Using Adyen from a SPA - single-page-application

We are building a marketplace using angular and we want to integrate Adyen payments. Googling for 'Adyen angular' or 'Adyen SPA' or even 'Adyen react' doesn't bring any useful results. NO results whatsoever.
Therefore I am left wondering, why the whole world (including Adyen docs) is not talking about integrating Adyen into a SPA.
It doesn't seem to be more vulnerable to network security attacks to me. At least I can't think of any reasons for that.
Please help me to understand, what I am missing out.

As madesch mentioned, integrating in a SPA shouldn't be too far from other kinds of integrations. Are you having issues with something in particular?
Here can see an integration with Vue, one with React and even one with React Hooks.
The card fields are not being loaded because I'm not using a real originKey, but it should give you an idea about how to do the integration.
I hope it helps!

It seems that I overestimated Adyen popularity and in reality, the truth is that it is just not popular enough to have gotten attention from SPA community. :(

it seems like originKey is deprecated, the current recommendation is to use Web DropIn. But this requires using a server component, as you don't want to expose your API key, right?
So if you don't want to use a deprecated API, you must always add a server component to your stack. A pure SPA does not seem to be possible using current APIs, it seems.

There are now few options available:
Angular support
Vue support
React support
All examples are based on the Web Drop-in approach which renders a checkout component with the supported/requested payment methods.
A basic explanation of the workflow is provided here.


Any way to do transparent API for next.js?

Next.JS simplifies lots of stuff for creating the Web App. But the modelling data and the API and the data communication between the Server and the Client stays pretty much the same as in other React.JS apps.
A lot of code needed to be written to make it possible. I wonder if there's some approach or extension for Next.JS that would make it easier? Something like meteor or like that?
Realise this is an old question, but take a look at Blitz JS - this wasn't around at the time the question was asked, but has been one of 2020's top projects on Github. It's built on Next.js and is designed to abstract away the complexities of an API. It's trying to be the Rails of the JS world.

react-router-redux vs connected-react-router for react v4

official github page of react-router-redux says that the project is no longer maintained and is now deprecated. They recommend to use connected-react-router instead.
react-router-redux has:
31k stars
884 watch
6k forks
while connected-react-router has only:
1053 stars
28 watch
108 forks
I am starting developing a complete Q/A social networking website using react v4, will it be worthy or smart idea to use connected-react-router here?
while posting the question I just noticed that the stackoverflow doesn't even have connected-react-router tag.
If you are going to use Redux to manage your application state, use react router for routing, and want to synchronize your route history with your app state and manage routing through redux, then this will be fine to use. While I've only begun using it recently myself it's made been pretty straight forward for managing routing, including route data.
You also pointed out that:
react-router-redux says that the project is no longer maintained
For this reason alone I would not use react-router-redux, unless you plan to maintain it yourself. Disregarding features and bugs, you'd also have to be concerned with any potential security issues that come up. Please also see this dicussion they're having about it's deprecation in their GitHub issues
Just to reiterate, if you need, or think you'll need, to synchronize your router state with your redux store then this is not a bad tool to use. If you don't think you'll need this then don't use it so your project doesn't become bloated.
That being said, I've also seen this alternative which looks interesting. It looks to offer a more decoupled approach to history, routing, and state than the connected-react-router, but I haven't used it yet.

PlugIn vs Dependency service in Xamarin.forms

hi I read some msdn tutorial on Xamarin form but there is no mention of PlugIn. I am a bit confused as to which one to use. Dependency service is used to call the platform Specific Api such as TextToSpeech in iOS and Android. But there are Plugin for Camera, Toast, Location and others. It seems this approach is better.
I need some confirmation and understanding to clear this confusion.
1.Is PlugIn an alternative to Dependency service?
for Example , I dont have to use Dependency service for location in iOS and Android if there is a Location-Plugin for Xamarin.forms.
your confirmation will help me on this matter.
The DependencyService is a method that is built into the Xamarin.Forms library to provide you with a way to implement platform-specific code. More information can be found in the documentation:
The plugins, now bundled as Xamarin.Essentials (but of course there are much more), actually might use this DependencyService or at least work in a very similar way.
There really is not one answer to choose one or the other. If there is a plugin that does what you need and you feel comfortable using it, then do! If you need something different, you might want to write something of your own.
Always have a good look at the state of the code for a plugin: is it actively maintained? Is it built by someone you would trust, etc.

What router and ui-framework to use in meteor?

Just started to discover meteor. created app with DiscoverMeteor book, but misunderstood many moments. then read Your first meteor application and Your first meteor application books. Realized that Todos example is really too simple to cover many important things. And only after that I found the official guide on! now reading about all these complex (for my opinion) things. and have 2 questions:
What router should I prefer to use? I want to create fast app with lots of data loading from the server. Found information that Iron router is deprecated, and Flow router is recommended nowadays, but also found that flow router can not route on server, only on client. And that exactly client routing is the reason why for example soundcloud is really slow. So that is the question - I know nothing about server/client routing, but want to make right decision for the future project.
What ui-framework to use? I read that blaze is easy to start, but react js is really powerful. So: is Blaze enough for serious project (like a popular blog)? Or do I have to learn react js in order not to rewrite code in the future?
I am working with Meteor, which is latest in market and believe, you don't have to do anything out of the box to go with experimental UI-Frameworks and stuff.
Blaze template which is handlebars based implementation is best.
Blaze template is very well glued with, futures and DDP implementation for cutting edge implementation for asynchronous and reactive behaviour on UI.
Blaze is really good for cumbersome, heavy data websites as well. If you have any doubt, i can skype and show you what i have implemented in just 2 days on development using everything given by Meteor.
React.js, Koa.js (re-written Express framework), express etc are very good and powerful, but I think implementing it at initial level of your grasp is overkill. Go with Blaze first.
There are hundered sitting and developing Meteor.js just for you to be comfortable. I am not at all biased, I am giving you my open opinion.
I worked with Laravel 5.2, Play framework,, DJango in past, but believe there is nothing like pure Meteor js with there own packages. There are many videos on youtube like Meteor nights and stuff where you can find the developers from all around the world developing huge stuff just using stuff given by Meteor js.
For routing flow-router is good, even iron:router is awesome and easily gettable.
This video can guide you very well.
Flow Router is the recommended router by the official Meteor Guide. It's also the popular choice these days, and for a reason: it's a high quality router implementation.
As for MVC, it's really like choosing a religion. React has a huge community, possibly a bright future, and it's not Meteor-only unlike Blaze. But some folks find Blaze templates nicer than JSX files. I think it's easier to get help on StackOverflow if you pick React, but Blaze might be easier to get started.
Maybe this post helps a bit: How to set up React with Meteor?

How to handle routing in a DukeScript web application

DukeScript looks like a life saver for we Java guys! I am considering it for a serious project. Was curious to know whether it's production ready and well documented. Also, liked to know what would be the best way to support routing in a web application.
I asked this question at the official google forum, but didn't get a reply. So, thought to re-ask here.
Here's a blog post with a little example. It shows a simple integration of location hash based routing with knockout templates. The full example code is available on github.
You might also use one of the javascript libraries like sammy or pagerjs, which would require integration with these frameworks, but I wanted to keep it simple.
