Making a POST call in R - r

I have a rest API to which I want to make a POST call.
The API is
It doesn't need an Auth parameter.
The payload I am trying to send is:
Payload: { "name": "Filter_1533141396310", "shortName": "LHF",
"filterType": "==", "value": {
"name": "completed",
"defaultValue": "completed" }, "attribute": {
"vName": "status",
"vType": "LOCAL" }, "transformerDependency": "", "createdBy": "Aman" }
Header should be {Content-Type=[application/json]}
I am always getting "bad request error".
My code looks like:
dummy<-"Payload: {'name': 'Filter_1533141396310','shortName': 'LHF','filterType': '==','value': {'name': 'completed','defaultValue': 'completed'},'attribute': {'vName': 'status','vType': 'LOCAL'},'transformerDependency': '','createdBy': 'Prateek'}"
result <- POST("",
body = dummy,
Output <- content(result)
Can someone help me with my mistake?


Sending a request to /adCreativesV2 entity doesn't return all the fields

We are in the process of designing a custom build report for our client and have recently stumbled upon a behavior which we could not puzzle. Basically, we are not getting returned the following fields
when sending a GET request as follows:*,reference~(*))
We're getting a 200 OK response as per below:
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {
"content": "urn:li:adInMailContent:5139314"
"test": false,
"servingStatuses": [
"version": {
"versionTag": "6"
"reference": "urn:li:adInMailContent:5139314",
"changeAuditStamps": {
"lastModified": {
"time": 1624098658000
"created": {
"time": 1624035613000
"review": {
"reviewStatus": "APPROVED"
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:179783044",
"reference!": {
"message": "Unsupported URN domain: li:adInMailContent",
"status": 501
"id": 136236994,
"status": "ACTIVE"
From the response, you may also notice that we are also getting this warning
"message": "Unsupported URN domain: li:adInMailContent",
"status": 501
We've tried different API requests variations, including specifying different creatives that are active, but to no avail. Also, we were not able to find any info regarding the error above, so we are uncertain what might be causing it.

Q: Linkedin Vector Assest API, Registering Multi-Part Upload - No metadata value in response

