How can I read the parquet dictionary in java - dictionary

I have seen that parquet format uses dictionaries to store some columns and that these dictionaries can be used to speed up the filters if useDictionaryFilter() is used on the ParquetReader.
Is there any way to access these dictionaries from java code ?
I'd like to use them to create a list of distinct members of my column and though that it would be faster to read only the dictionary values than scanning the whole column.
I have looked into org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetReader API but did not found anything.

The methods in org.apache.parquet.column.Dictionary allow you to:
Query the range of dictionary indexes: Between 0 and getMaxId().
Look up the entry corresponding to any index, for example for an int field you can use decodeToInt().
Once you have a Dictionary, you can iterate over all indexes to get all entries, so the question boils down to getting a Dictionary. To do that, use ColumnReaderImpl as a guide:
getDictionary(ColumnDescriptor path, PageReader pageReader) {
DictionaryPage dictionaryPage = pageReader.readDictionaryPage();
if (dictionaryPage != null) {
Dictionary dictionary = dictionaryPage.getEncoding().initDictionary(path, dictionaryPage);
Please note that a column chunk may contain a mixture of data pages, some dictionary-encoded and some not, because if the dictionary "gets full" (reaches the maximum allowed size), then the writer outputs the dictionary page and the dictionary-encoded data pages and switches to not using dictionary-encoding for the rest of the data pages.


Querying on Global Secondary indexes with a usage of contains operator

I've been reading a DynamoDB docs and was unable to understand if it does make sense to query on Global Secondary Index with a usage of 'contains' operator.
My problem is as follows: my dynamoDB document has a list of embedded objects, every object has a 'code' field which is unique:
{"code":"entity1Code", "name":"entity1Name"},
{"code":"entity2Code", "name":"entity2Name"}
I want to be able to get all documents that contain entities with entity.code = X.
For this purpose I'm considering adding a Global Secondary Index that would contain all that are present in current db document separated by a comma. So the example above would look like:
{"code":"entity1Code", "name":"entity1Name"},
{"code":"entity2Code", "name":"entity2Name"}
And then I would like to apply filter expression on entitiesGlobalSecondaryIndex something like: entitiesGlobalSecondaryIndex contains entityCode1.
Would this be efficient or using global secondary index does not make sense in this way and DynamoDB will simply check the condition against every document which is similar so scan?
Any help is very appreciated,
The contains operator of a query cannot be run on a partition Key. In order for a query to use any sort of operators (contains, begins with, > < ect...) you must have a range attributes- aka your Sort Key.
You can very well set up a GSI with some value as your PK and this code as your SK. However, GSIs are replication of the table - there is a slight potential for the data ina GSI to lag behind that of the master copy. If the query you're doing against this GSI isn't very often, then you're probably safe from that.
However. If you are trying to do this to the entire table at once then it's no better than a scan.
If what you need is a specific Code to return all its documents at once, then you could do a GSI with that as the PK. If you add a date field as the SK of this GSI it would even be time sorted. If you query against that code in that index, you'll get every single one of them.
Since you may have multiple codes, if they aren't too many per document, you maybe could use a Sparse Index - if you have an entity with code "AAAA" then you also have an attribute named AAAA (or AAAAflag or something.) It is always null/does not exist Unless the entities contains that code. If you do a GSI on this AAAflag attribute, it will only contain documents that contain that entity code, and ignore all where this attribute does not exist on a given document. This may work for you if you can also provide a good PK on this to keep the numbers well partitioned and if you don't have too many codes.
Filter expressions by the way are different than all of the above. Filter expressions are run on tbe data that would be returned, after it is already read out of the table. This is useful I'd you have a multi access pattern setup, but don't want a particular call to get all the documents associated with a particular PK - in the interests of keeping the data your code is working with concise. The query with a filter expression still retrieves everything from that query, but only presents what makes it past the filter.
If are only querying against a particular PK at any given time and you want to know if it contains any entities of x, then a Filter expressions would work perfectly. Of course, this is only per PK and not for your entire table.
If all you need is numbers, then you could do a count attribute on the document, or a meta document on that partition that contains these values and could be queried directly.
Lastly, and I have no idea if this would work or not, if your entities attribute is a map type you might very well be able to filter against entities code - and maybe even with entities.code.contains(value) if it was an SK - but I do not know if this is possible or not

filter pushdown using spark-sql on map type column in parquet

I am trying to store my data in nested way in parquet and using map type column to store complex objects as values.
If somebody could let me know whether filter push down works on map type of columns or not.For example below is my sql query -
`select measureMap['CR01'].tenorMap['1M'] from RiskFactor where businessDate='2016-03-14' and bookId='FI-UK'`
measureMap is a map with key as String and value as a custom data type containing 2 attributes - String and another map of String,Double pair.
I want to know whether pushdown will work on map or not i.e if map has 10 key value pairs , Spark will bring whole map's data in memort and create the object model or it will filter out the data depending upon the key at I/O read level.
Also I want ot know is there is any way to specify key in where clause, something like - where measureMap.key = 'CR01' ?
The short answer is No. Parquet predicate pushdown doesn't work with mapType columns or for the nested parquet structure.
Spark catalyst optimizer only understands the top level column in the parquet data. It uses the column type, column data range, encoding etc to finally generate the whole stage code for the query.
When the data is in a MapType format it is not possible to get this information from the column. You could have hundreds of key-value pair inside a map which is impossible with current spark infrastructure to do a predicate pushdown.

