I'd like to store functions, or at least their names, in a column of a data.frame for use in a call to mutate. A simplified broken example:
expand.grid(mu = 1:5, sd = c(1, 10), stat = c('mean', 'sd')) %>%
group_by(mu, sd, stat) %>%
mutate(sample = get(stat)(rnorm(100, mu, sd))) %>%
If this worked how I thought it would, the value of sample would be generated by the function in .GlobalEnv corresponding to either 'mean' or 'sd', depending on the row.
The error I get is:
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) :
Evaluation error: invalid first argument.
Surely this has to do with non-standard evaluation ... grrr.
A few issues here. First expand.grid will convert character values to factors. And get() doesn't like working with factors (ie get(factor("mean")) will give an error). The tidyverse-friendly version is tidyr::crossing(). (You could also pass stringsAsFactors=FALSE to expand.grid.)
Secondly, mutate() assumes that all functions you call are vectorized, but functions like get() are not vectorized, they need to be called one-at-a-time. A safer way rather than doing the group_by here to guarantee one-at-a-time evaluation is to use rowwise().
And finally, your real problem is that you are trying to call get("sd") but when you do, sd also happens to be a column in your data.frame that is part of the mutate. Thus get() will find this sd first, and this sd is just a number, not a function. You'll need to tell get() to pull from the global environment explicitly. Try
tidyr::crossing(mu = 1:5, sd = c(1, 10), stat = c('mean', 'sd')) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(sample = get(stat, envir = globalenv())(rnorm(100, mu, sd)))
Three problems (that I see): (1) expand.grid is giving you factors; (2) get finds variables, so using "sd" as a stat is being confused with the column names "sd" (that was hard to find!); and (3) this really is a row-wise operation, grouping isn't helping enough. The first is easily fixed with an option, the second can be fixed by using match.fun instead of get, and the third can be mitigated with dplyr::rowwise, purrr::pmap, or base R's mapply.
This helper function was useful during debugging and can be used to "clean up" the code within mutate, but it isn't required (for other than this demonstration). Inline "anonymous" functions will work as well.
func <- function(f,m,s) get(f)(rnorm(100,mean=m,sd=s))
Several implementation methods:
expand.grid(mu = 1:5, sd = c(1, 10), stat = c('mean', 'sd'),
stringsAsFactors=FALSE) %>%
group_by(mu, sd, stat) %>% # can also be `rowwise() %>%`
sample0 = match.fun(stat)(rnorm(100, mu, sd)),
sample1 = purrr::pmap_dbl(list(stat, mu, sd), ~ match.fun(..1)(rnorm(100, ..2, ..3))),
sample2 = purrr::pmap_dbl(list(stat, mu, sd), func),
sample3 = mapply(function(f,m,s) match.fun(f)(rnorm(100,m,s)), stat, mu, sd),
sample4 = mapply(func, stat, mu, sd)
) %>%
# # A tibble: 20 x 8
# mu sd stat sample0 sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4
# <int> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 1 mean 1.02 1.03 0.896 1.08 0.855
# 2 2 1 mean 1.95 2.07 2.05 1.90 1.92
# 3 3 1 mean 2.93 3.07 3.03 2.89 3.01
# 4 4 1 mean 4.01 3.94 4.23 4.05 3.96
# 5 5 1 mean 5.04 5.11 5.05 5.17 5.19
# 6 1 10 mean 1.67 1.21 1.30 2.08 -0.641
# 7 2 10 mean 1.82 2.82 2.35 3.65 1.78
# 8 3 10 mean 1.45 3.10 3.15 4.28 2.58
# 9 4 10 mean 3.49 6.33 5.11 2.84 3.41
# 10 5 10 mean 5.33 4.85 4.07 5.58 6.66
# 11 1 1 sd 0.965 1.04 0.993 0.942 1.08
# 12 2 1 sd 0.974 0.967 0.981 0.984 1.15
# 13 3 1 sd 1.12 0.902 1.06 0.977 1.02
# 14 4 1 sd 0.946 0.928 0.960 1.01 0.992
# 15 5 1 sd 1.06 1.01 0.911 1.11 1.00
# 16 1 10 sd 9.46 8.95 10.0 8.91 9.60
# 17 2 10 sd 9.51 9.11 11.5 9.85 10.6
# 18 3 10 sd 9.77 9.96 11.0 9.09 10.7
# 19 4 10 sd 10.5 9.84 10.1 10.6 8.89
# 20 5 10 sd 11.2 8.82 10.4 9.06 9.64
sample0 happens to work because you have grouped it to be row-wise. If at some point any one grouping has two or more values, this will fail.
