Is the located in information available on any google api? - google-maps-api-3

As an example Google Maps place result. Features information about whether a location is within a larger complex. The google search result knowledge pane features this same information.
Is this available on a google api that can be queried via third party applications?

I could not find it, from what I could tell google uses its own geo polygons to work out whether something is inside a location.
So I went with using to get the location polygons and GeoDjango + Postgis Example.
Hope this helps someone else out there.


How to use Google Cloud Search and Vision API together

I have a completely untypical topic at this point and I hope that I am addressing the right people here.
I'm working on a personal project. I recently became a G Suite customer and would like to map my document and media management via Google Drive. The document management works well so far and with the help of Google Cloud Search I can easily find my documents across platforms.
Since I personally take a lot of pictures, I was wondering if I could use Google products to find a way to classify my pictures automatically. My approach was to use the label detection of the Vision API to store the 5 most likely labels as metadata. By using the metadata, I can then, when I search for example for architecture or animal, find all images that contain one of the following terms in a single search. The concept should of course be extendable to location and text detection.
I have already tried to create an automatism via pages like that labels the photos, but unfortunately without success.
Well and now we come to the current situation. Since I realized that an active interaction with the Google Cloud is essential, I am looking for help from an experienced community. I hope that maybe someone here has a good or inspiring idea.
Maybe one more hint before the proposal is made. Google Photos is great and can do something like that, but it doesn't integrate with Google Cloud Search and managing RAW files would be terrible.
You can achieve what you want using the following approach:
Build a web/mobile app to upload photos to Google Drive or Cloud Storage.
Use the Google Vision API to fetch metadata from your image before uploading to Drive/Cloud Storage.
Use Google Cloud Search Rest API to index the extracted metadata along with the image URL to Cloud Search.
Create a custom Search Interface to search and display your indexed images.
Above steps should be able to point you in the right direction in implementing the solution. Let me know if you need further help with it.

Is there an API call to get a list of saved places in Google Maps?

I have a ton of saved places that appear on my Google Maps - but there is no way to manage, filter or search them. Is there a way to access these locations by API?
I scanned the maps api and can't find any reference. Is there another Google API that makes this available?
There do have a REST API can retrieve the saved places.
Visit this link to get more information.
There are also api like:
But seems like they have been deprecated and most of document are not available anymore. Use them as you own risk.
Currently the list of saved places in My Maps is not available via an API. There is a feature request tracking this you can use to follow along #
2022: I created a gist for parsing saved places from a shared list via python. It is really unstable because its a quick&dirty solution but maybe it will help someone:
Edit: The above answer did not yet take pagination into consideration. Please see my answer here.

How to create HERE maps

HERE maps for certain city like Chennai, India is very limited. I understand that lot of information can be added so that it will benefit end-user.
My question, can I create a new map using HERE and allow my version of maps to be downloaded? If yes? How can I do this
HERE Maps is a proprietary software so you can not try to recreate your own version of it. Trying to recreate a Map API by yourself is a cool idea, but it is also a good idea to build something on top of a technology or an application that is already existing. There are other Map API's out there like OpenStreetMap and Google Maps that allows user to create and add data about POIs (Point of Interests) and/or locations. The data on these apps are also open source, that is why the community are encouraged to contribute data of their own on top of the Application.
TIP: If you are really onto it here is a page that documents the stuffs the happened behind the scenes in developing the HERE Maps:

Google Maps API: Directions Service on Custom Maps

I am in need of importing custom roads into Google Maps, (ie: new roads that may not yet be visible in Google Maps) and I would like them to be included in the Directions Service API. The approach I was thinking about first, was to use Google Maps Engine to import a shapefile containing the road data of what I need and create a map based on that. Then I would use the Directions Service on the data in that Custom Map. I am very wary as to if this will work, and as far as I can tell there isn't a trial version of Google Maps Engine that I can use to test this out. And I really don't want to purchase it if it isn't going to work anyway.
Does anyone know if this way will work, or if there is a similar service that Google provides that will work for what I require?
I assume I will need to implement my own directions service if I want to do this, but I want to see if there already is a service out there that will instead.
To try and clarify:
I want to import a set of custom roads obtained by an alternate source. These roads are in a shapefile format and are more up-to-date than some of the roads on Google. What my goal is, is to use the existing google roads, and "merge" the data that I have where necessary. Say in the far north of Alberta Canada a company has put some roads in for getting to their oil site. I want to import those roads and be able to tell our drivers how to get there. They would take a main highway that google already has, and then turn onto a road that doesn't show up on google because it is too new. This is where the alternate data set of roads would come in.
I want to find the best way to do this, while obtaining directions that incorporate those new roads. I understand that this may not be possible using google services, but I am asking in case someone else has come across this problem.
I guess I should update this to my solution, in case anyone else was wondering the same thing. The answer is NO, currently there is no way to import custom data like roads into Google Maps and have them be included in the directions service. I have talked to a Google representative on the phone, and they have let me know this.
I had to implement my own routing engine, which I did using PostgreSQL, PostGIS, and PgRouting.

mapping API: Google earth, Worldwind or OpenStreet MAP

I would like to include MAP in an application which will update the route I travel.
I have studied various map sources and listed Google Earth, Worldwind and Openstreet map.
Can someone help me in choosing the right one.
I might need offline use also.
I may advice you to choose Google earth: it is quicker and has better texture quality, in my opinion. It is also quite used so you can find a lot of information and examples about how to do things, whereas Worlwind is not so used (448 vs 38 tags in stackoverflow).
