JavaFX Using multiple Images form A folder - javafx

I am creating a small image matching game for a project in JavaFX.I have created a 6x6 grid and I have it working for a single image.(all 36 squares have the same image,i wanted to test if the matching works first and it does)
My difficulty is using the rest 17 png images I have in a res folder.They all have a different name matching the content of the image(horse.png,apple.png etc) as is required and everything works except using every image from the folder.
This is where I fill the game squares with the image:
InputStream input = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/res/apple.png");
Image image = new Image((input),90,90,true,true);
List<Tile> tiles = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_PAIRS; i++) {
tiles.add(new Tile(image));
tiles.add(new Tile(image));
image=new Image((input),90,90,true,true);


image.filter is not a function in google earth engine

As a newbie to the google earth engine, I have been trying something ( following a NASA tutorial ( My last line (line 60) shows image.filter is not a function, while the one in the tutorial (line 34) is working. I am not sure what happened and how to sort this out?
//creating a new variable 'image' from the L8 collection data imported
var image = ee.Image (L8_tier1 //the details in the data will represent that the band resolution is 30m
//the details in the data will represent that the band resolution is 30m
//.filterDate ("2019-07-01","2021-10-03") //for a specific date range. maybe good to remove it for the function.
//the details in the data will represent that the band resolution is 30m
//the details in the data will represent that the band resolution is 30m
//.filterDate ("2019-07-01","2021-10-03") //for a specific date range. maybe good to remove it for the function.
.filterBounds (ROI) //for the region of interest we are interested in
//.sort ("COLUD_COVER") //for sorting the data between the range with a cloud cover, the metadata property we are interested in. Other way to do this is using the function below.
//.first() //this will make the image choose the first image with the least amount of cloud cover for the area. Other way to do this is using the function below.
//print ("Hague and Rotterdam", image); //printing the image in the console
//console on the right hand side will explain everything from the data
//id will show the image deatils and date of the image, for this case 29th July 2019
//under the properties tab cloud cover can be found, this is the least we can get for this area during this period
// //vizualisation of the data in the map with true color rendering
// var trueColour = {
// bands:["SR_B4","SR_B3","SR_B2"],
// min: 5000,
// max: 12000
// };
// Map.centerObject (ROI, 12); //for the centering the area in the center of the map with required zoom level
// Map.addLayer (image, trueColour, "Hague and Rotterdam"); //for adding the image with the variable of bands we made and naming the image
//Alternate way
//Function to cloud mask from the qa_pixel band of Landsat 8 SR data. In this case bits 3 and 4 are clouds and cloud shadow respectively. This can be different for different image sets.
function maskL8sr(image) {
var cloudsBitMask = 1 << 3; //remember to check this with the source
var cloudshadowBitMask = 1 << 4; //remember to check this with the source
var qa = ('qa_pixel'); //creating the new variable from the band of the source image
var mask = qa.bitwiseAnd(cloudsBitMask).eq(0) //making the cloud equal to zero to mask them out
.and(qa.bitwiseAnd(cloudshadowBitMask).eq(0)); //making the cloud shadow equal to zero to mask them out
return image.updateMask(mask).divide(10000)
.copyProperties(image, ["system:time_start"]);
// print ("Hague and Rotterdam", image);// look into the console now. How many images the code have downloaded!!!
//filtering imagery for 2015 to 2021 summer date ranges
//creating joint filter and applying to image collection
var sum21 = ('2021-06-01','2021-09-30');
var sum20 = ('2020-06-01','2020-09-30');
var sum19 = ('2019-06-01','2019-09-30');
var sum18 = ('2018-06-01','2018-09-30');
var sum17 = ('2017-06-01','2017-09-30');
var sum16 = ('2016-06-01','2016-09-30');
var sum15 = ('2015-06-01','2015-09-30');
var SumFilter = ee.Filter.or(sum21, sum20, sum19, sum18, sum17, sum16, sum15);
var allsum = image.filter(SumFilter);
Filtering is an operation you can do on ImageCollections, not individual Images, because all filtering does is choose a subset of the images. Then, in your script, you have (with the comments removed):
var image = ee.Image (L8_tier1
.filterBounds (ROI)
The result of l8_tier1.filterBounds(ROI) is indeed an ImageCollection. But in this case, you have told the Earth Engine client that it should be treated as an Image, and it believed you. So, then, the last line
var allsum = image.filter(SumFilter);
fails with the error you saw because there is no filter() on ee.Image.
The script will successfully run if you change ee.Image(...) to ee.ImageCollection(...), or even better, remove the cast because it's not necessary — that is,
var image = L8_tier1.filterBounds(ROI);
You should probably also change the name of var image too, since it is confusing to call an ImageCollection by the name image. Naming things accurately helps avoid mistakes, while you are working on the code and also when others try to read it or build on it.