For sample1 through sample4, you can remove the group_by and it works equally well (though sample0 demonstrates its failing, so remove it too). You won't get identical results as above with grouping removed, because the entropy is being consumed differently.
Good Morning,
i am using the "epiR" packages to assess test accuracy.
## Generate a data set listing test results and true disease status:
dis <- c(rep(1, times = 744), rep(0, times = 842))
tes <- c(rep(1, times = 670), rep(0, times = 74),
rep(1, times = 202), rep(0, times = 640))
dat.df02 <- data.frame(dis, tes)
tmp.df02 <- dat.df02 %>%
mutate(dis = factor(dis, levels = c(1,0), labels = c("Dis+","Dis-"))) %>%
mutate(tes = factor(tes, levels = c(1,0), labels = c("Test+","Test-"))) %>%
group_by(tes, dis) %>%
summarise(n = n())
## View the data in conventional 2 by 2 table format:
pivot_wider(tmp.df02, id_cols = c(tes), names_from = dis, values_from = n)
rval.tes02 <- epi.tests(tmp.df02, method = "exact", digits = 2,
conf.level = 0.95)
The data type is listed as "epi.test". I would like to export the summary statistics to a table (i.e. gtsummary or flextable).
As summary is a function of base R, I am struggling to do this. Can anyone help? Thank you very much
The epi.tests function has been edited so it writes the results out to a data frame (instead of a list). This will simplify export to gtsummary or flextable. epiR version 2.0.50 to be uploaded to CRAN shortly.
This was not quite as straight forward as I expected.
It appears that summary() when applied to an object x of class epi.tests simply prints x$details. x$details is a list of data.frames with statistic names as row names. That last bit makes things slightly more complicated than they would otherwise have been.
A potential tidyverse solution is
function(x) {
as_tibble(rval.tes02$detail[[x]]) %>%
add_column(statistic=x, .before=1)
) %>%
# A tibble: 18 × 4
statistic est lower upper
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ap 0.550 0.525 0.574
2 tp 0.469 0.444 0.494
3 se 0.901 0.877 0.921
4 sp 0.760 0.730 0.789
5 diag.ac 0.826 0.806 0.844
6 diag.or 28.7 21.5 38.2
7 nndx 1.51 1.41 1.65
8 youden 0.661 0.607 0.710
9 pv.pos 0.768 0.739 0.796
10 pv.neg 0.896 0.872 0.918
11 lr.pos 3.75 3.32 4.24
12 lr.neg 0.131 0.105 0.163
13 p.rout 0.450 0.426 0.475
14 p.rin 0.550 0.525 0.574
15 p.tpdn 0.240 0.211 0.270
16 p.tndp 0.0995 0.0789 0.123
17 p.dntp 0.232 0.204 0.261
18 p.dptn 0.104 0.0823 0.128
Which is a tibble containing the same information as summary(rval.tes02), which you should be able to pass on to gtsummary or flextable. Unusually, the broom package doesn't have a tidy() verb for epi.tests objects.
This is a follow-up to a previous question: Read functions as text and use for plotting
The output of the mapped function...
data %>%
map(.x = models,.f = text_model) %>%
set_names(models) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "model")
...generates a data frame with the results of each function written to a separate column (with the function included in the column headers).
However, it would be best to have the output from each function appended such that all results are included in the same column with a separate column to keep track of which function ("model001", "model002",..."model500") generated the results.
How can the code from the previous question (Read functions as text and use for plotting) be adjusted to write the results in this manner?
Edit: Someone suggested Read functions as text and use for plotting as an answer, but this post is a follow-up to that one asking about how the output can be written to a single column (rather than a sperate column for each function).
