firestore vue.js: auth() is not a function - firebase

I have a firebase config file like this:
import { firebase } from "#firebase/app";
import "#firebase/firestore";
const firebaseApp = firebase.initializeApp({
apiKey: "myKey",
authDomain: "myDomain",
databaseURL: "myURL",
projectId: "myProject",
storageBucket: "myBucket",
messagingSenderId: "999999999"
export const db = firebaseApp.firestore();
export const firebaseApp = firebaseApp;
I am trying to authenticate a user but keep getting firebaseApp.auth() is not a function.
let me = db.collection('staff').where('email', '==',
.then((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
this.fbUser =;
let email =;
let pw =;
firebaseApp.auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => {
if (user) {
//console.log('Already authenticated.');
} else {
firebaseApp.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, pw)
.then(liu => {
//console.log('Logged in', liu.uid);
let uid = liu.uid;
this.$localStorage.set('fbId',this.fbUser, 0);
this.$localStorage.set('fbAuthId', uid, 0);
is_active: true
} // end if
Don't I have to configure the app? There's no auth functionality in #firebase.
Any help is appreciated.

You should add the auth Firebase service in your initialization, as follows:
import { firebase } from "#firebase/app";
import "#firebase/firestore";
import "#firebase/auth"; // <- NEW
const firebaseApp = firebase.initializeApp({
apiKey: "myKey",
authDomain: "myDomain",
databaseURL: "myURL",
projectId: "myProject",
storageBucket: "myBucket",
messagingSenderId: "999999999"
export const db = firebaseApp.firestore();
export const auth = firebaseApp.auth(); // <- NEW
export const firebaseApp = firebaseApp;
Then, in your component, you do:
auth.onAuthStateChanged(user => {})
auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, pw)


Service messaging is not available

I want to integrate FCM with nextjs project.
This error is occurring whenever I save the firebase.js config file. I'm not being able to use Firebase Cloud Messaging in Firebase V9.
I use firebase 9.10.0
my firebase.js config
import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app';
import { getToken, getMessaging, onMessage } from 'firebase/messaging';
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "*************",
authDomain: "********************",
projectId: "******************",
storageBucket: "*****************",
messagingSenderId: "*************",
appId: "**********************"
console.log('*** Environment ***', process.env.REACT_APP_ENV)
console.log('*** Firebase Config ***', firebaseConfig)
const firebaseApp = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
const messaging = getMessaging(firebaseApp);
export const getOrRegisterServiceWorker = () => {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
return window.navigator.serviceWorker
.then((serviceWorker) => {
if (serviceWorker) return serviceWorker;
return window.navigator.serviceWorker.register('/firebase-messaging-sw.js', {
scope: '/firebase-push-notification-scope',
throw new Error('The browser doesn`t support service worker.');
export const getFirebaseToken = () =>
.then((serviceWorkerRegistration) =>
getToken(messaging, { vapidKey: "***********", serviceWorkerRegistration }));
export const onForegroundMessage = () =>
new Promise((resolve) => onMessage(messaging, (payload) => resolve(payload)));
Ather searing a lot I found solutions:
I change the code of my firebase.js file to the below code
// Import the functions you need from the SDKs you need
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
import { getMessaging, getToken } from "firebase/messaging";
import localforage from "localforage";
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "**********************",
authDomain: "*******************",
projectId: "******************",
storageBucket: "****************",
messagingSenderId: "****************",
appId: "**************"
// Initialize Firebase
const firebaseCloudMessaging = {
init: async () => {
try {
const messaging = getMessaging();
const tokenInLocalForage = await localStorage.getItem("fcm_token");
// Return the token if it is alredy in our local storage
if (tokenInLocalForage !== null) {
return tokenInLocalForage;
// Request the push notification permission from browser
const status = await Notification.requestPermission();
if (status && status === "granted") {
// Get new token from Firebase
const fcm_token = await getToken(messaging, {
console.log("token in fcm_token", fcm_token);
// Set token in our local storage
if (fcm_token) {
localforage.setItem("fcm_token", fcm_token);
return fcm_token;
} catch (error) {
return null;
export { firebaseCloudMessaging };

Firebase Cloud messaging (Notification)

