JavaFX lineChart can't do a geometric figure - javafx

I need to do a geometric figure in a LineChart like this :
The problem is to connect 1 to 2 (in the descending way). For now, I use a series for the top of the figure and another one for the bottom, but it will be better to just use one series for all, someone have an idea?

Just find the solution, you can change the sorting of the lineChart with setAxisSortingPolicy and put it to SortingPolicy.NONE, it will work after


Hide/show multiple graphs in qcustomplot

I am making a data logger for a couple of Arduino sensors in Qt. The problem is that I want to log the data in 3 different graphs, each of one having one specific scale, and then I'll choose what graph I will show (just one of the 3 graphs will be displayed at one time).
I tried something like this:
QCPGraph *sensorXGraph = ui->graph->addGraph();
QCPGraph *sensorYGraph = ui->graph->addGraph();
And then, in a slot call from a RadioButton clicked event I did:
And the inverse for another RadioButton. But the graph seems to keep the axis of the last graph created. So, if I try to see the sensorXGraph, the data will change accordingly but y axis range will be the one of the sensorYGraph.
I also tried to make a single QCPAxis for each graph, but it started to be a mess because I had to make QCPAxisRect for each graph as well and the result was worse than the first trial.
How do I achieve to change from one graph to another properly?
Thank you in advance.
You can call clearGraphs() on your QCustomPlot and then add whatever graphs you want to display by calling addGraph() and then call replot() on your QCustomPlot. So it would be something like this:
// Do whatever you need to do to edit your graph.
Since you are using a radio button I think that it would be easier to draw one graph and add the necessary data and labels based on whatever radio button has been selected. Hopefully that helps!

Creating a grid on a map in R using grid points

I'm clearly struggling with this problem for a day now and can't seem to find a nice solution to it. I would really appreciate some help and I'm really a novice in R (since last week).
Problem 1:
I have a set CSV representing grid points which I can parse into a data frame (pointname, latitude, longitude).
The points in this file represent the lower left corner and are arranged in row major format, meaning lowest horizontal grid points first. Each point is a certain great circle distance away from its neighbors (1km). I want to create a grid overlay on a map which I've plotted using ggmap.
What I've tried or considered:
map.grid() - this is really not useful to me as I'm not looking for any kind of projection.
geom_vline() and geom_hline(). These look good but I don't have constant x and y intercepts on a plane. Moreover, once I create a grid, I'd like to use the grid to color against a density.
geom_rect() and geom_tile(). These look really promising and may be what I want. But I'm not able to find a good way of working with these.
I'd like to fill these grid boxes later with another parameter. Any suggestions on how I can create such a grid? This may be a trivial question but I don't know a lot of R yet.
Problem 2:
How can I store or hold such a grid so that I given a point (lat,lon), I can quickly get to that grid. In fact my whole back end is in C++ and can directly output the grid name x<n>y<n> directly against a given search point. I somehow am finding it difficult to count such points against grid points so that I can fill grid with a representative color.
I'm not sure if everything of what I'm saying is clear. Please tell me if I've to clarify something.
Also note that I've Googled quite a lot and not found relevant answers although some looked close.
Eg: This, ThisToo
Thanks for the help!

Move two reference lines in JFreechart

I am using JFreechart - createLineChart and plotting some data. I want to set two thresholds; one upper and another lower. To represent the same I want to draw reference lines. User must be able to drag these lines to adjust the values for upper and lower thresholds. Is it possible to implement? Till now I could only draw the graph with dataset.I could even get the mouse click(x,y) coordinates in pixel. I have no clue how to add new lines to the graph and make them drag. Kindly help.
Along with CrosshairOverlay, I used multiple annotations. Following link helped me a lot! Thanks.
JFreeChart: Dynamic point selection in ChartPanel using ChartMouseListener and mouse move

Label individual points in Sage plot

This seems like a straightforward problem, yet I can't find a solution. In Sage, I've got about 30 sorted points for a scatter_plot, and I want to add the order position as a label. I know this is easy if I were working with a graph object, since I could use the vertex_labels option in plot. Is there a simple fix to get this to work for a scatter_plot, or would I need to do something like make the points vertices and keep track of the exact location of each point
Currently, you may have to use matplotlib directly or mess around with that method inside of Sage to get this. See here or here for some related questions.
I've opened Trac 20583 for this.

FLEX: Make LineChart DATATIP constrain to vertical axis

When making a line chart, Lets say its for business sales for different depts and horizontally is days and vertically is dollars. When you hover over a line it tells a dataTip tells you the sales for that dept. on that day. I want it to show all the depts at the same time, so say you hover over day 3, I want the dataTips for all depts on day 3 to display so you can compare the values for all the sales on the same day. I set the mouseSensitivity for the dataTips to display all the lines at once but I end up getting day 2 for one dept and day 3 for another which is not wanted. This is actually posted as a bug and explained better here:
I am wondering if anyone can come up with a work-around for this?
I ran into a similar problem to this recently and came up with a solution that also applies to your problem. I had a step LineChart and wanted to display a data tip when the user hovered anywhere on the line instead of just at defined data points.
You can read about the solution I wrote for that problem here: Flex: Customizing data tip location and behavior in a LineChart
You'll have to modify my solution slightly to fit your problem:
On line 47 you can remove the Math.abs(last.y - mouseLoc.y) < 50 check. This constrains the data tips to lines that are within 50 pixels vertically of the mouse.
I'm assuming that you're using the default segment line chart which just draws lines directly between data points. You'll need to modify the code that calculates the line value at a given x-coordinate to work with that chart type. I already find the closest data point to the left of the mouse with lines 33-41 and store it in last. Just get the next data point (which will be the one closest to the right of the mouse) and use something like this to get the value at the mouse:
var slope:Number = (nextPoint.y - last.y) / (nextPoint.x - last.x);
var lineYAtMouse:Number = (slope * (last.x - mouseLoc.x)) + last.y;
var lineValue:Array = line.localToData(new Point(mouseLoc.x, lineYAtMouse));
Then replace lines 69 through 72 with:
hitPoint.x = mouseLoc.x;
hitPoint.y = lineYAtMouse;
hitPoint.xValue = lineValue[0];
hitPoint.yValue = lineValue[1];
I haven't tested these modifications so there could be a bug or 2 but the general idea is there. I hope maybe this is still useful to someone. This question is getting pretty old. :)
Not an answer, but a poor alternative:
You could create your own DataTip renderer that [ahem] mapped the location of every point and drew the tip for each one there.
Basically, you would be duplicating a lot of the code inside the charting classes.
I have the same problem but working on column charts. Was thinking that I could enable the vertical gridLines using backgroundElements and then add a chart event listener for mouse over (which fires when mouse passes over a vertical gridline). Using the localX value, i could compare it to the closest datapoint, maybe.
