.then((data)=> {
commit('createMeetup', meetup)
.catch((error) => {
I was doing a project made by academind called "project with vuejs vuetify and firebase"
my firebase database rules are:
Access The Firebase Realtime Database is controlled by server-side security rules The error message you're getting matches the security rules that you shared. Those rules say that no ordinary user can read or write any data from or to the database.
The simplest change that you can make to allow the operation you shared is to allow anyone to write a node under /meetups. The rules for that would be:
"rules": {
read: false,
"meetups": {
"$meetupId": {
".write": true
With these rules, anyone can write a new node under /meetups. But nobody can read any data, nor can anyone write anywhere else (including writing to /meetups itself).
The exact rules you need depend purely on the app that you're building. I recommend:
Reading the documentation for Firebase Database security rules.
Watching this video about security rules in Firebase
Reading my answer here: Firebase email saying my realtime database has insecure rules
Data in Firebase has the following structure:
I wrote the following rules checking the entry in the email field:
"rules": {
"emailsLending": {
"$emailsLending_id": {
".indexOn": "email",
"email": {
".validate": "newData.isString() && newData.val().matches(/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i)"
But when I write data to the email field using the Cloud Function, the rule does not apply and I can write anything, for example, "123".
What am I doing wrong?
Cloud Functions run with administrative privileges, and by default bypass the security rules of your database.
The logic here is that rules are to protect against malicious behavior from untrusted users, while Cloud Functions are authored by the most trusted users: collaborators on your app. To catch mistakes made by these types of users, you'd typically use unit tests instead of security rules.
If you have a case where this logic doesn't apply and you're using the Realtime Database, you can set databaseAuthVariableOverride to the UID of the user to run the code as. For an example of this, see the Firebase documentation on accessing user authentication information.
Can someone please explain why, while testing Firebase security rules the below two simulated writes which I think are essentially the same give different results?
Simulator location: /users/id123/state
Simulator data(JSON): {"data":"example}
Simulator location: /users/id123/
Simulator data(JSON): {"state":{"data":"example}}
Write 1 denies the wright at the "state":, ".write" line in the below rules.
Write 2 skips the "state":, ".write" line altogether.
This is an issue because I am updating multiple paths in one JSON update and its skipping rules.
Does anyone know why?
Your rule is for denying writes at all the locations at or deeper under your state node.
So any writes at
And any rules under states
Will be denied.
But if you write the data to
The rule doesn't apply as it's not at or under the state node, it's a shallower node which doesn't have any rules stated. You can put your rules at
The rules above will prevent writes for all the paths under your uid node. Also if you are using the REST api or the admin api, all rules will get bypassed
The REST API and the ADMIN API will both need a service account key file that only you will have. Thus they are secure. They'll give you admin access and will always bypass all security rules at all locations.
In the example you gave you are writing to different locations and firebase security will first look at the location you are writing at to check the rules.
Simulator location: /users/id123/
Simulator data(JSON): {"state":{"data":"example}}
Here you are writing to /users/id123/ and firebase will check that location for a write rule which in you case isn't present so it will use the default ".write":false.
For writing your rules you have to make sure to set them at the correct level.
Take a look at firebase security authorization (who can read/read) and also validation (what can be written).
I have rules set up that ensure a foreign key like constraint: when I put data at a certain path, the key is validated to exist at another node.
Rule snippet:
"app": {
"freebies": {
"$provider_id": {
".validate": "newData.parent().parent().parent().child('app').child('providers').child($provider_id).val() != null"
If I run a simulation with these params
Write to /app/freebies
width data: {"totally_fake": 1}
This fails, which is CORRECT.
On the other hand, if I just go to the online editor and add a node to the same location with the same data, it writes the DB without errors.
My question is: does the online editor bypass the security rules ?
Yes, it does. The Firebase console, as well as the Admin SDKs, bypass security rules and have "administrative" access to the Realtime Database.
I got my app working with read and write with wide-open permissions and now I'm locking it down. My app won't read or write though. I get permission denied errors despite the Firebase rules simulator saying that my rules are ok for a Facebook authenticated user whose UID I got from a successful firebase signInWithProvider. What am I missing?
"rules": {
"items": {
"$uid": {
// user must match the authenticated user
".read": "auth.uid == $uid",
".write": "auth.uid == $uid"
This is my data structure:
-items: {
-<uid123> : [
-<uid456> : [
I sign into firebase after facebook auth by doing, firestack.auth.signInWithProvider(provider, facebookAccessToken, ''), which gives me my user object including uid
I push to /items/uid123 and get an item id, 333
I set the item {label:'apple'} for the new ID (333) at /items/uid123/333
I subscribe to the collection of items at /items/uid123 by doing this with the web sdk: itemsRef.child(uid).on('value', (snapshot) => .....
My set call looks like,
const newPostRef = itemsRef.child(uid).push();
set promise gets rejected with permission denied error.
All the things above work fine if my .read and .write are simply set to true which leads me to think my syntax or structure is just off in the rules def. Would love some input.
There is nothing wrong with the security rules, and in theory, both the set and the query operations look fine.
In practice however, you are making a grave mistake. As you revealed in the comments, you are trying to use both the Web SDK and the react-native-firestack library at the same time!
The authentication state is not shared between the two, thus the on('value') query is completely unauthenticated. If you added the third parameter to on (the cancel callback), you would see the permission denied error.
You must eliminate the web SDK completely, and use the realtime database via firestack too.
I have this DB structure in Firebase:
I'm now trying to write Firebase rules to allow users to only read bets assigned to them. But I ran into problems right away. I have these very basic rules:
"rules": {
"bets": {
"$bet": {
".read": true,
".write": true
When I try to visit /bets (where I display a list of bets) I get thrown the error:
Error: permission_denied at /bets: Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data.
If I instead place the .read and .write under bets instead of $bet, it works fine. What am I missing?
Firebase evaluates read permission at the location where you attach a listener. You attach a listener to /bets, so it rejects the listener since you don't have read permission on /bets.
If you have read permission to /bets, you also can read everything under it. So this means that you can't use Firebase Database security rules to filter data.
See the section rules are not filters in the Firebase documentation. Or search for Firebase questions mentioning "rules are not filters" here and you'll see this is a common pitfall for developers.