Firestore dynamically update security rules - firebase

Imagine we have Chat application and in this application, we have many rooms, some private and some for everyone. Every room has an admin who can manage users (can invite and remove). Only members of the room can read and write messages. An Admin is a person who created a room in this scenario.
I want to create security rules on room creation and update it on membersChange so only members can read and write the content of the message board.
In this case, that's how it could look like:
admin: memberX
members: member1, member2
//only admin can write into members fields
//only members can write and read messages
admin: memberXY
members: member1, member4
//only admin can write into members fields
//only members can write and read messages
So is it possible to create and update security rules from cloud function instead of manually updating them in firebase console? Or is there any way to automate this process?
I noticed that I can deploy security rules using CLI. What should be the process here? When do I call it? How can I get members from the database?
for anyone who wants more information check How to Build a Secure App in Firebase

I would rethink this model. Instead of updating the security rules all the time, I see several viable approaches:
Option 1
You can save which users can access a specific room on Firestore, and then on the security rules you can access the document for the room and see which if the authenticated user is in the list of authorized users. The problem with this is cost, because this will fire an extra database read for every operation, which can get expensive.
Option 2
You can create custom claims for the user using a cloud function, like this:
admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(uid, {"rooms": "room1,room2"})
Then on the security rules you can check if the user has the claims to a specific room:
match /rooms/{roomId} {
allow read: if roomId in request.auth.token.rooms.split(',');
I believe you can also save the claim as an array directly, but I haven't tested it.
For this option you need to take into consideration the size of the token, which has a limit and can cause performance problems if it's too big. Depending on your scenario you can create a smaller set of permissions and then set those to the rooms and the users.
Option 3
You could save the uid of the users who can access each document, and then check if the authenticated user's uid exists on that document. But this can get out of hand if you have too many users.
I would go with option 2 if it makes sense for your scenario. Or you could combine more than one of these techniques. My idea was to show a few of the possibilities so that you can choose what works for you.

Having different rules for each room and dynamicly updating your rules is a bad idea. Here are a couples problems that come to mind with this solution:
Who will be updating the rules?
What happens when two rooms get created at the same time?
What will happen when something goes wrong?
How will you maintain your rules when you have a million rooms?
Also It may be a few minutes before changes to your rules take effect.
Instead you can, first of all, split you datastructure into public rooms and private rooms: database/rooms/public/... and database/rooms/private/....
For securing your private rooms you can take a look at rules conditions and do something like: member can read/write IF his UID is in /members (pseudo code, won't work like this).
You can take a look at this question for an example.


Safest and less expensive way to delete comments in FireStore

I am using FireStore for my Flutter application. Users can post comments under some articles. They can also reply to other comments. Comments have the following structure
where ancestorsId is a list containing all the parent comments id.
Comments can be deleted by the poster or an admin.
When a comment is deleted, all the children comments should be deleted as well.
How can I do that with safety and at the lowest cost ? I have thought to the following so far:
Case 1: Using a Go server and Custom Claims
I can set user role as a custom claim. Then, when a user clicks on delete comment button, it sends a request to the server with the comment ID and the user Token ID. I can check if the user is admin with the token ID. If it is not the case, the server asks the comment data and check if comment userId and token user Id match. If one of those two conditions is true, I can get all comment children with a where request on comments collection, and delete all involved comments with a batch.
Custom claims use token, that live for 1 hour. It could create troubles if a crazy admin starts deleting everything, because his admin token can be valid for up to 1 hour. But if I use a server, I think I can manage this.
I need to get comments before deleting them. It involves two operations and then the price is actually twice the price of deleting comments operations.
Case 2: Using FireStore rules
I could stick with a client only, and use FireStore rules instead of using a server. It means that I could no longer use custom claims, and I would have to store users role in a field in my users collection. I could use a delete rule like:
match /comments/{comment}{
allow delete: if request.auth != null && (request.auth.uid == || isAdmin(request));
where isAdmin is a function that checks if the user is an admin.
isAdmin will need to read a data from another document and thus cost money
This solution doesn't delete children comments. And the rule doesn't allow a user to request another user's comment deletion, unless he is admin.
What could be a solution to solve my issue at low cost without putting safety aside ?
It seems to me that you really only have one solution that works, as the second approach leaves orphaned documents in the database.
But if you do consider the second approach valid for your app, you're trading the cost of reading-and-then-deleting some documents for the cost of leaving them in the database. While the cost of keeping a document in the database is low, you'll end up paying it every month. Since the number of orphaned documents will keep growing, the storage cost for them will keep growing too. So while deleting them now may seem more expensive, it's just a one time cost.
If you're worried about the cost of running Cloud Functions, keep in mind there's a pretty decent free tier for those. Even if that tier is not enough to run your code in production, it should at least be enough to give you a feeling for what the cost is gonna be.

