City data in Application Insights - azure-application-insights

I have multiple applications making use of Application Insights for Production Data. I'm trying to use the City telemetry field to map our current users. This data appears to be tracked very inconsistently and in most cases (> 75%) is just unavailable.
I understand some customers will be using VPNs which could affect the results, but not to the extent I'm seeing.
Here is the info from the Azure FAQ:
How are City, Country and other geo location data calculated? We look
up the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the web client using GeoLite2.
Browser telemetry: We collect the sender's IP address.
Server telemetry: The Application Insights module collects the client IP
address. It is not collected if X-Forwarded-For is set.
You can configure the ClientIpHeaderTelemetryInitializer to take the IP
address from a different header. In some systems, for example, it is
moved by a proxy, load balancer, or CDN to X-Originating-IP.
Does anyone know how to improve geolocating user cities for App Insights?

IP Geolocation is not 100% accurate and you need to live with it. City accuracy is quite low because the information is guessed from multiple data that change frequently. One way to improve accuracy is to use a service that aggregates data from multiple sources and does it continuously, multiple times a day.
A second manner to enhance the results is to filter based on whether the IP is associated with a proxy by using threat data.
For both purposes, I recommend looking at Ipregistry, a service I work for:

It would be great if MSFT could provide an example of manually setting the location in Browser telemetry. I understand privacy concerns, but our use-case is for internal enterprise apps used by our field service teams. Since Browsers can access the Geolocation APIs, it's probably straightforward to add that info. It's just a matter of knowing the right way to do it so it's picked up consistently.


localised ip assist + DDOS prevention + google billing

We are very new in Google Cloud and learning.
I have two question marks in my mind.
First is
Can I create localisation IP addresses for virtual instances? like I open web site with German IP range or another web site I want assign under Italian IP range.
Where is the best place to start or is it possible under cloud.
Second is
We had DDOS attack to under cloud and resources made peak while under attack, Will google charge extreme price for that peak time or will be normal billing.
Second question brings to third one,
We using cloudflare for domains, Is there stable way yo prevent DDOS attacks under google cloud?
I appreciate your time and answers.
To your first point, are you after finding the shortest path between your users and wherever you serve your content? If that's the case, you can simply put a load balancer in front of your backend services within Google Cloud, with a global public forwarding IP address, and the service itself will take care of redirecting the traffic to the nearest group of machines available. Here is an example of a HTTP(S) Load Balancer setup.
Or is localization what you are trying to achieve? In that case I'd rely on more standard forms of handling the language of choice like using browser settings (or user account settings if existing) or the Accept-Language header. This is a valuable resource from LocalizeJS.
Lastly if you are determined to having multiple versions of your application deployed for the different languages that you support, you could still have an intermediate service that determines the source of the request using IP-based lookups and redirect the user to the version of your choice. Said so, my feeling is that this is a more traditional behavior that in the world of client applications that are responsive and localized on the spot, the extra hop/redirect could get to annoy some users.
To your second point, there is a number of protections that are already built-in on some services within Google Cloud, in order to help you protect your applications and machines in different ways. On the DDoS front, you can benefit from policies and protections on the CDN side, where you get cache and scaling based preventive measures.
In addition to that, and if you have a load balancer put in front of your content, you can benefit from protections on layers 3, 4 and 7 of the OSI model. That includes typical HTTP, SYN floods, port exhaustion or NTP amplification attacks.
What this means is that in many of these situations, your infrastructure will not even notice many of these potential attacks, as they'll be alleviated before they reach your infrastructure (and therefore you will not be billed for that). Said so, I have heard and experienced situations in which these protections did not act in a timely fashion, or were triggered at all. In these scenarios, there is a possibility for your system to need to handle that extra load. However, and especially in events when the attack was obviously malicious and documented to be supposedly handled by Google Cloud, there is a chance to make a point with Google in order to get some support on the topic.
A bit more on that here.
Hope this is helpful.

How do I set up global load balancing using Digital Ocean DNS and Nginx?

