}); This bit of code - wordpress

this bit of code }); has appeared in the very top of my wordpress site. Not really a coder, but looked to see if I could find it in any of the template files and no joy. When you inspect it in Chrome, it is right at the top of the body after all of the css classes.
This is the full code from the page that has the random bit displaying.
the code I see on inspection


Website css loads fast except for for the source tabs

I have a website richanime.com and it's a anime based website. The problem is when i load any of my posts the tabs don't load immediately. I've tried to load the jquery and jquery-ui.css internally and still no luck.
It loads a little bit faster on opera and chrome, but on firefox the page loads without and then with the css for the tabs. Can anyone please check it out, here's an example post: http://richanime.net/anime/fairy-tail-2014-episode-46/ (It's the tabs that say "Mp4Upload", "VideoNest" and such.
I use jquery-1.9.1.js and jquery-ui.js while jquery-ui.css loads in my style.css
I use wordpress. The problem lies on opera and and chrome too but firefox the most. Does anyone have any idea how to make it load immediately?
Here's some code: Style.css for tabs only
I've added some the css code that i use for the tabs. Hope it's enough.

My responsive work in local but not when it's on the server

I work as an intern on a website wich is actually protected with pass so I can't give you the link...
Anyway, I will ask the question and if you need some code I can give it.
So, there is a responsive design for the mobile made buy an external party which created the design/css. The responsive work correctly when I work with wampServer, and I resized the page with the ctrl+maj+m on firefox.
The actual problem is, when I put the same page on the server, the responsive don't work anymore... on firefox and on mobile phones.
I don't get how is that possible, so maybe someone encountered the same problem and has some tips?
Thank you
EDIT : There is ONE page which still works online, but I really don't get why, it has exactly the same code as the others... the 'responsive code' is included in each page at the top with the footer too (but this one is at the end of the page). Just the body changes on every page.
Here is the sample code. header.php, head.php, mainmenu.php.
Thanks Abdul-Rafay Shaikh.
Well, all of the css is imported in the import <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/zz-all.css" type="text/css" />. Which is called in the head.php. The path is good, in fact it works in one page and not the others. I think I have to check, line by line, all of the code to find maybe an import that f***ed all up, or something like that.
Thanks for all your help anyway :)
Well I think the responsive template you are using maybe used javascript to actually make breakpoints and as you told us that the one page that is working when deployed on a real server has the responsive css in the footer. So my solution would be put the css of all the pages in the footer or check wether any js is actually making the breakpoint and put the CSS after that javascript.
The Second thing is the path's maybe your CSS that has the responsive code has their path defined preceding localhost/ or some thing like that check that.
Third if there is no javascript that is making your website responsive and its only css import your responsive CSS to the main stylesheet
In your main style sheet
#import url("responsive.css");
just to make sure that your responsive style sheet is loaded whenever your main style sheet is loaded.
I hope this solves the problem

jQuery pagination not working on Wordpress

I am building a page on Wordpress that has a DIV and inside that DIV there are many DIVs that share the same class, which I would like to paginate. I found a nice jQuery plugin that works fine on another page (not Wordpress). On the WP page, it initially shows the number of DIVs I set for pagination, but when clicking on NEXT/PAGE/PAGE NUMBER it shows nothing.
Works here (not Wordpress):
Doesn't work here:
Your plugin is working fine thats why it has brought up 16 items into 4 pages and does all initial work for you. There is an error on line 327 , 328
$("#leftTip").load('http://roshtof.co.il/wp-rosh/%D7%98%D7%99%D7%A4%D7%99%D7%9D-%D7%9C%D7%9E%D7%AA%D7%95%D7%A4%D7%A4%D7%99%D7%9D/ #tips-for-drummers:first-child');
You need to put this code inside dom ready event and it would work. Nothing to do with wordpress. All wordpress does is throw out html and js for you so once you have this issue fixed then it would be all fine.
Because of the js error the scripts on paging click are not working. Other stuff might be broken as well due to js error.

Css not working on published sites

I have just recently implemented the five star rating system from ajax, into my asp.net site. Everything works fine in locall debug mode.However. Once i publish it, the css does not show up. I have declared all of the css within the content page, not sure if this is why. I am very in-experienced with working with css; so i am sorry if it something simple.
I have checked the spelling of the image url, and have also tried implementing it into the site.css. But as i said, i am in-experienced; so am not sure what to do here.
This is my code as it stands:
The css declared at the top of the content page:
The reference to the css from my rating control:
Thanks in advance!
Check if your css links is right and your css files loaded successfully
I have seen your code.
Give extention as ".css" and not ".c"
I dont think that you can use Codepad for that because it does not give support for CSS.
If you are not using Codepad
Then as you are deploying it in server then check the URLs of the Images that are present in the CSS file for rating/.

Lightbox Display Loading Box at End of Page

I'm using Lightbox for the first time, and it's working for my images. However, for some reason, I get a strange box at the end of my page that shows the loading icon, even though there shouldn't be an image there.
The image: http://i.imgur.com/ACImB.png
Upon inspecting the element, I get the following HTML code.
<div id="lightbox"><div class="lb-outerContainer"><div class="lb-container"><img class="lb-image"><div class="lb-nav"><a class="lb-prev"></a><a class="lb-next"></a></div><div class="lb-loader"><a class="lb-cancel"><img src="/z/styles/images/loading.gif"></a></div></div></div><div class="lb-dataContainer"><div class="lb-data"><div class="lb-details"><span class="lb-caption"></span><span class="lb-number"></span></div><div class="lb-closeContainer"><a class="lb-close"><img src="/z/styles/images/close.png"></a></div></div></div></div>
The strange part about this code is that I didn't make that div, it seems to have just been inserted by the script. Does anyone know what this might be and how to get rid of it?
This could easily be a problem with your css or script path.
If you look at the lightbox2 demo it displays that loading page you see and then removes it to display the loaded image. When either the javascript or stylesheets are not correctly linked it will not work properly.
Lightbox2 site: http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/
You can try using (in chrome, for firefox there's firebug) right-click inspect element, go to the resources tab and expand the frames boxes until you see all the images, scripts and style sheets in a list. It'll let you know if one of them can't be found.
I had the same issue when I integrated Lightbox with an MVC site. The issue was I had referred both lightbox.js and lightbox.min.js files. I fixed the issue by removing one reference.
