Error "could not find function nnet" in R - r

I am trying to use the function nnet after installing neuralnet package and using the code:
and still get this error all the time.
Does anyone can help me to solve the problem?

Function nnet is not part of the neuralnet package. The function nnet is part of the nnet package. You need to install the package nnet and load it with library(nnet).

Are you sure there is such a function in the package?
It is not mentioned in the manual of CRAN:


fmincon in R - disappeared from 'pracma' package?

In the 'pracma' package manual there is function fmincon to Minimize Nonlinear Constrained Multivariable Function (page 116). However I've installed this package, but there is no such function.
Has it been removed from this package?
Could anyone indicate any other R ackage or function with such funcionality (Minimize Nonlinear Constrained Multivariable Function) ?
What version of pracma do you have installed? The manual you linked to is from version 2.2.5, and that's also the version on CRAN, and it does have fmincon.
Perhaps you forgot
to attach it? Installing isn't enough to make the contents visible.

package required for "mmetric" function in R

I'm trying out Naive Bayes classification using stock dataset in R. Now for displaying the final results I've seen a function mmetric taking testing data and prediction model as arguments. But while I'm trying the same I'm facing the error could not find function "mmetric". I have installed the rminer and list packages which are quotes as reference packages for these. But still I could not resolve it.
Any Suggestions to resolve the error?
I got same error but i updated my Rcpp package that will be needed by rminer to load on the system, hope this helps.

R forecast function error

I am trying to use the forecast function (forecast package in R) and running into problem. Consider the following example:
At the forecast step, I am getting the error message:
Error in .forecast.transform(x, xv, a, h, 1) :
argument "xv" is missing, with no default
This happens even if I replace arima by Arima or auto.arima functions in the forecast package.
Thank you Andrie and Rob for your helpful suggestions. I have fixed the problem, but not sure how. I installed an update to RStudio and reinstalled the forecast library and it worked! Maybe something got messed up recently.
Also, I want to take this opportunity to thank you, Rob, for developing this extremely useful R package.

Getting auto.arima working

Pls can someone help me with how to get auto.arima working in my r. what package should i download? I tried to download auto.arima package but it was not available.
try this
then try using the auto.arima function

parameters CI linear mixed model: profile function using lme4 or lme4a

I am trying to calculate the 95% confidence intervals of a linear mixed model calculated with lmer() function from lme4 package. Reading Baker (2010) there is a way to calcuilate the cononfidence interval of the parameters, and it can also serve to create profile plots of the parameters to assess the variability of the parameter estimates (see the book available at:
I am very interesting in see how the parameters of my model and calculate the confidence intervals. After read some related post answered by Baker the lme4a version of the package could have this library instaled. I have been able to successfully download and instal this library from r-forge and I also tried to download and instal the lme4 packages from the url:
However, I was not able to load the library successfuly. Now when I try to load the library lme4 it gives me the next error:
Error in loadNamespace(i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths())) :
there is no package called ‘minqa’
Error: package/namespace load failed for ‘lme4’
And the next one for the library lme4a:
Error: package ‘minqa’ required by ‘lme4a’ could not be found
I am sure that I am doing something wrong, but I am not able to find the solution. Any suggestion will be very welcome! Many thanks in advance