Given the other answer, we can pivot the data
data %>%
map(.x = models,.f = text_model) %>%
set_names(models_names) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "model")
) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = model1:model2,names_to = "model")
# A tibble: 200 x 6
A B C D model value
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 0.833 0.538 0.647 1.65 model1 22.9
2 0.833 0.538 0.647 1.65 model2 57.9
3 2.07 1.20 -0.748 -2.04 model1 35.3
4 2.07 1.20 -0.748 -2.04 model2 70.3
5 0.880 -0.199 1.08 1.04 model1 29.2
6 0.880 -0.199 1.08 1.04 model2 64.2
7 0.252 0.400 1.45 -0.0645 model1 15.6
8 0.252 0.400 1.45 -0.0645 model2 50.6
9 0.746 0.0943 -1.00 1.44 model1 20.4
10 0.746 0.0943 -1.00 1.44 model2 55.4
# ... with 190 more rows
I have a set of 500 equations listed in a single column of a .csv file. The equations are written as text like this (for example):
(this is the "right" side of the equation, which equals "y", but the text "y=" does not appear in the .csv file)
These are general linear models that have been written to a .csv file by someone else. Not all models have the same number of variables.
I would like to read these functions into R and format them in a way that will allow for using them to (iteratively) make simple line plots (one for each n = 500 models) of "y" across a range of values for A (shown on the x-axis), given values of B, C, and D.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to do this?
I thought of something based on this [post][1], it is not the best solution, but it seems to work.
Created two equations for an example
models <- c("15+6.2*A-4.3*B+3.7*C-7.9*B*C+2*D^2","50+6.2*A-4.3*B+3.7*C-7.9*B*C+2*D^2")
models_names <- c("model1","model2")
Random data as an example
data <-
A = rnorm(100),
B = rnorm(100),
C = rnorm(100),
D = rnorm(100)
Then a created a function that uses those text equations and apply as function returning the values
text_model <- function(formula){
eval(parse(text = paste('f <- function(A,B,C,D) { return(' , formula , ')}', sep='')))
out <- f(data$A,data$B,data$C,data$D)
Applied equations
Finally, I apply each equation for the data, binding both.
data %>%
map(.x = models,.f = text_model) %>%
set_names(models_names) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "model")
# A tibble: 100 x 6
A B C D model1 model2
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 -0.0633 1.18 -0.409 2.01 9.52 54.9
2 -0.00207 1.35 1.28 1.59 9.16 40.3
3 0.798 -0.141 1.58 -0.123 20.6 63.2
4 -0.162 -0.0795 0.408 0.663 14.3 52.0
5 -1.11 0.788 -1.37 1.20 4.71 46.0
6 2.80 1.84 -0.850 0.161 24.4 68.7
7 1.03 0.550 0.907 -1.92 19.0 60.8
8 0.515 -0.179 -0.980 0.0437 19.0 48.9
9 -0.353 0.0643 1.39 1.30 12.5 55.3
10 -0.427 -1.01 -1.11 -0.547 16.7 39.3
# ... with 90 more rows
I need to use the qchisq function on a column of a sparklyr data frame.
The problem is that it seems that qchisq function is not implemented in Spark. If I am reading the error message below correctly, sparklyr tried execute a function called "QCHISQ", however this doesn't exist neither in Hive SQL, nor in Spark.
In general, is there a way to run arbitrary functions that are not implemented in Hive or Spark, with sparklyr? I know about spark_apply, but haven't figured out how to configure it yet.
> mydf = data.frame(beta=runif(100, -5, 5), pval = runif(100, 0.001, 0.1))
> mydf_tbl = copy_to(con, mydf)
> mydf_tbl
# Source: table<mydf> [?? x 2]
# Database: spark_connection
beta pval
<dbl> <dbl>
1 3.42 0.0913
2 -1.72 0.0629
3 0.515 0.0335
4 -3.12 0.0717
5 -2.12 0.0253
6 1.36 0.00640
7 -3.33 0.0896
8 1.36 0.0235
9 0.619 0.0414
10 4.73 0.0416
> mydf_tbl %>% mutate(se = sqrt(beta^2/qchisq(pval)))
Error: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Undefined function: 'QCHISQ'.