How do people build a friend presence system? (not a global user presence system)

There are several articles (firestore and firebase realtime database) explaining how to build a user presence system but I cannot find a resource for a friend presence system.
A simple user presence system is not perfect for some applications such as chat apps where there are millions of users and each user wants to listen to only his/her friends. I've found similar questions:
exact same question on stackoverflow
exact same issue on github
Two ok solutions with a realtime database are: (solutions are from the above stackoverflow post)
Use many listeners (one for each friend) with a collection of users. Possibly have a cap on the number of friends to keep track of.
Each user has friends collections and whenever a user's status changes, his/her status changes wherever he/she shows up in some user's friends collection as well.
Is there a better way to do? What kind of databases do chat apps like discord, whatsapp and etc. use to build their friends presence system?
I came to two approaches that might be worth looking into. Note, that I have not tested how it will scale longer term as I just pushed to prod. First step, write a users presence on their user document (will need firebase, cloud functions, and cloud firestore per
Then take either approach:
Create an array field on your user documents (users> {userID}) called friends. Every time you add a friend add your id to this array, and vice versa. Then, on the client run a function like:
db.collection(users).where("friends", "array-contains", clientUserId).onSnapshot(...)
In doing so, all documents with friends field that contains the clientUserId will be listened to for real-time updates. For some reason, my team didn't approve of this design but it works. If anyone can share their opinion as to why I'd appreciate it
Create a friend sub-collection like so: users>{userID}>friends
. When you add a friend, add a document to your friend sub-collection with the id equal to your friends userID. When a user logs on, run a get query for all documents in this collection. Get the doc IDs and store into an array (call it friendIDs). Now for the tricky part. It'd be ideal if you can read use the in operator for unlimited comparison values because you can just run an onSnapshot as so:
this.unSubscribeFriends = db.collection(users).where(firebase.firestore.FieldPath.documentId(), "in", friendIDs).onSnapshot((querySnapshot) => {get presence data}). Since this onSnapshot is attached to this.unSubscribeFriends you just need to call this once to detach the listener:
componentWillUnmount() {
this.unSubscribeFriends && this.unSubscribeFriends()
Because a given users friends can definetely increase into the hundreds I had to create a new array called chunkedFriendsArray consisting of a chunked version of friendIDs (chunked as in every 10 string IDs I splice into a new array to bypass the in operator 10 comparison values limit). Thus, I had to map chunkedFriendsArray and set an onSnapshot like the one above for every array of a max length of 10 inside chunkedFriendsArray. The problem with this is that the all the listeners are attached to the same const (or this.unSubscribeFriends in my case). I have to call this.unSubscribeFriends as many times as chunkedArrays exist in chunkedFriendsArray:
componentWillUnmount() {
this.state.chunkedFriendsArray.forEach((doc) => {
this.unSubscribeFriends && this.unSubscribeFriends()
It feels weird having many listeners attached to the same const (method this.unSubscribeFriends) and calling the same exact one to stop listening to them. I'm sure this will lead to bugs in my production code.
There are other decentralize approaches but the two I listed are my best attempts at avoiding having a bunch of decentralized presence data.

Limiting how often a particular user can get data from collection

I have a collection of usernames that map to their character ids. App allows users to search by username, when username is submitted I get the document from firestore and check if it exists or not.
Right now there are no limits to how fast users can query usernames. Ideally I want to allow to query this collection once every 2s per user.
I was able to find this answer but if I understood security rules correctly this example imposes "Global" delay on the collection i.e. if user no.1 queries usernames, user no.2 can't query them for 5s. This is obv not ideal for my use case, as I want this rule imposed per user as opposed to globally.
Is this achievable with security rules?
The link you provide describes a write rate limit, both globally and per user (see the section "The final example is a per-user write rate-limit").
There is no way to implement a read rate limit in Firestore security rules. If that is a hard requirement for your app, the most common approach is to make all read operation go through Cloud Functions, where you can enforce the limit.

