How do I properly indent paragraphs within lists in bookdown? I would like to start a new paragraph after a blank line as show in the example below. This example works for RMarkdown when used outside of bookdown but breaks down when used with the bookdown pacakage.
First ordered list item
You can have properly indented paragraphs within list items. Notice the blank line above, and the leading spaces (at least one, but we'll use three here to also align the raw Markdown).
Another item
Unordered sub-list.
Actual numbers don't matter, just that it's a number
Ordered sub-list
And another item.
If I render the following code to pdf then I get the output you listed above. Note the spacing and white space. After the numbers there are two spaces (for a full indent of 4). After the bullet there are three spaces.
1. First ordered list item
You can have properly indented paragraphs within list items. Notice the blank line above, and the leading spaces (at least one, but we'll use three here to also align the raw Markdown).
2. Another item
* Unordered sub-list.
3. Actual numbers don't matter, just that it's a number
1. Ordered sub-list
4. And another item.
The result looks like this
I have some large code chunks that exceed the length of one slide. I want the code to easily split across two slides. This comes up when I want to display a large function that I can't easily split across two R code chunks. I also regularly print my slides to pdf for later annotation, so the scrollable code isn't helpful.
Is there any straightfoward way to do this?
I tried adding something like knitr::asis_output("\n\n---\n\n") into an R code chunk to manually add the slide break, following Inserting a slide break within a code chunk in rmarkdown
but this didn't work.
I want to make a ggplot title (Text) out of two elements generating in a loop:
Text = c(unique(ID_Role_table$ID), unique(ID_Role_table$Role))
Obviously, I get a list here (so they display vertically). I was wondering whether I could display them horizontally, or if thereĀ“s another way of writing the title.
Thank you!
I would like to create a table which explains different cases for electrical phenomena in separate columns. Therefore, I'd like to have a description for each case in the first row, some LaTeX formulas in the second row, some animated diagrams in the third row, further LaTeX formulas, more diagrams etc. The last row should have a single cell, which spans all three columns, and contains an interactive animation where the students can choose from the explained cases and play around with parameters. However, I do not know how to get it all together without leaving the markdown or Python environment.
Alternatively, is there some widget which can contain markdown/LaTeX?
Kind regards,
I'm making a survey in Qualtrics with a matrix table. I want to have six options across the top, with one of them separated from the rest by a vertical line (or alternatively, more white space). How can I do this? Concretely it would look like
(Hate) (Don't like) (Ambivalent) (like) (love) | (Don't know)
across the top, with the column separator extending down the matrix table.
Do a web search on: Qualtrics Add Vertical Line Before Last Matrix Column
I need to display a long string in a TextArea in the form of two columns. Say 20 characters of the string in left side and then some space and then 20 character on right side of TextArea. At next line again I am doing same thing till my string is complete.
But what is happening is like at right column all rows are not aligned exactly. This is happening because each character has different pixel width so alignment of right column depends on character printed on left column. if on left column characters are like 'iiii' then second column row starts a bit early in TextArea and if on left column, characters are like 'MMMMMM' then second column row starts a bit late.
I am using <textFormat> tag for text formatting into this string.
Try setting the fontFamily of TextArea to Courier New.
fontFamily="Courier New"