Image scaling is ignored when adding QLabel with image at runtime - qt

I am trying to add a QLabel with an image to my GUI at runtime, but the scaling is ignored and the image expands to its full size (which is larger than the screen), ignoring the size constraints and not scaling the contents correctly.
The image should be fit into the bottom, left side of the window, as my GridLayout describes here:
headerPnl= new HeaderPnl();
buttonPnl = new ButttonPnl;
mainContentPnl = new QStackedWidget;
mainLayout = new QGridLayout;
mainLayout->addWidget(headerPnl, 0, 0, 1, 7);
mainLayout->addWidget(mainContentPnl, 1, 0, 10, 6);
mainLayout->addWidget(buttonPnl, 1, 6, 10, 1);
The header goes across the top, the button panel goes along the right side, and the rest of the screen is changing depending on the workflow of the application (ie what buttons are pressed, etc).
When necessary, my GUI replaces the widgets and updates the GUI like this:
void MainWindow::setContentPane(QWidget *content){
mainLayout->replaceWidget(contentPnl, content);
contentPnl = content;
void MainWindow::setButtonPanel(QWidget *buttonPanel){
mainLayout->replaceWidget(buttonPnl, buttonPanel);
buttonPnl = buttonPanel;
void MainWindow::configureWelcome(){
QLabel *welcomeLbl = new QLabel;
CustomWidget *welcomeWidget = new CustomWidget;
QHBoxLayout *welcomeLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
CustomWidget *buttonPnl = createWelcomeButtonPanel();
How can I make this image fit inside the GridLayout properly? It seems like when adding widgets to a layout that has already been set, the GUI doesn't know how to handle the size constraints from the GridLayout. Replacing the buttons works fine, but adding an image does not.
Side question: I have been trying to stay away from a QStackedWidget, as this application is designed for a lower power system, and it doesn't make sense to me to create all the possible screens and add them all to a QStackedWidget when the application starts. Instead I would rather use the resources when necessary, and only create all the GUI elements when I need to (ie, when the right buttons are clicked). Does that make sense?

Did you had a QSizePolicy to the widget containing the QGridLayout? I suggest an horizontal and vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed.
In your first code segment add :


Fill the QLabel/QGraphics widget placed in the grid with the image

I have placed two QGraphicsView's and one QLabel inside a horizontal layout (QHBoxLayout) with its layoutStretch set to 1, 1, 1. The problem is when I try to load images inside them, the images does not fill the widgets area. Here is the code:
QPixmap pix1("image1.jpg");
pix1 = pix1.scaled(ui->label1->size());
QPixmap pix2("image2.jpg");
pix2 = pix2.scaled(ui->graphicsView1->size());
QPixmap pix3("image3.jpg");
pix3 = pix3.scaled(ui->graphicsView2->size());
And here is the undesired output:
I have tried setting HorizontalPolicy and VerticalPolicy property of widget to Expanding and also Minimum, but none of them helped either.
Set size policy to QSizePolicy::Ignored and scale with Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding:
ui->label1->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored);
pix1 = pix1.scaled(ui->label1->size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding);
You probably want to scale pixmaps in resizeEvent().

Resizing child widget with keeping aspect ratio when parent widget resized

I have four widgets in a QWidgets named FourWindowWidget I am trying to put these four widgets in FourWindowWidget as one at top and remaining under that while the top one should always have 70% of the size of FourWindowWidget. I tried following :
QSize size = ui->FourWindowWidget->size();
QHBoxLayout * lay = new QHBoxLayout();
QGridLayout * mainlay = new QGridLayout;
delete ui->FourWindowWidget->layout();
Now the problem is now View1 have fixed size but size of FourWindowWidget is not fixed. It changes when I remove any other widget around it like closing dock widget. This resize is expected, or say I don't want to make it fixed. So when ever FourWindowWidget get resized its child widgets should be as per ratio set. But I am unable to do this cause
1. There is no any signal that inform resize so the height of internal widget will be calculated.
2. No other way I found to set 70% height of top widget rather than setFixedHeight in grid layout.
I have tried with setting QSizePolicy to setHieghtForWidth but iit is not a working solution.
Please suggest me to do this by any way.
The Question is kind of duplicat of Resizing Qt Widgets based on Window size but there nobody answered.
Setting the stretch factor for your layout should work. I'm not sure why you are using a grid layout for this, when you are adding everything in the same column, but here is an example that works:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
gridLayout = new QGridLayout;
label1 = new QLabel("l1");
label2 = new QLabel("l2");
label3 = new QLabel("l3");
label4 = new QLabel("l4");
gridLayout->addWidget(label1, 0, 0);
gridLayout->addWidget(label2, 1, 0);
gridLayout->addWidget(label3, 2, 0);
gridLayout->addWidget(label4, 3, 0);
In this example label1 will take 70% of the available vertical space, while the other labels will take combined 30% of the available vertical space.

Prevent widgets stretching in QVBoxLayout and have scrollbar appear in QScrollArea?

