I'm new to optimisation/calibration of models in R, but i'm eager to learn and really need some help. My question relates to demographic modelling.
I've done some research and found help here and here but neither have quite answered my question.
I have a matrix of scalars (propensities) where each column must total to 1. These propensities are used to estimate the number of households that would arise from a given population (persons by age). The propensities model tends to overestimate the number of households in history (for which I know the true number of households).
I want to calibrate the model to minimise the error in the number of households by tweaking the propensities such that the columns still add to 1 and propensities with an initial value of zero must remain zero.
Simple example:
# Propensities matrix
mtx <- matrix(c(0.00, 0.00, 0.85, 0.00, 0.15, 0.35, 0.45, 0.00,
0.20, 0.00, 0.65, 0.15, 0.00, 0.20, 0.00), ncol = 3)
# Population by age cohort
pop <- c(2600, 16200, 13400)
# True number of households
target <- c(7000, 4500, 5500)
# Function to optimise
hh <- function(mtx, pop, target) {
# Estimate living arrangements
x <- mtx %*% pop
# Estimate number of households using parent cohorts (1,2 and 4)
x <- c(x[1,1]/2, x[2,1]/2, x[4,1]) - target
I haven't included any of my code for the optimisation/calibration step as it would be embarrassing and I've haven't been able to get anything to work!
Ideally i will have one set of propensities that generalises well for lots of different regions at the end of this process. Any advice on how i should go about achieving it? Helpful links?
The snippet of code below executes the local search method as suggested by Enrico.
data <- list(mtx = matrix(c(0.00, 0.00, 0.90, 0.00, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.00,
0.25, 0.00, 0.60, 0.20, 0.00, 0.20, 0.00), ncol = 3),
pop = c(2600, 16200, 13400),
target = c(7190, 4650, 5920))
# True mtx
mtx.true <- matrix(c(0.00, 0.00, 0.75, 0.00, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.00,
0.20, 0.00, 0.65, 0.15, 0.00, 0.20, 0.00), ncol = 3)
# Function to optimise
households <- function(x, data) {
# Estimate living arrangements
z <- x %*% data$pop
# Estimate number of households using parent cohorts (1,2 and 4)
z <- c(z[1,1]/2, z[2,1]/2, z[4,1]) - data$target
# Local search function to perturb propensities
neighbour <- function(x, data) {
# Choose random column from mtx
i <- sample(1:ncol(x), 1)
# Select two non-zero propensities from mtx column
j <- which(x[, i] != 0) %>% sample(2, replace = FALSE)
# Randomnly select one to perturb positively
x[j[1], i] <- 0.1 * (1 - x[j[1], i]) + x[j[1], i]
# Perturb second propensity to ensure mtx column adds to 1
x[j[2], i] <- x[j[2], i] + (1 - sum(x[,i]))
# Local search algorithm inputs
localsearch <- list(x0 = data$mtx,
neighbour = neighbour,
nS = 50000,
printBar = FALSE)
# Execute
now <- Sys.time()
solution <- LSopt(OF = households, algo = localsearch, data)
#> Local Search.
#> Initial solution: 2695
#> Finished.
#> Best solution overall: 425.25
Sys.time() - now
#> Time difference of 6.33272 secs
# Inspect propensity matrices
#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] 0.0000000 0.3925 0.6
#> [2,] 0.0000000 0.4250 0.2
#> [3,] 0.2937976 0.0000 0.0
#> [4,] 0.0000000 0.1825 0.2
#> [5,] 0.7062024 0.0000 0.0
#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] 0.00 0.35 0.65
#> [2,] 0.00 0.45 0.15
#> [3,] 0.75 0.00 0.00
#> [4,] 0.00 0.20 0.20
#> [5,] 0.25 0.00 0.00
I can only comment on the optimisation part.
The code you have provided is sufficient; only your objective function evaluates to a vector. You will need to transform this vector into a single number that is to be minimised, such as the sum of squares or of absolute values.
When it comes to methods, I would try heuristics; in fact, I would try a Local-Search method. These methods operate on the solution through functions which you define; thus, you may code your solution as a matrix. More specifically, you would need two functions: the objective function (which you essentially have) and a neighbourhood function, which takes as input a solution and modifies it. In your particular case, it could take a matrix, select two none-zero elements from one column, and increase one and decrease the other. Thus, the column sum would remain unchanged.