How can I generate a mask on a solid or create a custom (complex) drawing on that solid to Adobe After Effects only via scripting

I'm making an After Effects script that generates simple shapes & animations for kids, and I'm trying to avoid importing vector shapes from Illustrator to After Effects to animate them. And that is working perfectly with simple shapes such as squares and circles.
Is there any solution for generating complex shapes inside the Extendscript Toolkit, a pure code with no imports or locating some .txt file, just by setting the vertices, position and color of the shape and applies it to a new solid as a mask by running the script inside of After Effects?
If I wanted to do it manually, I will add a new solid, copy the first path from Illustrator, and back to after effects to paste it on that solid,then I'll add another solid, back to illustrator, copy another path, back to after effect, paste it on solid 2, and I'll repeat the process till the final result appears.
I want to end this switching between software 1 and 2 and save the drawing as an array of [vertices], [in-tangents], and [out-tangents] and call it whenever I want!
Running the script
The Result
I've done it like this, it can be used for import any kind of footage
var path = "File Path";
var input = new ImportOptinputns(File(path));
if (input.canImportAs(ImportAsType.FOOTAGE));
input.importAs = ImportAsType.FOOTAGE;
Or if you want to import an image sequence you can do it like this
// or if your footage is an image sequence
input.sequence = true;
input.forceAlphabetical = true;
imageSequence = app.project.importFile(input); = 'My automatically imported foorage";
theComp = app.project.activeItem; //import in to currently selected composition
I know how to create simple vector objects via script but I'm not sure if its work for you as you want it.
An example of two group rectangle
var shapeLayer = newComp.layers.addShape(); // adding shape layer = "bannerLayer"; // name the shape layer
var shapeGroup1 ="Contents").addProperty("ADBE Vector Group"); / creating a group1 = "Banner"; //name the group1
myRect="Contents").addProperty("ADBE Vector Shape - Rect"); // adding rectangle to the group1
Another example of a more complex shape, a triangle add to an existing shape layer, you can use this code as a base and create more complex shapes.
var shapeLayer = newComp.layers.addShape(); // adding shape layer = "bannerLayer"; // name the shape layer
var shapeGroup1 ="Contents").addProperty("ADBE Vector Group"); // creating a group1 = "Banner"; //name the group1
myRect ="Contents").addProperty("ADBE Vector Shape - Rect"); // adding rectangle to the group1
// construct a Shape object that forms a triangle
var myTriShape = new Shape();
myTriShape.vertices = [[-50,50], [50,50], [0,100]];
myTriShape.closed = true;
// add a Path group to our existing shape layer
myTriGroup ="Contents").addProperty("ADBE Vector Group"); // adding rectangle to the group1 = "Triangle";
myTri ="Contents").addProperty("ADBE Vector Shape - Group");
// set the Path property in the group to our triangle shape"Path").setValue(myTriShape);
you can find more information on this page. I googled it myself.
Check this link

Getting a full resolution image after compiling a montage

I'm using MATLAB to montage several high-resolution images together, register the overlay coordinates into a text file, then reading the text file and loading the montaged image. However, once I have the montage, the individual images making up the montage lose resolution. Is there a way to to display the montage with the full resolution of each individual image still intact?
Here is the code.
file = 'ImageFile.txt';
info = importdata(file);
ImageNames = info.textdata(:,1);
xoffset =,1);
yoffset =,2);
for i=1:length(ImageNames)
diffx(i) = xoffset(length(ImageNames),1) - xoffset(i,1);
diffx = (diffx)';
for j=1:length(ImageNames)
diffy(j) = yoffset(length(ImageNames),1) - yoffset(j,1);
diffy = (diffy)';
for k=1:length(ImageNames)
imshow(ImageNames{k,1}, 'XData', [diffx(k,1) (size(ImageNames{1},2) + diffx(k,1))], 'YData',[diffy(k,1) (size(ImageNames{1}, 1) + diffy(k,1))]), hold on
This is the method that I used to implement montage. You might not feel the same.
I would assume that you have the co-ordinates of every image location in final montage.
Say I have to create a montage of 9 images and they are named as 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg,... 9.jpg.
for i=1:9
filename = sprintf('%d.jpg',i);
a{i} = imread(filename);
montage = [a{1} a{2} a{3}; a{4} a{5} a{6}; a{7} a{8} a{9}];
imwrite(montage, 'montage.jpg');

Why does Image.GetThumbnailImage work differently on IIS6 and IIS7.5?

