How to get the YEAR from Date Column in Progress 4 GL? - openedge

I have a column having date format in DD/MM/YYYY format in Progress 4 GL.
How can I extract YEAR from this column.
DISP YEAR(column_name) does not return anything.
Can someone please help?

You really should show your real code and provide the actual data definitions.
And the actual text of error messages. Even if you think they are meaningless.
Just because the data is formatted like a date doesn't mean it is actually stored as a date. This sounds like it is probably a character field with a converted date stored. Although if that were the case you should have also seen an error message.
display substring( column_name, 7, 4 ).
show you the result that you are hoping for?

If you have standard format DD/MM/YYYY, then you could extract year value with :
/* Convert it to date again when you need to store it to DB */
strYear = ENTRY(3, STRING(column_name), "/").
DISP strYear.


Setting sas date to yymmdd8 as a character variable

Putting on my dunce cap because I'm sure the answer will be simple but for the life if me I can't get this to work. I need to convert the numeric date to display as follows "20200412" to try and match between another data set.
I've tried this:
Newdate=put (old date, yymmdd8.); and it just makes new date display as blank.
Thanks for any help.
Just use newDate=input(oldDate, YYMMDDN.); instead.
data test;
format newDate YYMMDDN.;
newDate=input(oldDate, YYMMDDN.);
This format is what you want.

How to change date format while exporting as a csv file?

I use below code and its working fine. I don't want to change temp table field(dActiveDate) type but please help me to change the date format.
Note - Date format can be changed by user. It can be YY/MM/DD or DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YY and so on...
FIELD dActiveDate AS DATE.
CREATE tt_data.
tt_data.cName = "David"
dActiveDate = TODAY
OUTPUT TO value("C:\Users\ast\Documents\QRF\data.csv").
EXPORT DELIMITER "," tt_data. /* There are more than 15 fields available so using export delimeter helps to have less lines of code*/
As this a "part two" of this question: How to change date format based on variable initial value? why not build on the answer there?
Wrap the dateformat part in a function/procedure/method and call it in the EXPORT statement. The only change required will be to specify each field rather than just the temp-table.
dateformat(tt_data.dactivedate, cDateFormat)
This assumes that there's a function called dateformat that takes the date and format and returns a string with the formatted date (as in the previous question).
"and so on..." needs to be specified. Depending on the specification you may have to resort to a custom function like Jensd's answer.
If you can constrain the formats allowed, you can use normal handling by using:
session:date-format = "ymd" / "mdy" / "dmy".
session:year-offset = 1 / 1950. // for four vs two digit year
How you populate these two variables can be done in similar fashion as in the other question.
You may need to reset these session attributes to their initial state in a finally block.

Date cleaning in excel,date values align to the left

I have excel file a date column, some of date are align to the right while others to the left.when i read the into r am getting this error.
Expecting date in A3547 / R3547C1: got '13/04/2018'
on dates align to the left. I have tried to clean the date in excel with no success,
You can do something similar to this
I have extracted the day, month and year from the string date using
some formulas
After that I have recreated the actual date from the
extracted day, month and year values
Formulas are as below
B2: =FIND("/",A2)
C2: =FIND("/",A2,1+FIND("/",A2))
D2: =LEFT(A2,B2-1)
E2: =MID(A2,B2+1,C2-B2-1)
F2: =RIGHT(A2,4)
G2: =DATE(F2,E2,D2)
Depending upon your actual data you may need to amend the formulas a little bit.
Please check whether all the cells in the column has date format and same date format.
Sometimes dates can be enter as text strings or other custom formats. Then there is a possibility to getting error like this.
This is how the data looks like in excel, both date and text
Load the same in MS Excel Power Query Editor, select the date column, Under the Transform Tab select "Split Column, By Delimiter", select "/" as the delimiter and Click OK. This separated the date into Month, Day and Year+Time.
Highlight the Day Column first, then Month, then Year+Time that order, and then click "Merge Columns" under the Transform Tab.
Highlight the now Merged column and under "Data Type", select "Date/Time". You can now go back to the Home tab and Select Close & Load to get the cleaned data into Excel... as below;


