Converting string to date in R returns NAs - r

I have a column of my dataframe as
I am trying to convert it into a date column from string. I am using the following pieces of code:
as.Date(df$Date, format="%y-%b")
as.POSIXct(df$Date, format="%y-%b")
Both of them give NAs
I am getting the format from this link
The starting number is year. Sorry for the confusion.

I assume from your approach that the 17 and 16 refer to the year 2017 and 2016 respectively. You need to also specify the day of month. If you don't care about it, then set it to the 1st.
A slight modification to your code will work, by appending '-01' to the date then updating your format argument to reflect this:
df = data.frame(Date = c("17-Feb", "17-Mar", "16-Dec"))
as.Date(paste0(df$Date, "-01"), format="%y-%b-%d")


Converting a column of integers that aren't in date format already into abbreviated months

I'm trying to convert a column of full integers into date format of abbreviated months. The column has numbers like : 01 02 04 15 13. etc. I want these numbers to show the month they correspond to. Could someone please tell me how. the code I'm trying is this:
#Changing integers to Month Abbrev.
dets_per_month$monthcollected = as.POSIXlt(dets_per_month$monthcollected, format = "%m", origin = "%m")
but I realize the column doesn't have an origin because it's not in date format.[as.integer(dets_per_month$monthcollected)]
I would recommend the lubridate package for all things date-time related. It's a nifty package and has more utility than base R, but YMMV.
x <- rep(1:12, 2)
lubridate::month(x, label=TRUE)

Date.Time column split

I am trying to split the Date.Time column in my data table to separate date and time columns. currently the column is as character.
this is what I already tried but it just gave me a column with 2019 dates. I don't want the year to be 2019 so doesn't work. even if it does, not sure how to get the time to a separate column
office$date <- as.Date(office$Date.Time, format = '%m/%d')
office$date <- as.Date(office$Date.Time, format = '%m/%d')
Date require the year field. You can remove the year field, but the result will be a character, not the date format.
office$date <- as.Date(office$Date.Time, format = 'Y%/%m/%d')
office$date <- as.character(gsub("^.{5}","",office$date))

Converting variables in form of "2015M01" to date format in R?

I have a date frame df that simply looks like this:
month values
2012M01 99904
2012M02 99616
2012M03 99530
2012M04 99500
2012M05 99380
2012M06 99103
2013M01 98533
2013M02 97600
2013M03 96431
2013M04 95369
2013M05 94527
2013M06 93783
with month that was written in form of "M01", "M02"... and so on.
Now I want to convert this column to date format, is there a way to do it in R with lubridate?
I also want to select columns that contain one certain month from each year, like only March columns from all these years, what is the best way to do it?
The short answer is that dates require a year, month and day, so you cannot convert directly to a date format. You have 2 options.
Option 1: convert to a year-month format using zoo::as.yearmon.
df$yearmon <- as.yearmon(df$month, "%YM%m")
# you can get e.g. month from that
# [1] "January"
Option 2: convert to a date by assuming that the day is always the first day of the month.
df$date <- as.Date(paste(df$month, "01", sep = "-"), "%YM%m-%d")
For selection (and I think you mean select rows, not columns), you already have everything you need. For example, to select only March 2013:
df %>% filter(month == "2013M03")
Something like this will get it:
raw <- "2012M01"
dt <- strptime(raw,format = "%YM%m")
dt will be in a Posix format. The strptime function will assign a '1' as the default day of month to make it a complete date.