This function is neither a registered temporary function nor a permanent function registered in the database 'default'.; line 1 pos 49
As you noted you can use spark_apply:
mydf_tbl %>%
dplyr::mutate(df, se = sqrt(beta^2/qchisq(pval, df = 12))))
# # Source: table<sparklyr_tmp_14bd5feacf5> [?? x 3]
# # Database: spark_connection
# beta pval X3
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1.66 0.0763 0.686
# 2 0.153 0.0872 0.0623
# 3 2.96 0.0485 1.30
# 4 4.86 0.0349 2.22
# 5 -1.82 0.0712 0.760
# 6 2.34 0.0295 1.10
# 7 3.54 0.0297 1.65
# 8 4.57 0.0784 1.88
# 9 4.94 0.0394 2.23
# 10 -0.610 0.0906 0.246
# # ... with more rows
but fair warning - it is embarrassingly slow. Unfortunately you don't have alternative here, short of writing your own Scala / Java extensions.
In the end I've used an horrible hack, which for this case works fine.
Another solution would have been to write a User Defined Function (UDF), but sparklyr doesn't support it yet: https://github.com/rstudio/sparklyr/issues/1052
This is the hack I've used. In short, I precompute a qchisq table, upload it as a sparklyr object, then join. If I compare this with results calculated on a local data frame, I get a correlation of r=0.99999990902236146617.
#' #param n: number of significant digits to use
> check_precomputed_strategy = function(n) {
chisq = data.frame(pval=seq(0, 1, 1/(10**(n)))) %>%
mutate(qval=qchisq(pval, df=1, lower.tail = FALSE)) %>%
mutate(pval_s = as.character(round(as.integer(pval*10**n),0)))
chisq %>% head %>% print
chisq_tbl = copy_to(con, chisq, overwrite=T)
mydf = data.frame(beta=runif(100, -5, 5), pval = runif(100, 0.001, 0.1)) %>%
mutate(se1 = sqrt(beta^2/qchisq(pval, df=1, lower.tail = FALSE)))
mydf_tbl = copy_to(con, mydf)
mydf_tbl.up = mydf_tbl %>%
mutate(pval_s=as.character(round(as.integer(pval*10**n),0))) %>%
left_join(chisq_tbl, by="pval_s") %>%
mutate(se=sqrt(beta^2 / qval)) %>%
collect %>%
mydf_tbl.up %>% head %>% print
mydf_tbl.up %>% filter(complete.cases(.)) %>% nrow %>% print
mydf_tbl.up %>% filter(complete.cases(.)) %>% select(se, se1) %>% cor
> check_precomputed_strategy(4)
pval qval pval_s
1 0.00000000000000000000000 Inf 0
2 0.00010000000000000000479 15.136705226623396570 1
3 0.00020000000000000000958 13.831083619091122827 2
4 0.00030000000000000002793 13.070394140069462097 3
5 0.00040000000000000001917 12.532193305401813532 4
6 0.00050000000000000001041 12.115665146397173402 5
# A tibble: 6 x 8
beta pval.x se1 myvar pval_s pval.y qval se
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 3.42 0.0913 2.03 1. 912 0.0912 2.85 2.03
2 -1.72 0.0629 0.927 1. 628 0.0628 3.46 0.927
3 0.515 0.0335 0.242 1. 335 0.0335 4.52 0.242
4 -3.12 0.0717 1.73 1. 716 0.0716 3.25 1.73
5 -2.12 0.0253 0.947 1. 253 0.0253 5.00 0.946
6 1.36 0.00640 0.498 1. 63 0.00630 7.46 0.497
[1] 100
se se1
se 1.00000000000000000000 0.99999990902236146617
se1 0.99999990902236146617 1.00000000000000000000
I have a large dataset I need to divide into multiple balanced sets.
The set looks something like the following:
> data<-matrix(runif(4000, min=0, max=10), nrow=500, ncol=8 )
> colnames(data)<-c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H")
The sets, each containing for example 20 rows, will need to be balanced across multiple variables so that each subset ends up having a similar mean of B, C, D that's included in their subgroup compared to all the other subsets.
