GAM with "gp" smoother: how to retrieve the variogram parameters? - r

I am using the following geoadditive model
mack$ <- log(mack$net.area)
gm2 <- gam(egg.count ~ s(lon,lat,bs="gp",k=100,m=c(2,10,1)) +
s(I(b.depth^.5)) +
s(c.dist) +
s(temp.20m) +
data = mack, family = tw, method = "REML")
Here I am using an exponential covariance function with range = 10 and power = 1 (m=c(2,10,1)). How can I retrieve from the results the variogram parameters (nugget, sill)? I couldn't find anything in the model output.

In smoothing approach the correlation matrix is specified so you only estimate variance parameter, i.e., the sill. For example, you've set m = c(2, 10, 1) to s(, bs = 'gp'), giving an exponential correlation matrix with range parameter phi = 10. Note that phi is not identical to range, except for spherical correlation. For many correlation models the actual range is a function of phi.
The variance / sill parameter is closely related to the smoothing parameter in penalized regression, and you can obtain it by dividing the scale parameter by smoothing parameter:
with(gm2, scale / sp["s(lon,lat)"])
# 26.20877
Is this right? No. There is a trap here: smoothing parameters returned in $sp are not real ones, and we need the following:
gm2_sill <- with(gm2, scale / sp["s(lon,lat)"] * smooth[[1]]$S.scale)
# 7.7772
And we copy in the range parameter you've specified:
gm2_phi <- 10
The nugget must be zero, since a smooth function is continuous. Using lines.variomodel function from geoR package, you can visualize the semivariogram for the latent Gaussian spatial random field modeled by s(lon,lat).
lines.variomodel(cov.model = "exponential", = c(gm2_sill, gm2_phi),
nugget = 0, max.dist = 60)
abline(h = gm2_sill, lty = 2)
However, be skeptical on this variogram. mgcv is not an easy environment to interpret geostatistics. The use of low-rank smoothers suggests that the above variance parameter is for parameters in the new parameter space rather than the original one. For example, there are 630 unique spatial locations in the spatial field for mack dataset, so the correlation matrix should be 630 x 630, and the full random effects should be a vector of length-630. But by setting k = 100 in s(, bs = 'gp') the truncated eigen decomposition and subsequent low-rank approximation reduce the random effects to length-100. The variance parameter is really for this vector not the original one. This might explain why the sill and the actual range do not agree with the data and predicted s(lon,lat).
## unique locations
loc <- unique(mack[, c("lon", "lat")])
#[1] 15.98
The maximum distance between two spatial locations in the dataset is 15.98, but the actual range from the variogram seems to be somewhere between 40 and 60, which is too large.
## predict `s(lon, lat)`, using the method I told you in your last question
sp <- predict(gm2,
data.frame(loc, b.depth = 0, c.dist = 0, temp.20m = 0, = 0),
type = "terms", terms = "s(lon,lat)")
#[1] 1.587126
The predicted s(lon,lat) only has variance 1.587, but the sill at 7.77 is way much higher.


How can I use cubic splines for extrapolation?

I am looking to use natural cubic splines to interpolate between some data points using stats::splinefun(). The documentation states:
"These interpolation splines can also be used for extrapolation, that is prediction at points outside the range of ‘x’. Extrapolation makes little sense for ‘method = "fmm"’; for natural splines it is linear using the slope of the interpolating curve at the nearest data point."
I have attempted to replicate the spline function in Excel as a review, which is working fine except that I can't replicate the extrapolation approach. Example data and code below:
# Example data
x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,20,25,30,40,50)
y <- c(7.1119,5.862,5.4432,5.1458,4.97,4.8484,4.7726,4.6673,4.5477,4.437,4.3163,4.1755,4.0421,3.9031,3.808,3.6594,3.663)
df <- data.frame(x,y)
# Create spline functions
splinetest <- splinefun(x = df$x, y = df$y, method = "natural")
# Create dataframe of coefficients
splinetest_coef <- environment(splinetest)$z
splinetest_coefdf <- data.frame(i = 0:16, x = splinecoef_inf$x, a = splinecoef_inf$y, b = splinecoef_inf$b, c = splinecoef_inf$c, d = splinecoef_inf$d)
# Calculate extrapolated value at 51
# Result:
# [1] 3.667414
Question: How is this result calculated?
Expected result using linear extrapolation from x = 40 and x = 50 is 3.663 + (51 - 50) x (3.663 - 3.6594) / (50 - 40) = 3.66336
The spline coefficients are as follows at i = 50: a = 3.663 and b = 0.00441355...
Therefore splinetest(51) is calculated as 3.663 + 0.0441355
How is 0.0441355 calculated in this function?
Linear extrapolation is not done by computing the slope between a particular pair of points, but by using the estimated derivatives at the boundary ("closest point" in R's documentation). The derivatives at any point can be calculated directly from the spline function, e.g. to calculate the estimated first derivative at the upper boundary:
splinetest(max(df$x), deriv = 1)
[1] 0.004413552
This agrees with your manual back-calculation of the slope used to do the extrapolation.
As pointed out in the comments, plotting the end of the curve/data set with curve(splinetest, from = 30, to = 60); points(x,y) illustrates clearly the difference between the derivative at the boundary (x=50) and the line based on the last two data points (i.e. (y(x=50) - y(x=40))/10)

