I'm trying to plot vertical lines if a condition is met.
Example dataframe:
example <- data.frame(
X = c (1:5),
Y = c(8,15,3,1,4),
indicator = c(1,0,1,0,0)
example %>% ggplot(aes(x=X,y=Y)) + geom_line() + geom_vline(xintercept=X)
where X in the intercept is the value of X when the indicator value is 1. So in this case, I would only want the vertical lines for when the indicator value is 1. In this example, that would create a vertical line at X=1 and X=3. Does anyone have any ideas on how to tackle this? Thanks!
The following should do what you want
example <- data.frame(
X = c (1:5),
Y = c(8,15,3,1,4),
indicator = c(1,0,1,0,0)
example %>%
ggplot(aes(x=X,y=Y)) +
geom_line() +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = X),
data = example %>% filter(indicator == 1))
Here is the resulting image.
Note: In the example above, the data.frame named example was used in the call to geom_vline, but this can be any other data.frame that contains the desired values to use as an intercept.
Minor tweak from above:
example %>% ggplot(aes(x=X,y=Y)) + geom_line() +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept=X), data=. %>% filter(indicator == 1))
data can also be a function, so you don't need to hard code example in the geom_vline layer. Since you are using dplyr anyway, it's easy to convert a pipe to a function by starting the pipeline with a dot.
I am new to coding in R, when I was using ggplot2 to make a line graph, I get vertical lines. This is my code:
all_trips_v2 %>%
group_by(Month_Name, member_casual) %>%
summarise(average_duration = mean(length_of_ride))%>%
ggplot(aes(x = Month_Name, y = average_duration)) + geom_line()
And I'm getting something like this:
This is a sample of my data:
(Not all the cells in the Month_Name is August, it's just sorted)
Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
I added a bit more code just for the mere example. the data i chose is probably not the best choice to display a proper timer series.
I hope the features of ggplot i displayed will be benficial for you in the future
mydat <- sample_frac(storms,.4)
# setting the month of interest as the current system's month
month_of_interest <- month(Sys.Date(),label = TRUE)
mydat %>% group_by(year,month) %>%
summarise(avg_pressure = mean(pressure)) %>%
mutate(month = month(month,label = TRUE),
current_month = month == month_of_interest) %>%
# the mutate code is just for my example.
ggplot(aes(x=year, y=avg_pressure,
))+geom_line(show.legend = FALSE)+
## From here its not really important,
## just ideas for your next plots
scale_size_manual(values = c(.4,1))+
ggtitle(paste("Averge yearly pressure,\n
with special interest in",month_of_interest))+
## Most important is that you notice the group argument and also,
# in most cases you will want to color your different lines.
# I added a logical variable so only October will be colored,
# but that is not mandatory
You should add a grouping argument.
see further info here:
# Multiple groups with one aesthetic
p <- ggplot(nlme::Oxboys, aes(age, height))
# The default is not sufficient here. A single line tries to connect all
# the observations.
p + geom_line()
# To fix this, use the group aesthetic to map a different line for each
# subject.
p + geom_line(aes(group = Subject))
I am trying to plot 400 ecdf graphs in one image using ggplot.
As far as I know ggplot does not support the par(new=T) option.
So the first solution I thought was use the grid.arrange function in gridExtra package.
However, the ecdfs I am generating are in a for loop format.
Below is my code, but you could ignore the steps for data processing.
for(i in 1:400)
AI = test$AI_ij
ggplot(test, aes(AI)) +
stat_ecdf(geom = "step") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
theme_bw() +
new_theme +
xlab("Calculated Accessibility Value") +
So I have values stored in "AI" in the for loop.
In this case how should I plot 400 graphs in the same chart?
This is not the way to put multiple lines on a ggplot. To do this, it is far easier to pass all of your data together and map code to the "group" aesthetic to give you one ecdf line for each code.
By far the hardest part of answering this question was attempting to reverse-engineer your data set. The following data set should be close enough in structure and naming to allow the code to be run on your own data.
all_codes <- apply(expand.grid(1:16, LETTERS), 1, paste0, collapse = "")
temp <- data.frame(sample(all_codes, 400), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <- data.frame(code = rep(all_codes, 100),
Distance = sqrt(rnorm(41600)^2 + rnorm(41600)^2),
AI_ij = rnorm(41600),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Since you only want the first 400 codes from temp that appear in df to be shown on the plot, you can use dplyr::filter to filter out code %in% test[[1]] rather than iterating through the whole thing one element at a time.
You can then group_by code, and arrange by Distance within each group before normalizing AI_ij, so there is no need to split your data frame into a new subset for every line: the data is processed all at once and the data frame is kept together.