Perhaps the tutorial http://enricoschumann.net/files/NMOF_Rmetrics2012.pdf is of interest, with R code http://enricoschumann.net/files/NMOF_Rmetrics2012.R .
I have a data set that is split into 3 profiles
Profile 1 = 0.478 (95% confidence interval: 0.4, 0.56)
Profile 2 = 0.415 (95% confidence interval: 0.34, 0.49)
Profile 3 = 0.107 (95% confidence interval: 0.06, 0.15)
Profile 1 + Profile 2 + Profile 3 = 1
I want to create a stochastic model that selects a value for each profile from each proportion's confidence interval. I want to keep that these add up to one. I have been using
pro1_prop<- rpert (1, 0.4, 0.478, 0.56)
pro2_prop<- rpert (1, 0.34, 0.415, 0.49)
pro3_prop<- 1- (pro1_prop + pro2_prop)
But this does not seem robust enough. Also on some iterations, (pro1_prop + pro2_prop) >1 which results in a negative value for pro3_prop. Is there a better way of doing this? Thank you!
It is straightforward to sample from the posterior distributions of the proportions using Bayesian methods. I'll assume a multinomial model, where each observation is one of the three profiles.
Say the counts data for the three profiles are 76, 66, and 17.
Using a Dirichlet prior distribution, Dir(1/2, 1/2, 1/2), the posterior is also Dirichlet-distributed: Dir(76.5, 66.5, 17.5), which can be sampled using normalized random gamma variates.
x <- c(76, 66, 17) # observations
# take 1M samples of the proportions from the posterior distribution
theta <- matrix(rgamma(3e6, rep(x + 1/2, each = 1e6)), ncol = 3)
theta <- theta/rowSums(theta)
#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] 0.5372362 0.3666786 0.09608526
#> [2,] 0.4008362 0.4365053 0.16265852
#> [3,] 0.5073144 0.3686412 0.12404435
#> [4,] 0.4752601 0.4367119 0.08802793
#> [5,] 0.4428575 0.4520680 0.10507456
#> [6,] 0.4494075 0.4178494 0.13274311
# compare the Bayesian credible intervals with the frequentist confidence intervals
t(mapply(function(i) quantile(theta[,i], c(0.025, 0.975)), seq_along(x))),
t(mapply(function(y) setNames(prop.test(y, sum(x))$conf.int, c("2.5%", "97.5%")), x))
#> 2.5% 97.5% 2.5% 97.5%
#> [1,] 0.39994839 0.5537903 0.39873573 0.5583192
#> [2,] 0.33939396 0.4910900 0.33840295 0.4959541
#> [3,] 0.06581214 0.1614677 0.06535702 0.1682029
If samples within the individual 95% CIs are needed, simply reject samples that fall outside the desired interval.
TL;DR: Sample all three values (for example from a pert distribution, as you did) and norm those values afterwards so they add up to one.
Sampling all three values independently from each other and then dividing by their sum so that the normed values add up to one seems to be the easiest option as it is quite hard to sample from the set of legal values directly.
Legal values:
The downside of my approach is that the normed values are not necessarily legal (i.e. in the range of the confidence intervals) any more. However, for these values using a pert distribution, this only happens about 0.5% of the time.