Is there a way to do that with R? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance!
# Reproducible data
data<-matrix(runif(4000, min=0, max=10), nrow=500, ncol=8 )
Updated Answer
It's probably not possible to get similar means across sets within each column if you want to keep observations from a given row together. With 8 columns (as in your sample data), you'd need 25 20-row sets where each column A set has the same mean, each column B set has the same mean, etc. That's a lot of constraints. Probably there are, however, algorithms that could find the set membership assignment schedule that minimizes the difference in set means.
However, if you can separately take 20 observations from each column without regard to which row it came from, then here's one option:
# Group into sets with same means
same_means = data %>%
gather(key, value) %>%
arrange(value) %>%
group_by(key) %>%
mutate(set = c(rep(1:25, 10), rep(25:1, 10)))
# Check means by set for each column
same_means %>%
group_by(key, set) %>%
summarise(mean=mean(value)) %>%
spread(key, mean) %>% as.data.frame
set A B C D E F G H
1 1 4.940018 5.018584 5.117592 4.931069 5.016401 5.171896 4.886093 5.047926
2 2 4.946496 5.018578 5.124084 4.936461 5.017041 5.172817 4.887383 5.048850
3 3 4.947443 5.021511 5.125649 4.929010 5.015181 5.173983 4.880492 5.044192
4 4 4.948340 5.014958 5.126480 4.922940 5.007478 5.175898 4.878876 5.042789
5 5 4.943010 5.018506 5.123188 4.924283 5.019847 5.174981 4.869466 5.046532
6 6 4.942808 5.019945 5.123633 4.924036 5.019279 5.186053 4.870271 5.044757
7 7 4.945312 5.022991 5.120904 4.919835 5.019173 5.187910 4.869666 5.041317
8 8 4.947457 5.024992 5.125821 4.915033 5.016782 5.187996 4.867533 5.043262
9 9 4.936680 5.020040 5.128815 4.917770 5.022527 5.180950 4.864416 5.043587
10 10 4.943435 5.022840 5.122607 4.921102 5.018274 5.183719 4.872688 5.036263
11 11 4.942015 5.024077 5.121594 4.921965 5.015766 5.185075 4.880304 5.045362
12 12 4.944416 5.024906 5.119663 4.925396 5.023136 5.183449 4.887840 5.044733
13 13 4.946751 5.020960 5.127302 4.923513 5.014100 5.186527 4.889140 5.048425
14 14 4.949517 5.011549 5.127794 4.925720 5.006624 5.188227 4.882128 5.055608
15 15 4.943008 5.013135 5.130486 4.930377 5.002825 5.194421 4.884593 5.051968
16 16 4.939554 5.021875 5.129392 4.930384 5.005527 5.197746 4.883358 5.052474
17 17 4.935909 5.019139 5.131258 4.922536 5.003273 5.204442 4.884018 5.059162
18 18 4.935830 5.022633 5.129389 4.927106 5.008391 5.210277 4.877859 5.054829
19 19 4.936171 5.025452 5.127276 4.927904 5.007995 5.206972 4.873620 5.054192
20 20 4.942925 5.018719 5.127394 4.929643 5.005699 5.202787 4.869454 5.055665
21 21 4.941351 5.014454 5.125727 4.932884 5.008633 5.205170 4.870352 5.047728
22 22 4.933846 5.019311 5.130156 4.923804 5.012874 5.213346 4.874263 5.056290
23 23 4.928815 5.021575 5.139077 4.923665 5.017180 5.211699 4.876333 5.056836
24 24 4.928739 5.024419 5.140386 4.925559 5.012995 5.214019 4.880025 5.055182
25 25 4.929357 5.025198 5.134391 4.930061 5.008571 5.217005 4.885442 5.062630
Original Answer
# Randomly group data into 20-row groups
data = data %>%
mutate(set = sample(rep(1:(500/20), each=20)))
A B C D E F G H set
1 1.848823 6.920055 3.2283369 6.633721 6.794640 2.0288792 1.984295 2.09812642 10
2 7.023740 5.599569 0.4468325 5.198884 6.572196 0.9269249 9.700118 4.58840437 20
3 5.733263 3.426912 7.3168797 3.317611 8.301268 1.4466065 5.280740 0.09172101 19
4 1.680519 2.344975 4.9242313 6.163171 4.651894 2.2253335 1.175535 2.51299726 25
5 9.438393 4.296028 2.3563249 5.814513 1.717668 0.8130327 9.430833 0.68269106 19
6 9.434750 7.367007 1.2603451 5.952936 3.337172 5.2892300 5.139007 6.52763327 5
# Mean by set for each column
data %>% group_by(set) %>%
set A B C D E F G H
