SiriKit intent definition file is not creating - sirikit

I have been installed xCode Version 10.0 beta 5 (10L221o) and wants to develop on Siri shortcut application. I want to create SiriKit intent Definition file. But it is not creating. When I clicks on create, it does happen something. Is that feature is not available in this version or some other possible problems.


How can a JavaFX application correctly handle opening of associated files on Windows in Java 1.8

This is a more specific version of the question I already asked on stackoverflow (How can I access a correct version of a Java Desktop class).
I will reiterate here the problem, and clarify the question:
I have a JavaFX application that can be used to edit files of a particular type on Windows OS. By using launch4j-maven-plugin I can make an exe file, and by using Inno Setup I can make an installer of this application that has a particular file type associated to it (kb files). If I install the application and double click on the file that this application is associated to while the application is not open already, the application opens and I can read the said file (I read main function args and use the filename to read the file). The problem I have is if the user tries to double click the file that this application is associated to, while the application is running. That does not work.
The question is: is there a way in Java 1.8 to respond to the event of double clicking the associated files for a JavaFX application ?
As already mentioned in the previous question, I tried using the Desktop class, but as I found out in the answer to that question, Desktop class has the methods to deal with this problem only starting from Java version 9.
However, we cannot update Java to version 9 or higher, since that would require huge re-engineering effort on our side.

SiriKit: shortcut defined in IntentsDefinition file not showing up in the Shortcuts app on macOS?

I haven't been able to add some basic SiriKit actions to my macOS app in macOS Monterey. To test this out, I created a new project, made it a macOS app with Storyboard. Then I added an intents definition file, and added a basic intent, with no inputs/outputs. I added the intent name to "Supported Intents" in the target "General" configuration.
When I build and run the app, the shortcut doesn't show up in the Apple Shortcuts app. I've tried looking for the "Siri" capability in "Signing & Capabilities" and it's not listed there (compared to a new iOS app where it would be).
I'm not sure what I'm missing here. Would love some help.
BTW, I'm using Xcode 13.1 on macOS Monterey RC.
This is what my Custom Intent looks like.
I had the same problem with our existing app. Deleting my app from my Mac (the current App Store version) and deleting the derived data in Xcode did the trick.

Switching between different versions of an app with Qt Installer Framework

I have an app which makes specific files. Those files only can be opened by the app. Since we release updates often, sometimes users want to go to previous versions of the app to open old files. Hence, I should make a way to switch between different versions quickly by using Qt Installer Framework.
I think to upload different versions as repositories and let user select one of them.
User should have ability to select only one out of them, other
selections should be unchecked automatically.
Then Installer must uninstall the previous version and install the selected one instead.
I've searched and these two questions are more or less similar to my question.
Switch between variants of component in Qt Installer Framework
Moreover, I have been through every single examples in Qt Installer Framework documentation.
Unfortunately, I didn't find a way to check/uncheck selection according to users selection and to uninstall and install accordingly.

JAVAFX not being picked up in runtime from Spring STS with Java 8 on Mac

I've installed Java 8 and Spring STS on Mac. Running jjs from the command line works. However, when trying to create a new class in a Maven project in STS, the editor doesn't recognise the javafx.* package automatically.
Attached you'll find an example of an image showing that the only Label object suggested is the java.awt one.
Any idea on how I could solve this?
I think this is related to the settings of your project. If your project is created with an execution environment JavaSE-1.8, this execution environment doesn't have the javafx API defined as accessible and you would need to manually allow that. If you choose the 1.8 JRE (as a JRE, not an execution environment) in your project settings, the JavaFX API is accessible and works nicely in content-assist, quick fix, etc. This is at least the case if you create a standard Java project.

Flash Builder 4.6 not compiling for Flash Player 10.2

I am new to creating Flex applications and trying to target Flash Player 10.2 with my first. I have created it using Flash Builder 4.6 and compiled using the 4.5a SDK. I've also set the option to target 10.2.0 in the the Adobe Flash Player options. When I create the release build, there are no error and the resulting HTML file contains the following:
// For version detection, set to min. required Flash Player version, or 0 (or 0.0.0), for no version detection.
var swfVersionStr = "10.2.0";
However, if I try to visit the application in a browser with v10.2 of the plug-in it says 11.1 is needed. I also have the same problem with a simple Flash CS5 animation that only uses stop() and getURL(). The animation works but doesn't stop.
Thanks for the detailed reply wxvxw I've now taken a screenshot of my compiler options, but can't show it here as I'm a new user, but the URL is...
I've tried -target-player 10.2.0 (previously) and now -target-player 10.2 but neither worked. I've also located the playerglobal.swc in the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\sdks\4.5.0\frameworks\libs\player\10.2
Thanks. Dan.
IIRC, the SDK that comes with FB 4.6 only has FP 10.1 and FP 10.3 libraries. So, in order to compile for FP 10.2 you will have to find the corresponding playerglobal.swc (maybe look up older SDK releases?).
Now, regarding your settings: the version of the player you want to compile for is set in the compiler arguments, there are multiple ways to do that, but it looks like you've done something else instead :) In order to compile for certain player version, the compiler needs to know how that version of the player behaved, that is it needs a description of all the built-in functions the player had at that time. playerglobal.swc provides the definitions for those functions (search your SDK folder for the possible location). -target-player is the compiler argument that you need. One way to tell the compiler what player to target is to open the project settings and in the additional compiler arguments line type something like -target-player 10.2. Note that you might not have the appropriate playerglobal.swc. The compiler error in such case will roughly point you to the directory where this library is to be found.
Flash Builder and SDK had never had 11+ player as a requirement, (more yet, the SDK has not even been tested against this version), so the requirement is unrelated (did you use Google Chrome for testing, maybe you need to check about:plugins page?). What you did set is some variable that is supposed to tell the JavaScript script that is used to embed the SWF, what minimum version of the player is required to run the SWF, this has no effect on the SWF itself, it's only for user's information (you should set it in such a way, that in case users have older version of player they will be told to upgrade). If you used FB's code generation, or the Ant task provided by Adobe to generate the HTML page containing SWF, then this variable would be set to the same version you used to compile your SWF to, otherwise it's up to you to adjust it to the proper value.
I was having the same experience, but it wasn't a matter of flash not being installed. I had set my project in flashbuilder 4.6 to build using a specific SDK (Flex 4.5.1A) and a specific version of Flash player (10.2.0) but my client was unable to play it in flash 10.3 (they are limited by their IT department to that version, still)
my fix: add -swf-version 10 to the additional compiler arguments
I had dug around and found that the 4th byte of the swf file indicates what version of flash it's built for; when I did an export to release build, the 4th character was hex 0B rather than 0A.
I ran the swfdump.exe that was in the sdk bin and found the version was 11
<swf xmlns='http://macromedia/2003/swfx' version='11' framerate='24' size='10000x7500' compressed='true' >
I added the following to get the config that flashbuilder was using to build the project
-dump-config c:\testconfig.xml
in that, I found <swf-version>11</swf-version>
based on that, I guessed that the flag I needed to set was the -swf-version 10 as an additional compile parameter in the project properties > Flex Compiler
after building with that flag, the swf version was 10 in both swfdump and the config dump
