Is there any way to do this without over complicating things?
This can be accomplished through the use of either the WCF-SQL adapter or the WCF_Custom adapter with a SQL binding. You can do this using messaging only with just a SendPort with a filter/map on it thus no orchestration needed.
For the SOAP action header use TypedProcedure/dbo/name_of_your_stored_procedure and in the messages tab you can specify the paramters to the stored procuders as well as add a payload in the following manner:
<name_of_your_stored_procedure xmlns="">
<bts-msg-body xmlns="" encoding="string"/>
In the above case xml_parameter will have the contents of the message payload passed to it.
The stored procedure should look something like :
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[name_of_your_stored_procedure]
#parameter1 int,
#xml_parameter nvarchar(max)
-- your code goes here
More details can be found here
Regards Hasse
This MSDN page describes the process and has this to say: "You must create a BizTalk orchestration to use BizTalk Server for performing an operation on SQL Server."
However if you're really desperate not to use an orchestration I believe you have the option of setting the operation context property in a custom pipeline component. Then you can initialise the message in a map on a port. In theory this should work but I can't guarantee it.

Pool Multiple Messages with BizTalk 2006 SQL Adapter

I have a StoredProcedure that returns a simple table containing several records:
DECLARE #STEPS_TABLE AS TABLE (OrchestrationID uniqueidentifier, [Message] nvarchar(1000));
I used the SQL Transport Schema Generation Wizard to create my schema and could configure the port correctly. If I use this schema on my orchestration, it works perfectly. BizTalk starts one instance of the orchestration everytime the #STEPS_TABLE has more than 1 record.
Reading Microsoft technical documentation, they recommend to get several messages in one call and then use the XML pipeline to disassemble the multi-row BizTalk message into a single-row BizTalk message.
I haven't used the XML pipeline before, so I tried the provided steps but couldn't get it to work.
Could somebody provide me a link to a "how to" (didn't find anything until now, after several hours of searching) or give me some hints to succeed.
Thanks in advance.
... some hours later I could figure it out myself. So if anybody comes across the same issue as me, here you have some guidelines to make it work on your environment.
At the end I followed a different walkthrough from Microsoft and avoided the pipeline recommendation altogether. The documentation I found is called "Disassembling Result Sets Using the SQL Adapter" and does exactly what i was looking for. You can just follow the whole walkthrough from Microsoft but avoid the creation of the send port and make some little adjustment on the receive port.
After following the technical document you will end up with two schemas, I will call them message and envelope (contains several messages) for the sake of this excercise. In your orchestration you can create a receiving port that maps to the message and then when you configure it as a SQL Port and you link it to your stored procedure (or select statement), you only have to change the Document Root Element Name to the envelope root name; the XML Receive pipeline (provided by default in BizTalk 2006) will do the magic of disassembling the messages contained in the envelope and instantiating an orchestration for each message.
The Microsoft "Disassembling Result Sets Using the SQL Adapter" walkthrough can be found under:
Mission accomplished :)

Flash Builder Localhost works 100% Remote Host just shows title of Object for every entry

I have finally gotten my Flash Builder to look at my remote services but now I have a problem that my Remote information, which should be the same except for alot more entries, just displays each object with the title [object Object] I have had a look around and I see if I test the service out locally, it is working as it calls all the information under Response Name 'object and Response Value 'Object'
On my localhost configuration this shows the name which is inside my Object items. How can I fix this?
[object Object] is the result of the toString() method of Object. If you get this it probably means your custom object type is being returned as a generic object from the remote AMF service. A lot of things could be the cause of this. Here are a few to check:
1) Make sure that your custom object type is compiled into the app. IF the object is never used explicitly the Flex compiler will not put it in the final SWF. You can do this by creating a fake variable:
private var myUnusedObject : MyCustomObjectType;
Or, I believe, there is a compiler flag to force unused classes to be compiled into the SWF.
2) You may have to add a formal mapping on your server. This depends primarily on what server side tech you're using. In AS3 you add a RemoteAlias metadata to the class. In ColdFusion you use the alias tag on the cfcomponent tag. I believe in WerbORB.NET I had to add the mapping in an XML Config file [but it's been years since I've done that]. I assume alternate technologies use similar approaches.
3) Check case sensitivity on the path names for your server code and make sure that the aliases (mentioned in 2) match.
4) In ColdFusion AMF you have to make sure that your public properties and types match up. They must be in the same order in your AS3 class as they are in your remote CFC. The property types must match. String to String; Boolean to Boolean, etc... I assume other AMF implementations have similar restrictions.

using wcf-sql adapter

I need to poll the data in xml format and map it to the EDI 834.........
I have written the stored procedure using for xml auto,element
when i consume it using add adapter metadata i am getting a xml message....
but i need to use this xml message to map it to the EDI834 ....How to get the structure of xml so that i can use that in map....
I also followed
this thread and generated the schems using xml polling and mapped that to EDI834.
But when i use the map into outbound map...It doesnt map the polling data to edi 834..
The WCF-SQL adapter removes the need to use the 'for xml auto, elements' syntax. This is a legacy leftover from the old Sql Adapter.
Just write your stored procedure in a manner to return a consistent result set, then generate metadata against the stored procedure. The adapter framework will create an appropriate schema based on the metadata returned from your stored procedure.
Then simply map the data from your WCF-SQL schema to your EDI834 schema.
Create the stored procedure that returns xml (or xml part) by using the FOR XML PATH syntax
-Setup a receive location using WCF-SQL. Select XmlPolling. Choose a rootname and namespace for the adapter to wrap around the xml returned from SQL (mandatory).
-Set Polling Statement to: exec [SPNAME]
-Set PollDataAvailableStatement to something appropriate that will return a count > 0 if there are rows/xml to be polled.
-Use passthrureceive pipeline for the receive-location
-Set up a send port (FILE) that subscribes to everything that comes from the receiveport used for the receivelocation.
-Start the application. Examine the XML returned from the adapter.
-In VS generate a schema using well-formed XML (Add->Add generated Items->Generate Schemas) (NOTE: You may have to run the InstallWFX.vbs found under the BizTalk SDK/Utilities/Schema generator, if you have not already done this earlier on the machine).
-Choose the xml file generated by the adapter (give the file a name representing the schema you are trying to create).
-Now you should have a schema representing the xml returned by the adapter, you may have to go through the schema manually and change data types to something more appropriate than what the wizard has chosen.