UPDATE: See the answer I've provided below for the solution I eventually got set up on AWS.
I'm currently experimenting with methods to implement a global load-balancing layer for my app servers on Digital Ocean and there's a few pieces I've yet to put together.
The Goal
Offer highly-available service to my users by routing all connections to the closest 'cluster' of servers in SFO, NYC, LON, and eventually Singapore.
Additionally, I would eventually like to automate the maintenance of this by writing a daemon that can monitor, scale, and heal any of the servers on the system. Or I'll combine various services to achieve the same automation goals. First I need to figure out how to do it manually.
The Stack
Ubuntu 14.04
Nginx 1.4.6
MongoDB from (formerly MongoHQ)
Global Domain Breakdown
Once I rig everything up, my domain would look something like this:
And then if there's any strain on any given layer, in any given region, I can just spin up a new droplet to help out:,, etc…
Current Working Methodology
A (minimum) trio of global-balancing servers receive all traffic.
These servers are "DNS Round-Robin" balanced as illustrated in this
(frankly confusing) article: How To Configure DNS Round-Robin Load
Using the Nginx GeoIP
Module and
MaxMind GeoIP Data
the origin of any given request is determined down to the
The global-balancing layer then routes the request to the least
connected server on the load-balancing layer of the appropriate
cluster: nyc-load-balancing-1, sfo-load-balancing-3,
lon-load-balancing-2, etc.. This layer is also a (minimum) trio of
The regional load-balancing layer then routes the request to the
least connected server in the app or api layer: nyc-app-2,
sfo-api-1, lon-api-3, etc…
The details of the Nginx kung fu can be found in this tutorial:
Villiage Idiot: Setting up Nginx with GSLB/Reverse Proxy on
AWS. More general info about Nginx load-balancing is available
Where do I put the global-balancing servers?
It strikes me as odd that I would put them either all in one place, or spread that layer out around the globe either. Say, for instance, I put them all in NYC. Then someone from France hits my domain. The request would go from France, to NYC, and then be routed back to LON. Or if I put one of each in SFO, NYC, and LON then isn't it still possible that a user from Toronto (Parkdale, represent) could send a request that ends up going to LON only to be routed back to NYC?
Do subsequent requests get routed to the same IP?
As in, if a user from Toronto sends a request that the global-balancing layer determines should be going to NYC, does the next request from that origin go directly to NYC, or is it still luck of the draw that it will hit the nearest global-balancing server (NYC in this case).
What about sessions?
I've configured Nginx to use the ip_hash; directive so it will direct the user to the same app or api endpoint (a node process, in my case) but how will global balancing affect this, if at all?
Any DNS Examples?
I'm not exactly a DNS expert (I'm currently trying to figure out why my CNAME records aren't resolving) but I'm a quick study when provided with a solid example. Has anyone gone through this process before and can provide a sample of what the DNS records look like for a successful setup?
What about SSL/TLS?
Would I need a certificate for every server, or just for the three global-balancing servers since that's the only public-facing gateway?
If you read this whole thing then reward yourself with a cupcake. Thanks in advance for any help.
The Goal: Offer highly-available service to my users by routing all connections to the closest 'cluster' of servers in SFO, NYC, LON, and eventually Singapore.
The global-balancing layer then routes the request to theleast
connected server...
If I'm reading your configuration correctly, you're actually proxying from your global balancers to the balancers at each region. This does not meet your goal of routing users to the nearest region.
There are three ways that I know of to get what you're looking for:
30x Redirect Your global balancers receive the HTTP request and then redirect it to a server group in or near the region it thinks the request is coming from, based on IP address. This sounds like what you were trying to set up. This method has side effects for some applications, and also increases the time it takes for a user to get data since you're adding a ton of overhead. This only makes sense if the resources you're redirecting to are very large, and the local regional cluster will be able to serve much more efficiently.
Anycast (taking advantage of BGP routing) This is what the big players like Akamai use for their CDN. Basically, there are multiple servers out on the internet with the exact same routable IP address. Suppose I have servers in several regions, and they have the IP address of If I'm in the US and try to connect to, and someone is in Europe that tries to connect to, it's likely that we'll be routed to the nearest server. This uses the internet's own routing to find the best path (based on network conditions) for the traffic. Unfortunately, you can't just use this method. You need your own AS number, and physical hardware. If you find a VPS provider that lets you have a chunk of their Anycast block, let me know!
Geo-DNS There are some DNS providers that provide a service often marketed as "Geo-DNS". They have a bunch of DNS servers hosted on anycast addresses which can route traffic to your nearest servers. If a client queries a European DNS server, it should return the address for your European region servers, vs. some in other regions. There are many variations on the Geo DNS services. Others simply maintain a geo-IP database and return the server for the region they think is closer, just like the redirect method but for DNS before the HTTP request is ever made. This is usually the good option, for price and ease of use.
Do subsequent requests get routed to the same IP?
Many load balancers have a "stickiness" option that says requests from the same network address should be routed to the same end server (provided that end server is still up and running).
What about sessions?
This is exactly why you would want that stickiness. When it comes to session data, you are going to have to find a way to keep all your servers up-to-date. Realistically, this isn't always guaranteed. How you handle it depends on your application. Can you keep a Redis instance or whatever out there for all your servers to reliably hit from around the world? Do you really need that session data in every region? Or can you have your main application servers dealing with session data in one location?
Any DNS Examples?
Post separate questions for these. Everyone's "successful setup" looks differently.
What about SSL/TLS?
If you're proxying data, only your global balancers need to handle HTTPS. If you're redirecting, then all the servers need to handle it.
A Working Solution
I've had a wild ride over the past few months figuring out the whole Global-HA setup. Tonnes of fun and I've finally settled with a rig that works very well, and is nothing like the one outlined in the above question.
I still plan on writing this up in tutorial form, but time is scarce as I head into the final sprint to get my app launched early next year, so here's a quick outline of the working rig I ended up with.
