Is it OK to skip redrawing a WebGL canvas in a requestAnimationFrame callback? - requestanimationframe

In a game I'm writing I want to provide an option to slow down the frame rate so users can trade off smoothness against battery life. The content is basically just a WebGL canvas. I think the most practical way to reduce the frame rate is to still chain requestAnimationFrame calls as usual, but only do any actual rendering every 2 or 3 frames. But will that work properly? Is it guaranteed that browsers realise when the canvas hasn't actually been updated and avoid swapping the GPU framebuffer in that case, or am I at risk of swapping to a "stale" frame from my last-but-one update due to double-buffering?


buffering direct3d draw operations

The question is 2D specific.
I am a constantly updating texture, which is a render target for one of my layers. The update is a whole redraw of the texture and is performed by drawing sprites and outputting text. The operation is performed frequently, consumes quite a lot of CPU and I have, of course, optimized the number of the redraws to keep it down.
Is there a way to buffer these operations in Direct3D? Because currently I have to repeatedly construct a chain of sprite/text operations. Lets assume any game performing a world update - how do they overcome this tedious work? Maybe by creating more layers?
The best thing for me would be creating a modifiable draw chain object, but I haven't found anything like this in Direct3D.
There are a few general methods you might look into:
Batching: Order and combine draws to perform as few calls as possible, and draw as many objects between state changes as you can.
Cache: Keep as much geometry in vertex buffers as you can. With 2D, this gets more interesting, since most things are textured quads. In that case...
Shaders: It may be possible to write a vertex shader that takes a float4 giving the X/Y position/size of your quad, then use that to draw 4 vertexes. You won't need to perform full matrix state changes then, just update 4 floats in your shader (skips all the view calculations, 75% less memory and math). To help make sure the right settings are being used with the shaders, ...
State Blocks: Save a state block for each type of sprite, with all the colors, modes, and shaders bound. Then simply apply the state block, bind your textures, set your coordinates, and draw. At best, you can get each sprite down to 4 calls. Even still...
Cull: It's best not to draw something at all. If you can do simple screen bounds-checking (can be faster than the per-poly culling that will be done otherwise), sorting and basic occlusion (flag sprites with transparency). With 2D, most culling checks are very very cheap. Sort and clip and cull wherever you can.
As far as actually buffering, the driver will handle that for you, when and where it's appropriate. State blocks can effect buffering, by delivering all the modes in a single call (I forget whether it's good or bad, though I believe they can be beneficial). Cutting down the calls to:
if (sprite.Visible && Active(sprite) && OnScreen(sprite))
is very likely to help with CPU use.

How to sync physics in a multiplayer game?

I try to found the best method to do this, considering a turn by turn cross-plateform game on mobile (3G bandwidth) with projectile and falling blocks.
I wonder if one device (the current player turn = server role) can run the physics and send some "key frames" data (position, orientation of blocks) to the other device, which just interpolate from the current state to the "keyframes" received.
With this method I'm quite afraid about the huge amount of data to guarantee the same visual on the other player's device.
Another method should be to send the physics data (force, acceleration ...) and run physics on the other device too, but I'm afraid to never have the same result at all.
My current implementation works like this:
Server manages physics simulation
On any major collision of any object, the object's absolute position, rotation, AND velocity/acceleration/forces are sent to each client.
Client sets each object at the position along with their velocity and applies the necessary forces.
Client calculates latency and advances the physics system to accommodate for the lag time by that amount.
This, for me, works quite well. I have the physics system running over dozens of sub-systems (maps).
Some key things about my implementation:
Completely ignore any object that isn't flagged as "necessary". For instance, dirt and dust particles that respond to player movement or grass and water as it responds to player movement. Basically non-essential stuff.
All of this is sent through UDP by the way. This would be horrendous on TCP.
You will want to send absolute positions and rotations.
You're right, that if you send just forces, it won't work. It's possible to make this work, but it's much harder than just sending positions. You need both devices to do their calculations the same way, so before each frame, you need to wait for the input from the other device, you need to use the same time step, scripts need to either run in the same order or be commutative, and you can only use CPU instructions guaranteed to give the same result on both machines.
that last one is one that makes it particularly problematic, because it means you can't use floating-point numbers (floats/singles, or doubles). you have to use integers, or roll your own number format, so you can't take advantage of many existing tools.
Many games use a client-server model with client-side prediction. if your game is turn based, you might be able to get away with not using client-side prediction. instead, you could have the client lag behind by some amount of time, so that you can be fairly sure that the server's input will already be there when you go to render. client-side prediction is only important if the client can make changes that the server cares about (such as moving).