# define lower (L) and upper (U) bounds and expected values (E)
prof1L <- 0.4
prof1E <- 0.478
prof1U <- 0.56
prof2L <- 0.34
prof2E <- 0.415
prof2U <- 0.49
prof3L <- 0.06
prof3E <- 0.107
prof3U <- 0.15
dt <- as.data.table(expand.grid(
Profile1 = seq(prof1L, prof1U, by = 0.002),
Profile2 = seq(prof2L, prof2U, by = 0.002),
Profile3 = seq(prof3L, prof3U, by = 0.002)
# color based on how far the points are away from the center
dt[, color := abs(Profile1 - prof1E) + abs(Profile2 - prof2E) + abs(Profile3 - prof3E)]
# only keep those points that (almost) add up to one
dt <- dt[abs(Profile1 + Profile2 + Profile3 - 1) < 0.01]
# plot the legal values
fig <- plot_ly(dt, x = ~Profile1, y = ~Profile2, z = ~Profile3, color = ~color, colors = c('#BF382A', '#0C4B8E')) %>%
# try to simulate the legal values:
# first sample without considering the condition that the profiles need to add up to 1
nSample <- 100000
dtSample <- data.table(
Profile1Sample = rpert(nSample, prof1L, prof1U, prof1E),
Profile2Sample = rpert(nSample, prof2L, prof2U, prof2E),
Profile3Sample = rpert(nSample, prof3L, prof3U, prof3E)
# we want to norm the samples by dividing by their sum
dtSample[, SampleSums := Profile1Sample + Profile2Sample + Profile3Sample]
dtSample[, Profile1SampleNormed := Profile1Sample / SampleSums]
dtSample[, Profile2SampleNormed := Profile2Sample / SampleSums]
dtSample[, Profile3SampleNormed := Profile3Sample / SampleSums]
# now get rid of the cases where the normed values are not legal any more
# (e.g. Profile 1 = 0.56, Profile 2 = 0.38, Profile 3 = 0.06 => dividing by their sum
# will make Profile 3 have an illegal value)
dtSample <- dtSample[
prof1L <= Profile1SampleNormed & Profile1SampleNormed <= prof1U &
prof2L <= Profile2SampleNormed & Profile2SampleNormed <= prof2U &
prof3L <= Profile3SampleNormed & Profile3SampleNormed <= prof3U
# see if the sampled values follow the desired distribution
Histogram of normed sampled values for Profile 1:
Ok, some thoughts on the matter.
Lets think about Dirichlet distribution, as one providing RV summed up to 1.
We're talking about Dir(a1, a2, a3), and have to find needed ai.
From the expression for E[Xi]=ai/Sum(i, ai), it is obvious we could get three ratios solving equations
a1/Sum(i, ai) = 0.478
a2/Sum(i, ai) = 0.415
a3/Sum(i, ai) = 0.107
Note, that we have only solved for RATIOS. In other words, if in the expression for E[Xi]=ai/Sum(i, ai) we multiply ai by the same value, mean will stay the same. So we have freedom to choose multiplier m, and what will change is the variance/std.dev. Large multiplier means smaller variance, tighter sampled values around the means
So we could choose m freely to satisfy three 95% CI conditions, three equations for variance but only one df. So it is not possible in general.
One cold play with numbers and the code
I’m trying to simulate the Matlab ewstats function here defined:
The results given by Matlab are the following ones:
> ExpReturn = 1×2
0.1995 0.1002
> ExpCovariance = 2×2
0.0032 -0.0017
-0.0017 0.0010
I’m trying to replicate the example with the RiskPortfolios R package:
The R code I’m using is this one:
rets <- as.matrix(cbind(c(0.24, 0.15, 0.27, 0.14), c(0.08, 0.13, 0.06, 0.13)))
w <- 0.98
meanEstimation(rets, control = list(type = 'ewma', lambda = w))
covEstimation(rets, control = list(type = 'ewma', lambda = w))
The mean estimation is the same of the one in the example, but the covariance matrix is different:
> rets
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.24 0.08
[2,] 0.15 0.13
[3,] 0.27 0.06
[4,] 0.14 0.13
> w
[1] 0.98
> meanEstimation(rets, control = list(type = 'ewma', lambda = w))
[1] 0.1995434 0.1002031
> covEstimation(rets, control = list(type = 'ewma', lambda = w))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.007045044 -0.003857217
[2,] -0.003857217 0.002123827
Am I missing something?
They give the same answer if type = "lw" is used:
round(covEstimation(rets, control = list(type = 'lw')), 4)
## 0.0032 -0.0017
## -0.0017 0.0010
They are using different algorithms. From the RiskPortfolio manual:
ewma ... See RiskMetrics (1996)
From the Matlab hlp page:
There is no relationship between ewstats function and the RiskMetrics® approach for determining the expected return and covariance from a return time series.
Unfortunately Matlab does not tell us which algorithm is used.
For those who eventually need an equivalent ewstats function in R, here the code I wrote:
ewstats <- function(RetSeries, DecayFactor=NULL, WindowLength=NULL){
#EWSTATS Expected return and covariance from return time series.