Estimating PDF with monotonically declining density at tails

tldr: I am numerically estimating a PDF from simulated data and I need the density to monotonically decrease outside of the 'main' density region (as x-> infinity). What I have yields a close to zero density, but which does not monotonically decrease.
Detailed Problem
I am estimating a simulated maximum likelihood model, which requires me to numerically evaluate the probability distribution function of some random variable (the probability of which cannot be analytically derived) at some (observed) value x. The goal is to maximize the log-likelihood of these densities, which requires them to not have spurious local maxima.
Since I do not have an analytic likelihood function I numerically simulate the random variable by drawing the random component from some known distribution function, and apply some non-linear transformation to it. I save the results of this simulation in a dataset named simulated_stats.
I then use density() to approximate the PDF and approxfun() to evaluate the PDF at x:
#some example simulation
Simulated_stats_ <- runif(n=500, 10,15)+ rnorm(n=500,mean = 15,sd = 3)
#approximation for x
This works well within the range of simulated simulated_stats, see image:
Example PDF. The problem is I need to be able to evaluate the PDF far from the range of simulated data.
So in the image above, I would need to evaluate the PDF at, say, x=50:
> [1] NA
So instead I use the from and to arguments in the density function, which correctly approximate near 0 tails, such
density(Simulated_stats, from = 0, to = max(Simulated_stats)*10)
[1] 1.924343e-18
Which is great, under one condition - I need the density to go to zero the further out from the range x is. That is, if I evaluated at x=51 the result must be strictly smaller. (Otherwise, my estimator may find local maxima far from the 'true' region, since the likelihood function is not monotonic very far from the 'main' density mass, i.e. the extrapolated region).
To test this I evaluated the approximated PDF at fixed intervals, took logs, and plotted. The result is discouraging: far from the main density mass the probability 'jumps' up and down. Always very close to zero, but NOT monotonically decreasing.
a <- sapply(X = seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 0.5), FUN = function(x){approxfun(
density(Simulated_stats_,from = 0, to = max(Simulated_stats_)*10)
aa <- cbind( seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 0.5), a)
Non-monotonic log density far from density mass
My question
Does this happen because of the kernel estimation in density() or is it inaccuracies in approxfun()? (or something else?)
What alternative methods can I use that will deliver a monotonically declining PDF far from the simulated density mass?
Or - how can I manually change the approximated PDF to monotonically decline the further I am from the density mass? I would happily stick some linear trend that goes to zero...
One possibility is to estimate the CDF using a beta regression model; numerical estimate of the derivative of this model could then be used to estimate the pdf at any point. Here's an example of what I was thinking. I'm not sure if it helps you at all.
Import libraries
Generate your data
Simulated_stats_ <- runif(n=5000, 10,15)+ rnorm(n=500,mean = 15,sd = 3)
Function to estimate CDF using gam beta regression model
get_mod <- function(ss,p = seq(0.02, 0.98, 0.02)) {
qp = quantile(ss, probs=p)
betamod = mgcv::gam(p~s(qp, bs="cs"), family=mgcv::betar())
betamod <- get_mod(Simulated_stats_)
Very basic estimate of PDF at val given model that estimates CDF
est_pdf <- function(val, betamod, tol=0.001) {
xvals = c(val,val+tol)
yvals = predict(betamod,newdata=data.frame(qp = xvals), type="response")
as.numeric((yvals[1] - yvals[2])/(xvals[1] - xvals[2]))
Lets check if monotonically increasing below min of Simulated_stats
test_x = seq(0,min(Simulated_stats_), length.out=1000)
pdf = sapply(test_x, est_pdf, betamod=betamod)
all(pdf == cummax(pdf))
[1] TRUE
Lets check if monotonically decreasing above max of Simulated_stats
test_x = seq(max(Simulated_stats_), 60, length.out=1000)
pdf = sapply(test_x, est_pdf, betamod=betamod)
all(pdf == cummin(pdf))
[1] TRUE
Additional thoughts 3/5/22
As discussed in comments, using the betamod to predict might slow down the estimator. While this could be resolved to a great extent by writing your own predict function directly, there is another possible shortcut.
Generate estimates from the betamod over the range of X, including the extremes
k <- sapply(seq(0,max(Simulated_stats_)*10, length.out=5000), est_pdf, betamod=betamod)
Use the approach above that you were initially using, i.e. a linear interpolation across the density, but rather than doing this over the density outcome, instead do over k (i.e. over the above estimates from the beta model)
lin_int = approxfun(x=seq(0,max(Simulated_stats_)*10, length.out=5000),y=k)
You can use the lin_int() function for prediction in the estimator, and it will be lighting fast. Note that it produces virtually the same value for a given x
c(est_pdf(38,betamod), lin_int(38))
[1] 0.001245894 0.001245968
and it is very fast
list = alist("betamod" = est_pdf(38, betamod),"lin_int" = lint(38)),times=100
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
betamod 1157.0 1170.20 1223.304 1188.25 1211.05 2799.8 100
lin_int 1.7 2.25 3.503 4.35 4.50 10.5 100
Finally, lets check the same plot you did before, but using lin_int() instead of approxfun(density(....))
a <- sapply(X = seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 0.5), lin_int)
aa <- cbind( seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 0.5), a)