Bit of a strange question and I don't know whether anyone will have come across this one before.
We have a page generating physical thumbnail jpeg files on a filesystem and copying fullsize images to a different location. So we input one image and we get a complete copy in one location and a small image 102*68 in a different location.
We're currently looking to finally move away from IIS6 on Server 2003 to IIS7.5 on Server 2008R2, except there's on problem.
On the old system (so IIS6/Server 2003) the black borders are removed and the image stays at the correct ration. On the new system (IIS7.5/Server 2008) the thumbnails are rendered exactly as they exist in the JPEG, with black borders, but this makes the thumbnail slightly squashed and obviously includes ugly black borders.
Anyone know why this might be happening? I've done a google and can't seem to find out which behaviour is "correct". My gut tells me that the new system is correctly rendering the thumbnail as it exists, but I don't know.
Anyone have any suggestions how to solve the problem?
I think as suggested it is the .net differences. not IIS.
Just re write your code, your save a lot of time, very simple thing to do.
Here is a image handler i wrote a while ago that re draws any image to your settings.
public class image_handler : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
// set file
string ImageToDraw = context.Request.QueryString["FilePath"];
ImageToDraw = context.Server.MapPath(ImageToDraw);
// Grab images to work on's true width and height
Image ImageFromFile = Image.FromFile(ImageToDraw);
double ImageFromFileWidth = ImageFromFile.Width;
double ImageFromFileHeight = ImageFromFile.Height;
// Get required width and work out new dimensions
double NewHeightRequired = 230;
if (context.Request.QueryString["imageHeight"] != null)
NewHeightRequired = Convert.ToDouble(context.Request.QueryString["imageHeight"]);
double DivTotal = (ImageFromFileHeight / NewHeightRequired);
double NewWidthValue = (ImageFromFileWidth / DivTotal);
double NewHeightVale = (ImageFromFileHeight / DivTotal);
NewWidthValue = ImageFromFileWidth / (ImageFromFileWidth / NewWidthValue);
NewHeightVale = ImageFromFileHeight / (ImageFromFileHeight / NewHeightVale);
// Set new width, height
int x = Convert.ToInt16(NewWidthValue);
int y = Convert.ToInt16(NewHeightVale);
Bitmap image = new Bitmap(x, y);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image);
Image thumbnail = Image.FromFile(ImageToDraw);
// Quality Control
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
g.DrawImage(thumbnail, 0, 0, x, y);
image.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
public bool IsReusable
return true;

Making images 300dpi from pngencoder

HI i have flex + php app.
Also i understand that i only get 96dpi from image, because of my monitor dpi, but I need to make sure that even it generates 96dpi, it really is 300dpi quality. Can somebody advise? I tried alivepdf, its not as good.
I am taking 28 original images from user and making a "thumbnail picture collage" out of it for printing. I dont get the crisp quality in generated collage images, compared to originals. Here are my function, can somebody help me improve my snapshot? I really need to generate photo quality images for printing. Thanks
private function createImages(object:Object):void
progress.text = "Start Generating Images ( "+(index+1)+" - 28 )";
images_array.push(ImageSnapshot.captureImage(album.tilesList[index],30 0,new PNGEncoder()));
private function uploadImage(snapshot:ImageSnapshot,name:String):void
var ba:ByteArray =;//PNGEnc.encode(snapshot);
//send data as normal files
ba.position = 0;
var ID:String = name;
var filename:String = ID+".png";
A monitor is 72dpi. If you want 300 dpi you should scale the image inside the pdf.
Your scale ratio should be 1 / (300 / 72) = 0.24;
So if you put the image inside a clip and set scaleX and scaleY to 0.24 and make a pdf of it; it 'is' 300dpi.
