JavaFX - SceneBuilder TreItem - javafx

I wanted to make a TreeView in SceneBuilder but I cannot find the TreeItem component needed to fill it. Am I blind or what have I missed?
I am using SceneBuilder 8.4.1.


Gluon Scene Builder Freezes

I'm configuring the style of my form that I want to change its background color, in the JavaFX CSS section there was 2 textfield; one for the tag(eg. -fx-border-color) and the other is the value in it. Everytime after I inputted the first textfield I began to switch to the value textfield but the scene builder suddenly freezes. I checked it on my task manager but I found it that it doesn't consume cpu and its instance is still there. What could be the problem?
I had the same issue of the Scene Builder freezing when adding a Tab element to a TabPane etc, and first Running the SceneBuilder application as an Administrator and manually opening the the .fxml file from the Scene Builder has solved this issue. This might not be a permanent fix, but it will be a temporary workaround.

JavaFX Scenebuilder: TextArea and TextField change font

for Labels I can change the font easily, but there is not option for TextFields and TextAreas. Is this normal?
Can't I change the font in the scene builder for these object types?
Yes, you can change the font for a TextArea or a TextField from Scene Builder; it's done the same way as for a Label. Here's a screenshot for TextArea:
Make sure you are using the latest version of Scene Builder. Downloads can be found here. Note that Scene Builder is maintained by Gluon (for a while now), not Oracle.

How do I change the complete combobox in JavaFX via CSS

I created a window in JavaFX Scene Builder and costumized the look via CSS. It works fine but the settings for the combobox doesnt apply for the whole box.
How do I correct this?

JavaFX ToggleGroup in SceneBuilder

In JavaFX exists the control ToggleGroup. I have installed the SceneBuilder, version:
Product Version
JavaFX Scene Builder 8.0.0
Build Information
Version 8.0.0
Date: 2015-03-25
Java Version: 1.8.0_40-b25, Oracle Corporation
I can't find this control in the SceneBuilder:
Can you help me?
Thanks for your help!
You can set it in the properties. It is not a visual control, but a grouping.
The ToggleGroup is not a control. When you have created a ToggleButton you can select it in SceneBuilder. Then you will find a field on the right side within the inspector named "Toggle Group". Add a name there and SceneBuilder will put the ToggleButton together with all other ToggleButtons which you give the same group name into a ToggleGroup. You can inject the toggle group into your controller in the usual way.

QT Arbitrary View Widget

plz click here to show the image
I want to create a set of UI like this.
I don't have source code, but I knew it's done by QT.
So I guess, overall, this is QTreeView
but how is its ChildWidget done?
All the child are different,
There are QCheckBox,
There are QLabel + QLineEdit
There are QTreeView too.
So I want to know how the child widgets are created and inserted to the QTreeView?
Thank you!
ChildWidget are created by delegate. You can read more about delegate in Qt Model/View architecture