# Optional exponential weighting emphasizes more recent data.
# [ExpReturn, ExpCovariance, NumEffObs] = ewstats(RetSeries, ...
# DecayFactor, WindowLength)
# Inputs:
# RetSeries : NUMOBS by NASSETS matrix of equally spaced incremental
# return observations. The first row is the oldest observation, and the
# last row is the most recent.
# DecayFactor : Controls how much less each observation is weighted than its
# successor. The k'th observation back in time has weight DecayFactor^k.
# DecayFactor must lie in the range: 0 < DecayFactor <= 1.
# The default is DecayFactor = 1, which is the equally weighted linear
# moving average Model (BIS).
# WindowLength: The number of recent observations used in
# the computation. The default is all NUMOBS observations.
# Outputs:
# ExpReturn : 1 by NASSETS estimated expected returns.
# ExpCovariance : NASSETS by NASSETS estimated covariance matrix.
# NumEffObs: The number of effective observations is given by the formula:
# NumEffObs = (1-DecayFactor^WindowLength)/(1-DecayFactor). Smaller
# DecayFactors or WindowLengths emphasize recent data more strongly, but
# use less of the available data set.
# The standard deviations of the asset return processes are given by:
# STDVec = sqrt(diag(ECov)). The correlation matrix is :
# CorrMat = VarMat./( STDVec*STDVec' )
# See also MEAN, COV, COV2CORR.
NumObs <- dim(RetSeries)[1]
NumSeries <- dim(RetSeries)[2]
# size the series and the window
if (is.null(WindowLength)) {
WindowLength <- NumObs
if (is.null(DecayFactor)) {
DecayFactor = 1
if (DecayFactor <= 0 | DecayFactor > 1) {
stop('Must have 0< decay factor <= 1.')
if (WindowLength > NumObs){
stop(sprintf('Window Length #d must be <= number of observations #d',
WindowLength, NumObs))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# size the data to the window
RetSeries <- RetSeries[NumObs-WindowLength+1:NumObs, ]
# Calculate decay coefficients
DecayPowers <- seq(WindowLength-1, 0, by = -1)
VarWts <- sqrt(DecayFactor)^DecayPowers
RetWts <- (DecayFactor)^DecayPowers
NEff = sum(RetWts) # number of equivalent values in computation
# Compute the exponentially weighted mean return
WtSeries <- matrix(rep(RetWts, times = NumSeries),
nrow = length(RetWts), ncol = NumSeries) * RetSeries
ERet <- colSums(WtSeries)/NEff;
# Subtract the weighted mean from the original Series
CenteredSeries <- RetSeries - matrix(rep(ERet, each = WindowLength),
nrow = WindowLength, ncol = length(ERet))
# Compute the weighted variance
WtSeries <- matrix(rep(VarWts, times = NumSeries),
nrow = length(VarWts), ncol = NumSeries) * CenteredSeries
ECov <- t(WtSeries) %*% WtSeries / NEff
list(ExpReturn = ERet, ExpCovariance = ECov, NumEffObs = NEff)
I am trying to simulate certain discrete variable depicting "true state of the world" (say, "red", "green" or "blue") and its indicator, somewhat imperfectly describing it.
r_names <- c("real_R", "real_G", "real_B")
Lets say I have some prior belief about distribution of "reality" variable, which I will use to sample it.
r_probs <- c(0.3, 0.5, 0.2)
reality <- sample(seq_along(r_names), 10000, prob=r_probs, replace = TRUE)
Now, let's say I have conditional probability table that stipulates the value of indicator given each of the "realities"
ri_matrix <- matrix(c(0.7, 0.3, 0,
0.2, 0.6, 0.2,
0.05,0.15,0.8), byrow=TRUE,nrow = 3)
dimnames(ri_matrix) <- list(paste("real", r_names, sep="_"),
paste("ind", r_names, sep="_"))
># ind_R ind_G ind_B
># real_Red 0.70 0.30 0.0
># real_Green 0.20 0.60 0.2
># real_Blue 0.05 0.15 0.8
Since base::sample() is not vectorized for prob argument, I have to:
sample_cond <- function(r, rim){
unlist(lapply(r, function(x)
sample(seq_len(ncol(rim)), 1, prob = rim[x,], replace = TRUE)))
Now I can sample my "indicator" variable using the conditional probability matrix
indicator <- sample_cond(reality, ri_matrix)
Just to make sure the distributions turned out as expected:
prop.table(table(reality, indicator), margin = 1)
#> indicator
#> reality 1 2 3
#> 1 0.70043610 0.29956390 0.00000000
#> 2 0.19976124 0.59331476 0.20692400
#> 3 0.04365278 0.14400401 0.81234320
Is there a better (i.e. more idiomatic and/or efficient) way to sample a discrete variable conditioned on another discrete random variable?