Using mle2 function

I would like to find the MLE for parameters epsilon and mu in such a model:
$$X \sim \frac{1}{mu1}e^{-x/mu1}+\frac{1}{mu2}e^[-x/mu2}$$
epsilon = 0.01
#the real model
X <- rmixexp2(n = 20, prob1 = epsilon, rate1 = 1/mu1, rate2 = 1/mu2)
LL <- function(mu1,mu2, eps){
R = (1-eps)*dexp(X,rate=1/mu1,log=TRUE)+eps*dexp(X,rate=1/mu2,log=TRUE)
fit_norm <- mle2(LL, start = list(eps = 0,mu1=1, mu2 = 1), lower = c(-Inf, 0),
upper = c(Inf, Inf), method = 'L-BFGS-B')
But I get the error
> fn = function (p) ':method 'L-BFGS-B' requires finite values of fn"
There are a bunch of issues here. The primary one is that your likelihood expression is wrong (you can't log the components separately and then add them, you have to add the components and then take the log). Your bounds are also funny: the mixture probability should be [0,1] and the means should be [0, Inf].
The other problem you have is that with the current simulation design (n=20, prob=0.01), you have a high probability of getting no points in the first mixture component (the probability of a point being in the second component is 1-0.01=0.99, so the probability that all of the points are in the second component is 0.99^20 = 82%). In this case the MLE will be degenerate (i.e., you're trying to fit a two-component mixture to a data set that essentially only has one component); in this case any of these solutions will give equivalent likelihoods:
prob=0, mu2=mean of the data, mu1=anything
prob=1, mu1=mean of the data, mu2=anything
mu1=mu2=mean of the data, prob=anything
With all these solutions, where you end up will depend very sensitively on starting conditions and optimization algorithm.
For this problem I would encourage you to use the built-in dmixexp2 function from the Renext package (which correctly implements the log-likelihood as log(p*Prob(X|exp1) + (1-p)*Prob(X|exp2))) and the formula interface to mle2:
fit_norm <- mle2(X ~ dmixexp2(rate1=1/mu1,rate2=1/mu2,prob1=eps),
start = list(mu1=1, mu2 = 2, eps=0.4),
lower = c(mu1=0, mu2=0, eps=0),
upper = c(mu1=Inf, mu2=Inf, eps=1),
method = 'L-BFGS-B')
This gives me estimates of mu1=1.58, mu2=2.702, eps=0. mean(X) in my case equals the value of mu2, so this is the first case in the bulleted list above. You also get a warning:
some parameters are on the boundary: variance-covariance calculations based on Hessian may be unreliable
There are also a variety of more specialized algorithms for fitting mixture models (especially those based on the expectation-maximization algorithm); you can look for packages on CRAN (flexmix is one of them).
This problem is small enough that you can visualize the whole log-likelihood surface by brute force (code below): the colours represent deviations from the minimum negative log-likelihood (the colour gradient is log-scaled, so there's a small offset to avoid log(0)). Dark blue represents parameters that are the best fit to the data, yellow are the worst.
dd <- expand.grid(mu1=seq(0.1,4,length=51),
for (i in 1:nrow(dd)) {
dd$nll[i] <- with(dd[i,],
ggplot(dd,aes(mu1,mu2,fill=nll-min(nll)+1e-4)) +
facet_wrap(~eps, labeller=label_both) +
geom_raster() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(trans="log10") +
scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
ggsave("fit_norm.png", type="cairo-png")

