Manipulating multiple files with same name - unix

I am trying to move about 1000 files that all begin with "simulation." into one directory entitled "simulations." I am using a remote server, and the files are currently in my home directory on the server. I need to move them to a separate directory because I need to, ultimately, append all the "simulation." files into one file. Is there a way to either append only the files in my home directory that begin with "simulation." or move only these files into a new directory?
Thank you.

Assuming you can change directories to the desired path on the remote server... and the simulations are located in /currentPath ... then....
cd desiredPath
mkdir simulations
mv /currentPath/simulation* simulations
(to futher answer your question... if you wanted to append all the files together, you could type cat simulation* > allSimulations.txt


WinSCP script to synchronize directories, but exclude several subdirectories

I need to write a script that synchronizes local files with a remote machine.
My file structure is:
I need to synchronize everything, but:
completely ignore .git folder
ignore files in input and output folders, but copy the folder
So far my code is:
open sftp://me:password#server -hostkey="XXXXXXXX"
option batch abort
option confirm off
synchronize remote "C:\Users\MYNAME\Documents\MY FOLDER\Python Projects\ProjectFolder" "/home/MYNAME/py_proj/ProjectFolder" -filemask="|C:\Users\MYNAME\Documents\MY FOLDER\Python Projects\ProjectFolder\.git"
First question: it doesn't seems to work.
Second question, how to add mask for input and output folder if I have spaces in file paths?
Thanks to all in advance.
Masks for directories have to end with a slash.
To exclude files in a specific folder, use something like */folder/*

UNIX: how to zip a folder that contains more folders w/o including any of the folder paths

I' m trying to zip a folder that contains some .json files plus subfolders with more .json files. I need to zip the parent folder with everything included without containing any of the parent or subfolders paths. Is there any way I can do this?
Thank you
I want this:
pending_provider/722c9cb2-268b-4e4a-9000-f7f65e586011-version/1d296136-ac87-424e-89c4-682a63c7b853.json (deflated 68%)
But not this:
pending_provider/722c9cb2-268b-4e4a-9000-f7f65e586011-version/ (stored 0%)
I want to avoid the "stor" compression type which only saves the folder path. I want only the "defN"
So the -j doesn't help me a lot
If you don't want any paths at all you could use the -j option. Below is the man page entry for the option.
Store just the name of a saved file (junk the path), and do not store
directory names. By default, zip will store the full path (relative to
the current directory).
If you just want to exclude directories
Do not create entries in the zip archive for directories.

Copy or move file into directory with parallel processing from another process

I'm running two processes on AIX. Process one is generating several files, process two does backups from all files that are in a backup directory.
Process one will copy or move the files into the backup directory. Since process two is always running in the background there is the risk of it starting a backup of a file that is still in the process of being copied or moved and therefore incomplete. How can I avoid this problem?
Process one should create files in another directory (on the same disk); and when a file is created, move it into the final directory. Move is an atomic operation, so process2 will only find complete files.
Edit: on AIX, /usr/bin/istat helps to make sure that two directories (or files) are on the same disk/partition/device, e.g.
for Dir in /home /home/zsiga /tmp;
do /usr/bin/istat "$Dir" | grep device;
Inode 2 on device 10/8 Directory
Inode 33 on device 10/8 Directory
Inode 2 on device 10/7 Directory
The first two are on the same disk/partition/device (10/8); the last one is on another device (10/7)

Unix File naming conventions

I am in process of doing a remote to local copy using rsyncand the file list is picked up from a txt file which looks like below
/a/b/c test1.txt
/a/x/y test2.txt
/a/v/w test1.txt
The FILE_PATH is the same for remote and local servers. The Problem is, I need to copy the files to a Staging area in the local first and then need to move it to the FILE_PATH, so as to make sure Integrity.
If I simply copy all the files to the Staging area, test1.txt will get overridden. So I thought I can go with clubbing the FILE_PATH and FILENAME, thus it gets unique. To do so, I can not create the file as /a/b/c/test1.txt in my staging area.
So I thought to replace / with special chars that support Unix.
Tried with - _ : ., I got conflicts with all this.
How I can achieve copying files to the same Staging directory though the file names are of same but supposed to reach different directory
your thoughts pls.

How to create Subdirectories using Windows Command Line?

How would I create one directory with four sub-directories? I'm having trouble with this question for a lab I'm doign.
What commands would you issue to build the following directory
structure on the hard drive: Create the directory PROGRAMS in the
root. In the PROGRAMS directory create four subdirectories called:
Adobe, Email, Graphics and MSOffice. In the first three subdirectories
create two user directories called: Personal and Guest. In the
MSOffice subdirectory create two subdirectories called: Word and
Excel. Include a Tree view drawing or printout of the directory
I know that to create a directory, you'd use
mkdir \programs
But I'm not sure that's even how you start.
Start with the outermost directory. (md and makedir are the same thing, and both works on Windows.)
md \Programs
Now create the next level (repeating for each one):
md \Programs\Adobe
Now the next level:
md \Programs\Adobe\Guest
Continue as needed.
