Stimulsoft Report require to Refresh after Save button - report

When I click on Save for PDF report then again I am not able to click on Save. I require to refresh the page.
Is this is default behavior?
Save Button Image
Please help me.


ASP/Net crystal report parameter prompt pops up. I'd like it Inline

I have an web application with a crystal reportviewer on a page. When the page loads the report it pops up the parameter prompt in a separate window and the actual report viewer is grayed out. The problem is that after the report renders, if they want to enter different parametersthe users can't click the back button on the browser and return to the parameter screen since it appears in a popup window and disappears after the enter their parameters. They have to click the link on the page that opens the report and re-open it to try again with new parameters.
What setting am I missing? How do I get the parameter prompt to display inline?

Remove focus on showing devexpress popup

I use Devexpress UserControls in my ASP.Net Project for displaying, editing, and deleting rows of data.
On one of my pages, I have two controls, a DevExpress grid and an ASP.Net button. When I want to edit a row, I click on the edit button of that row, whereupon a popup showing detail of that row is displayed. I can edit these details and then take some action. Tthis popup has buttons Cancel and Save, and when I press Enter key I want the Save action to be invoked. However, currently, when I press the Enter key, it is getting directed to the main page and not the dialog?
Does anyone know how I can get the Enter key to activate the Save action on the dialog instead?
Review the following examples to learn more on how to handle document events and respond to a particular end-user action:
E3845 prevent modal popup to get displayed while clicking on browser back button

GoodEvening Everyone,
I am having one application which contains many links. some of the link displays modal popup Now if i move to link which nabvigates me and click on browser back button so modal popup gets display which i dont want. i need the previous page should get displayed instead of modal popup if i click on browser back button
for example
i clicked on link1 - navigated to page2
i clicked on link2 - displayed modal popup
i click on link3 - navigated to page3
Now if i click on browser back button so modal popup get displays instead of which i want the page2(previous page before the modal popup ) should get displayed.
So please let me know is this possible and how its possible.
It will be appreciated if some one provide me code to do this...
Let me know in case of more information required
There are several reasons this might be happening.
It might be that you are setting some state flags that persist between pages that influence the modal popups visibility. If you need help with this we will need some more details and preferably code samples.
It might be a browser caching issue. When you hit the back button the browser might be fetching the page from it's cache (not the server) with the popup visible. To test this you could disable the browsers cache and run through your process. If this proves to be the reason you can disable browser caching for your site by adding some meta tags (you'll find the exact tags on Google easily)

preventing reinserting of data when press browser's refresh button

I developed a web application in have a module for saving values to database after clicking the button event.Thats working successfully.After that when i clicked the browser's refresh button the values reinserted to the table each time.How can i avoid this .Which is the code for this solution?
Here is a nice article on this
Preventing Duplicate Record Insertion on Page Refresh

Fileupload control enter button is not working

I am having a file upload control in my page and when i run the application and try to navigate to the file upload control by pressing the tab key. When the focus is on the Browse button and if i hit the enter button the file browse window is not opening.It just moves the focus to the next control.Please help.
Replication steps:
1) Add a file upload contol in a web page
2) add a button in the same page
3) run the application and try to use tab key to navigate to the browse button in the file upload button control
4) press the enter button
5) the control will move to the next button.
What's happening is that your browser interprets the ENTER keypress as a request to submit the form. You need to intercept and override this in javascript. See:
I think it is because the default browser behavior is that enter executes a submit. Space bar should open the browser window when your button has focus. You would need to change this behavior with JavaScript if it is that important to you.
