Is rvest the best tool to collect information from this table? - css

I have used rvest package to extract a list of companies and the a.href elements in each company, which I need to proceed with the data collection process. This is the link of the website:
I have used the following code to extract the table but nothing comes out. I used other approaches as those posted in "Scraping table of NBA stats with rvest" and similar links, but I cannot obtain what I want. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
my code:
link.main <-
web <- read_html(link.main) %>%
# it does not work even when I write html_nodes("table")
or ".table" or #bm_equities_prices_table
web <- read_html(link.main)
%>% html_nodes(".bm_center.bm_dataTable")
# no working
web <- link.main %>% read_html() %>% html_table()
# to inspect the position of table in this website

The page generates the table using JavaScript, so you either need to use RSelenium or Python's Beautiful Soup to simulate the browser session and allow javascript to run.
Another alternative is to use awesome package by #hrbrmstr called decapitated, which basically runs headless Chrome browser session in the background.
res <- chrome_read_html(link.main)
main_df <- res %>%
rvest::html_table() %>%
.[[1]] %>%
This outputs the content of the table alright. If you want to get to the elements underlying the table (href attributes behind the table text), you will need to do a bit more of list gymnastics. Some of the elements in the table are actually missing links, extracting by css proved to be difficult.
href_lst <- res %>%
html_nodes("table td") %>%
as_list() %>%
map("a") %>%
map(~attr(.x, "href"))
# we need every third element starting from second element
idx <-, by=3, length.out = nrow(main_df))
href_df <- tibble(
bind_cols(main_df, href_df)
#> # A tibble: 800 x 5
#> No `Company Name` `Company Website` market_href company_href
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 7-ELEVEN MALAYS~ http://www.7elev~ /market/list~ http://www.~
#> 2 2 A-RANK BERHAD [~ http://www.arank~ /market/list~ http://www.~
#> 3 3 ABLEGROUP BERHA~ http://www.gefun~ /market/list~ http://www.~
#> 4 4 ABM FUJIYA BERH~ http://www.abmfu~ /market/list~ http://www.~
#> 5 5 ACME HOLDINGS B~ http://www.suppo~ /market/list~ http://www.~
#> 6 6 ACOUSTECH BERHA~ http://www.acous~ /market/list~ http://www.~
#> 7 7 ADVANCE SYNERGY~ http://www.asb.c~ /market/list~ http://www.~
#> 8 8 ADVANCECON HOLD~ http://www.advan~ /market/list~ http://www.~
#> 9 9 ADVANCED PACKAG~ http://www.advan~ /market/list~ http://www.~
#> 10 10 ADVENTA BERHAD ~ http://www.adven~ /market/list~ http://www.~
#> # ... with 790 more rows

Another option without using browser:
r <- httr::GET(paste0(
l <- rawToChar(r$content)
m <- gsub("jQuery16206432131784246533_1532479071878(", "", substring(l, 1, nchar(l)-1), fixed=TRUE)
tbl <- XML::readHTMLTable(jsonlite::fromJSON(m)$html)$bm_equities_prices_table
> head(tbl)
# No Company Name Company Website