I ended up moving my entire deployment to AWS. I love Digital Ocean, but the frank reality is that AWS is light years ahead of them (and everyone, really) when it comes to the services offered under one roof. My monthly expenses went up slightly, but once I was done tweaking and streamlining I ended up with a solution that costs about $75/month per region for the most basic deployment (2 instances behind an ELB). And a new region can be spun up and deployed within about 30 minutes.
Global Balancing
I quickly found out (thanks to #Brad's answer above) that trying to spin up my own global balancing DNS layer is insane. It was a hell of a lot of fun figuring out how a layer like this works, but short of getting on a plane and scraping my knuckles installing millions of dollars worth of equipment around the world, it was not going to be possible to roll my own.
When I finally figured out what I was looking for, I found my new best friend: AWS Route 53. It offers a robust DNS network with about 50-odd nodes globally and the ability to do some really cool routing tricks like location-based routing, latency-based routing (which is kinda awesome), and AWS Alias records that 'automagically' route traffic to other AWS Services you'll be using (Like ELB for load balancing).
I ended up using latency-based routing that directs the global traffic to the closest regional Elastic Load Balancer, which has an Auto-Scaling Group attached to it in any given region.
I'll leave it up to you to do your homework on the other providers:,,, Depending on your needs, there may be a better solution for you, but this works very well for me.
Content Delivery Network
Route 53 integrates with AWS Cloudfront very nicely. I setup an S3 bucket that I'm using to store all the static media files that my users will upload, and I've configured a Cloudfront distribution to source from my S3 bucket. There are other CDN providers, so do your shopping. But Cloudfront gets pretty good reviews and it's a snap to setup.
Load Balancing & SSL Termination
I'm currently using AWS Elastic Load Balancer to balance the load across my application instances, which live in an Auto-Scaling Group. The request is first received by ELB, at which point SSL is terminated and the request is passed through to an instance in the Auto-Scaling Group.
NOTE: One giant caveat for ELB is that, somewhat ironically, it doesn't handle massive spikes very well. It can take up to 15 minutes for an ELB to trigger a scale-up event for itself, creating 500/timeouts in the meantime. A steady, constant increase in traffic is supposedly handled quite well, but if you get hit with a spike it can fail you. If you know you're going to get hit, you can 'call ahead' and AWS will warm up your ELB for you, which is pretty ridiculous and anti-pattern to the essence of AWS, but I imaging they're either working on it, or ignoring it because it's not really that big of a problem. You can always spin up your own HAProxy or Nginx load-balancing layer if ELB doesn't work for you.
Auto-Scaling Group
Each region has an ASG which is programmed to scale when the load passes a certain metric:
I haven't yet put the ELB/ASG combo through its paces. That's a little way down my To-Do list, but I do know that there are many others using this setup and it doesn't seem to have any major performance issues.
The config for an Auto-Scaling Group is a little convoluted in my opinion. It's actually a three-step process:
Create an AMI configured to your liking.
Create a Launch Configuration that uses the AMI you've created.
Create an Auto-Scaling Group that uses the Launch Configuration you've created to determine what AMI and instance type to launch for any given SCALEUP event.
To handle config and app deployment when any instance launches, you use the "User Data" field to input a script that will run once any given instance launches. This is possibly the worst nomenclature in the history of time. How "User Data" describes a startup script only the author knows. Anyhow, that's where you stick the script that handles all your apt-gets, mkdirs, git clones, etc.
Instances & Internal Balancing
I've also added an additional 'internal balancing layer' using Nginx that allows me to 'flat-pack' all my Node.js apps (,,,, on every instance. When an instance receives a request passed to it from ELB, Nginx handles routing the request to the correct Node.js port for any given application. Sort of like a poor-mans containerization. This has the added benefit that any time one of my apps needs to talk to the other (like when app. needs to send a request to api.) it's done via localhost:XXXX rather than having to go out across the AWS network, or the internet itself.
This setup also maximizes usage of my resources by eliminating any idle infrastructure if the app layer it hosts happens to be receiving light traffic. It also obviates the need to have and ELB/ASG combo for every app, saving more cash.
There's no gotchas or caveats that I've run into using this sort of setup, but there is one work-around that needs to be in place with regard to health-checking (see below).
There's also a nice benefit in that all instances have an IAM role which means that your AWS creds are 'baked in' to each instance upon birth and accessible via your ENV vars. And AWS 'automagically' rotates your creds for you. Very secure, very cool.
Health Checks
If you go the route of the above setup, flat-packing all your apps on one box and running an internal load-balancer, then you need to create a little utility to handle the ELB Health Checks. What I did was create an additional app called And then I configured my ELB Health Checks to send any health checks to the port that my ping app is running on, like so:
Ping Protocol: HTTP
Ping Port: XXXX
Ping Path: /ping
This sends all health checks to my little ping helper, which in turn hits localhost:XXXX/ping on all the apps residing on the instance. If they all return a 200 response, my ping app then returns a 200 response to the ELB health check and the instances gets to live for another 30 seconds.
NOTE: Do not use Auto-Scaling Health Checks if you're using an ELB. Use the ELB health checks. It's kinda confusing, I thought they were the same thing, they're not. You have the option to enable one or the other. Go with ELB.
The Data Layer
One thing that is glaringly absent from my setup is the data layer. I use as my managed data-layer provider and I deploy on AWS so I get very low latency between my app layers and my data layer. I've done some prelim investigation on how I would roll my data layer out globally and found that it's very complex — and very expensive — so I've kicked it down my list as a problem that doesn't yet need to be solved. Worst case is that I'll be running my data layer in US-East only and beefing up the hardware. This isn't the worst thing in the world since my API is strictly JSON data on the wire so the average response is relatively tiny. But I can see this becoming a bottleneck at very large, global scale — if I ever get there. If anyone has any input on this layer I'd love to hear what you have to say.
Global High Availability On A Beer Budget. Only took me 6 months to figure it out.
Love to hear any input or ideas from anyone that happens to read this.
You can use Anycast for your webservice for free if using Cloudflare free plan.
Digital Ocean now supports Load Balancing of servers itself. It is extremely easy to set up and works great! Saves you having to add in unnecessary components such as nginx (if you only want to use for load balancing).
We were having issues using SSL file uploads with nginx on a digital ocean server, however since the Digital Ocean update, we have removed nginx and now use Digital Ocean's load balancing feature and it works just as we need it to!