Framerates in Flash/Flex apps

In MXML-based apps, you set the target framerate for the app and I believe this is a core part of Flash as well.
Two questions...
In many games you want the game to run as fast as it can for graphical smoothness, with some upper cap like 50-100Hz. How can you have variable framerates in Flash, or is it really not how things work?
What happens when an app cannot run at the target framerate? Do updates 'stack up' leading to other problems, or does Flash discard them?
I've a simple case where I'm moving a sprite from left to right at 100px/s, at 20fps it looks un-smooth. It's not jerky or anything, but you can clearly see the stepped motion, the artwork is black/white which accentuates it I think. I reckon a higher FPS is needed ideally, but on slower systems it might be too much and I don't want to run into nasty issues where I try to drive it too fast.
If the ActionScript takes too much time and the player can't maintain the frame rate that was specified, the frame rate just drops. There's nothing to stack up, you just get frames generated less often. For this reason when frame rate is important it's critical to make sure the AS code is not taking more time than you have available given the desired frame rate. Also make sure all calculates for movement are based on time and not frames.
As far as animation as 20fps, yeah, it will not look smooth. Bump up the frame rate. :-)
If Flash is unable to execute at the desired framerate, it will begin dropping frames. You can read the details of this here.
If you are dealing with framerates in Flash a lot, it can be helpful to understand the 'elastic racetrack' model that Flash uses. You can see details about it here, but the basic idea is that the amount of time spend executing code or rendering a frame can vary on a frame by frame basis.

Is it a bad idea to implement a timer loop in Flex?

In our game project we did have a timer loop set to fire about 20 times a second (the same as the application framerate). We use this to move some sprites around.
I'm wondering if this could cause problems and we should instead do our updates using an EnterFrame event handler?
I get the impression that having a timer loop run faster than the application framerate is likely to cause problems... is this the case?
As an update, trying to do it on EnterFrame caused very weird problems. Instead of a frame every 75ms, suddenly it jumped to 25ms. Note, it wasn't just our calculation claimed the framerate was different, suddenly the animations sped up to a crazy rate.
I'd go for the Enter frame, in some special cases it can be useful to have two "loops" one for logic and one for the visuals, but for most games I make I stick to the Enter frame-event listener. Having a separate timer for moving your stuff around is a bit unnecessary since having it set to anything except the framerate would make the motion either jerky or just not visible (since the frame is not redrawn).
One thing to consider however is to decouple your logic from the framerate, this is most easily accomplished by using getTimer (available in both as2 and as3) to calculate the time that has expired since the last frame and adjusting the motions or whatever accordingly.
A timer is no more reliable than the enter frame event, flash will try to keep up with whatever rate you've set, but if you're doing heavy processing or complex graphics it will slow down, both timers and framerate.
Here's a rundown of how Flash handles framerates and why you saw your content play faster.
At the deepest level, whatever host application that Flash is running in (the browser usually) polls flash at some interval. That interval might be every 10ms in one browser, or 50ms in another. Every time time that poll occurs, Flash does something like this:
Have (1000/framerate) miliseconds passed since the last frame update?
If no: do nothing and return
If yes: Execute a frame update:
Advance all (playing) timelines one frame
Dispatch all events (including an ENTER_FRAME event
Execute all frame scripts and event handlers with pending events
Draw screen updates
However, certain kinds of external events (such as keypresses, mouse events, and timer events) are handled asynchronously to the above process. So if you have an event handler that fires when a key is pressed, the code in that handler might be executed several times between frame updates. The screen will still only be redrawn once per frame update, unless you use the updateAfterEvent() method (global in AS2, attached to events in AS3).
Note that the asynchronous behavior of these events does not affect the timing of frame updates. Even if you use timer events to, for example, redraw the screen 50 times per second, frame animations will still occur at the published framerate, and scripted animations will not execute any faster if they're driven by the enterFrame event (rather than the timer).
The nice thing about using enter frame events, is your processing will degrade at the same pace as the rendering and you'll get a screen update right after the code block finishes.
Either method isn't guaranteed to occur at a specific time interval. So your event handler should be determining how long it's been since it last executed, and making decisions off of that instead of purely how many times it's run.
I think timerEvent and Enter Frame are both good options, I have used both of them in my games. ( Did you mean timerEvent by timer loop? )
PS: notice that in slow machines the timer may not refresh quick enough, so you may need to adjust your code to make game work "faster" in slow machines.
I would suggest using a class such as TweenLite ( ) which is lightweight at about 3kb or if you need more power you can use TweenMax, which i believe is 11kb. There are many advantages here. First off, this "engine" has been thoroughly tested and benchmarked and is well known as one of the most resource friendly ways to animate few or even many things. I have seen a benchmark, where in AS3, 1,500 sprites are being animated with TweenLite and it holds a strong 20 fps, as where competitors like Tweener would bog down to 9 fps The next advantage is the ease of use as I will demonstrate below.
//Make sure you have a class path pointed at a folder that contains the following.
import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*;
var ball_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var g:Graphics =;
//Now we animate ball_mc
//Example:, totalTweeningTime, {someProperty:someValue,anotherProperty:anotherValue,onComplete:aFunctionCalledWhenComplete});, 1,{x:400,alpha:0.5});
So this takes ball_mc and moves it to 400 from its current position on the x axis and during that same Tween it reduces or increases the alpha from its current value to 0.5.
After importing the needed class, it is really only 1 line of code to animate each object, which is really nice. We can a also affect the ease, which I believe by default is Expo.easeOut(Strong easeOut). If you wanted it to bounce or be elastic such effects are available just by adding a property to the object as follows., 1,{x:400,alpha:0.5,ease:Bounce.easeOut});, 1,{x:400,alpha:0.5,ease:Elastic.easeOut});
The easing all comes from the gs.easing.* import which I believe is Penner's Easing Equations utilized through TweenLite.
In the end we have no polling (Open loops) to manage such as Timer and we have very readable code that can be amended or removed with ease.
It is also important to note that TweenLite and TweenMax offer far more than I have displayed here and it is safe to say that I use one of the two classes in every single project. The animations are custom, they have functionality attached to them (onComplete: functionCall), and again, they are optimal and resource friendly.