As suggested by #Mr.Flick, this is at least 50x faster, because it reuses probability vectors instead of repeated subsetting of the conditional probability matrix.
sample_cond_group <- function(r, rim){
il <- mapply(function(x,y){sample(seq(ncol(rim)), length(x), prob = y, replace = TRUE)},
x=split(r, r),
y=split(rim, seq(nrow(rim))))
unsplit(il, r)
You can be a bit more efficient by drawing all the random samples per group with a split/combine type strategy. That might look something like this
simFun <- function(N, r_probs, ri_matrix) {
stopifnot(length(r_probs) == nrow(ri_matrix))
ind <- sample.int(length(r_probs), N, prob = r_probs, replace=TRUE)
grp <- split(data.frame(ind), ind)
unsplit(Map(function(data, r) {
draw <-sample.int(ncol(ri_matrix), nrow(data), replace=TRUE, prob=ri_matrix[r, ])
data.frame(data, draw)
}, grp, as.numeric(names(grp))), ind)
Than you can call with
simFun(10000, r_probs, ri_matrix)
I have found a solution in python, but was looking for a solution in R. Is there an R equivalent of chi2.isf(p, df)? I know the R equivalent of chi2.sf(p, df) is 1-qchisq(p,df).
There is family of functions in R to deal with Chi-square distribution: dchisq(), pchisq(), qchisq(), rchisq(). As for your case, you would need qchisq to get Chi-square statistics from p-values and degrees of freedom:
qchisq(p = 0.01, df = 7)
To build a matrix with qchisq, I would do something like this. Feel free to change p-values and degrees of freedom as you need.
# Set p-values
p <- c(0.995, 0.99, 0.975, 0.95, 0.90, 0.10, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005)
# Set degrees of freedom
df <- seq(1,20)
# Calculate a matrix of chisq statistics
m <- outer(p, df, function(x,y) qchisq(x,y))
# Transpose for a better view
m <- t(m)
# Set column and row names
colnames(m) <- p
rownames(m) <- df
0.995 0.99 0.975 0.95 0.9 0.1 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005
1 7.879439 6.634897 5.023886 3.841459 2.705543 0.01579077 0.00393214 0.0009820691 0.0001570879 0.00003927042
2 10.596635 9.210340 7.377759 5.991465 4.605170 0.21072103 0.10258659 0.0506356160 0.0201006717 0.01002508365
3 12.838156 11.344867 9.348404 7.814728 6.251389 0.58437437 0.35184632 0.2157952826 0.1148318019 0.07172177459
4 14.860259 13.276704 11.143287 9.487729 7.779440 1.06362322 0.71072302 0.4844185571 0.2971094805 0.20698909350
5 16.749602 15.086272 12.832502 11.070498 9.236357 1.61030799 1.14547623 0.8312116135 0.5542980767 0.41174190383
6 18.547584 16.811894 14.449375 12.591587 10.644641 2.20413066 1.63538289 1.2373442458 0.8720903302 0.67572677746
7 20.277740 18.475307 16.012764 14.067140 12.017037 2.83310692 2.16734991 1.6898691807 1.2390423056 0.98925568313
8 21.954955 20.090235 17.534546 15.507313 13.361566 3.48953913 2.73263679 2.1797307473 1.6464973727 1.34441308701
9 23.589351 21.665994 19.022768 16.918978 14.683657 4.16815901 3.32511284 2.7003895000 2.0879007359 1.73493290500
10 25.188180 23.209251 20.483177 18.307038 15.987179 4.86518205 3.94029914 3.2469727802 2.5582121602 2.15585648130
11 26.756849 24.724970 21.920049 19.675138 17.275009 5.57778479 4.57481308 3.8157482522 3.0534841066 2.60322189052
12 28.299519 26.216967 23.336664 21.026070 18.549348 6.30379606 5.22602949 4.4037885070 3.5705689706 3.07382363809