Is It Possible to get a (rough) Mobile Phone Location from a HTTP Request

If memory serves me correctly, google does this for the maps site. I know google's mobile maps app can determine the rough location (I assume using some kind of cell tower lookup), yet I seem to remember the site getting somewhat close to the current location when viewing on a mobile browser.
Anyone know how/if that's possible? Does the IP address change based on the tower or area (seems like they'd be using some kind of gateway common to the carrier)?
With a regular HTTP request the only option you have is GeoIP but this will only give you the country & operator no better.
Depending on the application & device you are using there are various option for geolocation, for example iPhone & Android browsers suport the HTML5 geo javascript functions so you could put some code in the page to send you the location. However these all involve some client side code.
The other option involves doing a deal with the networks, they can supply you the phone number as an additional header in the request and you can then query this number via an API from the operator to get the location of the phone from the network. However they charge a pretty penny for this function and the accuracy can vary from about 100m in an urban environment to 35Km in very rural areas.
This is Not possible.
1.) Location By querying Network Details.
Even if you get the approximate location from an installed app by querying network or cell-id details, it'd not be that reliable. You won't be able to perform anything based on that approximate location.
2.) Location By querying IP.
Secondly, in one country, a single telco will have it geo-stationed GPRS or EDGE gateways and all devices on network are connected to internet with that gateway. So basically you can't rely on location details by IP, because that would be the IP of the Gateway and not the IP of device(in case of EDGE).
Ultimately, if you need to do anything that is based on the location, the
location itself needs be precise and not approximate.
We were using Google Gears for some time and that worked on Windows Mobile version 5.0 plus devices. Google recently stopped that service. Yahoo have now started something called Yahoo Fire Eagle. Sounds good, haven't yet checked it out. I dont have a Yahoo account, yet.
You have Google API Documentation on this:
Hope it helps...
A little late in the day, but another option not mentioned is the MaxMind geo IP lookup. Enter an IP address and it will provide you with a location. There is free service (with simple API) that provides city level accuracy. There is also a more accurate database available for a fee. I have noticed during testing that there are multiple towers / IP addresses in urban areas and the MaxMind database is aware of these. You'll get location, plus the telco provider.