Cloud Firestore rules on subcollection

I'm working on an iOS app which has (whoah surprise!) chat functionality. The whole app is heavily using the Firebase Tools, for the database I’m using the new Cloud Firestore solution.
Currently I'm in the process of tightening the security using the database rules, but I'm struggling a bit with my own data model :) This could mean that my data model is poorly chosen, but I'm really happy with it, except for implementing the rules part.
The conversation part of the model looks like this. At the root of my database I have a conversations collection:
- owner // id of the user that created the conversation
- ts // timestamp when the conversation was created
- members: {
$user_id_1: true // usually the same as 'owner'
$user_id_2: true // the other person in this conversation
- memberInfo: {
// some extra info about user typing, names, last message etc.
And then I have a subcollection on each conversation called messages. A message document is a very simple and just holding information about each sent message.
- body
- sender
- ts
And a screenshot of the model:
The rules on the conversation documents are fairly straightforward and easy to implement:
match /conversations/{conversationId} {
allow read, write: if[(request.auth.uid)] == true;
match /messages/{messageId} {
allow read, write: if get(/databases/$(database)/documents/conversations/$(conversationId)).data.members[(request.auth.uid)] == true;
My problem is with the messages subcollection in that conversation. The above works, but I don’t like using the get() call in there.
Each get() call performs a read action, and therefore affects my bill at the end of the month, see documentation.
Which might become a problem if the app I’m building will become a succes, the document reads ofcourse are really minimal, but to do it every time a user opens a conversation seems a bit inefficient. I really like the subcollection solution in my model, but not sure how to efficiently implement the rules here.
I'm open for any datamodel change, my goal is to evaluate the rules without these get() calls. Any idea is very welcome.
Honestly, I think you're okay with your structure and get call as-is. Here's why:
If you're fetching a bunch of documents in a subcollection, Cloud Firestore is usually smart enough to cache values as needed. For example, if you were to ask to fetch all 200 items in "conversions/chat_abc/messages", Cloud Firestore would only perform that get operation once and re-use it for the entire batch operation. So you'll end up with 201 reads, and not 400.
As a general philosophy, I'm not a fan of optimizing for pricing in your security rules. Yes, you can end up with one or two extra reads per operation, but it's probably not going to cause you trouble the same way, say, a poorly written Cloud Function might. Those are the areas where you're better off optimizing.
If you want to save those extra reads, you can actually implement a "cache" based on custom claims.
You can, for example, save the chats the user has access to in the custom claims under the object "conversations". Keep in mind custom claims has a limit of 1000 bytes as mentioned in their documentation.
One workaround to the limit is to just save the most recent conversations in the custom claims, like the top 50. Then in the security rules you can do this:
allow read, write: if request.auth.token.conversations[conversationId] || get(/databases/$(database)/documents/conversations/$(conversationId)).data.members[(request.auth.uid)] == true;
This is especially great if you're already using cloud functions to moderate messages after they were posted, all you need is to update the custom claims

How can Firebase nodes be structured to restrict user access and allow admin to pull report data?

Context: I am putting together a time tracking application using Firebase as my backend. My current node structure has Time Entries and Clients at the root like so:
Time Entry
Entry ID
clientID, hours, date, description, etc
name, projects, etc
This structure works fine if I'm just adding and pulling time entries based on the user, but I want to start putting together reports on a per client basis. Currently, this means making a separate HTTP request for each user and then filtering by the clientID to get at the data.
The rule structure for Firebase grants access to all child nodes once access is given to the parent node, so one big list doesn't work as it can't restrict users from seeing or editing each other's entries.
Question: Is there a way to structure the nodes that would allow for restricting users to only managing their own time entries, as well as allow for one query to pull all entries tied to a client?
** The only solution I could come up with was duplicating the entries into a single node used just for reporting purposes, but this doesn't seem like a sustainable option
#AL. your answer was what I went up going with after scouring the docs across the web. Duplicating the data is the best route to take.
The new Firestore beta seems to provided some workarounds to this.
The way that I would do this is with Cloud Firestore.
Create a root collection clients and a document for each client. This partitions the data into easily manageable chunks, so that a client admin can see all data for their company.
Within the client document, create a sub-collection called timeEntries. When a user writes to this, they must include a userId field (you can enforce this in the rules) which is equal to request.auth.uid
You can now create read rules which allow an admin to query any document in the timeEntries sub-collection, but an individual user must query with userId = request.auth.uid in order to only return the entries that they have created.
Within your users/{uid} collection or clients/{clientId} collection, you can easily create a flag to identify admin users and check this when reading data.