Finally, you plot this using the group aesthetic. Note that because you have 400 lines on one plot, you need to make each line faint in order to see the overall pattern more clearly. We do this by setting the alpha value to 0.05 inside stat_ecdf
Note also that there are multiple packages with a function called normalize and I don't know which one you are using. I have guessed you are using BBmisc
So you can get rid of the loop and do:
df %>%
filter(code %in% temp[[1]]) %>%
group_by(code) %>%
arrange(Distance, by_group = TRUE) %>%
mutate(AI = normalize(AI_ij)) %>%
ggplot(aes(AI, group = code)) +
stat_ecdf(geom = "step", alpha = 0.05) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
theme_bw() +
xlab("Calculated Accessibility Value") +
I have a dataframe in R consisting of 104 columns, appearing as so:
id vcr1 vcr2 vcr3 sim_vcr1 sim_vcr2 sim_vcr3 sim_vcr4 sim_vcr5 sim_vcr6 sim_vcr7
1 2913 -4.782992840 1.7631999 0.003768704 1.376937 -2.096857 6.903021 7.018855 6.135139 3.188382 6.905323
2 1260 0.003768704 3.1577108 -0.758378208 1.376937 -2.096857 6.903021 7.018855 6.135139 3.188382 6.905323
3 2912 -4.782992840 1.7631999 0.003768704 1.376937 -2.096857 6.903021 7.018855 6.135139 3.188382 6.905323
4 2914 -1.311132669 0.8220594 2.372950077 -4.194246 -1.460474 -9.101704 -6.663676 -5.364724 -2.717272 -3.682574
5 2915 -1.311132669 0.8220594 2.372950077 -4.194246 -1.460474 -9.101704 -6.663676 -5.364724 -2.717272 -3.682574
6 1261 2.372950077 -0.7022792 -4.951318264 -4.194246 -1.460474 -9.101704 -6.663676 -5.364724 -2.717272 -3.682574
The "sim_vcr*" variables go all the way through sim_vcr100
I need two overlapping density density curves contained within one plot, looking something like this (except here you see 5 instead of 2):
I need one of the density curves to consist of all values contained in columns vcr1, vcr2, and vcr3, and I need another density curve containing all values in all of the sim_vcr* columns (so 100 columns, sim_vcr1-sim_vcr100)
Because the two curves overlap, they need to be transparent, like in the attached image. I know that there is a pretty straightforward way to do this using the ggplot command, but I am having trouble with the syntax, as well as getting my data frame oriented correctly so that each histogram pulls from the proper columns.
Any help is much appreciated.
With df being the data you mentioned in your post, you can try this:
Separate dataframes with next code, then plot:
i1 <- which(startsWith(names(df),pattern = 'vcr'))
i2 <- which(startsWith(names(df),pattern = 'sim'))
df1 <- df[,c(1,i1)]
df2 <- df[,c(1,i2)]
M1 <- pivot_longer(df1,cols = names(df1)[-1])
M2 <- pivot_longer(df2,cols = names(df2)[-1])
#Plot 1
ggplot(M1) + geom_density(aes(x=value,fill=name), alpha=.5)
#Plot 2
ggplot(M2) + geom_density(aes(x=value,fill=name), alpha=.5)
Use next code for one plot:
#Unique plot
M <- pivot_longer(df,cols = names(df)[-1])
M$var <- ifelse(startsWith(M$name,'vcr',),'vcr','sim_vcr')
#Plot 3
ggplot(M) + geom_density(aes(x=value,fill=var), alpha=.5)
Using the dplyr package, first you can convert your data to long format using the function pivot_longer as follows:
df %<>% pivot_longer(cols = c(starts_with('vcr'), starts_with('sim_vcr')),
names_to = c('type'),
values_to = c('values'))
After using filter function you can create separate plots for each value type
For vcr columns:
df %>%
filter(str_detect(type, '^vcr')) %>%
ggplot(.) +
geom_density(aes(x = values, fill = type), alpha = 0.5)
The above produces the following plot:
for sim_vcr columns:
df %>%
filter(str_detect(type, '^sim_vcr')) %>%
ggplot(.) +
geom_density(aes(x = values, fill = type), alpha = 0.5)
The above code produces the following plot:
Another simple way to subset and prepare your data for ggplot is with gather() from tidyr which you can read more about. Heres how I do it. df being your data frame provided.
# Load tidyr to use gather()
#Split appart the data you dont want on their own, the first three columns, and gather them
df_vcr <- gather(data = df[,2:4])
#Gather the other columns in the dataframe
df_sim<- gather(data = df[,-c(1:4)])
#Plot the first
ggplot() +
geom_density(data = df_vcr,
mapping = aes(value, group = key, color = key, fill = key),
alpha = 0.5)
#Plot the second
ggplot() +
geom_density(data = df_sim,
mapping = aes(value, group = key, color = key, fill = key),
alpha = 0.5)
However I am a little unclear on what you mean by "all values in all of the sim_vcr* columns". Perhaps you want all of those values in one density curve? To do this, simply do not give ggplot any grouping info in the second case.
ggplot() + geom_density(data = df_sim,
mapping = aes(value),
fill = "grey50",
alpha = 0.5)
Notice here I can still specify the 'fill' for the curve outside of the aes() function and it will apply it too all curves instead of give each group specified in 'key' a different color.