I have a datetime22.3 variable which I would like to display as date.
for eg I want to display 17JUL2006:00:00:00.000 as 07/17/2006
How do I do this?
additional info:
Thanks for all the replies.
Actually, I tried to output it in the date format within proc sql. The output is being printed as ********** (stars). I am not sure what is going on.
I am trying to use INTCK in the following manner but get error. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I would appreciate your help. Thanks.
data want;
format dt_val1 dt_val2 dt_val3 dtfmt.;
put dt_val3;
You can't apply a standard date format directly against a datetime value, although there are some date formats you can prefix with 'DT' which will display a datetime as a date. Unfortunately the MMDDYY format is not one of these, however you could use DTDATE9. which would format your datetime as '17JUL2006'.
Another option is create your own format using the PICTURE statement, the example below will display the datetime as required.
proc format;
picture dtfmt low-high='%0m/%0d/%Y' (datatype=datetime);
data want;
format dt_val dtfmt.;
use the same princpiple in a data step
data _null_;
put a;
put 'formatted date='a MMDDYY10.;
This is the output from my SAS 9.3
44 data _null_;
45 a = '17JUL2006:00:00:00:000'D;
46 put a;
47 put 'formatted ' a MMDDYY10.;
48 run;
formatted 07/17/2006
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
Formatting dates in SAS can be tricky. One method I've used in a macro is this:
/* get the date time */
%let start_date=%sysfunc(datetime().,10);
/* use the DATETIME informat to format the date */
%let fmt_start_date=%sysfunc(putn(&start_date, DATETIME.));
/* format the datetime as a date */
%put "&fmt_start_date."d;
There's a bunch of different ways to format dates. You could also use the FORMAT statement if you're in a data step:
In this case, the format of the column in the data step would give you YYYY-MM-DD and then you can separate the values and reconstruct from there.
There's additional information about SAS informats for dates here:
And here:
If you need more info or examples, please let me know.
Best of luck!
If you want to display the variable's contents as a date (without changing the underlying value), use a FORMAT statement.
proc print;
format dte mmddyys10.;
proc means;
class dte;
format dte mmddyys10.;
etc. Note that you can also put the FORMAT in a data step, in which case any uses of the variable will automatically pick it up.
data foo;
format dte mmddyys10.;
My answer from a duplicate question:
You need to convert original SAS DATETIME value (think of it as data type) to SAS DATE value using DATEPART() function and apply appropriate format:
proc sql;
create table work.abc2
as select *, DATEPART(a.Billing_Dt) format ddmmyy10. as Bill_date
from abc;
So the point is, as Keith pointed above, to apply appropriate type of format (e.g. ddmmyy10. is the SAS Date format) to appropriate values = variable content (e.g. (unformatted) 10 is 11th January 1960 if used as date, while it's 01JAN60:00:00:10 if used as Datetime value), so you have to be sure what your values represent and convert the values if needed.
data want;
format dt ddmmyy10.;
Converts date/time var to char date var:
BLEndDatex = put(datepart(BLEndDateTime),yymmdd10.);
Create numeric sas date without time:
BLEndDate = mdy(SUBSTR(BLEndDatex,6,2),SUBSTR(BLEndDatex,9,2),SUBSTR(BLEndDatex,1,4));
Thanks to Rizier123 & Heemin posting above to the first portion.

SELECT clause with a DATETIME column in Sybase 15

I'm trying to do a query like this on a table with a DATETIME column.
SELECT * FROM table WHERE the_date =
I have the following as an string input from an external source:
I need to perform a query on my database table and extract the row which contains this same date. In my database it gets stored as a DATETIME and looks like the following:
2011-03-06 15:53:34.89
I can probably manipulate the outside input slightly ( like strip off the -5:00 ). But I can't figure out how to do a simple select with the datetime column.
I found the convert function, and style 123 seems to match my needs but I can't get it to work. Here is the link to reference about style 123
I think that convert's slightly wrongly documented in that version of the docs.
Because this format always has century I think you only need use 23. Normally the 100 range for convert adds the century to the year format.
That format only goes down to seconds what's more.
If you want more you'll need to past together 2 x converts. That is, past a ymd part onto a convert(varchar, datetime-column, 14) and compare with your trimmed string. milliseconds comparison is likely to be a problem depending on where you got your big time string though because the Sybase binary stored form has a granularity of 300ms I think, so if your source string is from somewhere else it's not likely to compare. In other words - strip the milliseconds and compare as strings.
So maybe:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE convert(varchar,the_date,23) =
But the convert on the column would prevent the use of an index, if that's a problem.
If you compare as datetimes then the convert is on the rhs - but you have to know what your milliseconds are in the_date. Then an index can be used.
