Using different row values to create a function - r

I'm using the sp500 dataset to produce some visualizations and i'm trying to figure out how to code the formula for the daily returns.
With 't' being the day in question, I've figured out the formula but I can't conceptualize how to get it into R code. The formula is
I'm not sure how to reference the column that precedes the one in question (ClosingPrice[-1]?) but I need to make it into a function which I'll use to iterate through the rows, the value of which will go into the new column sp500$DailyReturns

I think this may be more an R programming problem than a statistics problem, but
sometimes the line between the two is fuzzy, so here goes.
If I understand the problem correctly, I believe the following R code will
give you a clue how to handle this.
My vector cp has 20 fake closing prices (with a bit of an upward trend), dif.cp has differences (with a NA for the first element), and dr is the daily return. Notice that output of diff is
a vector one element shorter than its argument. [Use the same set.seed
statement for exactly the same fake data; omit or set a different seed for
your own fresh example.]
t = 1:20; cp = round(rnorm(20, 100, 5)) + 2*t
dif.cp = c(NA, diff(cp))
dr = c(NA, diff(cp))/cp
cbind(cp,dif.cp, dr) # binds together column vectors to make matrix
cp dif.cp dr
[1,] 104 NA NA
[2,] 106 2 0.018867925
[3,] 106 0 0.000000000
[4,] 112 6 0.053571429
[5,] 119 7 0.058823529
[6,] 107 -12 -0.112149533
[7,] 108 1 0.009259259
[8,] 112 4 0.035714286
[9,] 116 4 0.034482759
[10,] 127 11 0.086614173
[11,] 115 -12 -0.104347826
[12,] 127 12 0.094488189
[13,] 118 -9 -0.076271186
[14,] 126 8 0.063492063
[15,] 128 2 0.015625000
[16,] 131 3 0.022900763
[17,] 131 0 0.000000000
[18,] 131 0 0.000000000
[19,] 141 10 0.070921986
[20,] 139 -2 -0.014388489
You may have to make slight adjustments to fit your needs exactly. And maybe someone else has a stunning more clever way to do this.


R: How do I copy a value from a table and paste it into all rows within a specified row number range?

The current issue I am facing is that I have generated a list of row numbers based on the location of specific values within a table. This is as follows:
row_values <- which(table[,1] == "place of work :")
This leaves me with a list of all the row numbers in which "place of work" appears:
[1] 1 406 811 1216 1621 2026 2431 2836 3241 3646 4051 4456 4861 5266 5671 6076 6481 6886 7291 7696 8101 8506 8911 9316 9721 10126
[27] 10531 10936 11341 11746 12151 12556
This is 32 entries in total. I then also have another table which contains a number of codes (32 in total):
Area Code (Origin)
[1,] "E41000293"
[2,] "E41000294"
[3,] "E41000295"
[4,] "E41000296"
[5,] "E41000297"
[6,] "E41000298"
[7,] "E41000299"
[8,] "E41000300"
[9,] "E41000301"
[10,] "E41000302"
[11,] "E41000303"
[12,] "E41000304"
[13,] "E41000305"
[14,] "E41000306"
[15,] "E41000307"
[16,] "E41000308"
[17,] "E41000309"
[18,] "E41000310"
[19,] "E41000311"
[20,] "E41000312"
[21,] "E41000313"
[22,] "E41000314"
[23,] "E41000315"
[24,] "E41000316"
[25,] "E41000317"
[26,] "E41000318"
[27,] "E41000319"
[28,] "E41000320"
[29,] "E41000321"
[30,] "E41000322"
[31,] "E41000323"
[32,] "E41000324"
I need to find a way to paste those "Area Code (Origin)" values into the original table in every row between what the row_values as shown. These would sit in a blank column I have called "Area Codes (Destinations)". I.e, E41000293 should sit in the Area Code Destinations Column for every row from 1 to 405, E41000294 should sit from 406 to 810 ect.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated as I am at a loss for how best to approach this.
You can use cumsum in a clever way to achieve this:
table %>%
group_by(grp = cumsum(text == "place of work :")) %>% #change "text" to your column name
mutate(Area_Code = Area[grp,]) %>% #change Area to your table name
ungroup() %>%
All that's left to do is change the table names and column names to fit your problem.
This should do it :
for (i in 1:length(row_values)) {
if (i == length(row_values)-1) {
table[c(row_values[i]:(row_values[i+1])),'Area Codes (Destinations)'] = Areacode[i]
} else if (i <length(row_values)-1)) {
table[c(row_values[i]:(row_values[i+1]-1)),'Area Codes (Destinations)'] = Areacode[i]

