BizTalk 2010 server returning error - biztalk

All BizTalk 2010 applications on one server stopped working and creating same message:
Routing Failure Report for "Routing Failure Report for "[port-name-here]"
This service instance exists to help debug routing failures for instance "{B79F1529-4796-4CE3-A749-4FA8890A7601}". The context of the message associated with this instance contains all the promoted properties at the time of the routing failure.
They are working well on other servers.
What could cause this problem and what would be best way to fix it ?
UPDATE:There was some king of database cleaning script was executed on BizTalk database. Is there way to validate if there is issue into BizTalk database ?
One possible solution is to reinstall BizTalk application , but I want to make learning experience from it and figure out how to troubleshoot such problems.

It seems like no Subscribers are being found for the message.
Please make sure that the subscribing Send port or the Orchestration are enabled and their corresponding host instances are in enabled mode as well.
Also, if the Send ports are using any context property filters to subscribe to the message, make sure that the filter is correct and the context property values for the received message is correct.


Routing Failure Report for "Routing Failure Report for A1.A1Process"

I'm getting strange suspended messages with error saying :
This service instance exists to help debug routing failures for instance "{GUID}". The context of the message associated with this instance contains all the promoted properties at the time of the routing failure.
However there is no other suspended messages and there is no indication what was wrong into fields of this message.
How can I find out what could these messages to appear ?
Routing failures never contain messages bodies, your only hope is the available context properties on the routing failure report. So analyse where they should have been going to, and figure out why they couldn't be routed to that location.

Generic Exception Handler Orchestration in BizTalk

Hi All BizTalk Developers,
I need some input and guidance on how to design an Orchestration that can take few parameters as Input and log them in SQL server table (tblTrackingData)
I want to start this orchestration at various points, for example when I am calling a webservice so I want to log the request in DB and when I get the response then I want to log the response xml also in the same table.
In case of any exception I want to log error message and other details in the same table for tracking purpose.
Can some one guide me, direct me to some existing blogs/posts on how to handle this generic tracking / exceptions etc by starting a new Orchestration.
The purpose of a new Orchestration is to call it from anywhere, please suggest if it could be handled in a better way also.
The best advice, don't do this.
The reason? Everything you describe is already done by BizTalk Server automatically by BizTalk Tracking and the Event Log.
I can tell you from experience, you will not need anything else beyond Tracking and the Event Log.
I do recommend you implement proper exception handling within you app and log custom events, but they would also be written to a Windows Event Log only as well.

How to log errors in APIGee

Is there any error logging option in APIGee?
I am enabling a proxy endpoint in APIGee for a customer. If there is any error in the flow, how can I log it to a persistent store?
Specifically, I am using javascript policies and parsing some of the returned by back-end service, format to a different format. If there is any parsing error, where and how can I log it?
I am able to catch the error with try catch block.
Can I send an email in the catch block to a specific email address?
You can catch the error in your catch block and then set the appropriate variable to contain the detailed error message you might have ran into.You can use syslog/messagelogging policy to send all the request details along with any parsing exception that you might have. You need some kind of a logging server at your end to be sent the logs to or you could also use public log management services, such as loggly. Refer to this section for more details -
Vineet I think you are looking to solve the following problems here:
During the coding process you want to debug and understand what is going on? Something that lets you log.debug equivalent.
You want to also trigger exception flows or external processes when things go wrong in your proxy flow.
For #1 you can assign variables and trace using apigee's debug view. Any flow variable assignment in Apigee policies is printed in the debug view, if the policy is executed. So that provides you with log.debug mechanism, whenever you trace.
For #2 you can take a variety of approaches based on rest of your systems and processes. The previous answer by #Mike Dunker is a good approach. I can suggest a few more alternates
As an alternate you can also use Apigee's analytics views to monitor errors, albeit after the fact.
You can set up external monitoring scripts on your backend or on the apigee endpoint based on some synthetic transaction that touches upon the entire logic of your flow. When the services return error you can measure metrics and/or raise alert from your monitoring system.
If you have an on-premise installation of Apigee, you may want to consume apigee log files on the servers and raise appropriate actions on errors.
You can raise a desired error message to a JMS queue when error happens. Refer to Apigee's JMS support here