how to scrape text from an icon - R

I'm trying to scrape all the data from this website. There are icons over some of the competitors names indicating that the person was disqualified for being a 'no-show'.
I would like create a data frame with all the competitors while also specifying who was disqualified, but I'm running into two issues:
(1) trying to add the disclaimer next to the persons name produces the error cannot coerce class ‘"xml_nodeset"’ to a data.frame.
(2) trying to extract the text from just the icon (and not the competitor names) produces a blank data frame.
library(rvest); library(tidyverse)
html = read_html('')
dq = data.frame(winner = html %>%
html_nodes('.match-card__competitor--red') %>%
html_text(trim = TRUE),
opponent = html %>%
html_nodes('hr+ .match-card__competitor'),
dq = html %>%
html_nodes('.match-card__disqualification') %>%
This approach generally works only on tabular data where you can be sure that the number of matches for each of those selectors are constant and order is also fixed. In your example you have:
127 matches for .match-card__competitor--red
127 matches for hr+ .match-card__competitor
14 matches for .match-card__disqualification (you get no results for this because you should use html_attr("title") for title attribute instead of html_text())
Basically you are trying to combine columns of different lengths into the same dataframe. Even if it would work, you'd just add DSQ for 14 first matches.
As you'd probably want to keep information about matched, participants, results and disqualifications instead of just having a list of participants, I'd suggest to work with a list of match cards, i.e. extract all required information from a single card while not breaking relations and then move to the next card.
My purrr is far from perfect, but perhaps something like this:
# helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
# to keep matches with details (when/where) in header
is_valid_match <- function(element){
return(length(html_elements(element, ".bracket-match-header")) > 0)
# detect winner
is_winner <- function(element){
return(length(html_elements(element, ".match-competitor--loser")) < 1 )
# extract data from competitor sections
comp_details <- function(comp_card, prefix="_"){
l = lst()
l[paste(prefix, "n", sep = "")] <- comp_card %>% html_element(".match-card__competitor-n") %>% html_text()
l[paste(prefix, "name", sep = "")] <- comp_card %>% html_element(".match-card__competitor-name") %>% html_text()
l[paste(prefix, "club", sep = "")] <- comp_card %>% html_element(".match-card__club-name") %>% html_text()
l[paste(prefix, "dq", sep = "")] <- comp_card %>% html_element(".match-card__disqualification") %>% html_attr("title")
l[paste(prefix, "won", sep = "")] <- comp_card %>% html_element(".match-competitor--loser") %>% length() == 0
# scrape & process --------------------------------------------------------
html <- read_html('')
html %>%
# collect all match cards
html_elements("div.tournament-category__match") %>%
keep(is_valid_match) %>%
# apply anonymous function to every item in the list of match cards
match_id <- match_card %>% html_element(".tournament-category__match-card") %>% html_attr("id")
where <- match_card %>% html_element(".bracket-match-header__where") %>% html_text()
when <- match_card %>% html_element(".bracket-match-header__when") %>% html_text()
competitors <- html_nodes(match_card, ".match-card__competitor")
# extract competitior data
comp01 <- competitors[[1]] %>% comp_details(prefix = "comp01_")
comp02 <- competitors[[2]] %>% comp_details(prefix = "comp02_")
winner_idx <- competitors %>% detect_index(is_winner)
# lst for creating a named list
l <- lst(match_id, where, when, winner_idx)
# combine all items and comp lists into single list
l <- c(l,comp01, comp02)
}) %>%
# each resulting list item into single-row tibble
map(as_tibble) %>%
# reduce list of tibbles into single tibble
#> # A tibble: 65 × 14
#> match_id where when winne…¹ comp0…² comp0…³ comp0…⁴ comp0…⁵ comp0…⁶ comp0…⁷
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 match-1-1 FIGH… Sat … 2 58 Christ… Rodrig… <NA> FALSE 66
#> 2 match-1-9 FIGH… Sat … 2 6 Melvin… GF Team Disqua… FALSE 66
#> 3 match-1-… FIGH… Sat … 2 47 Eric R… Atos J… <NA> FALSE 66
#> 4 match-1-… FIGH… Sat … 1 47 Eric R… Atos J… <NA> TRUE 10
#> 5 match-1-… FIGH… Sat … 2 42 Ivan M… CheckM… <NA> FALSE 66
#> 6 match-1-… FIGH… Sat … 2 18 Joel S… Gracie… <NA> FALSE 47
#> 7 match-1-… FIGH… Sat … 1 42 Ivan M… CheckM… <NA> TRUE 26
#> 8 match-1-… FIGH… Sat … 2 34 Matthe… Super … <NA> FALSE 18
#> 9 match-2-9 FIGH… Sat … 1 62 Bryan … Team J… <NA> TRUE 4
#> 10 match-2-… FIGH… Sat … 2 22 Steffe… Six Bl… <NA> FALSE 30
#> # … with 55 more rows, 4 more variables: comp02_name <chr>, comp02_club <chr>,
#> # comp02_dq <chr>, comp02_won <lgl>, and abbreviated variable names
#> # ¹​winner_idx, ²​comp01_n, ³​comp01_name, ⁴​comp01_club, ⁵​comp01_dq,
#> # ⁶​comp01_won, ⁷​comp02_n
Created on 2022-09-19 with reprex v2.0.2
Also note that not all matches have a winner and both participants can be disqualified (screenshot), so splitting them to winners & opponents might not be optimal.