Dynamically generating pzPVStream from a view

Is there some way to create a view that returns a pzPVStream that can be natively parsed by Pega when it executes an RDB?
For instance, maybe a query (in MS SQL Server) that resembled:
SELECT test_tbl_outer.ID, (
select *, 'My-Int-TestClass' as "pxObjClass"
from {class:My-Int-TestClass} as test_tbl_inner
where test_tbl_inner.ID=test_tbl_outer.ID
) as pzPVStream
from {class:My-Int-TestClass} as test_tbl_outer
This gets an invalid signature error (the SQL query does work directly however), and if I try to shove a signature string onto the column ('PR6d' or previous) I just get a different error regarding headers.
So at this point, I do realize that the pzPVstream is not stored as xml but as some sort of packed & compressed string. Is there a way for me to create a valid pzPVstream on the fly? Maybe something similar to what pr_read_from_stream does but in reverse?
The use case is that we'd like to pull a whole mess of data from an existing data warehouse. And it would be nice if we could pull all the multi-value data (many,many joins deep) over in one trip. We are not too concerned with the size of this object as we plan on pulling this data one way or another.
The pzPvStream is a compressed blob and it resonates a work object. It is compressed and stored as a single column in a table.
When it is read using obj-browse or obj-open activities, the blob is decompressed and all the encompassed properties are mapped to the clipboard.
This value has a proprietary format; the values are obfuscated.

Riak inserting a list and querying a list

I was wondering if there was a effecient way of handling arrays/lists in Riak. Right now I'm storing the whole array as a string and searching the string to find out if a element exists in the array.
ID (key) : int[] (Value)
And also How do I write a map/reduce query to give all the keys for which the value array contains a element
For example 1 : 2,3,4
2 : 2,5
How would I write a M/R query to give me all the keys for which value contains 2 the result is 1,2 in this case.
Any help is appreciated
If you are searching for a specific element in the list and are using the LevelDB backend, you could create a secondary index that will contain the values of the array. Secondary indexes in Riak may contain multiple values and can be searched for equality, which should allow you to search for single elements in the array without having to resort to MapReduce.
If you need to make more complicated queries based on either several elements in the list or other parameters, you could retrieve a subset of records based on the secondary index and then process them further on the client side or perhaps even through a MapReduce job.

DynamoDB ordered list

I'm trying to store a List as a DynamoDB attribute but I need to be able to retrieve the list order. At the moment the only solution I have come up with is to create a custom hash map by appending a key to the value and converting the complete value to a String and then store that as a list.
eg. key = position1, value = value1, String to be stored in the DB = "position1#value1"
To use the list I then need to filter out, organise, substring and reconvert to the original type. It seems like a long way round but at the moment its the only solution I can come up with.
Does anybody have any better solutions or ideas?
The List type in the newly added Document Types should help.
Document Data Types
DynamoDB supports List and Map data types, which can be nested to represent complex data structures.
A List type contains an ordered collection of values.
A Map type contains an unordered collection of name-value pairs.
Lists and maps are ideal for storing JSON documents. The List data type is similar to a JSON array, and the Map data type is similar to a JSON object. There are no restrictions on the data types that can be stored in List or Map elements, and the elements do not have to be of the same type.
I don't believe it is possible to store an ordered list as an attribute, as DynamoDB only supports single-valued and (unordered) set attributes. However, the performance overhead of storing a string of comma-separated values (or some other separator scheme) is probably pretty minimal given the fact that all the attributes for row must together be under 64KB.
Add a range attribute to your primary keys.
Composite Primary Key for Range Queries
A composite primary key enables you to specify two attributes in a table that collectively form a unique primary index. All items in the table must have both attributes. One serves as a “hash partition attribute” and the other as a “range attribute.” For example, you might have a “Status Updates” table with a composite primary key composed of “UserID” (hash attribute, used to partition the workload across multiple servers) and a “Time” (range attribute). You could then run a query to fetch either: 1) a particular item uniquely identified by the combination of UserID and Time values; 2) all of the items for a particular hash “bucket” – in this case UserID; or 3) all of the items for a particular UserID within a particular time range. Range queries against “Time” are only supported when the UserID hash bucket is specified.