I want to plot a chart in R where it will show me vertical lines for each type in facet.
df is the dataframe with person X takes time in minutes to reach from A to B and so on.
I have tried below code but not able to get the result.
df<-data.frame(type =c("X","Y","Z"), "A_to_B"= c(20,56,57), "B_to_C"= c(10,35,50), "C_to_D"= c(53,20,58))
ggplot(df, aes(x = 1,y = df$type)) + geom_line() + facet_grid(type~.)
I have attached image from excel which is desired output but I need only vertical lines where there are joins instead of entire horizontal bar.
I would not use facets in your case, because there are only 3 variables.
So, to get a similar plot in R using ggplot2, you first need to reformat the dataframe using gather() from the tidyverse package. Then it's in long or tidy format.
To my knowledge, there is no geom that does what you want in standard ggplot2, so some fiddling is necessary.
However, it's possible to produce the plot using geom_segment() and cumsum():
# First reformat and calculate cummulative sums by type.
# This works because factor names begins with A,B,C
# and are thus ordered correctly.
df <- df %>%
gather(-type, key = "route", value = "time") %>%
group_by(type) %>%
mutate(cummulative_time = cumsum(time))
segment_length <- 0.2
df %>%
mutate(route = fct_rev(route)) %>%
ggplot(aes(color = route)) +
geom_segment(aes(x = as.numeric(type) + segment_length, xend = as.numeric(type) - segment_length, y = cummulative_time, yend = cummulative_time)) +
scale_x_discrete(limits=c("1","2","3"), labels=c("Z", "Y","X"))+
coord_flip() +
ylim(0,max(df$cummulative_time)) +
labs(x = "type")
This solutions works because it assigns values to X,Y,Z in scale_x_discrete. Be careful to assign the correct labels! Also compare this answer.
I am using this script to plot chemical elements using ggplot2 in R:
# Load the same Data set but in different name, becaus it is just for plotting elements as a well log:
Core31B1 <- read.csv('OilSandC31B1BatchResultsCr.csv', header = TRUE)
# Calculating the ratios of Ca.Ti, Ca.K, Ca.Fe:
C31B1$Ca.Ti.ratio <- (C31B1$Ca/C31B1$Ti)
C31B1$Ca.K.ratio <- (C31B1$Ca/C31B1$K)
C31B1$Ca.Fe.ratio <- (C31B1$Ca/C31B1$Fe)
C31B1$Fe.Ti.ratio <- (C31B1$Fe/C31B1$Ti)
#C31B1$Si.Al.ratio <- (C31B1$Si/C31B1$Al)
# Create a subset of ratios and depth
core31B1_ratio <- C31B1[-2:-18]
# Removing the totCount column:
Core31B1 <- Core31B1[-9]
# Metling the data set based on the depth values, to have only three columns: depth, element and count
C31B1_melted <- melt(Core31B1, id.vars="depth")
#ratio melted
C31B1_ra_melted <- melt(core31B1_ratio, id.vars="depth")
# Eliminating the NA data from the data set
# ratios
C31B1_ra_melted <-na.exclude(C31B1_ra_melted)
# Rename the columns:
colnames(C31B1_melted) <- c("depth","element","counts")
# ratios
colnames(C31B1_ra_melted) <- c("depth","ratio","percentage")
# Ploting the data in well logs format using ggplot2:
Core31B1_Sp <- ggplot(C31B1_melted, aes(x=counts, y=depth)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_path(aes(linetype = element))+ geom_path(size = 0.6) +
labs(title='Core 31 Box 1 Bioturbated sediments') +
scale_y_reverse() +
facet_grid(. ~ element, scales='free_x') #rasterImage(Core31Image, 0, 1515.03, 150, 0, interpolate = FALSE)
# View the plot:
I got the following image (as you can see the plot has seven element plots, and each one has its scale. Please ignore the shadings and the image at the far left):
My question is, is there a way to make these scales the same like using log scales? If yes what I should change in my codes to change the scales?
It is not clear what you mean by "the same" because that will not give you the same result as log transforming the values. Here is how to get the log transformation, which, when combined with the no using free_x will give you the plot I think you are asking for.
First, since you didn't provide any reproducible data (see here for more on how to ask good questions), here is some that gives at least some of the features that I think your data has. I am using tidyverse (specifically dplyr and tidyr) to do the construction:
forRatios <-
names(iris)[1:3] %>%
combn(2, paste, collapse = " / ")
toPlot <-
iris %>%
mutate_(.dots = forRatios) %>%
select(contains("/")) %>%
mutate(yLocation = 1:n()) %>%
gather(Comparison, Ratio, -yLocation) %>%
mutate(logRatio = log2(Ratio))
Note that the last line takes the log base 2 of the ratio. This allows ratios in each direction (above and below 1) to plot meaningfully. I think that step is what you need. you can accomplish something similar with myDF$logRatio <- log2(myDF$ratio) if you don't want to use dplyr.
Then, you can just plot that:
, aes(x = logRatio
, y = yLocation) ) +
geom_path() +