In R/rvest, how to get href information ( the linkage following click text)

In R/rvest, as below code , I can run the html_text(), but when i run want to get the linkage following every text web %>% html_node("div.p13n-desktop-grid") %>% html_attr(name='href') failed .Anyone can help? Thanks!
url <- ""
web <- rvest::read_html(url)
web %>% html_node("div.p13n-desktop-grid") %>% html_text() %>% strsplit("#") # ok
web %>% html_node("div.p13n-desktop-grid") %>% html_attr(name='href') # want to get the linkage following the click text, but failed
For (shortened) product links and link texts:
url <- ""
web <- rvest::read_html(url)
# "div.p13n-desktop-grid a[tabindex] + a" :
# text links are adjacent siblings of image links & image links have tabindex attribute
prod_links <- web %>% html_elements("div.p13n-desktop-grid a[tabindex] + a")
# shorten links, keep only /pb/item_id/ part
href = prod_links %>% html_attr(name='href') %>% sub('.*(/dp/\\w*/).*','\\1', .),
descr = prod_links %>% html_text2()
#> # A tibble: 30 × 2
#> href descr
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Official Creality Ender 3 3D Printer Fully Ope…
#> 2 Official Creality Ender 3 V2 3D Printer Upgrad…
#> 3 ANYCUBIC Kobra 3D Printer Auto Leveling, FDM 3…
#> 4 Official Creality Ender 3 Pro 3D Printer with …
#> 5 ANYCUBIC Wash and Cure Station, Newest Upgrade…
#> 6 ANYCUBIC Photon Mono 4K 3D Printer, 6.23'' Mon…
#> 7 ANYCUBIC Mega-S New Upgrade 3D Printer with Hi…
#> 8 ELEGOO 5PCs FEP Release Film Mars LCD 3D Print…
#> 9 Voxelab Aquila 3D Printer with Full Alloy Fram…
#> 10 Official Creality Ender 3 S1 3D Printer with D…
#> # … with 20 more rows
Created on 2022-06-16 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
There are 50 products per page but only first 30 are included in the grid, the rest would be loaded in small chunks as you'd scroll down. Unless descriptions are needed, it's bit easier to just collect all IDs from data-client-recs-list and build links from those:
url <- ""
web <- rvest::read_html(url)
client_recs_list <- web %>%
html_element("div.p13n-desktop-grid") %>%
html_attr(name='data-client-recs-list') %>%
fromJSON(flatten = TRUE) %>%
client_recs_list %>%
select(1,2) %>%
mutate(prod_link = paste0('', id, '/'), .after = id)
#> # A tibble: 50 × 3
#> id prod_link metadataMap.render.zg.rank
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 B07BR3F9N6 1
#> 2 B07FFTHMMN 2
#> 3 B09Y54CWXY 3
#> 4 B07GYRQVYV 4
#> 5 B09L81S4L7 5
#> 6 B09JNMRS7R 6
#> 7 B09WHW8YXS 7
#> 8 B09W5CSFZQ 8
#> 9 B09KXNYJLH 9
#> 10 B09R4QDVY5 10
#> # … with 40 more rows
Created on 2022-06-17 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
The href attribute is an attribute of the a tags. Not clear which one you want, there are 119 href found:
web %>%
html_node("div.p13n-desktop-grid") %>%
html_elements("a") %>%
html_attr(name = 'href')
# [1] "/Comgrow-Creality-Ender-Aluminum-220x220x250mm/dp/B07BR3F9N6/ref=zg_bs_6066127011_1/132-1194669-0063960?pd_rd_i=B07BR3F9N6&psc=1"
# [2] "/Comgrow-Creality-Ender-Aluminum-220x220x250mm/dp/B07BR3F9N6/ref=zg_bs_6066127011_1/132-1194669-0063960?pd_rd_i=B07BR3F9N6&psc=1"
# [3] "/product-reviews/B07BR3F9N6/ref=zg_bs_6066127011_cr_1/132-1194669-0063960?pd_rd_i=B07BR3F9N6"
# [4] ......

