Why does FreeMarkers built-in "?is_string" return true for an Object? - spring-mvc

If I pass an Object into the model and test it with the "?is_string" built-in, it will falsely return a true value.
Is it possible (without checking the class name) to have a proper type checks on Objects?
FreeMarker: 2.3.28
Code to reproduce:
public class Test {}
// In Test Controller
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("test");
mv.addObject("test", new Test());
// In test.ftl
<#if test?is_string>
${test} - is a string!
// Result
Test#455b31c - is a string

The problem is that that approach isn't really supported by FreeMarker. The Java objects are mapped to some template language values via Configuration.objectWrapper, and the template only sees the result of that mapping. Furthermore the template language has a different type system than Java, a simplistic one, without classes. (It was a design goal back then that the data-model is just some simple tree, and the templates will work no mater what objects are behind, as far as it still gives the same tree.) ?is_... doesn't check the Java type, but the type according the template language. As with the usual ObjectWrapper-s a "generic" object (means, nothing recognized like List, Map, Date, etc.) can be used as a strings whose value is whatever toString() returns, it's a string as far as the template language is concerned. It's kind of duck typed...
A workaround I can think of is that first check the value with ?is_hash, as that will catch the said generic objects (as they support ., they are hashes as well, not just strings). Or instead just check the property you expect to be present in a Test. Then on the "else" branch you can continue with ?is_string.


Passing string list to F# asp.Net api

I actually solved my problem before posting, but I wonder if there are any better solutions?
Also if there is somewhere where there is a way to use list as-is?
I am writing a simple get endpoint if F# which needs to accept a list of strings as an argument.
I take that list as the input to a query that runs as expected, I am not worried about that part.
The problem I am facing is as follows (minimal implmenetation):
When I define the endpoint as:
member _.Get() =
processStrings [ "test"; "test2" ]
it returns as expected.
When I change it to:
member _.Get([<FromQuery>] stringList: string list) = processStrings stringList
I get an error:
InvalidOperationException: Could not create an instance of type 'Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]]'. Model bound complex types must not be abstract or value types and must have a parameterless constructor. Record types must have a single primary constructor. Alternatively, give the 'stringList' parameter a non-null default value.
Which doesn't make much sense to me, as I am using a list of strings, which in C# at least defaults to an empty list.
So I assume this comes down to how C# and F# interpret these signatures, but I am not sure how to resolve it.
I tried this signature and received the same error as above....
member _.Get( [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue([||]); FromQuery>] stringList: string list) = processStrings stringList
In the end using the following did solve the problem.
member _.Get( [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue([||]); FromQuery>] stringList: string seq) = processStrings stringList
I assume it was solved because seq is just IEnumerable, and then presumable list isn't just List from C# (mutable vs immutable). But is there a way to use an F# list in [FromQuery] parameters? Would [FromBody] have just worked? (No is the tested answer) Is there a way to add a type provider for an endpoint like this?
Is there something else I am missing here? Mine works now, but I am curious to the implications of the above.
I have not tested this, but I would assume that ASP.NET does not support F# lists as arguments. I would guess that taking the argument as an array would be much more likely to work:
member _.Get([<FromQuery>] stringList: string[]) =
processStrings (List.ofArray stringList)

Complex type checks in XQuery

I have a schema that has many complexType, some of which have subtypes (via xsi:type). I need to create an XQuery expression that checks that an element (MyPath) is a member of a parent type, but no others, I've tried an expression in the form below with no luck.
/MyPath[element(*,ParentClass) and not element(*,ChildClass)]
It appears element applies to all the children in the context it is called, but not itself (MyPath), which yields no results.
I also tried the instance of operator, but this appears to only work for simpleType.
You should use
. instance of element(*, ParentClass)
and not(. instance of element(*, ChildClass))
If this doesn't work please supply an MCVE
An alternative, using Saxon extension functions, is to test the type annotation directly: saxon:type-annotation(.) eq xs:QName('ParentClass')
Of course, there's a question about whether this is good practice. The whole point of defining a derived type is that it is supposed to be substitutable for the base type; everywhere you can use an instance of the parent type, you should be able to substitute an instance of the child type. You appear to be deliberately trying to contrive a query in which this is not the case.

Multiple "default" properties/methods in a VB6 class?

