Compute field - insert into m2m relation table - sql-insert

In model project.task I create many2many field x_something linked to another model.
So, in this relation table there is a field id from project.task and another model.
And in another field of project.task I wanna write a function in compute section and in this function I wanna insert a record into this relation table by: "INSERT INTO x_table_rel VALUES (value_a,value_b)" )
values are inserted but I don't see connection in odoo, it's blank.
What did I miss?

Will you please post the code you're trying to work with?
Odoo has a system for creating related tables.
in each class declare
related_class_id= fields.Many2many('related.class','related_table_name', 'current_class_id', 'related_class_id')
then in one of the classes set the related_class_id.
This should set the relationship.


Providing default value for unmapped column in SQL Compare

Is it possible to provide a default value or a query to provide a value to an unmapped column in the target table using Redgate SQL Data Compare?
To explain the scenario I have a configuration database that holds settings data for several database instances. The data is all in the same shape, but the config database has an additional InstanceID field in most tables. This allows me to filter my compare to only compare against the InstanceID relating to the source Instance database. However if I generate Insert scripts they fail because the Target Instance ID fields are non nullable. I want to provide a default value that is then used in the Insert Scripts. Is this doable?
SQL Data Compare doesn't have an easy way of doing this I'm afraid.
There is one way to do it - you could create a view that selects everything from the source table along with a computed column, which just provides the "default value" that you want to insert. Then you can map the view to the table in the target database and compare them, deploying from the result.
I hope this helps.

Conditionally add columns in SQLite

I've seen enough answers to know you can't easily check for columns in SQLITE before adding. I'm trying to make a lazy person's node in Node-Red where you pass a message to SQLITE which is the query. Adding a table if it does not exist is easy.
msg.topic='create table IF NOT EXISTS fred (id PRIMARY KEY);'; node.send(msg);
it occurred to me that adding a table which had the names of the fields would be easy - and if the field name is not in the table.... then add the field. BUT you can't add multiple fields at once - so I can't do this...
msg.topic='create table IF NOT EXISTS fred (id PRIMARY KEY, myfields TEXT);'; node.send(msg);
The problem with THAT is that I can't add this in later, there's no way to check before adding a field it the table exists!
This is what I WANT
msg.topic='create table IF NOT EXISTS fred (id PRIMARY KEY, myfields TEXT);'; node.send(msg);
msg.topic='if not (select address from myfields) alter table fred add column address text';
I just cannot think of any way to do this - any ideas anyone (the idea is that the node-red node would input a table, field and value and if the table didn't exist it would be created, if the field didn't exist it would be created, all before trying to add in the value).
You won't be able to make the ALTER TABLE conditional in the SQL itself. You'll need to handle that from your calling script.
Alternately, simply attempt to add the column to the table and accept failure as an outcome. Assuming the table exists, the only failure reason you could encounter is that the column already exists.
If you'd like to do something more graceful, you can check if the column exists in advance, then conditionally run the SQL from your calling application.

Entity Framework hides n to n table

I have the following tables created using SQL Server management studio (I must not let EF create the DB because I need customized indexing along with something else).
Table A (AId)
Table B (BId)
Table AB(AId, BId)
There are foreign key constrains setup so A - B is a n-n relationship.
Now, when I import the model into EF, the relationship is displayed as * - * (which is correct), but Table AB is gone. This is not what I want! I want to have the ability to manually manage the relationship. How can I have EF show this table?
(the reason is the way EF manage relationship through strongly typed objects is counter performance - e.g. I want to manually create a B and link it to some As (I know the ID) without selecting those As and adding it in B's collection)
As Slauma stated it is possible to add a dummy field, but more importantly you can remove that dummy field and still have the link table.
Simple create the table AB, with an extra column called "Dummy" for example. Generate your model from this table. The table will now be included in the model.
Now got to the database and drop the "Dummy" column.
You can now either refresh the model from the database of simple delete the mapping for the "Dummy" column. You now have the link table in your EF model.
It's not possible to force EF to expose the link table as an entity when you create the model via database first - unless you change the schema in a way that EF does not consider the table as a pure many-to-many link table anymore, for example by adding a "dummy column" to the table. When you are using Code-First however, you can manually create an entity for the link table with two one-to-many relationships between A and AB and between B and AB.
I am not convinced by your argument why you want to do that...
I want to manually create a B and link it to some As (I know the ID)
without selecting those As and adding it in B's collection.
...because you don't need to load any entities from the database if you know the key values. You can use attached stub entities in order to create the relationships and write entries into the link table:
var newB = new B { As = new List<A>() };
foreach (var aId in someAIdCollection)
var existingA = new A { Id = aId };
No database query is involved here and the resulting SQL commands are the same like inserting an AB link entity directly.

Dynamic Data Site doesn't filter by nchar field

I have 2 tables that have a foreign-key relationship through the field that has nchar type.
Database designer successfully created relationship and displays it on database diagram. But entity model created doesn't have this relationship, and as a result dynamic data site doesn't allow automated filtering by that parameter.
Is it possible to force that relationship be mapped to entity data model?
If no, how to apply filter on that field?
Dav Check if your foreign table have primary key or not. I faced same problem but after adding primary key to foreign it got resolved. Please try once.
If still you are facing problem you can use FilterUIHint annotation to do it.

How should I go about making sure the value pairs in this table are unique?

I am using Visual Web Developer and Microsoft SQL server. I have a tag table "Entry_Tag" which is as follows:
I want to make the entry_id and tag_id pairing unique. A particular tag can only be applied to an entry once in the table. I made the two columns a primary key. They are also both foreign keys referencing the ids in their respective tables. When I dragged the tables into the Object Relationship Designer it only showed a relationship line between either "Entry_Tag" and "Entry" or when I tried again between "Entry_tag" and "Tag".
The "Entry_tag" table should have a relationship with both "Tag" and "Entry".
How do I go about doing this?
In general, you can add a unique constraint on the table that includes both columns. In this case, including both of the columns in the primary key should have already done this. If you have relationships set up for each field to other tables, then I believe those relationships should be displayed in the query designer... I see no cause for this given the information you've provided - perhaps you need to post more information.
Create an UNIQUE INDEX to for entry_id and tag_id.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table (entry_id, tag_id)