I'm attempting to complete a multipart upload using Linkedin V2 Vector Assets and i've noticed that when registering the upload, the metadata field comes back blank in the response.
Here's the request to register the upload
and here is the response (removed all but one partUploadRequests object to make the response easier to read)
"value": {
"uploadMechanism": {
"com.linkedin.digitalmedia.uploading.MultipartUpload": {
"partUploadRequests": [
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"
"byteRange": { "lastByte": 4194303, "firstByte": 0 },
"url": "",
"urlExpiresAt": 1616544717116
} ...
"metadata": ""
"asset": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5605AQFnYcNsf7K5Yw",
"mediaArtifact": "urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifact:(urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5605AQFnYcNsf7K5Yw,urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifactClass:uploadedVideo)"
The api documentation explains that I need to use the metadata value from the register upload response to complete the upload
I attempt making the request anyway without a value for the metadata field to (removed all but one partUploadResponses object to make the response easier to read)
"completeMultipartUploadRequest": {
"mediaArtifact": "urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifact:(urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5605AQFnYcNsf7K5Yw,urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifactClass:uploadedVideo)",
"metadata": "",
"partUploadResponses": [
"headers": {
"ETag": "/ambry-video/signedId/AQGpSasdC3ezCgAAAXhcbTobXlB6_ujllr8BPUUAX4o9OgbHCxiRKoG9woM85dnGrxbUbd-5IXyMKO7syqyZXLgHFd8GQJkiMvvp1eHI9N32iJqMG-l_aFgSeXMbcqkFFcjuT22djM93dmKs_RBb58kppS3CadOPHSt5_tApCxAq0wgTfYQng3OkV_uVRdjIYftyfnHW3nF2vWz4hZBoX-YhmF6gDhXtN9dNTnU4QpHB7sGCecpjYgT8ypV-u5isvFrujHl3tl4.bin"
"httpStatusCode": 200
} ....
This comes back as a 200OK without any response body which is expected.
After that I check the upload status and which comes back with a code of SERVER_ERROR and I'm not able to create a post with the asset id of the uploaded asset.
Response from checking asset status
"recipes": [
"recipe": "urn:li:digitalmediaRecipe:feedshare-video",
"status": "SERVER_ERROR"
"serviceRelationships": [
"relationshipType": "OWNER",
"identifier": "urn:li:userGeneratedContent"
"mediaTypeFamily": "VIDEO",
"created": 1616458317042,
"id": "C5605AQFnYcNsf7K5Yw",
"lastModified": 1616458454711,
"status": "ALLOWED"
Request to create a UGC post with the asset
"author": "urn:li:organization:71736744",
"lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
"specificContent": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent": {
"media": [
"media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5605AQFnYcNsf7K5Yw",
"status": "READY",
"title": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Sample Video Create"
"shareCommentary": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Some share text"
"shareMediaCategory": "VIDEO"
"visibility": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "PUBLIC"
Response to the request
"serviceErrorCode": 0,
"message": "Resource assets does not exist",
"status": 404}
The only thing I can think of is since I don't have a metadata value when completing the upload I'm not able to use the video asset in UGC posts. Anyone encountered a problem similar to this?
Further Investigations
On further investigation the example from the API docs doesn't return a metadata field either. So this is what I think might be happening
I'm not uploading the file chunks correctly and the metadata field isn't required for completing the upload.
The API has a bug in it which prevents it from returning the metadata field when registering a multipart upload.
Figured it out, when using the slice method to break your file up into chunks it needs to be file.slice(firstByte, lastByte + 1)
It also seems that the metadata value from the register upload request isn't need to complete the upload.

How can i save the fulfillmentText in dialogflow to firebase?

I am new in Learning Dialogflow, What i am trying is to save the conversation of user and the bot.
i can already save the user response to the bot but i also want to save the bot response to the firebase.
my code is like this
function HandleSaveToDB(agent){
return admin.database().ref('data').push({
bot_response: request.body.queryResult.queryText,
user_response: request.body.fulfillmentText
the bot_response is saving but the user_response is not saving.
here is the response of the JSON
"responseId": "50359194-cadb-44a4-b649-ebd8e4606fea-425db6e2",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "Hi i am paul i need help",
"parameters": {
"given-name": "Paul",
"text": ""
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentText": "Hi Paul how can i help you today?",
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"Hi Paul how can i help you today?"
"intent": {
"name": "projects/chatsimulator-rttunh/agent/intents/dbc7dbf8-ca8d-4f7a-86b5-a0e6eab7e0b5",
"displayName": "Greetings"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"diagnosticInfo": {
"webhook_latency_ms": 4992
"languageCode": "en"
"webhookStatus": {
"code": 4,
"message": "Webhook call failed. Error: DEADLINE_EXCEEDED."
I'm presuming you're talking about a Fulfillment function being hit here.
The fulfillmentText is actually located in request.queryResult.fulfillmentText, despite what you see as the output from the diagnostic info.
Please see the spec for the fulfillment request and the queryResult property of that request.

How to make http post with the value of "Input.Date" from Outlook Adaptive Card?