How do I automatically populate a matrix with intervals given the size and number of the intervals?

bucket_size <- 30
bucket_amount <- 24
matrix(???, bucket_amount, 2)
I'm trying to populate a (bucket_amount x 2) matrix using the interval size given by bucket_size. Here is what it would look like with the current given values of bucket_size and bucket_amount.
[1 30]
[31 60]
[61 90]
[91 120]
[691 720]
I can obviously hard code this specific example out, but I'm wondering how I can do this for different values of bucket_size and bucket_amount and have the matrix populate automatically.
We can seq specifying the from, by as 'bucket_size' and length.out as 'bucket_amount' to create a sequence of values ('v1'). Append 1 at the beginning while adding 1 to the 'v1' without last element and cbind these two vectors to create a matrix
v1 <- seq(bucket_size, length.out = bucket_amount , by = bucket_size)
v2 <- c(1, v1[-length(v1)] + 1)
m1 <- cbind(v2, v1)
> head(m1)
v2 v1
[1,] 1 30
[2,] 31 60
[3,] 61 90
[4,] 91 120
[5,] 121 150
[6,] 151 180
> tail(m1)
v2 v1
[19,] 541 570
[20,] 571 600
[21,] 601 630
[22,] 631 660
[23,] 661 690
[24,] 691 720