I am trying to make a replacement VB6 class for the Scripting.Dictionary class from SCRRUN.DLL. Scripting.Dictionary has (among other things) a "Keys" method that returns an array of keys, and a read/write "Item" property that returns the item associated with a key. I am confused about this, because both of them seem to be defaults for the class. That is:
For Each X In MyDict
Is equivalent to:
For Each X In MyDict.Keys
Which to me implies that "Keys" is the default operation for the class, but:
MyDict("MyKey") = "MyValue"
MsgBox MyDict("MyKey")
Is equivalent to:
MyDict.Item("MyKey") = "MyValue"
MsgBox MyDict.Item("MyKey")
Which to me implies that "Item" is the default operation for the class.
I've never before created a VB6 class that had a default operation, so upon realizing this, I thought perhaps I could define multiple default operations as long as they all have different signatures, which they do: Keys is nullary, the Item getter takes a Variant, and the Item setter takes two Variants. But this doesn't seem to be allowed: When I use "Tools/Procedure Attributes" to set the Keys function to be the default, and then I use it to set the Item property to be the default, the IDE complains that a default has already been set.
So I think I'm misunderstanding something fundamental here. What is going on in the Scripting.Dictionary object that makes it able to act as if "Keys" is the default in some contexts, but as if "Item" is the default in others? And whatever it is, can I accomplish the same thing in VB6?
OK, answering my own question: I haven't tried this yet, but I gather that "Item" should be made the default, and that I should add an entirely new function called "NewEnum" that looks something like the following (slightly modified from an example in Francesco Balena's "Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0" book):
Public Function NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = m_Keys.[_NewEnum]
End Function
(where "m_Keys" is a Collection containing the keys), and then use Tools/Procedure Attributes to hide NewEnum and to set its ProcID to -4.
What you are observing is the difference between the default member and a collection enumerator. A COM object (including VB6 classes) can have both.
You can identify the default property of a class by looking in the Object Browser for the tiny blue globe or the words "default member of" in the description (see Contents of the Object Browser). The Object Browser will not identify an enumerator method, but if you look at the class's interface definition using OLE View or TypeLib Browser (free but registration required) it's DispId will be 0xfffffffc or -4.
In your own class, you can mark the default property by setting the Procedure ID to "(default)" in the Procedure Attributes dialog (see Making a Property or Method the Default). You already listed the steps for setting up the collection enumerator in your own answer, but you can find this listed as well in the Programmer's Guide topic Creating Your Own Collection Class: The House of Bricks.
Scripting.Dictionary has a dirty secret:
It does not handle enumeration at all, it returns big ugly Variant arrays and your For Each loops iterate over those.
This is one of the reasons why a Dictionary can actually be far less efficient than a standard VB6 Collection.

Optional Invalid Query String Variables

This is a somewhat philosophical issue. I have a .net (but could be any platform) based helper library that parses query string values. Take for example a variable that returns an Int32: my framework has an option that specifies whether this value is required or optional. If it is required but not provided, the framework throws an exception. If it is optional and not specified, it returns a null.
Now an edge case has come up based on users hacking (in a good way) our urls. If they specify a variable with either an invalidly formatted Int32 ("&ID=abc") or provide the variable but not specify a value ("&id="), should the framework throw an exception or should it return a null?
Part of me feels that invalid variables or formats should return a null. It might be valid to argue that even if the parameter is optional, an invalidly formatted query string or value should still throw an exception.
Since this is philophical ...
On something like an ID, I would agree with Shawn that it is a 404, especially if you are thinking in terms of state. There is no object, so not found. But, ID may not tie directly to a resource in all cases.
If the item is truly optional, a null is okay. But optional should mean "if present it makes the call more specific" in this case and there should always be a fallback. I don't see this in ID, unless the ID is keyed to an optional part of the page.
In the long run, I think you should look at the business reason for the page and what each variable means.
I believe that if a variable is optionaly, providing the variable but not specifying the value is equivalent to ommitting the variable itself. In this case, returning null seems OK.
However, providing an invalidly formatted value ought to cause an Exception, since the intent was to provide a value. In this case the user ought to be notified through some sort of validation mechanism.
A HttpException of 404 (Not Found). Your web application framework should know how to catch these errors and redirect to the proper page.
This is actually a not found error because the resources that the ID is pointing to does not exist.
I suspect there's no "right" answer to your question. If I were a developer using your library, I would expect/hope that the public API would include in its code comments, a description of how the function behaves when the URL param includes bad (wrong type) data.
You might also be able to craft your public API to get the best of both worlds: .NET seems to have adopted the "Parse" / "TryParse" approach in many places. If I'm the caller and I want the function to throw if given invalid data, I call Parse(). If I don't want it to throw, I call TryParse(). In my opinion, that is a nice pattern to follow with your API as well.

VTL evaluate or define an object reference

I would like to create a macro that takes a string as a parameter and evaluates that to an object. Something like:
#macro( valueTest $objRef)
#define( $obj )#evaluate("$${objRef}")#end
$obj.foo ## This would have to be translated to $obj.getFoo()
Unfortunately the $obj variable does not point to object reference that could be used to call methods. $obj is a String and $obj.foo does not try to execute getFoo.
Somewhy I have a feeling that this is the nature of evaluate and it is not possible to do what I want to.
the reason why I want to do smth like this is because we have quite few macros that take both command bind path and command itself as a parameter and I am hoping the latter could be derived from first.
Unfortunately, Velocity does not have a mechanism to define functions which return object references. Macros are really intended to be a shortcut to display text.
In cases like this, the way to proceed is generally to create a "tool" in Java and put an instance in the context. A tool is just an ordinary class with a method that returns what you are looking for
create an object with an "eval" method, then put it in the context as "referenceEvaluator".
#set($obj = $referenceEvaluator.eval($objRef))
You might find that your code is clearer if you avoid the double evaluation and just insert an object into the context named $obj that does what you want. (better performance, too).
