Associate Elastic IP with scheduled AWS data pipeline - elastic-ip

Anybody knows is it possible to associate Elastic IP with scheduled data pipeline? I have configured data pipeline to run every day. During data pipeline execution, I need access to Google DB. To have access to Google DB I should add IP (CIDR) in DB authorization settings. But without known public IP of EC2 instance created by data pipeline I cannot configure it.
So I need to have a possibility to setup Elastic IP once to be used for EC2 instance which is creating automatically by data pipeline each time when data pipeline is runned by scheduler.

I am not aware how you can associate a EIP, however, you can create a VPC with with a NAT gateway. When you create your EC2 put it in your subnet that you've created and if everything is setup properly then your public IP will always be the same.
A second option would be to run your pipeline on a Task Runner.


Migrating to ECS Fargate from EKS

I'm currently in the process of migrating 3 applications from Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) to ECS Fargate. Each application is built with Node JS .The current setup seems to be only 1 load balancer in front of one application and the other two applications are accessed through that one load balancer. This is currently how all three applications is accessed:
The front end of each application is being powered by an nginx proxy in EKS. I'm not entirely sure if I need nginx to be in ECS Fargate because the application load balancer I'm planning on to use will have an SSL cert integrated with it for redirects to HTTPS from HTTP. I'm a little unclear how to approach moving these applications to Fargate. Additionally, the third app has 3 additional functions:
Apollo GraphQL (abstraction layer between the front end & back end)
File Manager
This functionality also needs to be implemented on the Fargate side.
Currently I have setup one ECS Fargate cluster, one ECS Service, and one task definition. The task definition currently has the following 7 ECR images:
nginx ??
All of these images are stored in ECR. However I don't believe I need nginx in this Fargate cluster.
I'm a little unsure how to approach the architecture for this set of applications. It seems I can only have one task definition running on a service, that's why all containers were implemented into one task definition. The service can then be associated with an application load balancer where I set path based routing to access each application.
Any advice on how to approach this migration would be appreciated.
Each Kubernetes Replica Set should be converted to an ECS Service. Each Kubernetes Pod would be converted to an ECS Task.
Kubernetes Replica Set == ECS Service
Kubernetes Pod == ECS Task
If you had multiple Replica Sets in Kubernetes, in order to scale your pods independently, then in order to have the same scalability in ECS you would configure them as separate services with independent scaling configurations.
You are correct in that you probably don't need the Nginx container in ECS.
It seems I can only have one task definition running on a service, that's why all containers were implemented into one task definition.
Services can communicate with each other. You would enable ECS Service Discovery to facilitate that. However it is fine to have them all in the same Task/Service if they don't need to be scaled out independently.
Also, multiple services can be associated with a single Application Load Balancer by creating different listener rules in the load balancer that map to different Target Groups, if that is something you need. You might need to have multiple Target Groups even if you only have a single ECS Service, because you will need to map different load balancer listeners to different containers in your task. That basically allows the Application Load Balancer to perform the job that Nginx was doing in Kubernetes.

Unable to access newly created Airflow UI MWAA

I am trying to create MWAA as root user and I have all AWS services (s3 and EMR )in North California. MWAA doesn't exist in North California. Hence created this in Oregon.
I am creating this in a private network, it also required a new s3 bucket in that region for my dags folder.
I see that it also needed a new vpc and private subnet as we dont have anything in that region created by clicking on "Create VPC ".
Now when I click on airflow UI. It says
"This site can’t be reached". Do I need to add my Ip to the security group here to access Airflow UI?
Someone, please guide.
From AWS MWAA documentation:
3. Enable network access. You'll need to create a mechanism in your Amazon VPC to connect to the VPC endpoint (AWS PrivateLink) for your Apache Airflow Web server. For example, by creating a VPN tunnel from your computer using an AWS Client VPN.
Apache Airflow access modes (AWS)
The AWS documentation suggests 3 different approaches for accomplishing this (tutorials are linked in the documentation).
Using an AWS Client VPN
Using a Linux Bastion Host
Using a Load Balancer (advanced)
Accessing the VPC endpoint for your Apache Airflow Web server (private network access)

