How to carry out anything other than clients.openWindow upon onnotificationclick? - firebase

I have successfully used onnotificationclick to handle actions and so far the only thing I can do is clients.openWindow().
I tried using importScripts() to include firestore JS SDK and write something to firestore, doesn't work.
I tried tried using importScripts() to include functions JS SDK and invoke functions as such:, doesn't work.
Chrome throws "Illegal invokation". I believe because the JS SDK uses something not available in service worker (e.g. XHR)?
Can I use fetch() to interact with firestore REST endpoint or invoke cloud functions?
FYI I am trying to implement a Mute or Archive action that requires invoking some cloud function or updating firestore DB.


Does Firebase Cloud Functions's HTTP onRequest handler only work with us-central1?

I have a Cloud Function called customIndexHtml like so:
exports.customIndexHtml = functions.region('asia-east2').https.onRequest((req, res) => {
//return a customized HTML
Right now it would only work if I remove the region setting and leave it to the default us-central1 server. The function would work, but the latency is high because my app is based in Asia. I've tried the Asian servers closer to me (Singapore, Hongkong), but every time I specify them and try to run, Firebase Cloud Functions would redirect my app to My question is, is there anyway to make https.onRequest work with regions other than us-central1?
Note that this is only happening if I am using the https.onRequest() handler, if I use any other handler and specify a region closer to me, it works just fine.
You can deploy a Firebase Function to a specific location, as per your snippet.
But you also need to give instructions to your client:
There is also one important notice:
If you are using HTTP functions to serve dynamic content for Firebase Hosting, you must use us-central1.

trigger function on firebase deploy functions

Does anyone know if there is an easy way to trigger a function everytime i re-deploy some funciont to firebase?
I have an specific firabase functions which i define inside GCP (this way when i do "firebase deploy" it doesnt re-deploy, unnisntal or touch in any form my current function)
but sometimes i might update this function manually on GCP and i would like to trigger a inner function of its code everytime it happens... is it possible?
exports.decrementAction = (req, res) => {/*do stuff*/res.status(200).send("ok")};
function auxiliary(){
//to be called on re-deploy
Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way for you to trigger a function within a code that is being redeployed. Since this code is only being deployed at the moment, this wouldn't be possible to be done automatically.
The alternative would be to have this function separately from the "root" function in the moment of deploying and use triggers to run this other Cloud Function, when the first is redeployed. This way, it would be possible to run it based in the deployment of the other.
You can get more information on the triggers available for Cloud Functions here: Calling Cloud Functions. With them, you should be able to configure the timing for the execution.
Besides that, it might be worth it to raise a Feature Request for Google's to verify the possibility of adding this in future releases.
Let me know if the information clarified!
I think there exists a manner.
With Pub/Sub you can catch logs from Stackdriver (docs). Those services allow you to store only the logs related to the deployment of a Cloud Function.
The store could be, for instance, Cloud Firestore. As you should know, there is available a trigger for Cloud Firestore events.
Finally, every time an event log related to a function's deployment is generated, it will be stored and triggers a function attached to that event. In the function, you can parse or filter the logs.

Using cloud function to denormalize firestore data issue

I am using many cloud function trigger and admin sdk to do multi-path update.I don't want to do too much multi-path update in client cause it will make firestore rules very complex and firestore rules also have document access call limits.So I decide to using cloud function to do most denomorlization stuff.
There is how one of my function work.
cloud function triggered at profiles/{userId}
and i using .get to load multi-path update needed paths at
set writebatch.update on those paths
And I think there have a function is asynchronous right?.So when function are running to step 3 And at the same moment a client delete one of update path from cf already loaded document at profilesPaths/{userId} (already loaded at step 2).and now cloud function loaded document is not the latest version.Will this happend? or i should using transactions to lock those documents?
Yes, Cloud Functions run asynchronous, and possibly in parallel. You should be using transactions to make sure that updates are consistent among all the clients that are trying to modify them concurrently.

How can I initialize firebase app in a serverless model? What is the concurrent app limit?