Fixed vs. variable frame rates in games: what is best, and when?

After working for a while developing games, I've been exposed to both variable frame rates (where you work out how much time has passed since the last tick and update actor movement accordingly) and fixed frame rates (where you work out how much time has passed and choose either to tick a fixed amount of time or sleep until the next window comes).
Which method works best for specific situations? Please consider:
Catering to different system specifications;
Ease of development/maintenance;
Ease of porting;
Final performance.
I lean towards a variable framerate model, but internally some systems are ticked on a fixed timestep. This is quite easy to do by using a time accumulator. Physics is one system which is best run on a fixed timestep, and ticked multiple times per frame if necessary to avoid a loss in stability and keep the simulation smooth.
A bit of code to demonstrate the use of an accumulator:
const float STEP = 60.f / 1000.f;
float accumulator = 0.f;
void Update(float delta)
accumulator += delta;
while(accumulator > STEP)
accumulator -= STEP;
This is not perfect by any means but presents the basic idea - there are many ways to improve on this model. Obviously there are issues to be sorted out when the input framerate is obscenely slow. However, the big advantage is that no matter how fast or slow the delta is, the simulation is moving at a smooth rate in "player time" - which is where any problems will be perceived by the user.
Generally I don't get into the graphics & audio side of things, but I don't think they are affected as much as Physics, input and network code.
It seems that most 3D developers prefer variable FPS: the Quake, Doom and Unreal engines both scale up and down based on system performance.
At the very least you have to compensate for too fast frame rates (unlike 80's games running in the 90's, way too fast)
Your main loop should be parameterized by the timestep anyhow, and as long as it's not too long, a decent integrator like RK4 should handle the physics smoothly Some types of animation (keyframed sprites) could be a pain to parameterize. Network code will need to be smart as well, to avoid players with faster machines from shooting too many bullets for example, but this kind of throttling will need to be done for latency compensation anyhow (the animation parameterization would help hide network lag too)
The timing code will need to be modified for each platform, but it's a small localized change (though some systems make extremely accurate timing difficult, Windows, Mac, Linux seem ok)
Variable frame rates allow for maximum performance. Fixed frame rates allow for consistent performance but will never reach max on all systems (that's seems to be a show stopper for any serious game)
If you are writing a networked 3D game where performance matters I'd have to say, bite the bullet and implement variable frame rates.
If it's a 2D puzzle game you probably can get away with a fixed frame rate, maybe slightly parameterized for super slow computers and next years models.
One option that I, as a user, would like to see more often is dynamically changing the level of detail (in the broad sense, not just the technical sense) when framerates vary outside of a certian envelope. If you are rendering at 5FPS, then turn off bump-mapping. If you are rendering at 90FPS, increase the bells and whistles a bit, and give the user some prettier images to waste their CPU and GPU with.
If done right, the user should get the best experince out of the game without having to go into the settings screen and tweak themselves, and you should have to worry less, as a level designer, about keeping the polygon count the same across difference scenes.
Of course, I say this as a user of games, and not a serious one at that -- I've never attempted to write a nontrivial game.
The main problem I've encountered with variable length frame times is floating point precision, and variable frame times can surprise you in how they bite you.
If, for example, you're adding the frame time * velocity to a position, and frame time gets very small, and position is largish, your objects can slow down or stop moving because all your delta was lost due to precision. You can compensate for this using a separate error accumulator, but it's a pain.
Having fixed (or at least a lower bound on frame length) frame times allows you to control how much FP error you need to take into account.
My experience is fairly limited to somewhat simple games (developed with SDL and C++) but I have found that it is quite easy just to implement a static frame rate. Are you working with 2d or 3d games? I would assume that more complex 3d environments would benefit more from a variable frame rate and that the difficulty would be greater.