Replacing missing value when web scraping (rvest)

I'm trying to write a script that will go through a list of players provided by the website Transfermarkt and gathering some information about them. For that, I've created the script below, but faced a problem with 1 of the 29 players in the list. Due to one page being arranged differently than the others, the code outputs a list of only 28 players since it can't find information on the aforementioned page.
I understand why the code I've written doesn't find any information on the given page and thus giving me a list of 28, but I don't know how to rewrite a code in order to achieve what I want:
for the script to simply replace the entry with a "-" if it does not find anything, in this case a nationality, for the node on a particular page and return a full list with 29 players with all the other info in it.
The player page in question is this and while the other pages has the node used in the code for nationality, here it's ".dataValue span".
I'm still quite new to R and it might be an easy fix, but atm I can't figure it out. Any help or advise is appreciated.
URL <- ""
WS <- read_html(URL)
Team <- WS %>% html_nodes(".spielprofil_tooltip") %>% html_attr("href") %>% as.character()
Team <- paste0("",Team)
Catcher <- data.frame(Name=character(),Nat=character(),Vertrag=character())
for (i in Team) {
WS1 <- read_html(i)
Name <- WS1 %>% html_nodes("h1") %>% html_text() %>% as.character()
Nat <- WS1 %>% html_nodes(".hide-for-small+ p .dataValue span") %>% html_text() %>% as.character()
Vertrag <- WS1 %>% html_nodes(".dataValue:nth-child(9)") %>% html_text() %>% as.character()
if (length(Nat) > 0) {
temp <- data.frame(Name,Nat,Vertrag)
Catcher <- rbind(Catcher,temp)
else {}
num_Rows <- nrow(Catcher)
odd_indexes <- seq(1,num_Rows,2)
Catcher <- data.frame(Catcher[odd_indexes,])
It's honestly easier to scrape the whole table, just in case things move around. I find purrr is a helpful complement for rvest, allowing you to iterate over URLs and node lists and easily coerce results to data.frames:
# build dynamically if you like
urls <- c(boateng = '',
friedl = '')
# scrape once, parse iteratively
html <- urls %>% map(read_html)
df <- html %>%
map(html_nodes, '.dataDaten p') %>%
variable = .x %>% html_node('.dataItem') %>% html_text(trim = TRUE),
value = .x %>% html_node('.dataValue') %>% html_text(trim = TRUE) %>% gsub('\\s+', ' ', .)
.id = 'player')
#> # A tibble: 17 × 3
#> player variable value
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 boateng Geb./Alter: 03.09.1988 (28)
#> 2 boateng Geburtsort: Berlin
#> 3 boateng Nationalität: Deutschland
#> 4 boateng Größe: 1,92 m
#> 5 boateng Position: Innenverteidiger
#> 6 boateng Vertrag bis: 30.06.2021
#> 7 boateng Berater: SAM SPORTS
#> 8 boateng Nationalspieler: Deutschland
#> 9 boateng Länderspiele/Tore: 67/1
#> 10 friedl Geb./Alter: 16.03.1998 (19)
#> 11 friedl Nationalität: Österreich
#> 12 friedl Größe: 1,87 m
#> 13 friedl Position: Linker Verteidiger
#> 14 friedl Vertrag bis: 30.06.2021
#> 15 friedl Berater: acta7
#> 16 friedl Akt. Nationalspieler: Österreich U19
#> 17 friedl Länderspiele/Tore: 6/0
Alternately, that particular piece of data is in three places on those pages, so if one is inconsistent there's a chance the others are better. Or grab them from the table with the whole team—countries are not printed, but they're in the title attribute of the flag images, which can be grabbed with html_attr:
html <- read_html('')
team <- html %>%
html_nodes('tr.odd, tr.even') %>%
map_df(~list(player = .x %>% html_node('a.spielprofil_tooltip') %>% html_text(),
nationality = .x %>% html_nodes('img.flaggenrahmen') %>% html_attr('title') %>% toString()))
#> # A tibble: 29 × 2
#> player nationality
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Manuel Neuer Deutschland
#> 2 Sven Ulreich Deutschland
#> 3 Tom Starke Deutschland
#> 4 Jérôme Boateng Deutschland
#> 5 David Alaba Österreich
#> 6 Mats Hummels Deutschland
#> 7 Javi Martínez Spanien
#> 8 Juan Bernat Spanien
#> 9 Philipp Lahm Deutschland
#> 10 Rafinha Brasilien, Deutschland
#> # ... with 19 more rows