1 1 5.240236 6.143941 4.638874 5.367626 4.982008 4.200123 5.521844 5.083868
2 2 5.520983 5.257147 5.209941 4.504766 4.231175 3.642897 5.578811 6.439491
3 3 5.943011 3.556500 5.366094 4.583440 4.932206 4.725007 5.579103 5.420547
4 4 4.729387 4.755320 5.582982 4.763171 5.217154 5.224971 4.972047 3.892672
5 5 4.824812 4.527623 5.055745 4.556010 4.816255 4.426381 3.520427 6.398151
6 6 4.957994 7.517130 6.727288 4.757732 4.575019 6.220071 5.219651 5.130648
7 7 5.344701 4.650095 5.736826 5.161822 5.208502 5.645190 4.266679 4.243660
8 8 4.003065 4.578335 5.797876 4.968013 5.130712 6.192811 4.282839 5.669198
9 9 4.766465 4.395451 5.485031 4.577186 5.366829 5.653012 4.550389 4.367806
10 10 4.695404 5.295599 5.123817 5.358232 5.439788 5.643931 5.127332 5.089670
# ... with 15 more rows
If the total number of rows in the data frame is not divisible by the number of rows you want in each set, then you can do the following when you create the sets:
data = data %>%
mutate(set = sample(rep(1:ceiling(500/20), each=20))[1:n()])
In this case, the set sizes will vary a bit with the number of data rows is not divisible by the desired number of rows in each set.
The following approach could be worth trying for someone in a similar position.
It is based on the numerical balancing in groupdata2's fold() function, which allows creating groups with balanced means for a single column. By standardizing each of the columns and numerically balancing their rowwise sum, we might increase the chance of getting balanced means in the individual columns.
I compared this approach to creating groups randomly a few times and selecting the split with the least variance in means. It seems to be a bit better, but I'm not too convinced that this will hold in all contexts.
# Attach dplyr and groupdata2
# Create the dataset
data <- matrix(runif(4000, min = 0, max = 10), nrow = 500, ncol = 8)
colnames(data) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H")
data <- dplyr::as_tibble(data)
# Standardize all columns and calculate row sums
data_std <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(.funs = function(x){(x-mean(x))/sd(x)}) %>%
dplyr::mutate(total = rowSums(across(where(is.numeric))))
# Create groups (new column called ".folds")
# We numerically balance the "total" column
data_std <- data_std %>%
groupdata2::fold(k = 25, num_col = "total") # k = 500/20=25
# Transfer the groups to the original (non-standardized) data frame
data$group <- data_std$.folds
# Check the means
data %>%
dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(.funs = mean)
> # A tibble: 25 x 9
> group A B C D E F G H
> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
> 1 1 4.48 5.05 4.80 5.65 5.04 4.60 5.12 4.85
> 2 2 5.57 5.17 3.21 5.46 4.46 5.89 5.06 4.79
> 3 3 4.33 6.02 4.57 6.18 4.76 3.79 5.94 3.71
> 4 4 4.51 4.62 4.62 5.27 4.65 5.41 5.26 5.23
> 5 5 4.55 5.10 4.19 5.41 5.28 5.39 5.57 4.23
> 6 6 4.82 4.74 6.10 4.34 4.82 5.08 4.89 4.81
> 7 7 5.88 4.49 4.13 3.91 5.62 4.75 5.46 5.26
> 8 8 4.11 5.50 5.61 4.23 5.30 4.60 4.96 5.35
> 9 9 4.30 3.74 6.45 5.60 3.56 4.92 5.57 5.32
> 10 10 5.26 5.50 4.35 5.29 4.53 4.75 4.49 5.45
> # … with 15 more rows
# Check the standard deviations of the means
# Could be used to compare methods
data %>%
dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(.funs = mean) %>%
dplyr::summarise(across(where(is.numeric), sd))
> # A tibble: 1 x 8
> A B C D E F G H
> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
> 1 0.496 0.546 0.764 0.669 0.591 0.611 0.690 0.475
It might be best to compare the means and mean variances (or standard deviations as above) of different methods on the standardized data though. In that case, one could calculate the sum of the variances and minimize it.