Making my way up the Qt learning curve, I've seen many questions about dynamic layouts but the solutions aren't working for me or I don't quite understand them.
Reference questions:: Qt Scroll Area does not add in scroll bars, How can i make widgets overflow to make a scrollbar appear in Qt?
Question:: I want to have a dynamic layout of a set of widgets within a QScrollArea. I've been able to do this manually in Qt Creator and now I am trying to do it through code.
How do I prevent the widgets from stretching/force the area to scroll?
How do I have the added widgets start from the top? I have a vertical spacer in my QVBoxLayout but that pushes everything to the bottom.
Simple test code::
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
ui->myScroll->setWidgetResizable(true); //making sure this is set
QPushButton *b = new QPushButton(this);
b->setText(QString("Hello Button"));
QHBoxLayout *h = new QHBoxLayout();
Result:: Left side squished (dynamic) – Right side Ok (set up manually)
Qt Creator Setup:: Left side: dynamic – Right side set up manually
You can set use setMinimumHeight() on your buttons for preventing squished buttons. The layout can be configured with setContentsMargin() for space between item-border and item-content (QtDesigner has all four directions set to 9 IIRC) and setSpacing() for space between items (QtDesigner uses a default of 6). Also setWidgetResizable(true) allows your scrollarea to resize the view widgeth inside the area (this is where your layout and children are being placed).
This works for me:
In constructor or code set scrollArea->widget() to hold the QVBoxLayout:
v = new QVBoxLayout;
In Button Slot:
void MainWindow::pushButtonPressed()
QPushButton *b = new QPushButton(this);
b->setText(QString("Hello Button"));
QHBoxLayout *h = new QHBoxLayout();

Need to display the widgets inside my QListWidget with an offset, basically shifted a bit to the right

I have a panel.ui file done using QTDesigner. It's a QFrame class, rectangular shape with few labels on it. And I have a QListWidget class where I insert 3 instances of the panel.ui.
I create a QListWidgetItem and then use List->SetItemWidget(..) to populate my list.
The Result is a list filled with three panels. I was also able to move the panels inside the list using dragDropMode internalMove.
I also tested the ability to shift the panels a bit to the right when I click on them and that worked:
in procedure List::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
Panel *child = static_cast<Panel*>(childAt(event->pos()))
int y= child->pos().y();
int x = child->pos().x();
child->move (x +10, y); `
Problem: When I run the app and display the list, I want all the panels to be displayed with that 10 offset to the right. So in the List constructor and inside the loop after this->setItemWidget(myPanelItem, myPanel); I try using myPanel->move() like above but it doesn't seem to work.
I run the app, the panels are displayed without my offset ( not sure why?) but when I click on one, it shifts.
move() won't work reliably since the widgets are in a layout. (Well, not a layout as in a QLayout, but the effect is comparable: When any metric in your application changes, e.g. you resize or scroll the list, the widgets are repositioned by the list widget.)
What you can do is wrap your actual widget in a container widget with a layout margin:
QWidget* wrapIntoContainerForOffset(QWidget* widget, int offset /*in pixels*/) {
QWidget* container = new QWidget;
QHBoxLayout* layout = new QLayout(container);
layout->setContentsMargins(/*left=*/ offset, /*others=*/ 0, 0, 0);
return container;
Then you add these containers to the listwidget instead.
Have You tried StyleSheets. The QListWidget supports Box model( ). So You may want to try playing around with margins in the stylesheets.
Style sheet reference:

Qt, making UI that shrinks and expands

I'm trying to learn how to create the layout of my Qt Symbian application so that it will expand/shrink and fit into the screen size of different devices.
In my default ui I have added a QTabWidget with five tabs that I want to fit into the screen of the device. I have two problems:
How can I make the tabs to shrink to always fit into the screen of the device, or is that not possible? What if one device has a width of 240px and another a width of 400px. As you can see now (Nokia Emulator) the tabs go outside of the screen. (And I don't want to use ScrollButtons)
As you can see in the red part of the picture (Nokia Emulator
) there is some spacing in the UI that I don't want. Instead I want the QTabWidget to fill the whole screen (all the red part).
In summary I'm learning right now and it would be great if you could give me some tips about where to look for more info regarding these problems with building an UI that fits into many devices and screen resolutions. Thanks!
This is the code in my UI file:
void setupUi(QMainWindow *UITest)
if (UITest->objectName().isEmpty())
UITest->resize(284, 167);
QSizePolicy sizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
centralwidget = new QWidget(UITest);
verticalLayout = new QVBoxLayout(centralwidget);
tabWidget = new QTabWidget(centralwidget);
tab = new QWidget();
tabWidget->addTab(tab, QString());
...More tabs...
} // setupUi
void retranslateUi(QMainWindow *UITest)
UITest->setWindowTitle(QApplication::translate("UITest", "UITest", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
UITest->setStyleSheet(QApplication::translate("UITest", "background: red;\n" "padding: 0px;", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
tabWidget->setStyleSheet(QApplication::translate("UITest", "background: white;\n" "margin: 0px;\n" "padding: 0px;", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
} // retranslateUi
In main.cpp showMaximized() is used to show my widget as I also want the menu buttons in the bottom.
How do you show the widget? I suggest using the showFullScreen method to show it - that might do it.