How to replace NA values when parsing a html page to make a dataframe? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to return NA when nothing is found in an xpath?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
When trying to parse a html page, we can get NA values. So when we try to build a data frame with data in a list, missing values make it impossible.
Is there any easy way to succeed. please see the following example:
pg <- getURL("")
page = htmlTreeParse(pg,useInternal = TRUE,encoding="UTF-8")
data.frame(noms = unlist(xpathApply(page,'//b[#class="Name"]',xmlValue)),
rue = unlist(xpathApply(page,'//span[#class="street-address"]',xmlValue)))
Using rvest and purrr (the tidyverse package for lists/functional programming, which pairs very nicely with rvest),
# be nice, only scrape once
h <- '' %>% read_html()
df <- h %>%
# select each list item
html_nodes('div.ListConseiller li') %>%
# for each item, make a list of parsed name and street; coerce results to data.frame
map_df(~list(nom = .x %>% html_node('b.Name') %>% html_text(),
rue = .x %>% html_node('span.street-address') %>% html_text(trim = TRUE)))
#> # A tibble: 14 × 2
#> nom rue
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Marie France Tmim <NA>
#> 2 Rachel Tobie <NA>
#> 3 Bernard Licha <NA>
#> 4 David Giuili <NA>
#> 5 Myriam Yajid Khalfi <NA>
#> 6 Eytan Elmaleh <NA>
#> 7 Allister Charles <NA>
#> 8 Serge Savergne 321 Rue De Belleville
#> 9 Patrick Allouche 1 Rue Clavel
#> 10 Anne Fleiter 14 Avenue De Laumiere
#> 11 Eric Fitoussi <NA>
#> 12 Jean-Baptiste Crocombette 1 Bis Rue Emile Desvaux
#> 13 Eric Zunino 14 Rue De Thionville
#> 14 Eric Hayoun <NA>
The code uses CSS selectors for brevity, but use XPath ones via the xpath parameter of html_nodes and html_node, if you prefer.

r rvest webscraping hltv

Yes, that's just another "how-to-scrape" question. Sorry for that, but I've read the previous answers and the manual for rvest as well.
I'm doing web-scraping for my homework (so I do not plan to use the data for any commercial issue). The idea is to show that average skill of team affect individual skill. I'm trying to use CS:GO data from for it.
The information is available at
I need two tables: Keystats (data only) and Teammates (data and URLs). I try to use CSS selectors generated by SelectorGadget and I also tryed to analyze the source code of webpage. I've failed. I'm doing the following:
url <- ''
info <- html_session(url) %>% read_html()
info %>% html_node('.covSmallHeadline') %>% html_text()
Can you please tell me that is the right CSS selector?
If you look at the source, those tables aren't HTML tables, but just piles of divs with inconsistent nesting and inline CSS for alignment. Thus, it's easiest to just grab all the text and fix the strings afterwards, as the data is either all numeric or not at all.
h <- '' %>% read_html()
h %>% html_nodes('.covGroupBoxContent') %>% .[-1] %>%
html_text(trim = TRUE) %>%
strsplit('\\s*\\n\\s*') %>%
setNames(map_chr(., ~.x[1])) %>% map(~.x[-1]) %>%
map(~data_frame(variable = gsub('[.0-9]+', '', .x),
value = parse_number(.x)))
#> $`Key stats`
#> # A tibble: 9 × 2
#> variable value
#> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Total kills 9199.00
#> 2 Headshot %% 46.00
#> 3 Total deaths 6910.00
#> 4 K/D Ratio 1.33
#> 5 Maps played 438.00
#> 6 Rounds played 11242.00
#> 7 Average kills per round 0.82
#> 8 Average deaths per round 0.61
#> 9 Rating (?) 1.21
#> $TeammatesRating
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#> variable value
#> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Gabriel 'FalleN' Toledo 1.11
#> 2 Fernando 'fer' Alvarenga 1.11
#> 3 Joao 'felps' Vasconcellos 1.09
#> 4 Epitacio 'TACO' de Melo 0.98