I'm new here. Been having issues with working with the firebase cloud messaging. Tried sending notification throught the the notification composer but it not promting any notification at my side. N:B I have no knowledge of backend technologies, so only implemented it in the front-end.
This is my code
// For the App.js folder
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
import { getToken, getMessaging, onMessage } from "firebase/messaging";
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "AIzaSyCy1TQbCwalPdU3sBf2sDKraxHpplamGQ8",
authDomain: "",
projectId: "fir-project-test-44a6b",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "648408030635",
appId: "1:648408030635:web:2a94b932f10e11abb6c6ee",
measurementId: "G-2YHQFP9KWX"
// Initialize Firebase
const firebaseApp = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
const messaging = getMessaging(firebaseApp);
Notification.requestPermission().then((permission) => {
if(permission === 'granted'){
console.log('permission granted')
.catch((err) => {
console.log('permission denied:', err)
getToken(messaging, {vapidKey: 'BMRthb-93vz-iQl0XQA8AsKbzMyLq-f2JCB00B2rMb35Z_1iVdWX8CquQ820-z6vyMmdDB0W46FIIS3R5IhTbXY'}).then((token) => {
console.log('my token is', token);
onMessage(messaging, (payload) => {
new Notification(payload.notification.title, {
For the Service worker folder
import { getMessaging, onBackgroundMessage } from "firebase/messaging";
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "AIzaSyCy1TQbCwalPdU3sBf2sDKraxHpplamGQ8",
authDomain: "",
projectId: "fir-project-test-44a6b",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "648408030635",
appId: "1:648408030635:web:2a94b932f10e11abb6c6ee",
measurementId: "G-2YHQFP9KWX"
// Initialize Firebase
const firebaseApp = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
const messaging = getMessaging(firebaseApp);
onBackgroundMessage(messaging, (payload) => {
console.log('received background messages:', payload)
const notificationTitle= payload.notification.notificationTitle
const notificationBody = {
body: payload.notification.body,
self.registration.showNotification(notificationTitle, notificationBody);
i would apprecitate if someone can come through for me. thanks[image 1(app.jsimage2 (app.js)](
Tried evrything, but to no avail. I want to be able to send notifications to user via the notificTION COMPOSER

Firebase config file dynamic import at Vue

import firebase from 'firebase/app';
const FirebaseConfig = {
apiKey: '',
authDomain: '',
databaseURL: '',
projectId: '',
storageBucket: '',
messagingSenderId: '',
appId: '',
export default firebase;
what did i try;
var data = async function getConfig() {
var x= await fetch('/someurl')
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
.catch(function(err) {
return console.log(err);
return x;
export default firebase;
i can get external config file but it is not exporting..................................
Export a promise-returning function...
// firebaseInit.js
import firebase from "firebase/app";
export default function() {
return fetch('/someurl').then(res => {
return firebase
}).catch(err => {
throw err;
Await it in the importing module...
import firebasePromise from 'firebaseInit.js'
let firebase;
async someFunction() {
firebase = firebase || await firebasePromise();
// use firebase

NextJS: Accessing Google Firestore data

So I'm not sure how to do this exactly. Here is what I have:
In my Index.js I have
Index.getInitialProps = async function () {
const firebase = require('firebase')
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "examplezbxW_9nKoUjas",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
projectId: "example-prod",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "1234567890",
appId: "1:1234567890:web:1234567890"
if (!firebase.apps.length) {
const db = firebase.firestore()
const data = db.collection('data').get()
return {
This gives me an error of FirebaseError: projectId must be a string in FirebaseApp.options
(Maybe I need to run the firebase node package and login...)
It says the error is occurring at this line const db = firebase.firestore()
Any help is appreciated. Maybe this isn't the spot I should be trying to load firestore data... not sure.
I also considered creating a node server and doing it that way, but ideally, I'd like to avoid that.
Okay, so there was a couple changes I made to fix this.
I moved my firebase initialization to another file and that file looked like this:
import firebase from 'firebase/app'
import 'firebase/firestore'
export function loadDB() {
try {
var config = {
authDomain: "YOUR INFO",
databaseURL: "https://YOUR INFO",
projectId: "YOUR INFO HERE",
storageBucket: "YOUR INFO",
messagingSenderId: "YOUR INFO HERE",
} catch (err) {
// we skip the "already exists" message which is
// not an actual error when we're hot-reloading
if (!/already exists/.test(err.message)) {
console.error('Firebase initialization error', err.stack);
return firebase;
Then, in my NextJS componenet, in the getInitialProps method, I have:
import { loadDB } from '../lib/db'
Index.getInitialProps = async function () {
const db = await loadDB()
let data = []
const querySnapshot = await db.firestore().collection('data').get()
querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {
return {

Cannot find modue default firebase app

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const firebase = require('firebase/app');
const credentials = require('./credentials.json');
const db = admin.firestore();
const user = require('./http-functions/user-creation')
var config = {
apiKey: "KEY",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
projectId: "ecommerce",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "ID"
credential: admin.credential.cert(credentials),
databaseURL: "",
projectId: "ecommerce"
exports.addUser = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => user.addUser(req, res, db, firebase))
I'm importing firebase so that I can use the firebase.auth() to create a new user on cloud functions firestore. But I'm having this error where it says that when I run my firebase deploy:
Error: The default Firebase app does not exist. Make sure you call initializeApp() before using any of the Firebase services.
at FirebaseAppError.FirebaseError [as constructor]
Below is the code for adding a new user
module.exports = {
addUser: function(req, res, db, firebase, admin) {
firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailandPassword(email, password)
.then(userRecord => {
const uid = userRecord.uid;
const email =;
return firebase.firestore()
.set({email: email},
{merge: true});
.catch(err => {
Try assigning the intitializeApp into a const and use it instead of firebase.auth()
Something like:
var config = {
apiKey: "KEY",
authDomain: "",
const firebaseApp = firebase.initializeApp(config)
module.exports = {
addUser: function(req, res, db, firebase, admin) {
firebaseApp.auth().createUserWithEmailandPassword(email, password)