Creating a data set with paired data and converting it into a matrix

So, I'm using R to try and do a phylogenetic PCA on a dataset that I have using the phyl.pca function from the phytools package. However, I'm having issues organising my data in a way that the function will accept! And that's not all: I did a bit of experimenting and I know that there are more issues further down the line, which I will get into...
Getting straight to the issue, here's the data frame (with dummy data) that I'm using:
Taxa Tibia Feather
1 Microraptor 138 101
2 Microraptor 139 114
3 Microraptor 145 141
4 Anchiornis 160 81
5 Anchiornis 14 NA
6 Archaeopteryx 134 82
7 Archaeopteryx 136 71
8 Archaeopteryx 132 NA
9 Archaeopteryx 14 NA
10 Scansoriopterygidae 120 85
11 Scansoriopterygidae 116 NA
12 Scansoriopterygidae 123 NA
13 Sapeornis 108 NA
14 Sapeornis 112 86
15 Sapeornis 118 NA
16 Sapeornis 103 NA
17 Confuciusornis 96 NA
18 Confuciusornis 107 30
19 Confuciusornis 148 33
20 Confuciusornis 128 61
The taxa are arranged into a tree (called "tree") with Microraptor being the most basal and then progressing in order through to Confuciusornis:
Phylogenetic tree: tree
Number of tips: 6
Number of nodes: 5
Branch lengths:
mean: 1
variance: 0
distribution summary:
Min. 1st Qu. Median 3rd Qu. Max.
1 1 1 1 1
No root edge.
Tip labels: Confuciusornis
No node labels.
And the function:
>phyl.pca(tree, all, method="BM", mode="corr")
And this is the error that is coming up:
Error in phyl.pca(tree, all, method = "BM", mode = "corr") :
number of rows in Y cannot be greater than number of taxa in your tree
Y being the "all" data frame. So I have 6 taxa in my tree (matching the 6 taxa in the data frame) but there are 20 rows in my data frame. So I used this function:
> all_agg <- aggregate(all[,-1],by=list(all$Taxa),mean,na.rm=TRUE)
And got this:
Group.1 Tibia Feather
1 Anchiornis 153 81
2 Archaeopteryx 136 77
3 Confuciusornis 120 41
4 Microraptor 141 119
5 Sapeornis 110 86
6 Scansoriopterygidae 120 85
It's a bit odd that the order of the taxa has changed... Is this ok?
In any case, I converted it into a matrix:
> all_agg_matrix <- as.matrix(all_agg)
> all_agg_matrix
Group.1 Tibia Feather
[1,] "Anchiornis" "153" "81"
[2,] "Archaeopteryx" "136" "77"
[3,] "Confuciusornis" "120" "41"
[4,] "Microraptor" "141" "119"
[5,] "Sapeornis" "110" "86"
[6,] "Scansoriopterygidae" "120" "85"
And then used the phyl.pca function:
> phyl.pca(tree, all_agg_matrix, method = "BM", mode = "corr")
[1] "Y has no names. function will assume that the row order of Y matches tree$tip.label"
Error in invC %*% X : requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments
So, now the order that the function is considering taxa in is all wrong (but I can fix that relatively easily). The issue is that phyl.pca doesn't seem to believe that my matrix is actually a matrix. Any ideas why?
I think you may have bigger problems. Most phylogenetic methods, I suspect including phyl.pca, assume that traits are fixed at the species level (i.e., they don't account for within-species variation). Thus, if you want to use phyl.pca, you probably need to collapse your data to a single value per species, e.g. via
dd_agg <- aggregate(dd[,-1],by=list(dd$Taxa),mean,na.rm=TRUE)
Extract the numeric columns and label the rows properly so that phyl.pca can match them up with the tips correctly:
dd_mat <- dd_agg[,-1]
rownames(dd_mat) <- dd_agg[,1]
Using these aggregated data, I can make up a tree (since you didn't give us one) and run phyl.pca ...
tt <- rcoal(nrow(dd_agg),tip.label=dd_agg[,1])
If you do need to do an analysis that takes within-species variation into account you might need to ask somewhere more specialized, e.g. the mailing list ...
The answer posted by Ben Bolker seems to work whereby the data (called "all") is collapsed into a single value per species before creating a matrix and running the function. As per so:
> all_agg <- aggregate(all[,-1],by=list(all$Taxa),mean,na.rm=TRUE)
> all_mat <- all_agg[,-1]
> rownames(all_mat) <- all_agg[,1]
> phyl.pca(tree,all_mat, method= "lambda", mode = "corr")
Thanks to everyone who contributed an answer and especially Ben! :)