13 29.819471 27.688250 24.735605 22.362032 19.811929 7.04150458 5.89186434 5.0087505118 4.1069154715 3.56503457973
14 31.319350 29.141238 26.118948 23.684791 21.064144 7.78953361 6.57063138 5.6287261030 4.6604250627 4.07467495740
15 32.801321 30.577914 27.488393 24.995790 22.307130 8.54675624 7.26094393 6.2621377950 5.2293488841 4.60091557173
16 34.267187 31.999927 28.845351 26.296228 23.541829 9.31223635 7.96164557 6.9076643535 5.8122124701 5.14220544304
17 35.718466 33.408664 30.191009 27.587112 24.769035 10.08518633 8.67176020 7.5641864496 6.4077597777 5.69721710150
18 37.156451 34.805306 31.526378 28.869299 25.989423 10.86493612 9.39045508 8.2307461948 7.0149109012 6.26480468451
19 38.582257 36.190869 32.852327 30.143527 27.203571 11.65091003 10.11701306 8.9065164820 7.6327296476 6.84397144548
20 39.996846 37.566235 34.169607 31.410433 28.411981 12.44260921 10.85081139 9.5907773923 8.2603983325 7.43384426293
if you want to create the contingency table you can use the function table().
With this function you get a table of this type:
var1$1 var1$2
var2$1 n n
var2$2 n n
where $1 and $2 are the modalities of the variables 1 and 2.
If you have a dataframe containing the variables you must set the function like this table(namedf$var1, namedf$var2).
If you want do the chi-squared test the function is chisq.test()
chisq.test(namedf$var1, namedf$var2, correct=FALSE)
I am generating random variables with specified range and dimension.I have made a following code for this.
generateRandom <- function(size,scale){
result<- round(runif(size,1,scale),1)
x <- generateRandom(300,6)
y <- generateRandom(300,6)
corrXY <- cor(x,y)
x <- generateRandom(300,6)
y <- generateRandom(300,6)
I want following 6 variables with size 300 and scale of all is between 1 to 6 except for one variable which would have scale 1-7 with following correlation structure among them.
1 0.45 -0.35 0.46 0.25 0.3
1 0.25 0.29 0.5 -0.3
1 -0.3 0.1 0.4
1 0.4 0.6
1 -0.4
But when I try to increase threshold value my program gets very slow.Moreover,I want more than 7 variables of size 300 and between each pair of those variables I want some specific correlation threshold.How would I do it efficiently?
This answer is directly inspired from here and there.
We would like to generate 300 samples of a 6-variate uniform distribution with correlation structure equal to
Rhos <- matrix(0, 6, 6)
Rhos[lower.tri(Rhos)] <- c(0.450, -0.35, 0.46, 0.25, 0.3,
0.25, 0.29, 0.5, -0.3, -0.3,
0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6, -0.4)
Rhos <- Rhos + t(Rhos)
diag(Rhos) <- 1
We first generate from this correlation structure the correlation structure of the Gaussian copula:
Copucov <- 2 * sin(Rhos * pi/6)
This matrix is not positive definite, we use instead the nearest positive definite matrix:
Copucov <- cov2cor(nearPD(Copucov)$mat)
This correlation structure can be used as one of the inputs of MASS::mvrnorm:
G <- mvrnorm(n=300, mu=rep(0,6), Sigma=Copucov, empirical=TRUE)
We then transform G into a multivariate uniform sample whose values range from 1 to 6, except for the last variable which ranges from 1 to 7:
U <- matrix(NA, 300, 6)
U[, 1:5] <- 5 * pnorm(G[, 1:5]) + 1
U[, 6] <- 6 * pnorm(G[, 6]) + 1
After rounding (and taking the nearest positive matrix to the copula's covariance matrix etc.), the correlation structure is not changed much:
Ur <- round(U, 1)