How to set type of a class using local variable that holds that type? - reflection

I've got a method that does the following:
val type =[0].parameters[0].type
val toDeserialise = SecondClass<type>()
My SecondClass is:
class SecondClass<T : Any> {
lateinit var p1: T
But this doesn't work. Basically, I want to take a type of a method's parameter and pass it into a SecondClass. Do you know how to implement this?
The AClass is:
class AClass{
fun myMethod(param1: String, param2: UUID)
So, I want the
val type
to be String, which I pass into SecondClass.

Reflection is resolved at runtime, and generic types are resolved at compile time.
The SecondClass is subject to type erasure, so what you want to do is essentially impossible.
Even if you try to work around it with a switch:
val type =[0].parameters[0].type
val toDeserialize = when(type){ -> SecondClass<String>()
else -> SecondClass<Any>()
This will bring you no benefit since you won't be able to check the actual type of SecondClass.


flowtype: $Subtype and typeof fail when used in generic types

It appears that class types in flow always refer to instances of that class and one uses typeof to refer to the actual class itself. So, if I want a variable to refer to a subclass (not an instance) of a base class, I can do:
class MyBaseClass {}
class MySubClass extends MyBaseClass {}
let a: $Subtype<MyBaseClass> = MySubClass; // fails
let b: $Subtype<MyBaseClass> = new MySubClass(); // works, but I don't want this.
let c: $Subtype<typeof MyBaseClass> = MySubClass; // works! Ok, we're good
However, I can't seem to do this with type parameters! For example, the following:
type GenericSubclass<T> = $Subtype<typeof T>;
// fails with `^ identifier `T`. Could not resolve name`
If I try the following Typescript trick (see Generic and typeof T in the parameters), it also fails:
type ValidSubclass<T> = { new(): T };
const c: ValidSubclass<BaseClass> = MySubClass;
// fails with: property `new`. Property not found in statics of MySubClass
Note that I tried new, __proto__ and constructor.
What gives? Is there a workaround?
typeof MyBaseClass
so you can do
type GenericSubclass<T> = $Subtype<Class<T>>;

data class empty constructor for Firebase

data class MainPosts(val context: Context, val posts: Posts, val livePost: LivePosts?)
constructor() : this(null!!, null!!, null!!)
Hey, I've been trying to figure out how to create an empty constructor on data class for Firebase.
I tried that code which is above but it didn't work properly.
To get a default constructor, you should initialize the values:
data class MainPosts(
val context: Context = someDefaultValue1,
val posts: Posts = someDefaultValue2,
val livePost: LivePosts? = null)
If they are all nullable as it seems from your constructor code:
data class MainPosts(
val context: Context? = null,
val posts: Posts? = null,
val livePost: LivePosts? = null)
This give you a default constructor.
Nice answers already suggested. However, another way to go is to use the no-args compiler plugin which generates a synthetic no argument constructor.
It's specifically designed for such situations where providing default parameters might not be desirable.
Checkout No-arg compiler plugin
In this way constructor is presented:
data class MainPosts(val context: Context?=null, val posts: Posts?=null, val livePost: LivePosts?=null)