Subset columns in R with specific values

Given a large data frame e.g. df, with 500 columns and 100 rows, how do I just subset columns exceeding a specific threshold e.g. 1 ?
Assuming you mean subset columns that all of their values are greater than 1 you could do something like this (essentially you can also use the following according to any condition you might have. Just change the if condition):
Example Data
a <- data.frame(matrix(runif(90),ncol=3))
> a
X1 X2 X3
1 0.33341130 0.09307143 0.51932506
2 0.78014395 0.30378432 0.67309736
3 0.19967771 0.30829771 0.60144888
4 0.77736355 0.42504910 0.23880491
5 0.60631868 0.55198423 0.29565519
6 0.24246456 0.57945721 0.17882712
7 0.10499677 0.48768998 0.54931955
8 0.92288335 0.29290491 0.72885160
9 0.85246128 0.87564673 0.60069170
10 0.39931205 0.29895856 0.83249469
11 0.33674259 0.85618041 0.62940935
12 0.27816980 0.51508938 0.76079354
13 0.19121182 0.27586235 0.21273823
14 0.66337625 0.18631150 0.67762964
15 0.00923405 0.84753915 0.08386400
16 0.33209371 0.54919903 0.49128825
17 0.97685675 0.25564765 0.56439142
18 0.26710042 0.75852884 0.88706946
19 0.32422355 0.58971620 0.84070049
20 0.73000898 0.09068726 0.92541277
21 0.80547283 0.93723241 0.31050230
22 0.28897215 0.80679092 0.06080124
23 0.32190269 0.12254342 0.42506740
24 0.52569405 0.68506407 0.68302356
25 0.31098388 0.66225007 0.08565480
26 0.67546897 0.08123716 0.58419470
27 0.29501987 0.17836528 0.79322116
28 0.20736102 0.81145297 0.44078101
29 0.75165829 0.51865202 0.36653840
30 0.63375066 0.03804626 0.69949846
Just a single lapply is enough. I use 0.05 as threshold here because it is easier to demonstrate how to use it according to my random data set. Change that to whatever you want in your dataset.
b <-, (lapply(a, function(x) if(all(x>0.05)) return(x) )))
> b
[1,] 0.51932506
[2,] 0.67309736
[3,] 0.60144888
[4,] 0.23880491
[5,] 0.29565519
[6,] 0.17882712
[7,] 0.54931955
[8,] 0.72885160
[9,] 0.60069170
[10,] 0.83249469
[11,] 0.62940935
[12,] 0.76079354
[13,] 0.21273823
[14,] 0.67762964
[15,] 0.08386400
[16,] 0.49128825
[17,] 0.56439142
[18,] 0.88706946
[19,] 0.84070049
[20,] 0.92541277
[21,] 0.31050230
[22,] 0.06080124
[23,] 0.42506740
[24,] 0.68302356
[25,] 0.08565480
[26,] 0.58419470
[27,] 0.79322116
[28,] 0.44078101
[29,] 0.36653840
[30,] 0.69949846
Only column 3 confirmed the condition on this occasion so it was returned.
Or another option (based on #LyzandeR's data). Get the colSums of the logical condition (a <= 0.05) and negate it (!). If there are 0 values for a particular column, this step converts to TRUE. This can be used for selecting the columns.
a[,!colSums(a<=0.05), drop=FALSE]

Cumulative sums, moving averages, and SQL "group by" equivalents in R

What's the most efficient way to create a moving average or rolling sum in R? How do you do the rolling function along with a "group by"?
While zoo is great, sometimes there are simpler ways. If you data behaves nicely, and is evenly spaced, the embed() function effectively lets you create multiple lagged version of a time series. If you look inside the VARS package for vector auto-regression, you will see that the package author chooses this route.
For example, to calculate the 3 period rolling average of x, where x = (1 -> 20)^2:
> x <- (1:20)^2
> embed (x, 3)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 9 4 1
[2,] 16 9 4
[3,] 25 16 9
[4,] 36 25 16
[5,] 49 36 25
[6,] 64 49 36
[7,] 81 64 49
[8,] 100 81 64
[9,] 121 100 81
[10,] 144 121 100
[11,] 169 144 121
[12,] 196 169 144
[13,] 225 196 169
[14,] 256 225 196
[15,] 289 256 225
[16,] 324 289 256
[17,] 361 324 289
[18,] 400 361 324
> apply (embed (x, 3), 1, mean)
[1] 4.666667 9.666667 16.666667 25.666667 36.666667 49.666667
[7] 64.666667 81.666667 100.666667 121.666667 144.666667 169.666667
[13] 196.666667 225.666667 256.666667 289.666667 324.666667 361.666667
I scratched up a good answer from Achim Zeileis over on the r list. Here's what he said:
## create data
x <- rnorm(365)
## transform to regular zoo series with "Date" index
x <- zooreg(x, start = as.Date("2004-01-01")) plot(x)
## add rolling/running/moving average with window size 7
lines(rollmean(x, 7), col = 2, lwd = 2)
## if you don't want the rolling mean but rather a weekly ## time series of means you can do
nextfri <- function(x) 7 * ceiling(as.numeric(x - 1)/7) + as.Date(1) xw <- aggregate(x, nextfri, mean)
## nextfri is a function which computes for a certain "Date" ## the next friday. xw is then the weekly series.
lines(xw, col = 4)
Achim went on to say:
Note, that the difference between is
rolling mean and the aggregated series
is due to different alignments. This
can be changed by changing the 'align'
argument in rollmean() or the
nextfri() function in the aggregate
All this came from Achim, not from me:
