How to pull through Row Version values from a SQLite in-memory database - sqlite

I am currently implementing a Database collection/fixture for my unit tests, as documented on this question here: - run code once before and after ALL tests
However, instead of using an InMemory Database, I'm using SQLite as InMemory currently has a bug in .Net Core 2.1 which doesn't do a sequence check when using a byte array type
Which leads me to my current predicament, namely that the byte array when you set up a database fixture doesn't get pulled through to the unit test when the context is pulled from the Database Fixture and into the unit test, which is causing concurrency errors when I try to run the tests.
As an example:
Fist set the DatabaseFixture class like so:
public class DatabaseFixture : IDisposable
public DatabaseFixture()
var connectionStringbuilder = new SqliteConnectionStringBuilder{DataSource = ":memory:", Cache = SqliteCacheMode.Shared};
var connection = new SqliteConnection(connectionStringbuilder.ToString());
options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<CRMContext>()
using (var context = new CRMContext(options))
public DbContextOptions<CRMContext> options { get; set; }
public void Dispose()
using (var context = new CRMContext(options))
private IQueryable<Person> persons = new List<Person>()
new Person
Id = 1,
Forename = "Test",
Surname = "User",
RowVersion = new byte[0]
new Person
Id = 2,
Forename = "Another",
Surname = "Test",
RowVersion = new byte[0]
Setup your empty DatabaseCollection class as per the first link:
[CollectionDefinition("Database collection")]
public class DatabaseCollection : ICollectionFixture<DatabaseFixture>
Then set up your unit test to use this Database Fixture:
[Collection("Database collection")]
public class PersonTests : BaseTests
private readonly DatabaseFixture _fixture;
public PersonTests(DatabaseFixture fixture)
_fixture = fixture;
public void SaveAndReturnEntityAsync_SaveNewPerson_ReturnsTrue()
using (var context = new Context(_fixture.options))
var existingperson = new Person
Id = 2,
Forename = "Edit",
Surname = "Test",
RowVersion = new byte[0]
var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.AddProfile(new InitializeAutomapperProfile()); });
var AlertAcknowledgeService = GenerateService(context);
//var result = _Person.SaveAndReturnEntityAsync(mappedPersonAlertAcknowledge);
Assert.Equal("RanToCompletion", result.Status.ToString());
Assert.Equal("The data is saved successfully", result.Result.SuccessMessage);
Now when I debug this, it hits the fixture correctly, and you can when you expand the Results view, the RowVersion variable is assigned correctly:
However, when the data is passed into the unit test, the row version gets set to null:
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!


How to add data to associative table in core

I am new to core. I am building a web application for book management. I have a table called Author and books. Being a many to many relationships I made an associative entity that consists of the bookId and authorId. When I try to create I am able to create author and book. I successfully added the author and book to the database.
My author class looks like this
public class Author
private int _ID
private string _Name;
public string ID {
get { return _ID; }
set { _ID = value; }
public string Name {
get { return _Name; }
set { _Name = value; }
My book class is
public class Author
private int _ID
private string _Name;
private string _Title;
public string ID {
get { return _ID; }
set { _ID = value; }
public string Title {
get { return _Name; }
set { _Name = value; }
public string Name {
get { return _Name; }
set { _Name = value; }
I have a data access called db.cs to help to create the book and author in database.
public static int AddAuthor(Author A)
int renum = -1;
SqlConnection conn = null;
conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("sproc_AuthorAdd", conn);
comm.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Name", A.Name);
comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Title", a.Title);
SqlParameter output = new SqlParameter();
output.ParameterName = "#AuthorID";
output.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Int32;
output.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;
int affect = comm.ExecuteNonQuery();
renum = affect;
c.ID = (int)output.Value;
I have done the same for books as well. I want to fill out the association table as well when the user filled out a book and author using their ID. I tried to do various things like using a cookie to pass data. But I cannot store data. Any kind of help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I'm not really sure I understand your last code snippet, but if you're having issues managing your many-to-many relationship between Books and Authors, have you considered just using Entity Framework Core?
Instead of writing a bunch of code that accesses your database, you just create models of your tables (similar to the classes you have defined above), and it handles the many-to-many relationship for you. The code to query for Authors and/or Books could then look as simple as:
using (var db = new dbContext())
var books = db.Books
.Where(b => b.ID > 1234)
.OrderBy(b => b.Title)
And creating a new Book or Author would be similarly simple:
using (var db = new dbContext())
var book = new Book { ID = 1234, Title = "Some Title", Name = "Some Name" };
You might have to reimplement a bunch of things to take advantage of Entity Framework Core in your app, but it sounds like it would save you time in the long run.

Xamarin.Forms SQLite ,initialize data once on table creation

I am new in xamarin and I am trying to make xamarin.form app which contains sqlite database. So I know that the table is created once but also I have some records that I need to be in that table by default. I mean when table is created the data also must be initialized with it once. According to tutorial I have a class to handle the database called DataAccess.cs
class DataAccess : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
private SQLiteConnection database;
public ObservableCollection<DataModel> dataz { get; set; }
private static object collisionLock = new object();
public DataAccess()
database = DependencyService.Get<IConfig>().DbConnection();
//database.Insert(new DataModel { Did = 1 , Data = "aaaa"});
//database.Insert(new DataModel { Did = 2, Data = "bbb" });
//database.Insert(new DataModel { Did = 3, Data = "ccc" });
this.dataz = new ObservableCollection<DataModel>(database.Table<DataModel>());
if (!database.Table<DataModel>().Any())
public void addNewData()
this.dataz.Add(new DataModel { Did = 1, Data = "aa" });
public void SaveData(DataModel record)
lock (collisionLock)
public DataModel GetDataById(int id)
lock (collisionLock)
return database.Table<DataModel>().
FirstOrDefault(x => x.Did == id);
public List<DataModel> GeyAllData()
return database.Table<DataModel>().ToList();
Since the table is created in above class instructor. So I tried to initialized data there but data added to table on each run. So I confused how to initialize data on first run only.
You could go one of two ways.
1: Check if the table does not exist yet and if not, create it and add your data
var result = await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<int>("SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='DataModel';", new string[] { });
if (result == 0)
await conn.CreateTableAsync<DataModel>();
// Insert your initial data
2: Always check if the data exists and insert it if it does not
FYI: Assuming Did is your PrimaryKey of DataModel
var row = await conn.FindAsync<Record>(1);
if (row == null)
// Insert the "Did = 1" row

How to unit test the controller?

I have the controller in ASP.NET Mvc 6.
public class VendorManagementController : Controller
private readonly IVendorRespository _vendorRespository;
public VendorManagementController(IVendorRespository vendorRespository)
_vendorRespository = vendorRespository;
public dynamic GetVendorById(int pkey)
Vendor vendor = _vendorRespository.GetVendor(pkey);
return vendor;
// GET
// USing JqGrid
public dynamic GetVendors(string sidx, string sortOrder, int page, int rows, int pkey)
var vendors = _vendorRespository.GetAllVendors().AsQueryable();
var pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(page) - 1;
var pageSize = rows;
var totalRecords = vendors.Count();
var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)pageSize);
return something
public string PostVendor(Vendor item)
The link provides an example to test the controller, but it uses HttpRequestMessage. It doesn't fit my case.
So if I want to test the return Vendors, how?
Say I have the method:
public void GetAllVendors_ShouldReturnAllVendors()
var testVendors = GetTestVendors();
var vendorRespository = new VendorRespository();
var controller = new VendorManagementController(vendorRespository);
The thing is
var vendors = _vendorRespository.GetAllVendors().AsQueryable();
from the databse, how to mock up it with my fake vendors?
The method returns dynamic type, I can't get the Count of the list.
Install a mocking framework such as Moq from nuget -
using Moq;
public void GetAllVendors_ShouldReturnAllVendors()
var testVendors = GetTestVendors();
var vendorRespository = new Mock<IVendorRepository>();
vendorRepository.Setup(m => m.GetAllVendors()).Returns(new List<Vendor> { new Vendor() }); // Guessing a bit on return types
var controller = new VendorManagementController(vendorRespository.Object);
var result = controller.GetVendors( ... )
// Assert you get 1 Vendor back, not sure what you're planning to return by "something". :-)
Other frameworks are available, NSubsititute, FakeItEasy

How do I create a dynamic Linq query to fill an ASP.NET databound ListView?

I am having some trouble figuring out the right way to go about creating a dynamic query that I can use values from DropDownList controls to filter and sort/order the results of a database query to fill a ListView. I am able to hard code individual queries, which works ok, except for the fact that it takes an incredible amount of effort, and is not easily changed.
My code is as follows (using all filters):
queryResult = From product In myEntities.InventoryProducts
Where product.VendorID = ddlFilterVendor.SelectedValue And product.ItemType = ddlItemType.SelectedValue And product.LabelSize = ddlLabelSize.SelectedValue And product.PrintLabel = boolPrint And product.Edited = boolEdited
Order By product.ID Ascending
Select product
Return queryResult
Is there a better method to this? I would like to be able to select the value from each DropDownList and generate a custom WHERE clause, as well as an ORDER BY clause.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
I can give you a simple example as to how to to proceed with your idea. I am sure if you look through StackOverflow or search via google you will get code that does a better job of dynamic expression building. The same concept can be used for order by.
void Main()
var ops = new List<Ops>
new Ops
OperandType = typeof(string),
OperandName = "Name",
ValueToCompare = "MM" // in your case this will be the values from the dropdowns
new Ops
OperandType = typeof(int),
OperandName = "ID",
ValueToCompare = 1
var testClasses = new List<TestClass>
new TestClass { ID =1, Name = "MM", Date = new DateTime(2014,12,1)},
new TestClass { ID =2, Name = "BB", Date = new DateTime(2014,12,2)}
// this will produce prop => ((prop.Name == "MM") And (prop.ID == 1))
var whereDelegate = ExpressionBuilder.BuildExpressions<TestClass>(ops);
foreach(var item in testClasses.Where(whereDelegate))
Console.WriteLine("ID " +item.ID);
Console.WriteLine("Name " +item.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Date" + item.Date);
// Define other methods and classes here
public enum OpType
public class Ops
public Type OperandType {get; set;}
public OpType OpType {get; set;}
public string OperandName {get;set;}
public object ValueToCompare {get;set;}
public class TestClass
public int ID {get;set;}
public string Name {get; set;}
public DateTime Date {get;set;}
public class ExpressionBuilder
public static Func<T,bool> BuildExpressions<T>( List<Ops> opList)
Expression currentExpression= null;
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "prop");
for(int i =0; i< opList.Count; i++)
var op = opList[i];
Expression innerExpression = null;
case OpType.Equals :
var propertyExpression = Expression.Property(parameterExpression ,
var constExpression = Expression.Constant(op.ValueToCompare);
innerExpression = Expression.Equal(propertyExpression,
if (i >0)
currentExpression = Expression.And(currentExpression, innerExpression);
currentExpression = innerExpression;
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<T,bool>>(currentExpression,
new []{parameterExpression });
return lambdaExpression.Compile() ;

Moq how to test BusinessLayer

I have problem with the Unit Test my Module from Business Layer.
I'm using Moq.
my Module from DL :
namespace EF.BusinessLayer.Modules
public class UserModule : IUserModule
public User AddUser(User user)
using (IUnitOfWork uow = IoC.Resolve<IUnitOfWork>())
return uow.Queryable<User>().Where(x => x.Username == user.Username).FirstOrDefault();
I'm trying to write a test, with which I can test if my entity was added properly.
public void AddUserTestMethod()
User user = new User()
FirstName = "Criss",
LastName = "Johnson",
Username = "CJ",
Email = ""
var mockContext = new Mock<IUserModule>();
mockContext.Setup<User>(x => x.AddUser(user)).Callback<User>((c) => User = c);
var result = mockContext.Object.AddUser(user);
but results = null.
What I'm doing wrong ?
Lets understand what is your system under test (SUT). From your description, I think it's UserModule.
Note that UserModule depends on IUnitOfWork, which you have very rightly dependency injected using an IoC container.
One of the key things of unit testing is to test the SUT in isolation. Which means for testing the business logic under UserModule, you should be mocking the IUnitOfWork. That's the problem I see with your test. It mocks the UserModule itself.
I suggest you to register the mocked IUnitOfWork in your IoC container before calling the "AddUser" method of UserModule.
public void AddUserTestMethod()
User expectedUser = new User()
FirstName = "Criss",
LastName = "Johnson",
Username = "CJ",
Email = ""
var users = new List<User>();
//mock IUnitWork
var mockUnitOfWork= new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
mockUnitOfWork.Setup(x => x.Add(user));
mockUnitOfWork.Setup(x => x.SaveChanges());
//This may not work as is, could need modification
mockUnitOfWork.Setup(x => x.Queryable<User>()).Returns(users);
//Register mocked unit of work in IoC container
//Instantiate SUT
var userModule = new UserModule();
var result = userModule.AddUser(user);
//Assert here