Problem with simple numerical estimation for MLE of multinomial in R

I am trying to set up a simple numerical MLE estimation of a multinomial distribution.
The multinomial has one constraint - all the cell probabilities need to add up to one.
Usually the way to have this constraint is to re-express one of the probabilities as (1 - sum of the others)
When I run this however, I have a problem as during the optimization procedure, I might have logarithm of a negative value.
Any thoughts of how to fix this? I tried using another optimization package (Rsolnp) and it worked, but I am trying to make it work with the simple default R optim in order to avoid constrained/nonlinear optimization.
Here is my code (I know that I can get the result in this particular case analytically, but this is a toy example, my actual problem is bigger than this here).
test_data <- rmultinom(n = 1, size = 1000, prob = rep(1/4, 4))
N <- test_data
loglik_function <- function(theta){
output <- -1*(N[1]*log(theta[1]) + N[2]*log(theta[2]) + N[3]*log(theta[3]) + N[4]*log(1- sum(theta)))
startval <- rep(0.1, 3)
my_optim <- optim(startval, loglik_function, lower = 0.0001, upper = 0.9999, method = "L-BFGS-B")
Any thoughts or help would be very much appreciated. Thanks
Full heads-up: I know you asked about (constrained) ML estimation, but how about doing this the Bayesian way à la Stan/rstan. I will remove this if it's not useful/missing the point.
The model is only a few lines of code.
model_code <- "
data {
int<lower=1> K; // number of choices
int<lower=0> y[K]; // observed choices
parameters {
simplex[K] theta; // simplex of probabilities, one for every choice
model {
// Priors
theta ~ cauchy(0, 2.5); // weakly informative
// Likelihood
y ~ multinomial(theta);
generated quantities {
real ratio;
ratio = theta[1] / theta[2];
You can see how easy it is to implement the simplex constraint on the thetas using the Stan data type simplex. In the Stan language, simplex allows you to easily implement a probability (unit) simplex
where K denotes the number of parameters (here: choices).
Also note how we use the generated quantities code block, to calculate derived quantities (here ratio) based on the parameters (here theta[1] and theta[2]). Since we have access to the posterior distributions of all parameters, calculating the distribution of derived quantities is trivial.
We then fit the model to your test_data
fit <- stan(model_code = model_code, data = list(K = 4, y = test_data[, 1]))
and show a summary of the parameter estimates
# mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25%
#theta[1] 0.2379866 0.0002066858 0.01352791 0.2116417 0.2288498
#theta[2] 0.26 20013 0.0002208638 0.01365478 0.2358731 0.2526111
#theta[3] 0.2452539 0.0002101333 0.01344665 0.2196868 0.2361817
#theta[4] 0.2547582 0.0002110441 0.01375618 0.2277589 0.2458899
#ratio 0.9116350 0.0012555320 0.08050852 0.7639551 0.8545142
#lp__ -1392.6941655 0.0261794859 1.19050097 -1395.8297494 -1393.2406198
# 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#theta[1] 0.2381541 0.2472830 0.2645305 4283.904 0.9999816
#theta[2] 0.2615782 0.2710044 0.2898404 3822.257 1.0001742
#theta[3] 0.2448304 0.2543389 0.2722152 4094.852 1.0007501
#theta[4] 0.2545946 0.2638733 0.2822803 4248.632 0.9994449
#ratio 0.9078901 0.9648312 1.0764747 4111.764 0.9998184
#lp__ -1392.3914998 -1391.8199477 -1391.3274885 2067.937 1.0013440
as well as a plot showing point estimates and CIs for the theta parameters
plot(fit, pars = "theta")
Update: Constrained ML estimation using maxLik
You can in fact implement constrained ML estimation using methods provided by the maxLik library. I found it a bit "fiddly", because convergence seems to be quite sensitive to changes in the starting values and the optimisation method used.
For what it's worth, here is a reproducible example:
x <- test_data[, 1]
Define the log-likelihood function for a multinomial distribution; I've included an if statement here to prevent theta < 0 cases from throwing an error.
loglik <- function(theta, x)
if (all(theta > 0)) sum(dmultinom(x, prob = theta, log = TRUE)) else 0
I use the Nelder-Mead optimisation method here to find the maximum of the log-likelihood function. The important bit here is the constraints argument that implements a constraint in the form of the equality A theta + B = 0, see ?maxNM for details and examples.
res <- maxNM(
start = rep(0.25, length(x)),
constraints = list(
eqA = matrix(rep(1, length(x)), ncol = length(x)),
eqB = -1),
x = x)
We can inspect the results
Nelder-Mead maximization
Number of iterations: 111
Return code: 0
successful convergence
Function value: -10.34576
estimate gradient
[1,] 0.2380216 -0.014219040
[2,] 0.2620168 0.012664714
[3,] 0.2450181 0.002736670
[4,] 0.2550201 -0.002369234
Constrained optimization based on SUMT
Return code: 1
penalty close to zero
1 outer iterations, barrier value 5.868967e-09
and confirm that indeed the sum of the estimates equals 1 (within accuracy)
#[1] 1.000077
Sample data
test_data <- rmultinom(n = 1, size = 1000, prob = rep(1/4, 4))