BizTalk: terminate messages

If I need to build a specialized web app to be able to terminate messages processed by specific send ports, WMI is one option. Are there others? and are there pros/cons to each approach?
You should be able to terminate messages programmatically by referencing the Microsoft.BizTalk.Operations.dll assembly. That will allow you to use the TerminateInstance method of the BizTalkOperations Class, which allows you to reference a remote BizTalk instance (using this constructor) without enabling remote WMI administrative access.
You may also need to reference Microsoft.BizTalk.Pipeline.dll in Visual Studio to get IntelliSense to work.
The BizTalk SDK includes a sample app that you can review, as well, to see how to look up a message instance, which you'll need for the parameter to the TerminateInstance method:
For example:
BizTalkOperations _operations = new BizTalkOperations()
IEnumerable messages = _operations.GetMessages();
foreach (BizTalkMessage msg in messages)
Have you considered the "/null" Send Port Adapter? This allows you to send messages to a "null" port, where they effectively disappear. Source code can be found here, although it hasn't been updated since BizTalk 2006 R2.
If this isn't relevant to what you are trying to achieve, maybe some additional information regarding the use case would help.

Creating a custom SOAP adapter for BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.0

Using the BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.0
We are working on a project where we need to call a proxy to a web service which is a DLL. We have no problems doing this via an orchestration since you can use a static port and configure it to use the SOAP adapter with the web service setting pointing at the assembly in the BizTalk Admin interface. In the itinerary though there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to do this since dynamic ports don't have the option to use the SOAP adapter.
There is a good reason why we want to do this, don't worry.
Following on from this, we implemented a custom adaptor provider but are having problems getting it to work.
We followed an (old) example shown here:
The custom adaptor provider inherits from BaseAdapterProvider and overrides the SetEndPoint(Dictionary, IBaseMessageContext) method.
The method extracts the assembly name, type name, and method name that are passed in via the resolver dictionary and then writes them to the pipeline context:
"", typeName);
"", action);
"", assembly);
and sets the transport type to soap:
"", "SOAP");
In all other respects the adapter provider is nearly identical to the example shown in the link above, except for the obvious change from SMTP to SOAP.
The adapter provider assembly is signed, GACed, and added to the esb.config.
The adapter provider is called from an itinerary that only calls the service and then returns the response. We are testing the itinerary from the Itinerary Test Client that is shipped with the toolkit. Event logging within the custom adapter shows that the adapter code is being called. The problem is that the message is not being routed to the service proxy. The event viewer gives the following error:
The Messaging engine failed to process
a message submitted by adapter:SOAP
Details:The published message could
not be routed because no subscribers
were found. This error occurs if the
subscribing orchestration or send port
has not been enlisted, or if some of
the message properties necessary for
subscription evaluation have not been
promoted. Please use the Biztalk
Administration console to troubleshoot
this failure.
Investigating the suspended service instamces in Group Overview shows two things:
The values for assembly name, type name, and method name are being set correctly.
The message body is missing.
We have tried configuring the send and receive pipelines on the send port to be both XMLTransmit/XMLReceive and ItinerarySendPassthrough/PassthroughReceive and it makes no difference.
Is there something obvious we might have missed? Do you have to explicitly pass the message body through? If so how?
Following a request from the BizTalk ESB Toolkit forum I am posting screen shots of the itinerary, context and send port filters.
Port filters.
Many thanks, Nigel.
first of all I'll say you are trying to over engineer the solution. Adapter development is not trivial and there are various things you need to take in to consideration. Developing and Deploying adapters are categorized as platform changes, which effects your whole environment, so if you are not familiar then your shouldn't do it. I would recommend you taking some other route. At this point I personally don't have enough insight into ESB internals, so won't be able to comment on it. At worst case you may be better off using the .NET proxy dll directly inside your orchestration (expression or message shape) rather than building an adapter. Even though its not recommended approach, still I feel its better than custom adapter approach.
Semantically, I don't see why a solution that involves a WCF-BasicHtpp adapter would not work in your scenario. In any case, I would definitely try to see what happens with a WCF-BasicHttp adapter, and once I got a working solution, I would switch to a custom SOAP adapter if that is really necessary.
Currently, your solution is weird - in the sense that you have an On-Ramp directly connected to an Off-Ramp. I've never seen that in any of my itineraries. You might need to create an intermediate messaging or orchestration Itinerary service in betweeen.
Otherwise, the message effectively gets published to the message box and obviously there is no subscribers for it, hence the error you encounter.