Writing a Kotlin util function which provides self-reference in initializer

I'm trying to generalize my hack from an answer to another question.
It should provide a way to reference a value which is not constructed yet inside its initializer (of course, not directly, but in lambdas and object expressions).
What I have at the moment:
class SelfReference<T>(val initializer: SelfReference<T>.() -> T) {
val self: T by lazy {
inner ?: throw IllegalStateException("Do not use `self` until initialized.")
private val inner = initializer()
fun <T> selfReference(initializer: SelfReference<T>.() -> T): T {
return SelfReference(initializer).self
It works, see this example:
class Holder(var x: Int = 0,
val action: () -> Unit)
val h: Holder = selfReference { Holder(0) { self.x++ } }
println(h.x) //2
But at this point the way in which initializer references the constructed value is self property.
And my question is: is there a way to rewrite SelfReference so that initializer is passed an argument (or a receiver) instead of using self property? This question can be reformulated to: is there a way to pass a lazily evaluated receiver/argument to a function or achieve this semantics some way?
What are the other ways to improve the code?
UPD: One possible way is to pass a function that returns self, thus it would be used as it() inside the initializer. Still looking for other ones.
The best I have managed to produce while still being completely generic is this:
class SelfReference<T>(val initializer: SelfReference<T>.() -> T) {
val self: T by lazy {
inner ?: throw IllegalStateException("Do not use `self` until initialized.")
private val inner = initializer()
operator fun invoke(): T = self
Adding the invoke operator lets you use it in the following way:
val h: Holder = selfReference { Holder(0) { this().x++ } }
This is the closest I got to make it look like something you would "normally" write.
Sadly I think it is not possible to get completely rid of a explicit access to the element. Since to do that you would need a lambda parameter of type T.() -> T but then you wouldn't be able to call that parameter without an instance of Tand being T a generic there is no clean and safe way to acquire this instance.
But maybe I'm wrong and this helps you think of a solution to the problem
is there a way to rewrite SelfReference so that initializer is passed an argument (or a receiver) instead of using self property? This question can be reformulated to: is there a way to pass a lazily evaluated receiver/argument to a function or achieve this semantics some way?
I'm not sure I completely understand your use case but this may be what you're looking for:
fun initHolder(x: Int = 0, holderAction: Holder.() -> Unit) : Holder {
var h: Holder? = null
h = Holder(x) { h!!.holderAction() }
return h
val h: Holder = initHolder(0) { x++ }
println(h.x) // 2
This works because holderAction is a lambda with a receiver (Holder.() -> Unit) giving the lambda access to the receiver's members.
This is a general solution since you may not be able to change the signature of the respective Holder constructor. It may be worth noting this solution does not require the class to be open, otherwise a similar approach could be done with a subclass using a secondary constructor.
I prefer this solution to creating a SelfReference class when there are only a few number of classes that need the change.
You may want to check for null instead of using !! in order to throw a helpful error. If Holder calls action in it's constructor or init block, you'll get a null pointer exception.
I'm pretty sure you can achieve the same results in a more readable and clear way using something like this:
fun <T> selfReferenced(initializer: () -> T) = initializer.invoke()
operator fun<T> T.getValue(any: Any?, property: KProperty<*>) = this
and later use
val valueName: ValueType by selfReferenced{
//here you can create and use the valueName object
Using as example your quoted question you can do this:
val textToSpeech:TextToSpeech by selfReferenced {
TextToSpeech.OnInitListener { status ->
if (status == TextToSpeech.SUCCESS) {
Inside the selfReferenced block you can use the outer object with no restrictions. The only thing you should take care of, is declaring the type explicitly to avoid recursive type checking issues.

How to access a field's value via reflection (Scala 2.8)

Consider the following code:
class Foo(var name: String = "bar")
Now i try to get the value and the correct type of it via reflection:
val foo = new Foo
val field = foo.getClass.getDeclaredField("name")
//This is where it doesn't work
val value = field.get(????)
I tried things like field.get(foo), but that just returns an java.lang.Object but no String. Basically I need the correct type, because I want to invoke a method on it (e. g. toCharArray).
What is the suggested way to do that?
As others have mentioned, the reflection methods return Object so you have to cast. You may be better using the method that the Scala compiler creates for field access rather than having to change the visibility of the private field. (I'm not even sure if the name private field is guaranteed to be the same as that of the accessor methods.)
val foo = new Foo
val method = foo.getClass.getDeclaredMethod("name")
val value = method.get(foo).asInstanceOf[String]
getDeclaredField is a method of java.lang.Class.
You have to change foo.getDeclaredField("name") to foo.getClass.getDeclaredField("name") (or classOf[Foo].getDeclaredField("name")) to get the field.
You can get the type with getType method in class Field but it won't help you because it returns Class[_]. Given than you know that the type is a String you can always cast the value returned using field.get(foo).asInstanceOf[String]
AFAIK, reflection always work with Object, and you have to cast the results yourself.
This is how one can get list of fieldnames and its value of a case class:
First, using reflection, get fields info as follows -
.map(x => (, classOf[<CLASS>].getDeclaredMethod(
How to use it?
getFieldNameAndValue(obj: <CLASS>): Seq[(String, String)] {
var output = Seq[(String, String)]()
for(fieldToGetter <- TUPLE2_OF_FIELDNAME_TO_GETTERS) {
val fieldNameAsString = fieldToGetter._1
val getter = fieldToGetter._2
val fieldValue = getter.invoke(obj).toString
output += (fieldName, fieldValue)
should work if you want to avoid asInstanceOf. get* is available for various types

Scala: How to know if a class is an enumeration; isInstanceOf[Enumeration] doesn't work

I'm in scala writing a serializer that saves an object (or Model) to the database (for app engine), and I need to treat some fields as special cases. For example, if the field is of type Array[Byte], I Save it as a blob. And I need to treat Enumerations as special cases too, but I can't find out how to know if a type is an enumeration.
For example:
object UserType extends Enumeration {
val Anonym, Registered, Admin, Super = Value
var value = UserType.Admin
value.isInstanceOf[Enumeration] // this returns false
Neither I can do value.isInstanceOf[Enumeration.Value] since Value is private... anyway I think that would return false too.
Any idea?
You could figure this out using these methods:
scala> value.getClass
res102: java.lang.Class[_] = class scala.Enumeration$Val
scala> value.getClass.getSuperclass
res103: java.lang.Class[_ >: ?0] = class scala.Enumeration$Value
scala> value.getClass.getSuperclass.getSuperclass
res104: java.lang.Class[_ >: ?0] = class java.lang.Object