I created a serverless function that performs that Firebase Token Validation.
Everything works as intended. Except, I have I get errors on subsequent calls to initialize my app that the default app already exists (same container). This raises some questions.
If my serverless infrastructure was to spin up multiple concurrent containers, each working to initialize the app. Would this also cause this error? That the app is initiailized elsewhere? Or is this error isolated to local instances?
If its the latter, If I provide a named app based on the container it is spun up in, is there a firebase limit to the maximum number of apps that can be initialized at once?
This is how I am initializing the app now:
cred = credentials.Certificate(SERVICE)
I could do this but am not sure about firebase app limits or concurrent initializations (cant find any specifics in docs):
cred = credentials.Certificate(SERVICE)
firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, 'APP-NAME-[CONTAINERID]')
Or, should I just re-write this using my own JWT Decoder and grabbing the public keys from google?
And here is the full error:
Error occurred setting firebase credentials: The default Firebase app already exists. This means you called initialize_app() more than once without providing an app name as the second argument. In most cases you only need to call initialize_app() once. But if you do want to initialize multiple apps, pass a second argument to initialize_app() to give each app a unique name.
UPDATE: AWS Lambda, Python.
I am going to test out with the following, to prevent re-initializing the app within the same container on warm function executions and move forward with the assumption that there are no API limits on performing auth.validate_id_token() and that this won't conflict with concurrent container executions. Ill report back if it tests out differently.
firebase_admin.get_app()'firebase already intialized.')
except ValueError as e:'firebase not initialized. initialize.')
cred = credentials.Certificate(SERVICE)
I will probably still migrate to another JWT validation to reduce function size (since I already have a jwt library for my own app use) and migrate away from relying on Firebase API to decode it.
If you get an error when initializing the admin SDK that says the default app already exists, that just means you're trying to init the admin SDK twice in the same process. Obviously, don't do that. If you init once and only once per process, you will never see this error.
You will have to take some care to only call the init method once per server instance. It's not clear exactly what you're doing from the code you've shown. I don't know about python, but with node, you can init once in a global context without problems. If you need to init during a function execution, you should have some flag to check that ensures the default Firebase app hasn't already been initialized, and init only conditionally based on that flag.

Google Cloud Functions with ECONNRESET errors until I redeploy

I'm using Google Cloud Functions to:
Watch for a new Firebase entry
Download a file that's referenced in the Firebase entry
Generate a thumbnail based on that file.
Upload the thumbnail to the cloud bucket.
Unfortunately I'm getting ECONNRESET errors repeatedly on step 4, and the only way to fix it seems to be to redeploy the function. Any ideas how to further debug this?
It seems like many times when this happens, when I try to deploy the function again, it errors, and I have to run the deploy twice. Is something hanging or something?
Update May 9 2017
According to this thread, the google cloud nodejs API developers have made some changes to the defaults that are used when initializing that should solve these ECONNRESET socket issues.
From #stephen++ on github GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-node issue 2254:
We have disabled the forever agent by default in Cloud Function
environments. If you un- and re-install #google-cloud/storage, you
will pick up the new behavior automatically. Thanks for all of the
helpful debugging, everyone!
Older Post Follows:
The solution for me to similar ECONNRESET issues using storage on the cloud functions platform was to use npm:promise-retry, but set up your own retry strategy because the default of 10 retries is too many.
I reported an ECONNRESET issue with cloud functions to Google Support (which you might star if you are also getting ECONNRESET in this context but not in other contexts) and they replied with a "won't fix" that the behavior is expected. Google support said the socket that the API client library uses to connect times out after a few minutes, and then when your cloud function tries to use it again you get ECONNRESET. They recommended adding autoRetry:true when initializing the storage API, but that did not help.
The ECONNRESETs happen on the read side too. In both read and write cases promise-retry helps, and most of the time with only 1 retry needed to reset the bad socket.
So I wrote npm:pipe-to-storage to return a promise to do the retries, check md5, etc., but I haven't tested it with binary data, only text, so I don't know if you could use it with image files. The calls would look like this:
const fs = require('fs');
const storage = require('#google-cloud/storage')();
const pipeToStorage = require('pipe-to-storage')(storage);
const source = ()=>(fs.createReadStream("/path/to/your/file/to/upload"));
pipeToStorage(source, bucketName, fileNameInBucket).then(//do next step);
See also How do I read the contents of a new cloud storage file of type .json from within a cloud function?
You can directly report a bug to the Firebase Support team, or open a support ticket with Firebase to troubleshoot a specific issue.
You may also report a Cloud Functions specific issue in the Google Issue Tracker, which is similar to Stack Overflow in that it is accessible by the public (but specifically used for filing issue reports).