C# application pretending its from another country

I have a web service where i do different things according to where ones IP is from. I have a simple test application where i open a WebClient and makes it call the web service. I would like to be able to change the IP on the test application so that it "seems" that it comes from different countries (this will help me test goals in google analytics too) - is this possible - to change/simulate that my application is located in another country (France, Germany, Belgium, England, US, etc...)
It's possible to use a Proxy or an VPN Tunnel, but you'll need an End-Point in the country you want. But, there are also plenty of lists around the web for this.
The other answers more accurately provide a solution, but you could always fake it. Utilise your own small private network and provide a facade to handle IP locationing for DEBUG vs. PRODUCTION mode. All of this of course wouldn't trick Google ;-) but it would help solidify your application.
Sorry for possibly being redundant.
The obvious solution is to "bounce" through a proxy ser ver in each of the countries you wish to test for. I've had good luck in the past with sites such as proxy2free or publicproxyservers in the past.
Other solutions would involve running a client from a host in one of these countries, by way of a VPN / RDP / RAdmin-type session, but that implies owning assets or knowing people in these countries who would trust you with using their hosts in this fashion.
Another solution involves a bit of a program change in your application. By detection of a particular trigger (could be one of several different IPs but from the same country where you reside, could be some added parameter on the url such as &ctrytest=Spain etc.) your application would substitute the IP with one of several foreign IP (from the desired countries) at the level of the country detection logic in your code, but otherwise using the real IP from your client request to actually serve the application.
You probably realize it based on the previous answers, but just to be sure: IP addresses are not a certain indicator of the country a user is in. For example, I once worked in the US for a UK-based company, and we used IP addresses allocated to a UK-based ISP.
Ultrasurf may help:
I don't think you can specify though, exactly where in the world your request is sent from.

how to dispatch network requests to the (geographically) closest server

I'm a Java coder and not very familiar with how networks work (other than basic UDP/TCP connections)
Say I have servers running on machines in the US, Asia, Latin America and Europe. When a user requests a service, I want their request to go to the server closest to them.
Is it possible for me to have one address:, and somehow get requests routed to the appropriate server? Apparently when someone goes to, they receive the pictures, videos, etc. from a server close to them. Frankly, I don't see how that works.
By the way, my servers don't serve web pages, they serve other services such as stock market data....just in case that is relevant.
Since I'm a programmer, I'm interested to know how one would do it in software. Since this is little more than an idle curiosity, pointers to commercial products or services won't be very helpful in understanding this problem :)
One simple approach would be to look at the first byte (Class A) of the IP address coming into the UDP DNS request and then based off that you could deliver the right geo-located IP.
Another approach would be a little more complicated. Instead of using the server that is geographically closest to the user, you could use the server that has the lowest latency for that user.
The lower latency will provide faster transfer speeds while being easier to calculate than geographic location.
For a much more detailed look, check out this article on CDNs (pay attention to the Technology Section):
Content Delivery Network - Wikipedia
These are the kinds of networks that the large sites use to distribute their content over the net (Akamai is a popular example). As you can see, things can get pretty complicated pretty quickly with CDNs having their own proprietary protocols, etc...
Update: I didn't see the disclaimer about commercial solutions at the end of the original post. I'll leave this up for those who may find it of interest.
Take a look at A managed DNS service like that may be just what you need to accomplish what you are looking for.,, Oracle, all use them...
Quote From
UltraDNS Traffic Management solution provides a set of tools allowing IT administrators to define load balancing configurations for content servers residing in one or more geographic locations. The Traffic Management Solution manages traffic directed to the servers by dynamically changing the responses to DNS requests. Load balancing is performed based on dynamic metrics obtained from the host servers on a continual monitoring basis. The UltraDNS Traffic Management solution is not a single application, but combines the capabilities of several existing UltraDNS systems to control traffic, manage site failures, and optimize web content systems.
One approach is, as Jeff mentioned, using the IP address:
In my experienced, this is precise to the nearest relatively large city (in the US at least). There are several open databases to aid in this (see the wiki link). Then you can generate image tags and download links and such based on this information.
As for locating the nearest server, I'm sure you can think of a few ways to do it. For instance, if the best return you can get is major city, you can lookup that city in a list of Latitude/Longitude and calculate the nearest server based on that.
