R/R Studio and Sleep Mode - r

I am running some JAGS code in R Studio. I started it before I went to bed knowing it would take a few hours to finish. I forgot to turn off the sleep mode, and the computer (Windows 10) went to sleep after 2 hours. I woke up this morning and saw that only 60% of the model had run with 40% left to go. A few minutes later after I had made coffee, I noticed that the model had resumed and was now at 63% done.
Will my results be OK or should I discard them and start new? I am not sure how R and R Studio react when a computer goes to sleep.


Significance of 'Timing stopped at:' in R studio

I was trying to run a code completely in R studio, and it was taking time. After 10 hours I interrupted and it is showing Timing stopped at: 1.43 0.69 1.644e+04 ,
What is the meaning of this line? how I can understand how much the task completed before interruption ?

Rstudio does not open or is terribly slow

When I open RStudio, sometimes I get the error page and need to retry many times (after having launched Rgui) before to be able to access it.
Furthermore, once RStudio starts, it is terribly slow. The first 5 minutes I just have an empty screen see attached
I can't create a new project (I click on file-new project but nothing happens) and I can't even run easy codes (just tried 3+4 and it took 2 minutes to give me the result).
I tried to create a new project (took 5 minutes) but it still gives me the same problem.
I have reinstalled it yesterday and it was working fine.
R and RStudio versions are the latest, Windows 10

I am working with a large dataset, RStudio slows down and goes back to normal after I restart it

Is there a another way to get RStudio running at normal speed once it starts lagging other than having to restart?
I am working with large datasets and understand that is expected. However a simple command like 2000 + 2000 starts running with a lag, and once I restart RStudio the speed goes back to normal. I think that RStudio starts running with a lag once if I run a command that asks R to display 1000's of entries. It is annoying as heck and would appreciate some feedback and comments, Thanks.

Visual Studio 2015 download getting stuck at applying Microsoft ASP.net

I'm currently on my third attempt trying to install Visual Studio 2015 on this computer. I have tried rebooting, hard shut downs, canceling setup and restarting, etc. Each time, it gets stuck at applying Microsoft ASP.net. I have tried leaving it overnight (12 hours). My download speed is 50-60 MBPS according to Ookla Speedtest. I am running Windows 10. I did do a "custom" installation and added C++, Python, and the Git extension. If I am not mistaken it said 7 GB size. Why is it doing this? Please help!
I don't understand why this isn't working because I installed VS 2015 for my laptop (a different computer) just a few days ago on a relatives WIFI and their speed was 3-7 MBPS.
(Note: The installer is not technically frozen since the loading dots on the bottom are moving.) However, bar hasn't filled up at all for like 6 hours.
Do I need ASP.NET (for C#, Python, and maybe C++)? Can I uncheck certain features for installation so that it wont try to install this? Also, when I cancel installation it never cancels and just stays there so I have to kill the installer with the task manager. This is getting incredibly frustrating.
Fixed it...
Easiest way is "threaten" to shut down the computer. Go into Power, restart system. You will be warned that there is a logging program which will not let the system reset. Cancel that program and then do NOT restart.
Installer immediately went on to next part and finished install after having been stuck for 6 hours...
I got it to work, it wasn't perfect, but here is what I did: It was getting stuck at very certain points, most notably ASP.NET. I did a little research and got an idea from something I read (I unfourtunetly can't find the source again). Sometimes windows opens invisible "confirm" type windows or installer windows that get stuck. When the installer got stuck I opened up task manager -> details, than checked On the visual studio process by right clicking then clicking analyzing wait chain. This showed me what process the VS install was waiting for. Then, I'd just kill the process. Messy, I know, but better then nothing. I had to do that 2 or 3 times. Afterward it said it installed correctly with 2 components that had warnings. ASP.NET was included. But everything else worked fine (c#, C++) Later I went back and did a repair. That worked pretty smooth. Finally, I installed the Python Tools successfully. (that part is sort of irrelevant but the point was that everything is now working fine).
edit, found another source: Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition Installation Stuck In Windows 10
Yes i had this problem too. To solve this open task manager and go to details tab then search for TiWorker.exe, right click on it and choose analyzing wait chain it will display many instances of the process that are in waiting mode , check all those processes and terminate them after doing this the installer will go to the next step.
To avoid this problem, you have to install IIS first.
Go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Turn Windows features on or off -> Select "Internet Information Services" -> OK
I had this problem a couple of hours before writing this answer and what worked for me was:
I opened other programs at least two or three and went to power and clicked on restart as usual it will warn you about open programs that need too be closed before shutdown or programs that are currently active I then clicked on force close and it closed the first program that I recently opened then I quickly clicked on cancel. Two minutes later instalation was back on track
Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc, then go to Tiworker.exe and terminate all the waiting processes.
I found a solution to this headache of a process to install Visual Studio. If you have tried everything and nothing seams to be working for you even by trying the command line shell then try this.
Go open task manager while running the installer and kill wusa.exe. It will kill the process to search for the update and continue the installation. You may have to kill some other processes as well if they get stuck. Its not great but it seams to be working.
wusa.exe seams to be the task that is the problem that prevents the installer from moving to the next step. This could be because your computer can not reach the update server.
This seams to be the case for both the Community and Enterprise Version of Visual Studio.

Visual Studio + Qt Addin, PC freeze when building

this is a more unusual question so give me a hint when stack overflow isn't the right place for it. ;)
I have a problem with Visualstion 2012 where it freezes every so often when I compile my project.
I am currently working on a Qt project so the Qt add-in is installed. I am sure you can't remote-fix my problem but I would like to ask what could cause such freezes.
Here are some important infos:
the PC doens't freeze every time I compile (seems to be a bit random)
the freeze takes from 5 to 15 minutes. In most cases, it ends with the screen switching to black and then back to "normal"
I often try to open the task manager which returns an exit code after the freeze which says that the task manager couldn't start
the PC comes back to life after 5-15 minutes but many applications (incl VS) aren't responding for additional ~5 minutes.
the hardware components are fine for what I can tell. (I tested HDD and RAM, temps are fine)
I hope you can give me a hint where the cause of the freezes could be hiding. ;)
You could start by analyzing what is unique about your system.
Perhaps you are using an unusual source control system, anti-virus, network connections, mapped drives or some weird form of integration that nobody else uses. My guess is that this may be your source control integration or some server connection that is triggering an unusual locking condition.