I could http post only with Input.Number now, but Input.Date and Input.Text both receive 400 error.
I was planning to create a Microsoft Flow to receive some value from Outlook Adaptive Card Action.Http Post method, I followed some articles from internet show me how to do that, finally I get rid of the 401 error because it needs Authorisation header.
Okay, then I moved on to test http payload. The body couldn't be something like "body": "test", otherwise it will either gives me an 400 or even not shows adaptive card in email at all. After I learned that I have to use they officially suggested {{someId.value}} into "body".
I succeeded for the first time with Input.Number:
"type": "Input.Number",
"id": "test1",
"title": "New Input.Toggle",
"value": "",
"validation": null,
"placeholder": "Placeholder text",
"min": "0",
"max": "60"
Then outlook tells me it is successful and I did get the endpoint flow run and receive correct payload. And this is the "Action.Http" part:
"actions": [
"type": "Action.Http",
"title": "Say hello",
"method": "POST",
"url": "myflowhttptriggerurl",
"body": "{{nameInput.value}}",
"headers": [
{ "name": "Authorization", "value": "" }
Below is what get error:
After then, I tried with Input.Text and Input.Date, they all give me 400, below is payload, and don't worry for Action.Http, I change id each time when testing:
"type": "Input.Date",
"id": "h",
"title": "New Input.Toggle",
"value": "",
"validation": null
Text payload:
"type": "Input.Text",
"id": "newTask",
"isRequired": true,
"placeholder": "Enter a new task"
OK, first I would install the "Actionable Messages Debugger" into Microsoft Office to make it easier to understand if the contents of your card is correct.
It appears from the card you are doing it correct, what happening on your flow that is receiving the message?
You could always try send through a JSON object, so your body will be
"body": "{\"comment\":\"{{comment.value}}\"}"
Where comment is the id of your Input.Text as such:
"id": "comment",
"type": "Input.Text"
"isMultiline": true,
"placeholder": "Comments"

Google Analytics Reporting API V4 Lifetime value requests - invalid dimensions/metrics

I'm trying to make calls the Analytics Reporting API V4 and keep getting back unspecific error messages when trying to use certain dimensions and metrics. For example, I consistently get
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Unknown dimension(s): ga:acquisitionTrafficChannel",
when passing ga:acquisitionTrafficChannel, despite it being documented as a valid dimension. Similarly, I get
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Selected dimensions and metrics cannot be queried together.",
when passing ga:acquisitionSourceMedium (documented here), even when not passing any metrics whatsoever.
Are the docs out of date? Is there some documentation elsewhere about valid combinations of dimensions and metrics?
All the Lifetime Value reports and thus ga:acquisition... dimensions are only valid for App views not web views.
Secondly the cohort/LTV dimensions can only be queried in within a cohort requests for example:
"reportRequests": [
"viewId": "XXXX",
"dimensions": [
"name": "ga:cohort"
"name": "ga:acquisitionTrafficChannel"
"metrics": [
"expression": "ga:cohortSessionsPerUser"
"cohortGroup": {
"cohorts": [
"name": "cohort 1",
"dateRange": {
"startDate": "2015-08-01",
"endDate": "2015-09-01"
"name": "cohort 2",
"dateRange": {
"startDate": "2015-07-01",
"endDate": "2015-08-01"
"lifetimeValue": true
The error messages should probably be a bit clearer.
I ran into this problem as well. When I was in the Google Analytics Dashboard, I clicked on Acquisition->All Traffic->Channels and was fooled into thinking that I needed to combine the ga:acquisitionMedium dimension and ga:newUsers metric together.
When I clicked on ga:acquisitionMedium, it said that combining it with ga:newUsers was valid, despite the error that you mentioned in your question! In reality, I just needed to combine ga:medium and ga:newUsers together.
I know this is not the exact query that you were doing, but here is an example of how I queried New Users count where the dimension channel equaled "organic" (note that I am forming the JSON request with Javascript and then using JSON.stringify(req) to send it):
var req = {
reportRequests: [{
viewId: '<Your Google Analytics view ID>',
dimensions: [{ name: 'ga:medium' }],
dimensionFilterClauses: [{
filters: [{
dimensionName: 'ga:medium',
operator: 'EXACT',
expressions: ['organic']
dateRanges: [{ startDate: '2019-11-01', endDate: '2019-11-30' }],
metrics: [{ expression: "ga:newUsers" }]
The above query returns 5,654, which is the same as seen in the "Acquisition" section of Google Analytics.
I definitely think the documentation and error message around this could be improved.