Can't Connect to RDS mysql DB from Wordpress on Ubuntu 18.04 EC2 Instance

I'm trying to run Wordpress on my Ec2 instance with RDS MySQL database.
Here's the tutorial I've followed
But when I try to access the Ec2 instance that connect to the RDS on the browser it shows this message
Error establishing a database connection
I put in the security group inbound and outbound all traffic anywhere.
Here's the print from my security group rule.
Appreciate the help
PS: Saw this question, with no anwser Can't Connect to RDS mysql DB from Wordpress on Amazon linux EC2 Instance
Edit: Rules from security group of the ec2 instance that will access RDS.
Based on the info you provided it seems your RDS is publicly accessible via the internet and connections are going to be accepted from any host (you might want to restrict these later)
Assuming that your software setup (OS, php, MySQL libraries, Wordpress) is okay and you’re using the right parameters in the WP configuration (host, port, user, password, db).
One of the remaining issues might be that the Security Group attached to your EC2 instance doesn’t allow connectivity on port 3306 (MySQL) towards the IP Address of your RDS instance.
It appears that you have:
An Amazon EC2 instance
An Amazon RDS instance
The typical security configuration would be:
The Amazon RDS database configured as Publicly Accessible = No
A Security Group (EC2-SG) on the Amazon EC2 instance that permits inbound traffic from your desired locations (eg port 22 for SSH), and default Outbound rules permitting all traffic outbound
A Security Group (RDS-SG) on the Amazon RDS database instance that permits inbound traffic on port 3306 from EC2-SG
That is, RDS-SG should specifically reference EC2-SG to permit the inbound connection.
The app running on the EC2 instance should reference the RDS database via the DNS Name shown in the RDS console.

Setup a kubernetes cluster with bare metal servers from different subnets

What I am doing right now:
I own many VPS which I use to deploy applications with Docker compose, most of the machines come from different subnets and have a public static IP address.
For each new application I would pick a random VPS, assign the new application's subdomain's DNS with the VPS' IP address and deploy my application in this VPS behind an Nginx proxy (jwilder Nginx).
This approach is in my opinion very comfortable since jwilder's Nginx does almost the work for me and I only have to assign the correct DNS.
What I want to achieve:
For the purpose of learning, I would like to take the machines and make a Kubernetes cluster out of them, so I could learn more about this technology. My idea is that I only have to assign new subdomain's DNS to one single point, which also plays the role of a load balancer and pass the traffic to corresponding pods.
To redirect traffic to a new application I only have to configure the load balancer.
My problem:
I know this question is not very precise since I don't know a lot of Kubernetes. Moreover, my servers are not from a cloud provider like Google or AWS and I, therefore, can not use their solutions. They are not even from a single cloud provider, most of them are of my university and some are from a private cloud provider.
Could anybody tell me how can I achieve this?
I think the answer is kubeadm, you can install it on your own pc or vm.
It is gonna create a single control-plane cluster which could be joined by other of your vms and create a kubernetes cluster.
kubeadm helps you bootstrap a minimum viable Kubernetes cluster that conforms to best practices
kubeadm is designed to be a simple way for new users to start trying Kubernetes out, possibly for the first time, a way for existing users to test their application on and stitch together a cluster easily, and also to be a building block in other ecosystem and/or installer tool with a larger scope.
Your cluster pods will communicate via CNI.
CNI was created as a minimal specification, built alongside a number of network vendor engineers to be a simple contract between the container runtime and network plugins

Automatic configure wordpress IP on EC2

I have installed a LAMP server on an EC2 instance. Then I created an AMI so that I can easily spin up instances in the future.
Today I went back to spin up one such instance, and to my surprise the IP in the configuration is wrong. Basically when I first installed the LAMP server, Wordpress detected the IP and configured accordingly. Now on the instance that I launched today the IP is different, but the configuration for the previous IP is still there.
Now, I know how to change Wordpress IP. My question is: How can I make this step automatic when I launch an EC2 instance from an AMI?
Instance Metadata will give you a lot of information about the current EC2 instace. You can use that + some hand-crafted shell scripts which will be triggered on boot to update configuration.
An alternative solution is to use some configuration management tool (Chef, Ansible ... ). To help you configure the application.