data_std %>%
dplyr::select(-total) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.folds) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(.funs = mean) %>%
dplyr::summarise(across(where(is.numeric), sd)) %>%
> 1.643989
Comparing multiple balanced splits
The fold() function allows creating multiple unique grouping factors (splits) at once. So here, I will perform the numerically balanced split 20 times and find the grouping with the lowest sum of the standard deviations of the means. I'll further convert it to a function.
create_multi_balanced_groups <- function(data, cols, k, num_tries){
# Extract the variables of interest
# We assume these are numeric but we could add a check
data_to_balance <- data[, cols]
# Standardize all columns
# And calculate rowwise sums
data_std <- data_to_balance %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(.funs = function(x){(x-mean(x))/sd(x)}) %>%
dplyr::mutate(total = rowSums(across(where(is.numeric))))
# Create `num_tries` unique numerically balanced splits
data_std <- data_std %>%
k = k,
num_fold_cols = num_tries,
num_col = "total"
# The new fold column names ".folds_1", ".folds_2", etc.
fold_col_names <- paste0(".folds_", seq_len(num_tries))
# Remove total column
data_std <- data_std %>%
# Calculate score for each split
# This could probably be done more efficiently without a for loop
variance_scores <- c()
for (fcol in fold_col_names){
score <- data_std %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!as.name(fcol)) %>%
dplyr::summarise(across(where(is.numeric), mean)) %>%
dplyr::summarise(across(where(is.numeric), sd)) %>%
variance_scores <- append(variance_scores, score)
# Get the fold column with the lowest score
lowest_fcol_index <- which.min(variance_scores)
best_fcol <- fold_col_names[[lowest_fcol_index]]
# Add the best fold column / grouping factor to the original data
data[["group"]] <- data_std[[best_fcol]]
# Return the original data and the score of the best fold column
list(data, min(variance_scores))
# Run with 20 splits
data_grouped_and_score <- create_multi_balanced_groups(
data = data,
cols = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"),
k = 25,
num_tries = 20
# Check data
> # A tibble: 500 x 9
> A B C D E F G H group
> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>
> 1 5.86 6.54 0.500 2.88 5.70 9.67 2.29 3.01 2
> 2 0.0895 4.69 5.71 0.343 8.95 7.73 5.76 9.58 1
> 3 2.94 1.78 2.06 6.66 9.54 0.600 4.26 0.771 16
> 4 2.77 1.52 0.723 8.11 8.95 1.37 6.32 6.24 7
> 5 8.14 2.49 0.467 8.51 0.889 6.28 4.47 8.63 13
> 6 2.60 8.23 9.17 5.14 2.85 8.54 8.94 0.619 23
> 7 7.24 0.260 6.64 8.35 8.59 0.0862 1.73 8.10 5
> 8 9.06 1.11 6.01 5.35 2.01 9.37 7.47 1.01 1
> 9 9.49 5.48 3.64 1.94 3.24 2.49 3.63 5.52 7
> 10 0.731 0.230 5.29 8.43 5.40 8.50 3.46 1.23 10
> # … with 490 more rows
# Check score
> 1.552656
By commenting out the num_col = "total" line, we can run this without the numerical balancing. For me, this gave a score of 1.615257.
Disclaimer: I am the author of the groupdata2 package. The fold() function can also balance a categorical column (cat_col) and keep all data points with the same ID in the same fold (id_col) (e.g. to avoid leakage in cross-validation). There's a very similar partition() function as well.