How to convert ordinal date day-month-year format using R

I have log files where the date is mentioned in the ordinal date format.
wikipedia page for ordinal date
i.e 14273 implies 273'rd day of 2014 so 14273 is 30-Sep-2014.
is there a function in R to convert ordinal date (14273) to (30-Sep-2014).
Tried the date package but didn come across a function that would do this.
Try as.Date with the indicated format:
as.Date(sprintf("%05d", 14273), format = "%y%j")
## [1] "2014-09-30"
For more information see ?strptime [link]
The 273 part is sometimes referred to as the day of the year (as opposed to the day of the month) or the day number or the julian day relative to the beginning of the year.
If the input were a character string of the form yyjjj (rather than numeric) then as.Date(x, format = "%y%j") will do.
Update Have updated to also handle years with one digit as per comments.
Data example
x<-as.character(c("14273", "09001", "07031", "01033"))
Data conversion
x1<-substr(x, start=0, stop=2)
x2<-substr(x, start=3, stop=5)
x3<-format(strptime(x2, format="%j"), format="%m-%d")
date<-as.Date(paste(x3, x1, sep="-"), format="%m-%d-%y")
You can use lubridate package as follows:
# Create a template date object
>date <- as.POSIXlt("2009-02-10")
# Update the date using
> update(date, year=2014, yday=273)
[1] "2014-09-30 JST"

From MMDD to day of the year in R

I have this .txt file:
First column (Date) shows date in month/day
So 0601 is the 1st of June
When I load this into R and I show the data, it removes the first 0 in the data.
So when loaded it looks like:
For 1st of June, 2nd of June
For the months 10,11,12, it remains unchanged.
How do I change it back to 0601 etc.?
What I am trying to do is to change these days into the day of the year, for instance,
1st of January (0101) would be 1, and 31st of December would be 365.
There is no leap year to be considered.
I have the code to change this, if my data was shown as 0601 etc, but not as 601 etc.
copperNew$Date = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(strptime(paste0("2013",copperNew$Date), format="%Y%m%d")) -
as.POSIXct("2012-12-31"), units = "days")
Where Date of course is from the file linked above.
Please ask if you do not consider the description to be good enough.
You can use colClasses in the read.table function, then convert to POSIXlt and extract the year date. You are over complicating the process.
copperNew <- read.table("", header=TRUE,
colClasses=c("character", "integer", rep("numeric", 3)))
tmp <- as.POSIXlt( copperNew$Date, format='%m%d' )
copperNew$Yday <- tmp$yday
The as.POSIXct function is able to parse a string without a year (assumes the current year) and computes the day of the year for you.
d<-as.Date("0201", format = "%m%d")
strftime(d, format="%j")
#[1] "032"
First you parse your string and obtain Date object which represents your date (notice that it will add current year, so if you want to count days for some specific year add it to your string: as.Date("1988-0201", format = "%Y-%m%d")).
Function strftime will convert your Date to POSIXlt object and return day of year. If you want the result to be a numeric value, you can do it like this: as.numeric(strftime(d, format = "%j"))(Thanks Gavin Simpson)
Convert it to POSIXlt using a year that is not a leap-year, then access the yday element and add 1 (because yday is 0 on January 1st).
# [1] 32
From start-to-finish:
x <- read.table("",
colClasses=c("character",rep("numeric",5)), header=TRUE)
x$Date <- strptime(paste0("2011",x$Date),"%Y%m%d")$yday+1
In which language?
If it's something like C#, Java or Javascript, I'd follow these steps:
1-) parse a pair of integers from that column;
2-) create a datetime variable whose day and month are taken from the integers from step one. Set the year to some fixed value, or to the current year.
3-) create another datetime variable, whose date is the 1st of February of the same year as the one in step 2.
The number of the day is the difference in days between the datetime variables, + 1 day.
This one worked for me:
copperNew <- read.table("",
header=TRUE, sep=" ", colClasses=c("character",
rep("numeric", 3)))
copperNew$diff = difftime(as.POSIXct(strptime(paste0("2013",dat$Date),
format="%Y%m%d", tz="GMT")),
as.POSIXct("2012-12-31", tz="GMT"), units="days")
I had to specify the timezone (tz argument in as.POSIXct), otherwise I got two different timezones for the vectors I am subtracting and therefore non-integer days.