ar(1) simulation with non-zero mean

I can't seem to find the correct way to simulate an AR(1) time series with a mean that is not zero.
I need 53 data points, rho = .8, mean = 300.
However, arima.sim(list(order=c(1,0,0), ar=.8), n=53, mean=300, sd=21)
gives me values in the 1500s. For example:
1480.099 1480.518 1501.794 1509.464 1499.965 1489.545 1482.367 1505.103 (and so on)
I have also tried arima.sim(n=52, model=list(ar=c(.8)), start.innov=300, n.start=1)
but then it just counts down like this:
238.81775870 190.19203239 151.91292491 122.09682547 96.27074057 [6] 77.17105923 63.15148491 50.04211711 39.68465916 32.46837830 24.78357345 21.27437183 15.93486092 13.40199333 10.99762449 8.70208879 5.62264196 3.15086491 2.13809323 1.30009732
and I have tried arima.sim(list(order=c(1,0,0), ar=.8), n=53,sd=21) + 300 which seems to give a correct answer. For example:
280.6420 247.3219 292.4309 289.8923 261.5347 279.6198 290.6622 295.0501
264.4233 273.8532 261.9590 278.0217 300.6825 291.4469 291.5964 293.5710
285.0330 274.5732 285.2396 298.0211 319.9195 324.0424 342.2192 353.8149
and so on..
However, I am in doubt that this is doing the correct thing? Is it still auto-correlating on the correct number then?
Your last option is okay to get the desired mean, "mu". It generates data from the model:
(y[t] - mu) = phi * (y[t-1] - mu) + \epsilon[t], epsilon[t] ~ N(0, sigma=21),
Your first approach sets an intercept, "alpha", rather than a mean:
y[t] = alpha + phi * y[t-1] + epsilon[t].
Your second option sets the starting value y[0] equal to 300. As long as |phi|<1 the influence of this initial value will vanish after a few periods and will have no effect
on the level of the series.
The value of the standard deviation that you observe in the simulated data is correct. Be aware that the variance of the AR(1) process, y[t], is not equal the variance of the innovations, epsilon[t]. The variance of the AR(1) process, sigma^2_y, can be obtained obtained as follows:
Var(y[t]) = Var(alpha) + phi^2 * Var(y[t-1]) + Var(epsilon[t])
As the process is stationary Var(y[t]) = Var(t[t-1]) which we call sigma^2_y. Thus, we get:
sigma^2_y = 0 + phi^2 * sigma^2_y + sigma^2_epsilon
sigma^2_y = sigma^2_epsilon / (1 - phi^2)
For the values of the parameters that you are using you have:
sigma_y = sqrt(21^2 / (1 - 0.8^2)) = 35.
Use the rGARMA function in the ts.extend package
You can generate random vectors from any stationary Gaussian ARMA model using the ts.extend package. This package generates random vectors directly form the multivariate normal distribution using the computed autocorrelation matrix for the random vector, so it gives random vectors from the exact distribution and does not require "burn-in" iterations. Here is an example of generating multiple independent time-series vectors all from an AR(1) model.
#Load the package
#Set parameters
MEAN <- 300
ERRORVAR <- 21^2
AR <- 0.8
m <- 53
#Generate n = 16 random vectors from this model
SERIES <- rGARMA(n = 16, m = m, mean = MEAN, ar = AR, errorvar = ERRORVAR)
#Plot the series using ggplot2 graphics
As you can see, the generated time-series vectors in this plot use the appropriate mean and error variance that were specified in the inputs.
