Symfony/Doctrine2 and Associative entity - symfony

Usually when querying in a custom repository class, I use something like this :
SELECT * FROM BundleName:Entity
But how do I do for associative entity ?
I have an entity "Ticket" and an entity "Tag".
It's a ManyToMany relation.
In phpMyAdmin, I've got a ticket_tag associative table but how do I get it with Doctrine ?
Thank you

You should use createQueryBuilder to handle your custom query requirement, in case if you are having a valid relationship over entities. for example:
Inside ticket repository you should handle like this, if you want to do more operations then you should learn more from here:
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('t')
->select('count( as total_ticket, as tagId')
->leftJoin('t.tags', 'tag')
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();


CreateQueryBuilder on an association table that has no entity

I have an association table, that has no entity itself, inside an entity. I can do a raw or native query on it but I want to use createQueryBuilder on it. How can I?
Here is the raw query that I want to convert to createQueryBuilder:
$sql = 'SELECT t.* FROM tasks t LEFT JOIN question_tasks qt ON = qt.task_id WHERE qt.question_id = :qtId';
$rsm = new ResultSetMappingBuilder($this->_em);
$rsm->addRootEntityFromClassMetadata(Task::class, 't');
$query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm);
$query->setParameter('qtId', $questionId);
return $query->getResult();
Thank you.
It's kind of impossible use Doctrine ORM without entity. QueryBuilder just converts down to DQL. DQL make queries over your object model.
Says documentation
You need to think about DQL as a query language for your object model,
not for your relational schema.
Check docs here Doctrine Query Language

Create new element with doctrine entity manager?

I use doctrine entity manager in my script, select and update works always, so entity manager is initialized correctly:
$article = $entityManager->find('Models\Article', 5);
echo $article->getTitle();
but when I try to create/save new element then the page breaks, the code is:
$item = new Article();
$item->setTitle('Created item!');
It's created like on official documentation page
What I do wrong here?
Seems you can't specify the relation of the object with the Author entity:
Probably your entity Article Have a relation with the entity Author. In this case you should have a proper setter method (simple setAuthor(Author $author) ) that assign the reference of an Author object. In this case you could use the following:
$item->setAuthor($entityManager->find('Models\Author', 1););
Or Better
$item->setAuthor($entityManager->getReference('Models\Author', 1););
You could also use a short way of reference the class object with the class keyword, as example:
$item->setAuthor($entityManager->getReference(Author::class, 1););
Hope this help

link between QueryBuilder parameters

public function Bycategorie($categorie)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
->where('u.categorie = :categorie')
return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
I want to know what the link is between:
$categorie, u and the entity in which I'm working,
Your question is related to Doctrine. About association mapping you can read here
In your example relation can be One-to-One (in theory) or Many-to-One (many users can obtain the same category). Many-to-One relation is more preferable variant and has a logical explanation.
helo, i have found what i was searching for.
my question was : what is the link between querybuilder parameters.
in my example i find that in the where clause (where('u.categorie =:categorie'))
'categorie' of the left(in the parenthesis) must be a colum of a table in my database.
thanks for your helps.

Doctrine DQL Delete from relation table

Using Doctrine 2 and Symfony 2.0.
I have two Doctrine entities (let's suppose EntityA and EntityB).
I have a ManyToMany relation between them. So a EntityA_EntityB table has been created in database.
Using DQL or QueryBuilder, how can I delete from that relation table EntityA_EntityB?
Docrtine offers something like this to perform something similar:
->from('EntityA a')
->where('', '?', $id);
But I don't really get how to perform the deletion of row from the relation table.
$em = ...; // instance of `EntityManager`
// fetch both objects if ID is known
$a = $em->getRepository("YourProjectNamespace:EntityA")->find($id_of_A);
$b = $em->getRepository("YourProjectNamespace:EntityB")->find($id_of_B);
// suppose you have `EntityA::getObjectsOfTypeB` which retrieves all of linked objects of type `EntityB`.
// This method return instacne of ArrayCollection
Something like this?
Basically, you need to remove related object from collection rather than delete relation itself. you want to remove relation directly you can always use pure SQL, but in DQL that is not possible.
Raw DELETE SQL statement via DBAL Connection object
$conn = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getConnection();
$stmt = $conn->prepare("DELETE FROM EntityAEntityB WHERE id_b IN (:ids_of_b)");
$stmt->bindParam('ids_of_b', $to_delete_ids); // BEWARE: this array has to have at least one element

Automatically add a Join statement in findBy magic method

I'm using Symfony2 / Doctrine2.
I'm trying to override the BaseEntityRepository Class so the magic findBy method automatically adds a JOIN on a "translations" relation. It was easy to do in Symfony 1.4/Doctrine 1, because it was manipulating a Doctrine_Query object, so I simply had to $query->addJoin() and it did the trick.
Unfortunately, in Doctrine 2 you only receive an array of criteria as parameter, and that's where I'm stucked.
I got many entities which have a one-to-many relationship with a translation entity.
For exemple : Section as a one-to-many relationship with SectionTranslation
The goal is to retrieve only the "active" sections (active is in SectionTranslation) when using SectionRepository->findAll(); (or even findBy).
The wanted DQL result is : Select * from Section INNER JOIN SectionTranslation ON = SectionTranslation.translatable_id WHERE SectionTranslation.locale = $locale AND = 1;
Any idea?
The solution could be adding event listener for particular entity and particular method.
